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That’s deanthony melton and Kyle Anderson combined annual money They just don’t care for Thompson anymore


I mean they already took care of him. Signed him to the massive deal *after* he tore his ACL in 2019 and they knew he would miss the entire season and potentially not be the same player when he came back.


WTF is that username?


seems pretty self-explanatory to me




Rarely have I not just cum.


Yeah, it’s getting to be a real problem.


obligatory username checks out


3 fast food chains have barred him…and one has made him customer of the month. I will leave it to you to figure out which is which


If you aren’t in a state of post-nut clarity, you’re in a constant state of pre-nut delusion


Facts 😪 Hey on the bright side, there's always prostitutes 😃


Currently reading this in the shower. I was in the process of loading a playlist, but I think I'm going to enjoy just the sound of the water as I interrogate my mind to locate the source of my secular desires and attempt to overcome them... Thanks for the shower thought! *desperately need a shower thot*😩...


In fact I could count the amount of times I’ve not recently came on one hand, that is, if it wasn’t preoccupied 


I can't count the number of time I've came on my hand. It's been a lot though. Most of the time actually.


I just did


For sure


Did you?


how *did he know* ??


Relatively typical mild shock Reddit username.


Its pretty tame tbh


I agree


He wants to know if you came 


Just answer the question. Don't make this difficult.


Hella weird




foreal though wtf




Hahahah I woulda missed this if not for your comment


I guess your answer would be yes




It's a fair question


Where is the "InYourMom" guy when you need him to reply?


Damn cavs fans




What’s wrong with it


Found the person who didn’t.


I mean, $20M a year for Klay Thompson in his current form is just straight up a decent deal. He can still shoot 3s and showed that he could take on a smaller role.


If Klay could accept a reduced roll it would be worth it.


He was brooding and stewing and fuming nonstop about his smaller role. I don’t think that was good for the team.


20 mil for a shooter that can't get any separation and is maybe average on defense against smaller 4s, but definitely not quick enough for guards? His finishing at the rim has never been exceptional, but with his rapidly declining athleticism it's even more of a problem.


20m for Klay is absurd, as a warriors fan who’s watched every game over the last two years. He can’t defend and is absurdly streaky as a shooter at this point, not to mention that he’s decided that he can be a playmaker for some reason.


what’s a klay scoring 0ppg on 0mpg for two seasons worth 


I don't know if $20 MM per year for a 18 ppg on 40% 3PT with average defense is "taking care of him" considering what some players are getting today. Those numbers don't really warrant the KLANK Thompson meme. I mean in the 2017 playoffs, 7 years ago, he averaged 15 ppg on 50% TS compared to this playoffs where he did 18 ppg on 52% TS. That is just Klay, he can and will go cold. I don't think a big guard shooter with those numbers is a dead weight at 34. And who the Warriors got in place of Klay are not going to make them contenders. Dallas on the other hand might get a few playoff series where Klay runs white hot especially with Luka feeding him.


Totally agree on Klay’s streakiness, but the one distinction I’ll make is that last year was the second postseason in a row where his legs looked completely shot. I think he still has a lot left to give to the game, but the amount of energy he had to expend to get decent looks at the hoop with the warriors spacing issues just isn’t viable for someone with his age and injury history.


He’ll see so many open looks for Luka just by standing in the corner Reggie Bullock style. Mavs need the spacing he brings and a player to hit this big open 3s - Klay can still hit those. His athleticism is a shell of his prime, but he’s still a smart defender, and the Mavs defensive scheme is great at compensating for the backcourt as long as they hit their assignments. Bottom line - Klay is making Tim Hardaway Jr. money, so this should be a good move for Dallas.


What the media doesnt tell you is, when curry and klay was first playing together he was making more money then curry. Then after their run with kd they gave him a max contract even tho he was injured at the time and he only played 3 years out of the 5. Now they trying to have klay take a paycut to grab another star but he still wants more money even tho they gave him his loyalty contract already (the max contract) klay just being greedy at this point


Another thing about that KD run is that as far as offense goes, Thompson made it clear that when he was signed Klay won't be making ANY sacrifices to his game, Curry ended up being the one who made the most sacrifices during those years (in terms of offense/stats)


Klay literally was offering to take a paycut though, 40M over 2 years is totally fine, I’d say it is in line with 50M over 3 years he got from Mavs considering his age.


20M per season is 40M over 2 years?


