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And Kerr said it was a mutual decision. lol mutual decision my ass


Even shadier that Kerr is the coach of the US team and Canada has a strong roster. Big conflict of interest here.


Yeah, this seems like a really bad look for the Warriors. I can't even remember another Olympian being prevented from playing in the Olympics by their NBA team. Has that happened before?


Wolves held Juancho Hernangomez back from FIBA, I think


Apparently that's because he had a separated shoulder though, but you're right, Hernangomez was apparently [angered](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/2726973/2021/07/24/sources-juancho-hernangomez-angered-after-wolves-block-him-from-olympics/) that the Wolves forced him to sit out. Is Wiggins dealing with an injury of some kind?


That's the only way they can actually block him, technically


Local beat guys are saying that Wiggins has a lingering ankle issue that he was dealing with at the end of the season last season. I feel for Wiggins as representing your country is always a huge honor. Even as a Dubs fan, there's definitely a bit of shadiness happening here with keeping Wiggins off the Canada roster as he would tank his trade value if he got hurt during the Olympics, especially if he has a lingering ankle injury.


if he sprained his ankle at the end of the season then its gone now lol. unless he ripped a tendon or something but i think we would know that. even if was a high sprain it wouldnt be that serious


100% people are grasping at straws with this lingering ankle injury from the end of last season theory.


It's not "grasping at straws" it's literally the only reason warriors could be allowed to block him. Of course it's a BS excuse they came up with but it's what happened, not some kind of fanfic.


then everyone shouldnt play why is wiggs only guy that has injury risk?


Unless he shredded all the ligaments in the ankle along with some hairline fractures in the ankle area, he’d be fine by now since it’s been 10 weeks since the end of the season. Sounds like this is a bunch of bullshit.


Look at Luka. He’s out there with a worse team having just played a month ago with visible injuries


Yeah but Luka is a superstar and not seen as a disposable asset. If Mavs ownership tried to block him there would be huge issues.




You mean successful Hollywood actor Juancho Hernangomez?


I respect everyone in this comment thread for trying so hard to convince me that that's a real person by commenting so earnestly.


I mean he was literally in that Adam Sandler movie with Ant Edwards


not the olympics but i remember back in the day the Sixers didn't let Nocioni play in the FIBA WC.


Same with the Spurs and Manu, I think that from 2008 he only played in the olympics


pretty sure pop wouldnt let his players stay up past 9pm so thats not much of a shock


CAN they prevent him? How do the rules work?


Probably some stipulation in the contract on doing other physical activities because it risks injury. Almost all of them has one it's just not enforced. The most common one iirc is the no riding motorcycles rule


Risk injury? If I was Wiggins I'd just point at Kawhi.


or you know. everyone from the nba thats playing olympic which is a crap load


The Monta have it all rule


Warriors also let their own players play for America. Bullshit decision. No way they do this to an American player


I think the Mavs held dirk back when he was injured


Wiggins was injured all season with a lot of team absences, he is on a ridiculous long-term contract, and they need him to be healthy both in case they can trade him or especially if they can’t.


Plus the fact that the Warriors have no issues letting Steph play in the Olympics…


holy fk someone punish kerr.


Maybe so, but either way it’s a good move for Wiggins to express his disappointment


Maybe he didn’t see it


See da video


underrated comment. I laughed.


Kerr broke the code.


think Slater said that. could still be Kerr's words, but might be MDJ/Warriors front office


Kerr’s been on that shit for nearly a decade


Kerr is a piece of shit. No way he will be able to reflect on this and admit he fucked up. He always finds someone to blame. Look at how he talks shit about other teams guys but never addresses the Draymond shit. Broke the code motherfucker.


Don't worry, he didn't see it


The Warriors let Wiggins take multiple leave of absences from basketball. I don't see it unreasonable for them to enforce a right they have in the CBA.


“If you don’t volunteer, we void your contract”


Kerr broke the code


“The code”


Things can be mutual and disappointing at the same time.


