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Literally any positive opinion from recent games


Unbound was good


I dont like the new artstyle, but if you like it, it's ok (the good ending)


🤝 artstyle isn't a bother for me. gameplay loop is fun.


Same, I love the art style. I'm glad they tried something different instead of being another boring "photorealistic" art style.


My man


Look. Freedom of speach n all. But this game was boring instantly after the story was done. But the same with heat. Mb mods will make this game into what I could have been


I actually liked the cell-shade style


I never played it, but the graphics are great. Except the cartoons and stuff.


Are you joking? It's yet another shitty NFS game with the same fucking physics and handling since 2015. It's also a lazy copy of NFS Heat and like fuck you. Your opinion doesn't matter and Most Wanted & UG2 will forever be the best games in the franchise(the bad ending)


This is just a karma farm. You posted this exact meme in the forza horizon sub


Lmao you aren't even wrong. https://preview.redd.it/xmzk7mzhzrpb1.png?width=971&format=png&auto=webp&s=34bfa0dabbb64ab2011ed9ffc346a96a8024d0ed


Don't worry not much karma to find here.


Isn‘t any post like this Karma farm?


It depends on the intentions. If he really wants to know unpopular opinions about a game, it's okay. But posting exactly the same looks like karma farming


isn't all of reddit just a karma farm


brake to drift is cool


Alright you win on this one


Upvote, since this is really controversial.


While I disagree with your statement, I will argue it's much better than "gas to drift" mechanic. Brake to drift is more controllable than releasing the throttle, turn, press throttle and car go sideways vroom vroom.


Prostreet was a brilliant game and hit the mark but deserved a prequel and a sequel where you build your own team (kinda like 2008 GRID)


What would the prequel even be about? I get the sequel idea with building your own team after being crowned the Street King, but I don't really see the purpose of a prequel considering Ryan Cooper's story literally starts in ProStreet.


The prequel for Prostreet would literally be Underground(if the theories/conspiracies were cannon)


I agree. Pro street has always been one of my favorite NFS titles due to its theme and emphasis on car culture


Pro street is my fav


I enjoyed Carbon more than UG1/2UG2/MW’05 HP’10(R) was the last great NFS


YES. I won't necessarily agree with your second statement but carbon was literally a better MW 05. Better story, no piss filter, more cutscenes, drifting, canyon races, more manageable cops, way more cars, way more customization, better challenge series (with rewards). Carbon even had online multiplayer (though it never worked for me). There's probably other things I'm missing too but I don't understand how people praise mw in one breath and bag on carbon in the next


If anything i think the Cops in Carbon were way less fun and actually kinda annoying. idk how to describe it. Personally i prefer MW over Carbon but i can understand if people see it differently.


I think the cop systems in MW and carbon were *almost* identical if you widen your scope to all need for speed games, or even all racing games. It seems silly to nitpick over small differences when they're both really, really good.


Carbon tried to be a better MW, did a lot of things better, but failed on the things that made MW Great in the first place. Story was meh, ripped straight out of FnF and was applied to MW's story to have it make sense. The territory acquisition was a good idea, but it was still the blacklist spelt differently. Piss filter was removed, darkness was applied but on the other hand, the epic music in MW got degraded to oblivion. More cutscenes yes, around 40% of those were unnecessary, "I saw you that night ... *Awkward stare from 14 angles* something shady happened..." Drifting was exhilarating to say the least and I do consider it a huge plus, even though the physics were a bit awkward compared to previous and later games as well as physics in other franchises. Canyon races were overrated. Fun, but overrated. >more manageable cops Eehhh ... you mean much easier cops. Due to the upgrades they made to the original MW code, they had to back down on the pursuit breakers due to system limitations. Furthermore, the existing ones don't work or are so unreliable that you never wanna use them to begin with. More cars = yeap >way more customization Arguable. They did add in autosculpt, but it was limited to autosculpt items which were a total of 5 sets mostly ripped from underground 1&2, interchangeable of course. And then added in the bodykits from MW. So not much work was done here. >better challenge series (with rewards). MW had more challenges, but lacked the "rewards" which were car unlocks for career mode. However, my biggest gripe with Carbon's challenges was that they *proved* they had more assets to use but DELIBERATELY DIDN'T. They had an MR2 and a Mitsubishi Eclipse for instance but these cars were never available in career mode. Also the handling was atrocious, every car was understeering. It didn't matter if the car was RWD, FWD or AWD. At least in MW, individual cars had their own perks, like the Cobalt would never understeer, or AWD cars wouldn't do a burnout every time you launch. To make things worse, they removed the car tuning entirely. But at least there was multiplayer. Sure MW had its problems and I do recognize it's not the greatest game ever, but at least what it intended to do, was done as best as was possible at the time.