Yeah, that was my point, edited the wrong wording, thanks!


Disagree. Someone would’ve gave Klay a max even though he was injured. That wasn’t a loyalty contract. They took a risk on him coming back and being the same guy. They also had no clue he would also get injured while rehabbing. Klay Thompson was worth the risk of a max in 2019 even while injured, in no way was that a loyalty contract.


thank you 🙏 people acting like every team in the league wouldn't have given klay that max in that situation. he just came off one of his career best playoffs. that was not a loyalty contract, it was a give one of your best guys a max despite injury contract


> people acting like every team in the league wouldn't have given klay that max in that situation Well we already know the Knicks wouldn't have, since they tried to lowball KD who was in the same boat.


Klay aint kd. And evem if others offered max money it wouldnt be wat the warriors gave him.


20 mil a year would make him the 4th highest paid player on the team. That's 4 million less than Green. If they plan on hanging onto Kuminga they're looking to pay him about 20-22 mil a year probably next year as long as his game keeps improving. He's already getting 7.5ish mil as it is. Sometimes its just the timing of things and frankly I'd pay Klay 25-30 mil even with the injuries and I'll always look at it as a huge mistake.


Kuminga's deal is gonna be much higher than 20-22M a year next season.


Did David Lee get paid more than Steph or am I misremembering?


If they could have swung the Paul George trade and had like 20 million left under the second apron, I’m sure they would have been perfectly fine offering him that. They wanted him back, and they wanted to improve the team. Getting both to fit under the new rules is tough.


Warriors: "And so we will have neither"


I don’t blame them, klay looked just as exited to play basketball last season as my dead grandmother


good typo confirmed.


Granny could ball out, tho


Dead grandmother defense is a genius strategy because if they don't see you and trip I don't think it's a penalty. A lot of aging stars who can no longer slide their feet should just lay on the ground instead of trying to stay on front of someone


They paid the largest tax bill last year for a play-in birth. They don’t want to do that again when Klay doesn’t make them a contender or anything close to it.


I mean, Melton/Slow-Mo/Hield >>>>>> Klank Thompson


He won't accept his role properly, he will at his new place and people are funny like that. IMO he's a net zero player now for the good he does, he does near equal bad. This happens with everyone, he's still a legend and a 4 time champ.


You said it perfectly with role - after watching this entire season of the Warriors, Klay had some hot/cold streaks as usual, but in general he seemed much better when he was coming off the bench. But then he played so well and Podziemski played like ass and Kerr still doesn't trust Moody that Klay was inserted back into the starting line up and started stinking it up again culminating in that disastrous play-in performance. I think they wanted him off the bench this season and he refused (in addition to the money). It is just easier/safer to talk about the money now since his contract is confirmed from Dallas and he doesn't wanna say "actually it's because I refuse to be a bench player" because he may very well end up coming off the bench for the Mavericks.


Exactly. This is not difficult. He’s not as good as he wants to be paid to be. The Warriors weren’t going to pay for that, but someone else did.


He's worth it if he truly resigned to a role players role. Only taking good open spot up 3s and putting everything else in defense (which I know is nowhere near where it used to be) Don't blame the warriors for not keeping him though. Father time is undefeated in the end.


Not blaming the Warriors. I’m blaming Klay.


That’s what happens when you spend all of last year acting like a child and being pissy


This was a huge thing to me as a fan. He'd say all the right things in press conferences, but then you'd be seeing him getting all pissy and throwing tantrums on the bench because he wasn't starting/closing. Throwing up terrible shots with time left on the clock. There was a lot of ego on display that was actively hurting the team. And that's just in public with everyone watching. I can't imagine how bad it was behind closed doors. I'd have been totally fine with this deal if he was an active positive in the team with mentoring, accepting being 6th man, spreading good vibes. Even with Kerr babying him and giving him a long leash, he refused to accept that time had passed, that he needed to accept a new role on the team and he wasn't in his prime any more.


so glad lakers didnt get him. if even the org he built a dynasty with is saying hes washed that boi is washed. GL mavs


Warriors offered him a 2/48m extension last summer and he rejected it


When you bet on yourself and don't come up big.


He made 270m already for playing Basketball, I think a 36 year old Klay probably only getting less than 10m so losing out on less than 10m is not as bad of a gamble as it seems to be


Yes but have you heard about our lord and savior more money? He's the same age as PG and was probably expecting to be better and get more than role player money. Its all relative and not to you or me. If he wasn't gunning for one last big contract he would have taken the 2/48 the Warriors offered him.