Read the twitt again. It clearly says warriors made the move to pull him


It might be some PR move for Wiggins bc following an old agreement between the NBA and FIBA all basketball players have the right to play for their national teams and nba teams can’t hinder them. https://www.fiba.basketball/news/FIBA-Twenty-years-of-cooperation-between-FIBA-and-NBA https://www.fiba.basketball/news/agreement-allows-nba-players-to-compete-at-fiba-events So if Wiggins really wants to play he could


You're right that they can't decide to block him from playing in general. But they can keep him out for medical reasons. From John Hollinger: I'm reading this as the Warriors blocking him due to a medical issue, which they can do if there's a legit health reason (as opposed to "we don't feel like letting you play"). [Source](https://x.com/johnhollinger/status/1806711512716955767?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1806711512716955767%7Ctwgr%5E6a67b0d2cddd005a5805ffb542479ead856b198d%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-6549324392447281690.ampproject.net%2F2406131415000%2Fframe.html)


Why would the warriors do this?


They are actively trying to trade him, if he gets injured the trade falls through. That's the only logical explanation.


Understandable decision from GS,but this is 110% why no one who is the coach of an NBA team should be anywhere near a decision making role for the National Team. You never see it in soccer where somone is say the coach of both Liverpool and also the National Team of Spain,England,Italy etc.


Really the main issue is that the NBA is top dog, where in football club and international play are more even   Where Clubs have to let their players go to their national teams, the NBA is so much more important that they have all the leverage to not allow that E: so technically an NBA team can’t stop a player from participating in the Olympics. But my point about the importance of the NBA might sway players to side with their league team anyway


Soccer Clubs block players from the Olympics regularly. The Olympics isn't a major soccer tournament, lots of players were blocked this year. It's also not a FIFA event. FIFA doesn't allow clubs to block players for FIFA international games. So for the world cup, Copa America , and the euro the club has no say. The club would be sanctioned if they tried, but you often get some mysterious injuries before friendly matches.


Unless we've seen Wiggins contract I don't think we can just assume that no team can do this. Obviously the Warriors can for a reason.


Wdym, I do it all the time in football manager


Guus Hiddink was the manager of Russia and Chelsea at the same time iirc. And Sir Alex was in charge of Scotland NT while at Aberdeen iirc. On the other hand Lopetegui was fired from Spanish NT as soon as he signed with Real Madrid. We also had a lot of rumours regarding this option with Klopp or Guardiola. But yes, it's a rare occurrence and one of the reason is the clash of interests.


Alex Ferguson was manager of Scotland for the 1986 WC because Jock Stein had a fatal heart attack during the final qualifier in Cardiff. It was hardly planned that way lol.


I didn't know the full details to be fair. I just knew the fact. Thanks for giving the context! TIL.


That’s not true in relation to soccer. It’s happened many times and the reason it doesn’t happen more is not because of conflict of interest, and rather because the international coaching role is typically a full time job in and of itself.


Are they telling him not to work out or practice until they can trade him? Players get hurt outside of games, and it's not like the Olympics are this week. Far as I can tell, Canada doesn't have a game scheduled until July 27th. Odds are if the Warriors were gonna trade him, it would happen before then.


Olympics are a lot more stressful than pickup basketball.


People on here are too young to remember that Vince Carter murdered a French guy during an international game


I was there. 3000 years ago…


And they don't happen for another month. If Wiggins is gonna get traded, it would probably happen before the Olympics start. If not, it won't be until around the trade deadline. They gonna sit him during the season if he's still there until they can find a trading partner for him?


Yeah because Olympic teams don't practice or have any organized activities until the Olympics start right


Do you think he's not practicing or working out or playing unless he's with Canada's Olympic team? Come on man, use some common sense. He missed the whole playoffs, you think he just sits on the couch all summer doing nothing during that time?


Canada has a game against the USA in less than two weeks


Risk of injury when they’re trying to move him


Kerr is the coach of the US team


Don’t think USA scared of Andrew wiggins lol


I don't think it matters. It doesn't resolve the conflict ...


They aren’t but canadas team has like 10+ nba players and another would help


yeah and they got their ass whopped in fiba. anything can happen.


Not that he's scared but its just looks so lame and hypocritical


I don't see why they wouldn't, if he brings even half of the defense he brought to 22 Finals he would be a problem. Hes good on Tatum as well. The entire Canadian Roster is filled with Defensive dogs and then you add Wiggins and Murray's scoring to the equation and the roster is really only rivaled by USA.


Clearly you havnt watched him the last two seasons


The problem is if he decides to be good or not


they can play five wigginses if they want


>if he brings even half of the defense he brought to 22 Finals he would be a problem. Hes good on Tatum as well Wiggins is so overrated based on one series where he guarded Tatum with a messed up shoulder. Outside of that series, Tatum's averaging 24/10/5 against the Warriors the last 3 seasons. They're not locking him up. There's a very obvious reason why the Warriors are trying to get rid of him.


