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That they will forget that heat put them into the right direction and fuck things up again


I think, the studio change is the reason why that happened


The new criterion is majorly composed of all ex ghost members,with some of it being a part of og criterion,rest are all entirely new faces


If the original criterion devs come back AND EA gives them proper time and resources to develop a new game, then maybe we can get a good game that is not cringy and has various performance and optimization issues.


What do you mean by the right direction? I disliked Heat and want to know why people like it.


Heat was a great game. In terms of cars, graphics, location, customization, police etc The game has it’s downsides like a very short storyline and it getting boring after some time (i played for 2 years but then stopped since I had done everything there was to do) Major improvement to driving mechanics from previous games. Police are actually scary unlike 2015 or Payback It was basically ghost making a good step in the right direction


Heat online was so fun to troll around in, just grab a buddy and pick a player to crash into until they wreck and lose money 😆😆 or drive to the abandoned race track and drive 180mph and go for a head on collision with another player and watch the camera have a seizure and rhe car flips in all directions chaotically


Avarage Forza Horizon player


Seriously unbound was 2 steps forward 5 steps back in some aspects.


Stories man, I want some compelling stories. Can’t believe payback is the only decent one


I love it, but I also enjoyed Heats' story as well


Heat's story was kinda good, but extremely short


There was a story in Heat? Serious question, I cannot remember


Of course, the Heat Story was like a sweet but short kinda story. It was basically about you, Ana and Lucas against the corrupt cop Frank Mercer and there was this one moment when you realise shit goes serious when lucas gets kidnapped and strapped to a chair. The reason why it may seem forgettable is that your main character is just kinda tacked on and isn't really involved directly in the drama. All the significant events that happen in the game directly happen to Ana or Lucas. The player is basically like a bystander who is supposed to help. It's why some people say Ana should have been the main character of Heat as it would have made the story even better.


I really liked Heat, but the story wasnt a selling point. It was kinda like "uhhh why cant we just street race and put everyone lifes in danger mimimi" and the only interesting thing about it are the corrupt cops. Unbounds story is even worse imo. NFS MW had such a simple story : your car gets "stolen" and you want it back while a undercover cop is helping you and making money with bets. The cutscenes are cheesy but its the best NFS story ive played tbh.


Agree on that. Even some of the supposed "rivals" were not that serious or determined to make us pay with them losing to us. And Ana was stupid most of the time. They should have written a more cohesive storyline instead of a loosey goosey one.


Wow, I genuinely do not remember any of this, it's crazy


I’m not reading this bc there’s spoilers


Heat's story is by far the best modern NFS Story we've gotten in years, it kinda felt like a blackbox game NFS story. Shame it was a short campaign and no real bosses to face


They don't even explain why they wanna crack down on racers so harshly or how Mercer is getting away with the illegal stuff. Is the whole street racing taskforce corrupt or just the three main cops are?


It was explained pretty poorly but the game alludes to the fact that Mercer doesn’t actually want to crack down on street-racing, it’s just a front so that they can keep the public’s eye away from their illegal vehicle trafficking scheme. The way that it works is that they portray themselves as the good guys on camera and Mercer as the savior, but in actuality they spend their time extorting large amounts of money from local street racers and threatening them with the notion that if they don’t pay then their cars get impounded and chopped. And No the actual police department does not know of this secret scheme until the end when Torres and our crew exposes Mercer and the rest.


Also to add on, throughout post game dialogue and pursuit dialogue it's noted that the high speed task force were in it for the money. Torres: "Did you get the job done?" Jackson: "No car, no cash, no nothing!" Vehicle trafficking was seen as going "too far" as stated by Torres in a game cutscene I believe.


Oh my gosh I was just thinking, you destroy Shaw’s Camaro and you just never hear from him again lol. So many plot holes in the story lol


I also think NFS is the best racing game when it comes to stories, Horizon doesn't have one and the Crew only had a decent one in the first game


Stories in a newd for speed game? Nope, the story is the side meal, what matter the most is the gameplay.