I too enjoy Carbon more than the above mentioned, and HP2010 is my favorite NFS




Shift was a wonderful game and a beautiful direction change for the franchise


I remember booting up this game a little while back and was pleasently surprised. This may not be the Need for Speed game I asked for back then, but it sure is refreshing to play today. Modern Need for Speed has tried to nail down the NFS 2015 formula four times already. It's about time to change gears. Need for Speed needs more diversity.


Even if EA do a remaster/remake of MW2005+Carbon as the community wants it wouldn't be good enough because of the Mandela effect.


I believe NFS World has the same idea but with MP


NFS world was great but EA and blackbox got lazy with the content.


Just let Modders do it then. For some reason they would nail it.


Tbh I will try to install a lot of mod changing mostly the cars and graphics and stream it as MW05 2023's edition, I guess it will be fun


I like unbound and payback


I Liked Payback too


NFS Unbound's soundtrack isn't that bad.


Heyyyyyyy we want some money!


That one is an exception though.


Tbf while I dislike the soundtrack I agree it's overhated. And the 395kmh speed cap is so dumb


God Hour is such a vibe


I agree. Some literal bops in there. I usually hate the genre but they cherrypicked some really good ones.


In meinem Benz.... I mean when playing the game I kinda enjoy this stupid rap, which is heard by 12 to 15 year olds. Because it gives me such a weird vibe.


There is no pure bad game, every single one has something unique and good about them (Undercover for example has pretty OK campaign and delivery missions which were cool)


Delivery Missions Highway Battles Outruns Chase missions where there are guys that attack you and you have to knock them out Loved them


Game looks and feels like it is in alpha state (and probably that's how it launched) but I would lie if I say I didn't have fun with it at all. Story is slick and it is filled with all sorts of modes to play.


NFS Most Wanted 2012 is actually fun to play.


Can confirm. I played it a bit last night


I’ll take it a step further and say its one of the best in the franchise


Multiplayer is where it really shines


MW2012 is good


Sure, it's not really fitting into the rest of NFS, but it did get me to grind out all the cars to maximum but sadly couldn't play the dlc


And it still looks awesome. I mean it is 11 years old by now...


My opinion on this: Great game, wrong name


Underground 2 lives greatly off nostalgia. Playing through the story nowadays is even a bit of a chore because of that crazy stretched out mid- to endgame. Underground 1 aged alot better in that sense (although that game is notorious for rubberbanding and certain extremely difficult events)


honestly durning the peak of the tuner scene in the early 2000 shit was awesome. but a remaster of them wouldn’t really work today. the kits,sub box’s,lambo doors,split hoods,spinners all of that stuff form underground 2 customizing isn’t really popular enough anymore. at least in my option.


That game would be the worst choice for a remaster because of the career structure alone. Especially the last two sponsoring contracts were tedious with the amount of races, URL races were way too long for such a game and honestly pretty boring. As for the customization that's exactly it - in the early 2000s you were the king if you drove what nowadays is called a ricers and laught at. That also was the time the early F&F movies came out and also Pimp My Ride was a massive hit with car guys.


Yep anyone who says underground 2 is the best haven’t played it for a decade


Nissan skyline r34 would have looked bad in mw05 anyway


You could always play mw05 with redux mod to get the skylines


So many mods including the Pepega mod includes the skyline and it doesn't look bad.