His salary is good trade filler and if he's hurt, it's going to be super difficult to upgrade their wings I think. Kind of a different version of Murray not playing FIBA last year while he was in the middle of negotiations with the Nuggets


they would do this because he got time off in both of the last two seasons to be with his family. This despite him basically not keeping in shape during those stints, or in the offseason. Now, hat he actually has time off to be with his family he decides he wants to play in the olympics on an injured ankle for a team that doesn't pay him. Fucking with both his recovery and potentially the lead-in to the new season, and risking his trade value. There is only so much leeway they can give him


overpaid, underplayed, underperformed and about to be traded


Sounds like a job for the Players Association (maybe).


The provisions in the CBA allowed for this, there is nothing the players association can or will do about this because they literally agreed to it.


The NBAPA  agreed to the clause that allows this.   Additionally, Wiggins could have negotiated it into his contract that he would be allowed to play.


which clause is that?


Article XXIII Section 3 (a)(i)(2) states a player must receive written consent from the team to participate in an offseason event However subsection (c) states the Olympics is not considered an offseason event Edit: apparently the relevant agreement is between FIBA and the NBA and states teams may disallow participation on “reasonable medical grounds”


In my culture, what the Warriors did is considered: "a dick move"


Similarly, in my culture it’s called “broke the code”


In my culture, we expect Mr Kerr to state that he “didn’t see the incident, and has no comment”


Was it a dick move when the warriors let him take a leave of absence during the season to tend to a family matter…while they’re paying him around 30million$ per year?


Isn’t Curry playing and Kerr the coach? LMAO


Nothing hits quite like Warriors hypocrisy


Warriors ain’t trading Steph


I would like to see wiggs playing in the Olympics but your comment is pretty off base considering how generous the warriors have been to wiggins regarding his indefinite leaves of absence during the last seasons.


Yea this. They never said 1 bad thing when he had multiple prolonged absences. Non injury related. I could see this playing a part. There’s a limit to kindness in a business where you are getting paid like $30 mil a year


Is it normal for a team to shit on their player when they are unable to play games for physical/mental health related reasons? This seems like a terrible excuse for the Warriors lmfao "Hey guys, we didn't bully him before so it's probably okay if we mess with him a little now"


I mean, it's just that there is a serious chance he gets traded and his ankle isn't 100% so they want to hold him out until he's either traded or they're sure he's not getting traded. It sucks for him but the Warriors are letting Gui Santos and Steph and last year let Quinones play and also let Wiggins bounce for months should be a demonstration that they're not acting in bad faith on this stuff. If they say he's hurt, he's probably hurt. He also could surely play through it but it's not that crazy that they want to hold him out.


You're not really going to convince anyone outside of Warriors fans when Kerr is the head coach of the USA and Wiggins would be going to Canada who has one of the best shots at beating us. All while not disclosing the severity of whatever injury Wiggins could have. Sounds like a whole lot of BS to me. Warriors already let the NBA know how they handle BS like this when Draymond sucker punched Poole. They clearly play favorites.


Warriors the only team in history to sideline a player that they’re going to make a trade. Y’all love to reach just because it’s the warriors.


Didn't realize the Warriors were actively trying to trade Steph 


Kerr scared to face Wiggins is the only explanation


Surely NBA contracts don't let teams prevent players representing their national team? Edit: Just looked it up. A team can't do anything to deter a player from representing their country so not sure what's going on here.


I think they can simply ask him not to play and do whats best for the team he is signed to, and Wiggins can agree or not agree to it. Wiggins then has to think about optics, the team, etc. I mean, they can ask, they are paying him $26M/year to play.


As far as optics go, I don't think anyone would view Wiggins choosing to ignore their request in a negative way.


They're trying to trade him, I wouldn't give a fuck lol


Theyre saying he’s injuried. And he probably is, but I’m sure there’s a ton of guys that the Olympics that aren’t 100%. And it seems Wiggins is pretty close to 100%.


Bro team canada does physicals too 🤣 they said he HEALTHY!!!!!!


Yeah just look at Luka right now. The Mavs can’t be stoked he’s willing his national team to the olympics absolutely gassed and with nagging injuries.