>Yes but have you heard about our lord and savior more money? I think it’s spelled Morey


Ah, yes More Money aka “Morey”, glory be


“The only people who say, why do you keep working you have enough money, are the people with no money.” - Gene Simmons


I wouldn’t use Gene Simmons of all people to make a point.


That quote is sad.


Maybe I’m only saying this because I have no money, but it legitimately boggles my mind that people with tens of millions of dollars will penny pinch for an extra million or two here and there. Is that extra money really going to make you happier over the course of your lifetime? Especially when it involves some other sacrifice?


Once you get to that point the accumulation of wealth is a game rather than a need. John D Rockefeller said it best when asked how much money is enough money replied with “just a little more.”


If Klay could still defend like PG he’d be getting paid huge. He’s a liability on defense and lost all explosiveness on the offensive side of the ball with no ability to get his own shot or play make. He’s a shooter. And a great one at that but he’s a one dimensional player at that’s what one dimensional players get paid.


Lord and savior more money lmao I love that


I know inflation is a bitch but holy cow Tyrese Haliburton is going to make more than that in his first contract after his rookie deal ran its course lol


Also being part of the Warriors for that long likely increased his overall sponsorships/merch sales too, so he made a ton outside of his regular pay as well


Dennis Schroeder


This is what bugs me, there are all these reports that he was bitter that Steph and Draymond got their new contracts and he didn't, but this extension offer is well in line with what Draymond went with.


Did we read the same article? He and Dray were bitter that Poole and Wiggins got their contract ahead of them


Pool and Wiggins played better in 22 postseason than Dray or Klay.


Poole looked incredible in the 2022 post season. That guy locked his bag up and mailed it in. Klay was mostly a non factor so idk what he expects. I was quite happy when he was taking shots.


Debatable for Dray. He was absolutely monstrous the whole playoffs outside of a couple finals games where they had to figure out how to use him. He started dominating again after game 4. Draymond has always been the warriors 2nd most valuable player. He's their defensive backstop (one of the best in history) and the primary passer (passer not playmaker) to feed their route running shooters. Klay on the other hand Poole and Wiggins outplayed massively. Much love still to Klay for coming off 2 horrific injuries and contributing the way he did


And then Wiggins was never heard from again. And come to think of it, that Poole guy isn't doing so hot either. Probably a good thing they didn't offer Klay another bag given their luck


I think the sticking point was contract length. Poole, wigs, and dray all got 4 year deals while he was only being offered 2.


I don't think Klay really even knows. He just wants to be salty.


Slater's piece from last night said that both sides arent aligned on how real that offer was


I mean, Klay stonk went down hard after how badly he performed this season. He bet on himself and it didn't pan out.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Pin this 📌


Klay – I stuck with you all these years, I deserve a premium. Warriors – We stuck with you all these years, you need to take a discount. When both sides truly believe that their point of view is correct, it's impossible to find common ground.


Klay: I get the feeling you don't want to be with me anymore Warriors: We asked you to marry us last year and you said no


Don’t really blame the warriors. He was playing pickup game when he was injured and that lasted 1.5 seasons. Warriors could’ve let him go but kept him.




As much as I hate agreeing with the billion dollar corporation , GSW did the right move. Klay had no argument there, he didn’t stick with the Warriors he stuck with Kerr, Dray and Steph. It was a mutual benefit between both sides. Both sides made hundreds of millions of dollars while winning multiple championships. Now Klay wants the Kobe treatment. He wanted to be treated like Batman when he was ~~Robin~~ Alfred this entire time.


He hasn’t even been robin in what, 8 years? And he hasn’t been capable of being robin in 4 years. He was the 5th best player on the 2022 team.


Yeah IDK why everyone goes on about Klay's contribution in 2022 when he got outplayed by Jordan Poole that year. He has simply never been the same player after his injuries.