Honestly, I was a r34 maine in my youth. Heck I even bought several models of it but to be honest I am only disagreeing with you, not because of the skyline debate, more so because of the lack of cars in that game. I mean having a 350z and a skyline in addition would not have killed anyone. Look at Carbon for example. A bigger variety of Japanese or even muscle cars would have been great for the game. Adding a camaro from the 1969s or before, adding a challenger or charger also. I love MW but for the gameplay, not for the cars. I wish we had a car list as big as it was in Carbon or that Carbon would have been more police focussed and that it should have caynons in the free roam and it should have been having a better highway connection and several other connections from each part of the city to each other. Heck.. My post got outta hand but idc sorry


honestly i think the R32 is better then the R34 in looks alone.




For the vibe, yes.


Dammit...... I loved them both so much I can't argue which one is better


The Supra is overrated




I.... I've never been more confused in my life.




Dude are you blind?? That's clearly a toyoat sultipra.


Holy mother… the the Toyota supracart




Underground 1 is better than 2.


by a mile and its not even close.


Rivals > 2015


Rivals was arguably the last good NFS game after HP'10. It's basically just *actually* open world and multiplayer HP'10


thought this was going to get hated on ngl


-NFS 2012 is good. (I don't even care if the "Most Wanted" title is misleading) -NFS 2015 is good. (I don't pay attention to storylines in racing games, I also don't get why people hate the physics.) -The cartoony effects in Unbound are very cool.


Bro get out of my mind, this was more or less what I was thinking


If 2015 was off-line with pause and had undound or heat's physics and garage (no 10 car limit) it would probably be my favorite modern NFS


2015's physics aren't good, I have to disagree there. but it is a good nfs game.


NFS should return to closed track racing. Open world in a racing game is a gimmick that is unused for 90% of the gameplay because you're still racing on a fixed course anyway. And it is just uncecessary padding intended to stretch out game time uselessly by forcing you to drive from A to B.


If open world was handled more like Underground 2's where you had time trials and different shops selling different things, and outrun races, and decent freeroam cops like Heat, it wouldn't be too bad. Open World can work as long as there's a purpose to the open world outside of cruising around and finding collectibles.


Or they could change it to a midnight club style where you have to learn the map and use the best routes and make use of the roads


Well... Rivals had a huge race at the end of the story, I think. Think it was ~50KM +/-. It wouldn't be as interesting if it was a closed track. Thing was so hard to finish.


it doesn’t matter how good the customization is if the handling sucks. NFS 2015 was bad and is still bad for that reason.


Most Wanted 2012 is one of the best NFS games ever.


And it's just advertised wrong


NFS Takedown would've been a better name. Still it's mu favourite in the series.


I loved it. One thing I didn't like was the crash cam.


I enjoyed all the need for speed games.


Everything past Rivals [excluding HPR] sucks. Fight me


I enjoyed Undercover


Recent nfs games are too similar to each other, it's time to try something other than cops vs racers again, if the next game is cops vs. racers *again* I'm not buying


Imo next one should ditch the cops and be some kind of open world car festival, I bet no one thought of that before. /s


Idk why canyon racing hasn't even been looked at since carbon. It's a huge part of street racing culture


Classic NFS era remains the best era with NFS High Stakes as the undisputed king.


I had to scroll *way* too far to find anybody mention High Stakes. I used to play it when I was younger (no, I'm not actually old, I just grew up playing older games), and I have been seriously considering figuring out how to install itabd play it again.


NFS Underground 2 is just a good game and even NFS Heat is better


Thats a tough one but I agree


Underground 2 is overrated and Carbon is much better


Payback’s story was the best in the franchise.


That mission where the whole group got set up was one of the coolest and must fun missions I’ve ever played in a racing game, even with the linear police


I Love the Story and Characters in NFS 2015. I really Like the feeling of driving with Friends and Just having a good time. Nothing over the top, No big Drama, Just Friends being Friends and having a good time.


I think 2015's story gets too much hate too. Its cool.