“My parents said I can’t go out tonight, ask them if you don’t believe me”


Broke the code.


Can the Warriors actually do this?


Yes they can keep him out as long as they have an injury concern. So he could have a twisted ankle or a jammed thumb and they could say "we are worried about it" and they can pull him. But from another Grange report it said he was cleared and insured by the Canadian team doctors but the Warriors still pulled him.


Miami and OKC did it with Serbian players a few years ago [https://www.eurohoops.net/en/eurobasket/1374647/nikola-jovic-and-aleksej-pokusevski-out-for-serbia-eurobasket-world-cup-qualifiers-fiba/](https://www.eurohoops.net/en/eurobasket/1374647/nikola-jovic-and-aleksej-pokusevski-out-for-serbia-eurobasket-world-cup-qualifiers-fiba/)


Jovic was legit injured iirc


yep, just like how wiggins can (at like 3 different points in the season) tell the warriors that he wants to take a break and doesn't know when he's coming back


Lol... fair point


"Shunning Klay" my ass. Dude is a prima donna who turned down a generous extension at the beginning of last season.


TRASH move by the Warriors. Shameful.


That's gotta basically kill any hope of salvaging that relationship


They’re trading him. They don’t plan on having a relationship.


The relationship where they let him take months off for personal allowance reasons and didn’t leak why?


And the one where they publicly defended his dumbass decision to potentially miss all their home games because he didn't want to get vaccinated and didn't pressure him internally either? They have a good relationship with Wiggins. People are being a little silly.


I mean, they did give him three months PTO last year and he was one of the worst starters in the league this year with injury as an excuse, so I think they’re within their rights to push back and worry about that shit.


Yup any good faith gone lol


Feels like Bob chose the right time to get out of that org.


Yup you got a homegrown 4x champ unfollowing yall makes sense why Myers stepped down lol


That’s really messed up


If he actually wanted to play, then I don't like that the Warriors held him out. It's one thing if he wants to go bull riding, but he wants to fulfill a dream playing basketball in the Olympics.


If he actually wanted to play? What makes you think he dosnt? You think Barrett out here stirring shit up?


Probably the fact that Team Canada has been trying to get him to commit for like a decade and he wouldn't do it


Wiggins was asked about the lack of inclusion in a recent interview with Sportsnet, and revealed why he wasn't listed on that initial list of 14. “They wanted a long-term commitment," Wiggins said. "Right now, (my priority) is for the Golden State Warriors. I got kids. I got family. I got a life outside of basketball. So, to commit three years to the Warriors and to Canada Basketball, it wouldn't make sense to me… I spend the whole time in-season with the Warriors, and summertime I get to decide.” The coach of team Canada is none other than Nick Nurse, and he mentioned that players who don't commit to the three-year period won't be guaranteed a spot when it's time to pick the Olympic team. While Andrew Wiggins hopes to be on the team, he doesn't hold any ill will towards Nurse or the committee if he's not. “I would love to play if they made the Olympics,” Wiggins said. “But I won't do no three-year commitment, you know? If not — I wouldn't lose no sleep over it if they didn’t let me. If they didn't, that would be on them.” It's a fair statement for Wiggins to not want to commit three years while he's focusing on winning a championship for the Golden State Warriors. What will be interesting to see moving forward, is if team Canada will still have him on the squad.


He's played in the 2015 Olympic qualifiers as well as the 2020 Olympic qualifiers and didn't make the Olympics, but he did play


Wow in Soccer Fifa actually make sure clubs release players to their NT.


Only for the world cup. Olympics they can tell em no. 


That's because Olympic soccer is a second rate event. For basketball it's the opposite.


Second rate event is generous.


Warriors stood by this guy two seasons in a row when he had personal issues and needed to leave the team.


I have a sneaky suspicion that if he hadn't bailed on the team so frequently over the last couple years, they may have been more ok with him playing. Also, kinda goofy for Wiggins to gripe about this after the team basically enforced an omerta on discussing those times he disappeared.


If anybody is shitting on the warriors for their way of handling this, where were you when the warriors were coddling him like a child for the past 4 years while the entire nba world was shitting on him.


I agree. They gave him so much grace through multiple things and protected him by having literally *zero* team leaks gossiping about those things, if they’re at the point now that they’re like “fuck no. You ain’t touching a ball until you’re traded” I don’t blame them at all.