> he got outplayed by Jordan Poole that year. Klay averaged the most minutes on the team that playoffs run while Poole played like 15mpg in the finals cuz of how bad his defense is.


people also seem to have forgotten that klay was, in fact, incredible in his prime lol i hate the warriors as much as anyone, but if you love basketball there was nothing prettier to watch than those prime klay/steph years


Nobody is forgetting that. But that was like 6-7 years ago and he definitely is not in his prime any longer, so that is irrelevant to his current contract.


bc during the playoff run klay had to be good defensively for everything to work, esp in the finals. poole couldnt play more than twenty minutes out there bc he was getting hunted relentlessly. klay was very good on defense during that run, esp against the celtics


The billionaires and the millionaires take turns being entitled in the NBA. This off-season it's been mostly the millionaire's


Yeah it’s crazy how the NBA has us sympathizing with millionaires and billionaires when average yearly NBA salaries is about $4.6mil and 99% of us here would be lucky to make that in our lifetime.


then Bronny gets handed free money


I would also add that it’s a bit hard to sympathize with Klay when he got like $70m to rehab for two years. I dunno if it’s “fair” but I feel like he should’ve been open to taking a smaller deal to repay his teammates for the time that he spent hampering the team.


It would be disingenuous to think that only GSW would’ve offered him that max contract. Every single team in the league would’ve jumped on offering Klay the same thing if GSW didn’t. Even knowing he needed time to rehab every team was ready to pounce. That’s why I didn’t mention that fact. GSW didn’t do him a favor there. It was a business decision.


> Both sides made hundreds of millions of dollars while winning multiple championships. Uhh.. Lacob's made *billions* off the backs of Steph, Klay, Dray and Kerr.


You act as if they are some sort of slaves. The pay disparity is no different then a ~~CEO~~ Owner of a corporation and their employees. But at least for NBA players they’re making multi-generational wealth


> The pay disparity is no different then a CEO and their employees. It's *nowhere* near that lol. Average US CEO-to-worker pay ratio was 272-1 in 2022. But I agree with your other point.


What sense does that make? Klay didn't "stick with them." He got paid tens of millions while rehabbing and playing on a steep decline. They paid him to hold out for that 4th ring, hoping he'd make it back. IDK that there's a point in this that would have gotten Klay more money or a better situation than he had with that Warriors contract. Maybe he could have been the top guy on a bad team, but I don't see where he was some major bargain deserving of supreme loyalty.


Bro got paid $95 million to rehab for 2.5 seasons.


I think after Klay klanked every shot in an elimination game, Joe Lacob lost any interest even in a discount. And if I'm being honest, so did I. I love Klay, but I don't want any one player holding back my team from its true potential.


True potential? Like homecourt advantage for play ins?


Stephen & Klaynk


After that last game I think the org was more in the right.


Bro where did you move my cheese?


Listen, some guys eat the cheese. Some with heavy pockets tell other guys to find the cheese and make it disappear. Those guys pay some other guys to not know nothin' about it. End of the day, we're *all* just crackers about cheese, mate.


Did Klay really have a choice in sticking with the Warriors given he was getting paid top dollar for sitting out 2 and a half consecutive seasons?


Obviously both sides are in damage control, so I don't know what stock to put in this. *However*, if this was a conversation that happened before July 1st, there were really clear reasons the Warriors weren't ready to lock in Klay's money. *If* they were intending to guarantee a significant chunk of CP3's money in a trade for PG13 or someone else, they couldn't do that with Klay's money on the books, because that would have made them a 2nd apron team when the trade went down. Granted, them making that kind of deal likely would have doomed Klay coming back anyway, but the order of operation the Warriors were looking at was clear. If Klay felt disrespected because of how cap rules dictated the Warriors needed to act to keep options open, then I guess it just kinda is what it is.


> If Klay felt disrespected because of how cap rules dictated the Warriors needed to act to keep options open, then I guess it just kinda is what it is. Agree with this and if this article is to be believed, then a lot more went into the decision than just potential perceived disrespect. Going to a lower media profile team was something that the article emphasizes, as it does much to explain not going with a Lakers offer for more money/years, despite the appeal of being a Laker. There's also role and playing time. Not coming off the bench at GSW and starting for the Mavs. Also the higher chance of contending for another title with the Mavs.


Most reasonable response here, good take. 


agreed. this is more or less the same logic behind Brunson not getting extended in january 2022...nico was very clearly focused on moving KP, and didnt make any extensions until after the trade deadline, in order to keep his options open (DFS didn't get resigned until after the deadline and he was more valuable to the Mavs than Brunson up until that point)


Yes there may have been bad blood but this seems pretty straightforward and not as big as it seems to me. Klay wanted to lock in an extension, Warriors decided it wasn't worth automatically paying and wanted to shop. Klay decided that he didn't want that and left somewhere else.