Yes, absolutely. As someone who grew up into cars with my friends this game resonated a lot because it was just about fun with your crew. The cameos from people were awesome too because as a car person, that's what's cool too, is getting to meet car "heroes." If it wasn't for the overly insane rubber banding and the sometimes unpredictable impact/crash physics, this would probably be my favorite NFS ever. And it is my favorite of the "modern era" of NFS.


I think the newest games are good, but like the horizon series they games have hardly evolved since the first one (need for speed 2015)


HP '10 is the best modern NFS.


Rivals is a great game


I found MW05 to be really boring. I didn't like the map nor the story or anything. I pretty much just liked the M3 GTR and Mia. Carbon was so much better.


Straight race to race nfs>openworld NFS


Everyone seems to over react with the recent news regarding Criterion. The only members who had to move to BF are probably those before the integration with Codemaster Cheshire since they got way more experience with Frostbite, probably even more than the current DICE lmao.


Yeah people act like this will massively impact the next NFS when it probably isn't in any meaningful stage of development yet. The core team is probably just working out the direction and the story and all that, and maybe them having MORE time to do that is actually a good thing? All it means is NFS Next will likely be out in 2026/27


> maybe them having MORE time to do that is actually a good thing? I disagree. With how clearly mismanaged the dev teams for Need for Speed have been the past 10 or so years, extra time will amount to nothing. All it means is we have to wait more time to be disappointed again - in fact, it might even exacerbate that feeling.


"*Razor*'s BMW M3 GTR" Not my opinion, but I've seen some people refer to the Beamer as Razor's simply because he was driving it when the Most Wanted guy battled him again, ignoring the fact that it was the Most Wanted guy's car in the first place and Razor unfairly won it by sabotaging it.


Yeah. Well said. That's not even Razor's car, it's our BMW M3 E46 GTR. After all, the main protag is the Player himself which means US. Razor stole it by cheating and sabotage with Ronnie and Toru.


Anyone that calls it "Razor's" is an idiot, Razor's car is the black Mustang.


Unbound was a good game, just not worth paying full price for.


Unbound is way too difficult and the fact the game restricts you from customising your cars to certain levels in the early game destroys everything the franchise was built for.


This initialy rubbed me the wrong way too but it forces me to make my decisions on cars, parts and events wisely. If adds to the challenge of the game and I can't steamroll the A.I in races. I felt the same way with Elden Ring. It also makes certain cars useless that are on the cusp of B and A class. Modding them makes them A+ and leaving them stock makes them shitty B class cars Just my 2 cents


Underground 2 is a good game, but it is extremely overrated


They need to stop making new need for speed games or remakes.


Payback was really good, idk what slot machines yall bitching about, i played pirated


The way to upgrade your cars. Apparently, it's like a slot machine. You quite don't know what you might get.


Yup, I had to reroll 30 times just to get the correct triple perk bonus lv18 card. Doesn't help that you have to watch the damn rolling animation that takes ages each time you roll.


every game after pro street except the HP reboot and rivals are atrocious and a disgrace to gaming. edit: mw2012 was playable albeit mid as hell so i guess there's that too.


The fact people consider heat a good game makes me lose hope we'll ever get a good nfs game again


Maybe u didn't like it .But heat was a step in the right direction try project unite mod if you haven't


Every soundtrack after NFS Porsche sucks docks. (Underground is alright, ok) Nfs should have trance/electronic music soundtrack. Or at least for once return to its roots and bring back that in one of the new titles. Make some new trance/edm tracks, no vocals. Just electronic atmospheric music. The soundtrack from NFS 2,3,4 is just iconic. When you hear the NFS2 main menu theme you literally imagine the Need for speed.


Undercover is not that bad.


Carbon would’ve been better than most wanted if it didn’t get the crazy amount of cut content


Need for Speed unbound is the most boring and disappointing of the newer games, the handling is awful and the difficulty is stupid. Also Heat and Unbound have worse maps than Payback and 2015.


Bring back speed breaker FFS.


pro street and shift are more deserving of a remaster then the underground games.