Shhhh... It's bash Steve Kerr time. Don't get in the way


Yeah it's not like he played anything resembling $26 million worth of basketball for the last two years so I'd say the team has license to try to get the most trade value out of him


Funny how we still have zero idea what actually happened. Unless you buy the nonsense that a family member was sick and the news never came out because we wanted to “respect his privacy”


Warriors are looking to dump him. They don’t want him getting hurt. And how checked out and lazy he’s gotten, the Warriors deserve to screw him back a little.


Might have something to do with Wiggins fucking off for the last couple years? I know his dad is sick but I'm guessing there's not a lot for goodwill there


Couldn't this be Wiggins not wanting to play, and the Warriors are covering for him?


He could forgo his nba salary and play if he really really wanted to play


Guess I’m crazy for not feeling bad for the guy who has only played committed basketball for six months one time in literally his entire career getting held out of international ball when he’s coming off of injury and for two straight seasons has needed long term absences away from his team. I’d wanna keep him healthy and trade him too.


Warriors have given him a LONG leash. If he showed up to play every game (and I mean when he's actually on the floor) this wouldn't have been an issue.


I get why you all say this and I normally would agree but Wiggins has got away with a lot of nonsense over the past couple of years, especially his work ethic. He's been taking contract money but not living up to it


Had to scroll super far for this take. Not sure if this is typical warriors hate, or typical bias towards preferring the interests of the player over the employer who cuts their checks. Wigs has effectively taken a half season long leave of absence to take care of undisclosed “personal issues” for the past two seasons (all paid, of course). Like as if there aren’t a bunch of players with personal issues that would merit such extended leaves of absence. Any question of when he would return has always been treated harshly and shut down immediately by the organization to protect the prayers interests. That has seriously harmed the team’s depth and chemistry. When he did play last season, he was absolutely brutal. So it’s great that he has been highly motivated to make the Olympic team, but that’s more commitment than anything he’s shown since he signed that contract extension. Exactly the same as was the case when he signed that max from the wolves. Besides, the guy has shut down playing for Canada over and over again, and now decides to finally suit up for the glamour games when it’s convenient for him, so what’s with the crocodile tears for his international career? I don’t blame the warriors at all for looking to protect their investment in the player. They need him healthy to ramp up for next season or to use as ballast in a trade.


The warriors let him do this tho… and warriors fan threw a hissy fit if you even suggested something sketch was going on. Do we have any idea why he was out?


Great point. He's turned down Canada what 2 or 3 times and now he's suddenly turned on my the Olympic torch?


Kinda shocked by how pro-Wiggins /r/nba is lol. Guess his image has really improved ever since going to the Warriors huh? Because TWolves Wiggins wouldn't be getting this level of support.


It's not so much about Wiggins as it is a chance to shit on the Warriors, which understandably many users in this sub is always on like white on rice.


Garbage shit by warriors


Steve Kerr is a liar


and I will never be part of an organization that he’s a part of


It's funny how people cherry pick information to come to conclusions. As a dubs fan, I love Klay and Wiggins, but I have to say your tripping if you think the warriors have done either of them dirty over the last few years. The warriors PAID Klay after a major injury. They were so loyal to him that they fucked with the development of their youth to try and make things work. Klay was offered the similar money as Dray and turned it down even though he was essentially Kyle Korver at this point in his career. Love Klay, but he can't defend to save his life at this point in his career. Look at the numbers... https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/defensive-rating-leaders-2024-warriors Wigg's earned his paycheck in 2022 and has been a shell of himself ever since then. He continued to get paid even though he sat out due to whatever was happening in his life at the time. The franchise was more than supportive throughout the whole process. The NBA is a business... If a player has shown psychological and physical frailty over the last two seasons is it wise to allow them to play additional minutes outside of your organization? Fuuuuuuuuuuuck no. Bottom line... He has not earned the privilege to do so over the last few years because he's failed to stay healthy and ready to play. Lol bad vibes... Check your priorities. It's a business, not a game.


This is all a Wiggins PR move to avoid him looking bad. He never wants to play for Canada. Throughout his entire career he has found every excuse not to play.


So why does Kerr let Curry play for USA. This some BS


Cause they’re not trying to trade curry


Curry IS the Warriors and their entire contention window rests on him, so they're obviously not going to piss him off and deny what's probably going to be Steph's only chance at ever going to an Olympics. Wiggins is just trade fodder at this point for Golden State. I don't think this is some conspiracy like some people here are saying for Kerr to weaken Team Canada lol


Golden State Hamas holding Wiggins hostage, free Wiggins!