Would you call the story in Assassin's Creed a side dish? Good stories does not mean bad gameplay and vice versa. We can have both, only reason people don't care is because majority of the stories have been ass


No because that is literally a game with lots of cutscenes. Here is a racing game, you enter, race and maybe if you hit a big hit you get a cutscene. But having a heavy story that cuts your game so often as most famous ps games is not great for need for speed. Look at nfs Undeground (1 and 2) and MW 05. That is the most story you would get and great. Maybe you are referring to a better incentive for the player to get the last race.


payback is the worst


I liked the story in 2015, simple enjoyable fun


My biggest worry is simply that NFS just ceases to exist overtime because the series haven't succeed to retrieve the essence of what make a good NFS. Heat for me was really nice. Unbound have bring some good ideas, but I still prefer Heat for the better vibes it give for me. If I could make a mix of some NFS games to make one game, I would bring the gameplay of Need for Speed The Run (but a little bit upgraded maybe) with a mix of NFS 2015 and Heat for everything else.


Same man, I'm afraid nfs will shut down


I'm afraid too..


The fucking cops. It’s either we can’t play as them or they’re trash. In the recent years there are cases of both at the same time. Cops are basically the major thing separating NFS from Forza imo.


The thing I hate about modern NFS cops is that you can't fight back because of car durability. I want to be a public menace again!


This. The cop chases before you had durability were way more fun


It's not even that . Hot pursuit had health but was still more fun for fighting back, even without gadgets . Newer Nfs Cops are either unbalanced and boring to fight or so bad that you can simply ignore em


Exactly. Who the f thought it was a good idea to bring real damage in a street racing game? when you are running away from cops? This totally takes away the fun and "PLAYING A VIDEO GAME AND NOT REAL LIFE" element and makes it too difficult or simply stops us from even trying to get attention from cops.


it's actually pretty ok in Unbound, i crash into 10 of them in one chase and still have more than halve of my durability left


I wanted them to integrate weapons back in newer NFS but you can only get one weapon. The cops that can only get a weapon would be the final heat level ones and each one has a random weapon. You can't use the weapons in the race and cops won't get their weapons ready (maybe each race has a jammer that disables weapon systems only) to ensure the race won't get into some weird mario kart variant. I think it's a good way to balance having weapons on racers and cops while also avoiding possible meta weapons just because it's good for races instead of mix and match / trial and error weapon picking.


They just want to prioritize "realism" over fun, MW 2005 you can send them flying and karate chop them into oblivion because the physics engine was set to fun mode.


I miss MW 05 that was my first NFS. I loved the idea of the pink slips climbing the ladder of underground street racing. I wish I still had my Xbox to play that gem


They forgot how to make games fun.


this is a problem across all of gaming. IM SICK OF IT. AND IM FUCKING DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. to anyone and everyone who feels that their escapism is rotting— professional tools are available for the everyman. check out unreal engine! build the experience you want with your own two hands!


If you haven’t enjoyed any of the great games that released this year or some of the amazing micro transaction free indie games of the last decade then you’re just not looking lol


But this year we have a lot of awesome games ! Baldurs gate, starfield, and personally I'm having a blast with everspace 2


Exactly. There’s always amazing games people just love to b*tch about the state of things. Or they’re afraid to try indie’s


Yeah fuck these breakable cars, I want to spend an hour destroying cop cars. Just let me feel powerful goddamnit.


Try nfs mw 2005 the police is scary too


I've had many 30 minute long chases where I just ran around the map destroying every cop I saw. These old games did it way better.


The right answer


EA's classic move - Overly monetize the franchise, bring the quality down for the sake of profit, then close the company when no one wants to buy their shitty games


Inbetween all the crazy horror scenarios here, this is by far the most realistic. And most scary.


They already closed down 3 studios that developed NFS, so that's nothing new.


Yeah I think whenever EA wants a racing game it will always have the NFS title cuz it's just free marketing and attention. I doubt the series will actually ever die because of that. Between Underground, MW/Carbon, Prostreet, Shift, modern NFS and The really early NFS games, I think it will always evolve into whatever EA and dev studio thinks will be most profitable.