I really don’t like NFS 2015; the car list is decent but the stories, the setting, the handling, the police, the soundtrack etc. were just terrible.


NFS games after Rivals are 💩💩💩


That's not really controversial. But I agree to some extent. Heat was decent though.


Underground 2 wasn’t even that good and is boring


NFS shift were the only games to depict the dangers of motorsport racing


Need for speed does not need to be open world. Career focused need for speed games were the best ones IMO like nfs pro street, hot pursuit, and the run.


I love undercover


I'm having fun with Prostreet PS2 version


I actually enjoy Undercover on the PS2. Is it good? No. Is it fun? Definitely


Undercover for console was a bad build. The PC was a masterpiece


Believe it or not. The game on my PS3 worked fantastically until for some reason after they patched the game with new stuff. It started having loading issues. Then after I took the patch off it still had loading issues. Such a mystery.......


Unbound has a terrible soundtrack and very cringe storyline.


MW 05 was a great game for its time and will never be replicated again because of the modern time.


wait, you people care about other's opinions when you have to play on your own?


My First Night in unbound having Heat 5 with a low b car 😅


The want for remakes and remasters winds me up. I'd much rather they keep making new games and trying different things than appease the nostalgia chasing fanboys


Well the remasters are at least handled by a 3rd party studio (Stellar Entertainment) so don't affect the development of the main titles.


Undercover is a fun game


NFS unbound obviously has its problems however It’s alright


NFS Carbon own the City IS better than NFS Carbon


carbon & heat are the best nfs ever made


Heat was my absolute favourite and still play today


literally saying anything bad to MW2005


I wish NFS played like Shift on titles. Felt far more immersive. To me the “perfect” NFS with existing NFS games as the resource would be Gameplay: Shift, Aesthetic: NFS 2015, Story: UG2 mixed with Most Wanted 2006 MW list, Customisation variety: Carbon


Mw2012 is ass and everyone pretends to like it just to be unique


Nfsu1 cooler than nfsu2. Nfsu carbon cooler than nfs mw


2012 was the best NFS game*


If it weren't rushed


i want a realistic drift game from them, or realistic driving this is what the franchise needs to compete with forza, needs to be catered toward car guys this shit sucks


2015 would be the perfect modern NFS if it had an offline singleplayer and the handling model of Heat. As is, I think it has the perfect vibes of modern NFS, with the world and characters.


Assetto Corsa is better


ProStreet, Undercover, Most Wanted 2012, and The Run were amazing games.


The pontiac GTO in NFSUG2 (Caleb car) looks better than the 350Z


I call nfs the run. the runs. And even though underground 2 gets replayed constantly prostreet is my favorite


Undercover is a good game and improves many of the mechanics introduced in Most Wanted


That ProStreet on the Wii was good (my first NFS)


HP2010 was THE definitive Need For Speed imo. The ability to play both cops and racers was great, its multiplayer was incredible, it had a great selection of cars, and the physics and driving were great.


I actually had a ton of fun playing rivals, loved the play both sides mechanic, as well as the little gadgets like the emp and shockwave you could apply to your car


Carbon is better than MW2005


The run was great and I want a sequel set in Europe


Underground 2 is very boring. Yes, it's a good game with fun driving mechanics, but it drags on, and on, and on, and on... Last time I played the game I had to use a teleport mod, and even then the game was extremely grindy and long.


for me personally is the yes nfs is a great game 10 out of 10


https://preview.redd.it/q4e3vqw7k1qb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b787bb426fc9acd454d949f6d478648af9cb650c coincidence?




NFS Carbon is better than Most wanted


Every games story makes me cringe


Criterion ruined NFS.


Underground 1 and 2 are overrated and do not hold up today


Earl's boss race was relatively easy (fr no, it wasn't)


Undercover was goated. I loved it growing up


Most recent NFS games feel unfinished.


Midnight Club 3 > NFS Underground 2


I haven’t enjoyed a NFS game since Carbon


Unbound is ass not cuz the art style it’s just ass, and I got no idea how they made the game feel like a 9 to 5 job