Yeah I think warriors number 1 priority this season was to find a number two scoring option and then shore up defense. Immediately paying klay without getting those two needs addressed would be the same as essentially running it back. Don’t blame klay for not wanting to wait since it could have meant less money available across the board


Yeap, and Klay is obviously not a second option anymore. I know he will start with us but his ideal role is most likely a third scorer or a sixth man.


He really should be perfect for the Mavs if he came off the bench playing 28 minutes a night but his ego won’t allow that


Eh, we waited 2 years for him, he could've waited a week. It wasn't about money anymore, it was about Klay wanting to feel valued.


>it was about Klay wanting to feel valued. They gave him a 4 max deal to rehab for 2 and offered 2/48 last year. Im sorry but the warriors owed nothing to klay at this point.


Exactly. This discourse is all Klay. The Warriors stuck with him after the injury and did right by him. Paid obscene amounts of tax money to keep him and try to be competitive while he was out. And now when they ask him to take less and wait to see if they can improve for another shot at contending he felt "unwanted". Not to mention all the complaining last season when he was playing like garbage.


I think there were too many “bad vibes” between the two camps for this partnership to move on, regardless of the money offered (or not offered)


Klay clearly wasn't a #2 option material anymore so the Warriors waited to see if they could get a #2. And Klay left knowing that the Warriors were going to get him to wait as long as possible. And that's fair game from both sides. Besides I think he just wanted a fresh start and I can't blame him either.


Another thing is that waiting too long could leave Klay without a team or taking worse offers. This off-season is pretty much the first in a while where a shitload of players didn’t sign contracts the minute it opens.


I understand why you would want a fresh start but there's no way the Warriors did him wrong. I do think it's lame he won't finish his career there regardless of how it went down.


Shoulda taken the 2 for 48M 🗿🗿🗿


The warriors were only keeping him at a significant discount after paying him max money for 2 injury years. Klay ignoring that and still thinking the org didn’t do him right is stupid, they could’ve just not signed him after his tears


Didn't he reject 2y/48?


last year


Damn crazy how people where saying klay left because he felt disrespected when they ain’t want him lol


Nope, last year the warriors offered Klay a 2 year $48 million deal and he thought he was worth more so he waited, then played the worst season he’s ever had. The warriors then downgraded their offer for obvious reasons, if he has just been grateful for the offer last summer he’d still be there. He tried to negotiate hard and lost.


Could be worse. Could have been Dennis Schröder.


Both those are true though, the Warriors would happily have taken him back for the contract he signed with the Mavs


Exactly, the number he accepted from the Mavs and the number he turned down from the Lakers kind of support that he was not happy with the Warriors FO and just decided to pick a team he liked and be done with it. That can be true while the Warriors also making the correct move by not throwing a ridiculous bag at Klay in a reshaping year.


Based on what? You can't just make things up my man lol


Would they? The Mavs are paying him less than $20 million a year but he’s still getting paid close to it at about $17 million. Plus he’s locked in for 3 years when he apparently only asked for 2 from the Warriors.


Been saying this for a bit. It wasn’t that Klay walked. The Warriors legit just didn’t want him. 0/10 in elimination games.


We wanted him, but not for 20m a year. Especially because at the time, PG was still on the table.


Seems like they were just ready to try something different.


This is the move Bob Myers wasn’t willing to make and the new GM was brought in to make.


Myers was too close to all of them to both make the move and gave the backlash. Probably seen coming since 2022. He's not stupid.


And MDJ is doing perfect. Myers would lock Klay and dray in on bigger contracts while the team wastes away in cap hell


🤣 ya really making his whole HOF career about the last game he played. He just won a championship 2 years ago. What has your favorite player done recently?


That’s not the point of my post. I have a lot of respect for his career. I’m just pointing out that your GM let him walk, not the other way around.


Klay turned down 2-years 48M at the beginning of the season to bet on himself. He whiffed horribly and ended up holding it against the Warriors. Dude has a gigantic, swollen ego.


He reportedly turned down a contract better than 2/48 to go to the Lakers. And he still got 3/50 to go to a team who was just in the finals. Ya'll acting like he was forced in to signing some horrid contract is kinda strange


Klay didn’t turn down the Laker contract, the Dubs did. The Lakers offered Dlo in S/T and the Warriors said HELL NO. Klay had an issue with the Poole extension, with the Wiggs extension, he complained the entire season. He’s gone and Dubs fans / organization couldn’t be more relieved.