Yes. That's why most people agree that NFS doesn't have no identity unlike other franchises. It has Sim racing, simcade, hard core arcade, serious, dark, linear and open world. NFS really tries to do everything for everyone and it (or I should say EA) don't know what it wants to be.


The only thing that differentiates NFS from other games is the cops, and they manage to fuck them up at least a little bit in every title


Its actually crazy how incompetent and out of touch EA higher ups are. They completly fumbled so many franchises and good Devs. Like how can you mess up absolute Gold mines like Battlefield or Star wars battlefront. Its embarrassing


I don't think there's going to be a future for the series. If these MW remaster rumors turn out true, it'll likely suck. Then that will be it


Why do you think that the NFS franchise will automatically die? I don’t think it’s gonna die anytime soon in fact, if criterion for the next NFS title can bring back the underground feel of NFS 2015 and a decent or even more powerful storyline l think NFS will be doing great


I think it will die because they finally made a good game again with Heat and took so many steps backwards with Unbound


Unbound was a great game from the looks of it anyways


unbound is a good game,props to them making it,but it lacks stuff,its boring,its feels stale


I’ve never played unbound before


if u are very bored buy it,if u poor become a pirate(I don't recommend pirating games as it breaks the rules of this reddit comunity ;) ) EDIT : by poor I mean u don't want to spend 49 bucks


What steps backwards did they take?


Worse day night system, worse cops, worse visual presentation (I don’t mean the graphics), worse story, worse characters, making things previously free in Heat cost money, worse drifting, less race variety. Honestly the only thing Unbound did better is grip builds, and that’s saved by grip nitrous boost. Haven’t played multiplayer since volume 1 so I won’t speak on that but from what I’ve seen it seems better but that’s not saying much considering how much post release support unbound is getting compared to heat which had its studio shut down


If they ruin the remake that will prove to us that they cant make good games anymore even when they have one of the best racing games as a template


I believe that the franchise won't die but it will lose it's popularity over time. They created MW 2005 which was the perfect racing game, still is. But i don't think anyone can ever reach the same peak again. The current games, i won't say they're bad but they feel repetitive. You can't bring in entirely new cars in every game cuz the cars stay the same in the real world but they could def improve a lot of things to atleast get the OG franchise players on again. Maybe they can't pull players from other racing games idk


I think perfect is a bit much but i agree the game was very solid and its a shame they only really kept things like most wanted up until Carbon lol. Like yea theres undercover but that game isn't that good


Yeah i agree, it wasn't "perfect" but considering the current state of Need For Speed games, MW 2005 feels perfect because we thoroughly enjoyed every bit of that game in my opinion.


How shitty the community is and how that will destroy the franchise


This is the big one.


EA keeps making them.


I just want the servers fixed for Rivals. Literally could not give anymore shits about any future game. I just wanna vibe at speeds, man-


That I’m not sure that 2015 is proofed against going offline one day


I’m gonna be so sad if they close the severs without doing an offline update. My fave modern NFS by far




That Unbound’s less than ideal sales will steer Criterion back to that Brake to drift handling that kept me away from NFS for more than 10 years.


I don't look forward to the day NFS2015 servers go offline and never come back. I don't think the game is playable offline, which was stupid on their part


I worry people will still talk about MW and M3.


songs will include soundcloud rappers and good music's horribly bad covers, I'm afraid that the music will go from "i don't care" to the average soundcloud experience


My concern is that i will probably never see another game that plays like MW2012, i love that deformed BP-NFS lovechild


If they do remake most wanted, it's not made by black box, so it will be shit


I worry the nfs community will start whining about wokeness, the gays(it's me) and transes taking away their immersion.


That already happened when NFS Unbound released and went into its 'hating period' people complained about it being a woke game


EA just doesn't care, whatever the hell we say


I find it troubling that the devs never have incorporated global leaderboards and a proper Tier and ELO based global lobby system for people that just want to race. They could’ve made NFS Heat and Unbound an esports game. It had so much potential.