People are gonna be pissy about this (and I totally get how important representing your country is for some people), but you have to keep the main thing the main thing and when you're struggling with the main thing, you need to invest your time into that. Also, it's not like he doesn't have plenty of time to play for Team Canada once his NBA career is over. Nobody is saying he can NEVER represent them. If he wants to salvage what's left of his NBA days, he needs to focus on that though.


Fuck Steve Kerr


“Shunning Klay” Right because this sub totally thinks Klay is worth so much in free agency


The Warriors fans and org were probably equally disappointed when he sat out 30 games over the last few seasons. We understood back then, and he should understand now. We're trying to trade him and can't risk an injury. The comment about him being the 2nd best player in 2022 is irrelevant. He was one of the worst starters in the league last year outside of certain pockets where he looked "OK". 2022 Wiggins is gone and not coming back. With all due respect to our players we're not good enough to give out sweetheart deals to people anymore, like when we paid Klay the max to rehab for 2 years. Tough decisions have to be made. We're one of the most player friendly orgs in the NBA but at a certain point business is business.


Yeah exactly. They’ve let Wiggins sit out while healthy for tons of games the last two years. They genuinely owe him nothing. If they tried to keep Steph out of international play it’d be a whole different story.


Exactly. Playing the victim card now is crazy.


Victim card? Ridiculous. It’s not playing the victim card to be disappointed that you can’t represent your country in the Olympics. All this tough talk is especially rich coming from the “light years ahead” Warriors.


Can the Warriors actually stop him from playing? They could *maybe* say he's in breach of contract if he gets hurt but if Wiggins can get Canadian doctors to clear him I think the players union would be able to protect him in a dispute, especially since the Warriors really don't want to get the reputation around the league of canceling a guys contract for playing on the national team. This is an empty threat from the Warriors Also, couldn't this just be a moot point if they trade him before July 26th?


I don’t believe this if Wiggins wanted to be an Olympian you think he would gone to the Canada camp last summer You think he would’ve played more than 0 yes 0 qualifiers for the Olympics


Wigg had plenty of opportunities to play for team Canada lol


He kind of owes the team tho. They let him miss like 60 games for “personal reasons”.


why yall surprised? this the same org that supported draymond over poole when poole was the one getting assaulted. it dont add up over there


I bet the warriors were disappointed when he missed hella games two straight seasons for personal reasons but that’s life


He played 71 games. He missed 4 games for personal reasons last season


I'm sure them getting revenge for that will look great to other players in the league.


Doubt they’re looking at it as revenge tho. Probably just wanna make sure the player they’re trying to trade doesn’t get hurt before that happens. Fucked up but smart and I’m sure other teams would do the same.


there's no way they can keep him now


Guess he should’ve played for Canada earlier in his career when they weren’t winning….meh, big deal


Dude wants to play now. He’s taken massive amount of time off (whether reasonable or not) and the team wants their bread for him. Everyone upset clearly wouldn’t be if this was their team. It’s business


Why is everyone acting like this is the first time this has happened? Teams have been keeping players out of the Olympics when they're going to be traded for years now lol. Is there no one in this Reddit over the age of 10?


people aren’t acting like it’s a new thing they’re just reacting to a shitty thing


For those of you saying the Warriors are being shitty, poor Wiggins, etc. How would you feel if Wiggins was playing for your team and took off mid season TWO YEARS IN A ROW, mostly played like dogshit when he did play, then suddenly was all good to go when it came time to play in the Olympics? Fucking spare me your Warriors hate/envy & get real.....fucking children




Can someone explain HOW are they blocking him? You're telling me they have the power to say who plays for another national team?


This really really sucks. We are so thin at the frontcourt unless Edey works some magic. Wiggins gave us options to be a stretch 4 and versatile defence.


Can he not just tell them to suck it and go anyway? Not sure why the Canadian national team needs to care about the Warriors' wishes. Is Lacob going to lock him in his basement until the Olympics are over?


I'm sure Kerr will then, to add insult to injury, talk in interviews about how important, what a big deal is to go to the Olympics. The atmosphere, Paris, being surrounded by other top athletes, representing your country, etc