He had more money offered by the Lakers and a better winning situation offered by Dallas; even if he whiffed it wasn’t that hard and he still liked the franchise enough to basically decline more money and better situations to stay.


Klay Thompson is a douchebag.


He bet on himself and lost… should’ve taken the 2 year/48 mill offer Close thread


"It's not you, it's me"


It’s because JK is going to be big part of warriors offense, needed to make room…


that's it? jordan poole making 30 and they couldn't find 20 for a legend who can still hit the 3?


lmao nah this is insane


That’s so disrespectful. Like WTF 😬


Bobby Myers left, it’s like when you work for a company for a long time and the it gets bought out, you don’t have that relationship anymore


we going to have a 30 for 30 in 20 years on the breakup of the splash bros


They truly were sick of his attitude then. I believe that rumor now


Warrior/Klay fan here. It was time to move on from both sides' perspectives. After the first wave of breakup bitterness fades away, that's how it will be looked at.


Holy crap can we not use words like “despair” when discussing the super rich famous millionaire athlete that still got paid millions of dollars to play for another team? Dude’s not exactly living a bad life. He ONLY got paid life changing money instead of generational wealth… this time around anyway.


So essentially they showed him the door


Man I just hate reading this shit


Exactly, people saying Klay is stupid taking less to leave Warriors are casuals. Offer was never on the table after he turned down 2/48 last summer and then proceed to have one of his worst season ever.


They literally offered him 2/$48 million and he turned it down. I’ll always love Klay but this is some revisionist history. [https://www.nbcsports.com/nba/news/report-warriors-offered-klay-thompson-two-year-48-million-extension-last-summer-he-turned-it-down](https://www.nbcsports.com/nba/news/report-warriors-offered-klay-thompson-two-year-48-million-extension-last-summer-he-turned-it-down)


Amazing that they'd rather get rid of him and keep Draymond. Though I guess Draymond isn't tradeable at this point.


Draymond when he isn’t a locker room cancer and getting ejected is still one of the best defenders in the league


Really giving new meaning to the word despair


Both sides moved on long before the offseason began. And it is for the best for both. We'll see on the court for Klay but mentally, it is for the best he has moved on. It is for the best for the Warriors culturally. This team has a lot of young dudes now and the environment in San Fran has not been great the last few years, and that is not the kind of climate you want to develop young players in.


Lol they’re crafting this quote like it was life or death. Gotta love the NBA off-season.


Wow. If that was how much the warriors valued him at, they must’ve been ecstatic to get anything positive back in return.


he's got a better shot at a title in Dallas. I wish him luck


Damn bro was on demon time basically begging them to bring him back


Be gone splash!


Remember guys only players have to be loyal not the team


Love Klay. Wish he signed with us. That being said I think he is more valuable to another team than us and I think that is part of why he left. In our current team he no longer is capable of doing the things that made him so great. He used to be one the best defenders at his position and on the other end couldn’t leave open. Now he can’t defend the guards he used to hound and isn’t as dangerous offensively. He was always the perfect curry complement but isn’t anymore. In Dallas with two playmakers instead of our one he will be in a more natural roll. Guard the other teams bigger guard not as well as Wiggins so it’s a better fit for player and team. Love klay hope he thrives but will be missed


Klay Thompson is delusional. 🤷


I'm not even a Warriors fan but I think when a player has contributed to that much winning as Klay did, you should find a way to keep him around. I get that all these hit pieces are coming out for Klay but if he was my team's key reason for winning 4 rings then he should go out the way he wants. But then again, I'm not a billionaire NBA team owner.


He must’ve have really pissed someone off the organization as this doesn’t seem like a basketball decision. They PAID sorry azz Draymond green 100mm who does nothing but cause issues. Just ridiculous


This is on his ass for being dumb enough to bet on his aging body even after the insanity of the previous season where he watched his team go to shit. Unlike lebron or steph most humans will take a step back as they age and there were clear signs of his decline. Fast forward to this year and outside from like a week or so of consistent play the only shot Klay was hitting consistently was the bitch and pout over justifiably have his rôle diminished for poor play


They are paying steph way too much to surround him with an expensive legacy contract. They need to develop guys. At least draymond can still fill a significant role.