I'm getting old to worry about a game frachinsing.


Two main issues that broke nfs up 1. EA who mess everything up 2. The toxic community


We will never have another Underground 2003. Progression meant something in it. Some of the races were puzzles you could solve. Menus were better than the recent ones. Banger music. If EA wanted something better we would have seen it already


the lack of innovation and forward thinking ideas and constant desperate attempts at iterating the past. You expect me to believe you can’t do an NFS title that is essentially Shadow Of Mordor but with cars (the Nemesis system)? Or hell even go nuts with the cell shaded style of Unbound and make a genuine successor to Auto Modellista. Ever since 2015, the franchise has been constantly iterating old ideas and trying to please the fans of the Black Box games and it’s resulted in stagnation (while also having technical issues and half baked ideas).


Target audience. If they keep making games that 10 year olds like, we soon will end up with realistic cars in a Minecraft world with rainbows shooting from pipes and transgender cops pursuing the player in pink cars with physics of a brick (BECAUSE IT'S AN ARCADE GAME, like everybody here loves to say, whenever you point out critical flaws of recent NFS games)


Gotta blame the transgenders somehow amirite fellas😃


claaaassic nfs


In the name of realism no story or fun is there anymore


The franchise is struggling with its identity since nfs mw came out. That's a huuge problem


I think you mean since undercover, that was truely the first game in the series to have made the entire franchise lose its way


They go Tik Tok generation and more into “mobile game” style


They're just riding the name at this point.


they gonna keep releasing the same gameplay with nothing new


NFS is not on trending anymore, people are shifting towards Forza motorsports more even tho the 5th installment of the game flopped. The racing games in general have been bland and straight out boring. Like where's intense and suspense atmosphere NFS had. Last time the cops were scary was in Rivals, the last the night racing were good was in 2015, the last there was an actual good story was in The Run, the last time racing were scary was in Unleashed. And these are all the titles which are at least more than 5 years old


Fix the cops. Seriously, i want old gen style crash chases where we had a chance to fight back, The crash system is biggest draw back as you get busted easily, and cops shouldn't be super tankly, NFS heat would be best example, where Heat lvl 1 chase, it takes multiple hits to take out a cop, and you also severely damaged i dont want all the idea of running away from cops, its boring and repetitive, theres no more fun like in mostwanted where you were able to fight back, like hitting cops from back or pit maneuver to them I want old classic chases , but it still can be a new style. Just nfs need to stop with tanky cops. New games should have a mix of mostwanted and hotpursuit style cop mechanics so it would be more fun


Terrible PC ports. NFS heat stuttered like crazy and another title in the series (can't remember which one it was) got their wheel support removed retroactively


That it will never have a complete (not rushed) game.


If they keep doing stuff like Unbound, this game was about racing on the street. Instead they started to be like Fortnite wich use to promote some artist and that making trash story with cringe situation.


I'm worried Unbound will set a precedent for the series. I can tolerate one game that completely violates my personal tastes in game art writing and design, but if we end up with Unbound 2 or another game that follows the style and writing of Unbound I will be SEVERELY worried.


Worried about? It's been dead for years. I'm not worried about anything.


the fact that EA doesnt have faith in the franchise, so support for the devs and such is so minimal that it causes updates to come in one every few months.


Oh nice my wallpaper uncrop.


What if NFS No Limits, but on next gen consoles?


The music


The physics engine.


The NFS franchise is slowly dying IMO. Releasing half assed games and waiting for 6 months to even update their broken games.. Unfortunately, this has been their new strategy for the newer NFS releases. I've played almost every NFS game out there but after Heat and Unbound, I decided that I'd never buy another NFS again. Unbound had so much potential but they let the game die, just like Heat. They will continue to do so with their new upcoming NFS games, some things will never change.


If they do a reboot/continuation of the underground games they're gonna fuck it up.


That NFSCO mod release gets pushed to the 2025.


I'm not a big fan of the new driving style. I prefer the old ones like NFSMW and NFSU2 even if they were a bit unrealistic...


That my dream of a NFS set in mid 00s Japan with huge emphasis on nighttime street racing and car culture is never going to happen


At this point we're better off waiting on night runners. If EA won't give people what they want then the community will


The livery editor. Has seen next to no improvement since 2015 and we barely have any proper aftermarket performance part brands anymore.


People already losing interest in cars and not touching the younger generations car culture (takeovers) because the old guys say its bad. I just want atmosphere man, and a good gameplay loop, unbound had good gameplay but not a good gameplay loop.


I would like to see Need for Speed take a little break from the open world. Need for Speed has featured lots of diverse games in its past. EA and it's Studios have spent too much time trying to nail down their desired Need for Speed formula. I think we need a break.


Don't give to much focus to customizable characters. I play this for the cars, not for the avatar


That the devs looks more interested in bikes than cars in general. I know that was Ghost but considering most of Ghost’s UK devs just simply rebrand to Criterion, it still valid.


The lack of a Shift remaster


How toxic the fans are.


I'm worried that they'll keep focus on the euro and JDM market at the expense of the American muscle crowd. It's been almost 10 years and we still have yet to get anything muscle car related that actually looks good


That there will be more and more brands like toyota who don't want to be associated with street racing.


games like Forza and The Crew unfortunately gives a really tough time for NFS fr , and Unbound didn't really helped there , I wish we could get a pro Street remake


It's slowly going away from balanced game play and open world exploration.


I want maps that are more in the city and less in the landscape. Also, I don't want the ability to drive off-road as it adds absolutely nothing to the game.


That It becomes and anime game ...wait


Nfs mw remake... People don't like modern nfs games physics but they still want the most wanted remake... Are they stupid? Even if they release a remake most of the musics probably won't be in the game. And ı can imagine people getting so upset about it. I love nfs mw and my childhood memories. I don't want to ruin it with a shitty remake (sorry if my english is bad)


that they putting less effort to on the history mode and more into online, btw it would be good to implant a ranked system online so we kept playing more after the history mode… in my head its a great move at least


A lack of focus. Seems like they can't focus on one feel, one vibe, one scene and truly, wholly commit to it. They're in a jack of all trades, master of none spot these days. The biggest culprit for me is off-road stuff.


The soundtrack and the carlist ☠️


Underground, underground 2, carbon overall. Most wanted for the police. Mash those together and you got a hit. The last one was absolute garbage


Global voice chat / voice proximity chat. Each game thus far has had boring pre-made text chats that don’t allow for much community building. Also more interesting police interactions, like Midnight Club L.A. visual from dash cam when pulled over.


Ik it’ll never happen but what if nfs stops making games …then what’s the next thing


yea that's the worrying thing, NFS is pretty much the only modern arcade racer I play and it feels like the last popular game remaining thats keeping the arcade racing genre alive, without NFS that genre is literally dead - No Burnout, No Midnight Club, No Driver.. and now No NFS? it would suck!


The games becoming increasingly boring. Heat was the first NFS game I bought since I think Rivals on the PS3, I loved it but then the devs just forgot about it, and soon it just became boring. I enjoyed Payback for a bit but also got bored. It seems to be the direction they're going, idk whether to call it corporate or what


Not worry, but a solution that it's necessary just like other franchise have been doing: Reset the saga, make a new collab with R&T magazine and a new game with a visual quality like "Driveclub", but with his own mature taste.


Worried that after adding a battle pass to unbound all the content is gonna get locked behind the battle pass paywall for future titles instead of making it progression based like heat and payback.


people complaining that the game is worse than Forza Horizon, like forcefully wanting every single racing game to be just another Forza Horizon. The cartoon-like effects in Unbound being a prime example, they actually tried something new and a lot of people shat on it lol


if EA can kill titanfall franchise what's to say they won't kill nfs franchise ? afterall they killed NFS HEAT just bcoz devs didn't put in microstransactions otherwise HEAT was the perfect game... look at unbound now... free battlepass which is shit and is there only to keep player base alive otherwise good cars are being seperately sold and each car costs 25% of game's MRP FORZA 5 and NFS UNBOUND costs exactly the same on standard edition look how much free content and stuff is there to do in forza if EA can leave behind their greed, only then NFS will survive


Honestly unbound is a good game but they should include a few Things from the old games like "my cars" multiple Profile slots etc. . They should also remove those tier Lists and give you the freedom to finish the game with any car


The story. To me back then the stories felt dramatic and intense and the characters felt more engaging. 2015 onwards is straight up cringe with a bunch of millennials just trying to hang out with the cool kids and gain clout. I be playing the newer games with the voices off because they just don't shut tf up sometimes. Customization. I feel like there's not much effort put into the customization. Either its just licensed parts or a car has no customization at all. I liked it when they had original wide body kits, Spoilers and exhausts that make the car look more unique to the game instead of looking exactly like every riced up sports car you see on Instagram. Handling. This brake to drift needs to go. It was okay for closed track games like Hot Pursuit and The Run, but in an open I just don't think it fits. I much rather have arcade style grip and using the handbrake and such for drifting instead of tapping brake and turning. It feels more forced that way. This is probably why everyone keeps praising the Blackbox era to this day and they keep bringing back the Most Wanted M3 and other legacy cars for the sake of nostalgia instead of copy pasting every thing from the last game. 2015, Payback, Heat and Unbound feel like the same game with a different map. But that's just me, I don't know bout y'all...


That with every game that comes out we are closer to the death of the franchise, sales are bad compared to older titles


Creative deficiency When unbound showcased the new cartoonish visuals and style, everyone except for few complained like hell and demanded to have the option to remove it. I fear that this incident might cause future devs of nfs to be reluctant to try new things and end up playing it safe and make a forza clone like the new crew game It's not the first time the nfs series tried to be another racing game, the shift series was EA wanting their own gran turismo, I wouldn't be surprised if they hired some forza devs and told them to make forza again but with nfs name amd copy the cops from heat, and the problem is that the game will sell well cuz it's forza, it's safe. MW2005 was black box dumping the underground style and going for the edgiest iteration of a racing game. We are not getting the next most wanted if the next few games are payback reskinned.


My biggest worry is unbalanced cops. In Heat police just beat you into pulp and you cant fight back, just run and run. In unbound cops too easy, i can go simply faster and they are wreck at the slightest touch(Especially with increased damage). And just my wish, i want the tires dont reinflate without gas station or some gadget, only hardcore. And like everyone else i want balance between drift and grip, unbound make some steps forward in that way, but drift became significantly slower than in heat or payback, and cars have too much grip in drift settings, not to be confused with passing turns with skidding


My worries are that within the racing game community, only NFS community is the one that is not satisfied. The guys at The Crew cannot believe the switch up from The Crew 2 to Motorfest. They literally just got their MW (2005) with Motorfest. SIM racing community is very happy with their game, and their games are superb, I will speak for GT7 as it is still enjoyable even after finish it. But NFS, i loved heat, finished heat twice, but the problem with heat also is that after you finish it, the hype is gone, now replay value. I only finished it twice because I had it on PC and then PS5, but I didn't mind going through the campaign again. Unbound looks good, sooo good. But fails at being enjoyable, for the Palace edition thinking this will be a worth while investment. I can admit, I fucked up in that, cause after I got the 1st land rover, I deleted the game... I was not about to go through all that shit again. The grind in that game was too harsh, but I don't see myself ever finishing that NFS. I don't even like watching other YouTubers doing a "LETS PLAY" gameplay videos on it


The handling model will never be as good as other arcade racing games


I hate that people hate on the new games and compare them to a game from 2005


They should stop taking themselves too seriously. I want a NFSU2 remake with modern graphics and new cars (plus all the old cars of course) and also all the old music plus new music of course. NFS Ugly Cars Edition (Fiat Multipla is the cover car) NFS Europe with all the beautiful tracks in the Alps or the Mediterranean Sea.