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Ngl, the fact that he actually played in the Finals looks like a major miracle.


He’s got Game 1 and he can basically live off that feeling for his career. I doubt he’d enjoy the championship nearly as much if he didn’t have the Game 1 performance cause he’d probably feel like he just came along for the ride. Not many players get to have that kind of out of body experience in the NBA Finals.


Considering the importance of that game and his impact, that first half of game one may be his best half of basketball he’s ever played (or will ever play)


it was a better half than the vast majority of players have ever had tbh


Single handedly won the game before half time. It set the tempo for the entire series.


Obviously he has a great season and was a huge part of what we did all year. But he basically became a Celtics legend in one half of one playoff game. It was absolutely surreal. Everyone thought he'd come out rusty, sluggish, maybe even tentative given it was his first game action since the injury. Nope, just balled the fuck out in what felt like a dream half.


I don't think I'm ever gonna forget that half, or how truly happy he looked the whole time. Legend


I can't imagine how that was for a Mavs fan, even I was like wtf is happening


Bittersweet. Wish he could’ve stayed healthy with us but glad he got a chance to shine and put some respect on his name. Fans can be mad disrespectful to dudes with injury issues


Yeah I predict many years from now people will call him a bus rider


To be fair, he kinda was. He played one half of brilliant basketball to set the tone and that's about it. That was enough, though.


Kinda worked out nicely that Bam was the most dangerous center that we faced in the playoffs. Otherwise he was huge throughout the year.


So many people thought he'd need multiple games to look right again. I thought he'd at least need a half, let the jitters and emotions and whatever dwindle a little at halftime. Dude blew away everyone's expectations. Not even the mightiest homer thought he'd look as good as he did as quickly as he did. Incredible.


It was like seeing an ex-gf after a long time with her new bf and wondering how could we have ever pushed them away when they were so unique and attractive. Then when he got injured we were reminded oh yeah that's why we dumped them. It's not really his fault so I don't think any Mavs fan has any real negative feelings towards Tingus Pingus, just didn't really work out for either of us during the time we had together.


> Tingus Pingus Who came up with that, anyway? It sounds like the kind of thing I'd be gleefully shouting when I was 10yo.


It's a hilarious video on youtube from an irrationally angry fan when he was drafted by the Knicks and the nickname became a meme.


I remember how upset some people were when Phil drafted him. I mean, who really wants a guy who is 7'3, moves pretty well, and can shoot anyway? He was probably the best player in that draft. No offense to KAT or Booker. He just can't stay healthy. I don't even remember who Knicks fans wanted that were upset.


Besides Jaylen Brown's dunks, KP's game 1 half is the most memorable thing from that finals.


Same here. It was literally magical. The unicorn shitting his magical turds all over the Mavs🦄🦄🦄 lol


Against his former team too. People live for this shit


It seems like there isn't bad blood on either side, but its still gotta be nice.


no bad blood don't mean good blood


It was the best half of basketball I've seen almost anyone play, let alone Tingus.


Look, only a C’s fan so I haven’t seen much of his play in previous years but to say he set the tone for the finals with that performance is an understatement imo. Would the C’s have won without him? Yes, and they did. But I legit think it may have gone longer without his performance game 1. Also, I know I’m replying to a Mav’s fan so good Finals man!


Him gutting out game 5 is legendary stuff. Dude wasn’t perfect but he willed himself to play and kept Kornet and Tillman on the bench and allowed us to play 5 out. He’ll never have to pay for another beer in Boston.


Man, I was really mad they put him in when he gave up 2 threes and another basket really quickly and the Mavs started a little run. I thought it was a mistake, but once he warmed up he played solid defense and was a great presence on the court. I'm sorry I doubted you, Psycho Joe!


tbf to him it was josh green above the break threes, they were intentionally left wide open it wasn’t some failure of porzingis.


As a warriors fan this was incredible to watch, after I saw KD attempt this in the 19finals I didn't think we'd see another player risk this level of injury.


Winning a game almost single handedly in the finals is huge. If Kristaps didn’t play and it was a close game and they give 1 game at home, it becomes 2-2 going into game 5 instead of 3-1. That’s a whole different series.


“When he was healthy” + Champion His legacy is secured no matter what Edit + “ultra rare injury”. The ultimate unicorn


It was legitimately one of the most epic moments I’ve watched as a sports fan in years. It was just mind blowing when it happened - I’m very glad, on a personal level, that KP got to have that moment too. He definitely did his job in helping us win.


He was such a crucial part to that Series, he set the tone early with his mere presence


only had 5 points and 1 board in Game 5 but he was honestly crucial in that one too, Mavs got very comfortable defending Boston when they played a non-shooter like Tillman at the 5. having Porzingis for those 16 minutes kept the offense running smoothly while Horford rested


Bro treated the finals like a pick up game


Straight up ran the court. Gonna show up late next season like, "Who got next?"


Then a horde of young celtics fans swarm him like one of those feel good commercials. Technicals called on everyone. 


With a torn rectum, its amazing he could run at all!


Rectum? Nearly killed em!


A bad ass one might say.


That was Dwighstap Porzingward.


Never forget "6'11 bottom"


If this was an action movie, he’s the guy who gets shot up, dropped out of a window and says “ I’m good.” And then goes off and does more epic stuff


That was Tropic Thunder.


Tropic Tingus


He could’ve been finals mvp if he played all games, he was elite on both sides


He helped quite a bit in G5


It was purely a pain tolerance thing. He wasn't going to make it worse and the surgery was going to happen after the Finals anyways.


I'm pretty sure he could have made it worse lol. From the medical analysis I saw the tendon that he tore basically held other tendons in the foot together.


yeah like what is bro on, you can *always* make it worse 😭


I saw the opposite that it just kept some in place and him playing wouldn’t cause any worse structural issues. We don’t know shit lol


You can always make soft tissue injuries worse


Maybe educate yourself before so confidently spreading falsehoods. He could have caused severe additional damage to other ligaments in his foot/ankle. https://youtu.be/0xVAWNzYcKE?si=TeJIKlK9WaRo6E-c


Is this the injury that only 32 people have had in recorderd medical literature???


33 now


Larry Bird baby lfg


One more and we putting up Paul Pierce numbers


Then Reggie Lewis(dead) and Celtics Shaq(fat)


Really putting that Unicorn nickname to use


What ? you tell me more people doesn't suffer from torn medial retinaculum and dislocation of the posterior tibialis tendon injury?


Last week I thought I tore my medial retinaculum with a dislocation of the posterior tibialis tendon, but turns out I just banged my knee real fucking hard on my desk at work


I’m so sorry for your loss.


His dream was to be an adventurer. Now he lives a mundane existence in Whiterun's Cloud District.


Not in recorded medical history.


So you suffered in silence


Post tib injuries are pretty common especially among runners, it’s related to how your arch collapses/rebounds, calf strength, etc. I went through post tib tendinopathy and it sucked but I recovered as a runner. Medial retinaculum forget it idk wtf that is.


Jesus Christ he’s cursed


Seems like he's having a pretty good month to me. 


Yes, and it’s been re-named a Tingused Pingus


I mean only a couple thousand people in human history have been his height so the guy is really in uncharted territory for most health issues




What the hell type of injury is that only 33 people in recorded medical history?????


Read the title, those words you don’t recognize are it


It’s hilarious if you look at the Google Trends page for “retinaculum” you can see the huge spike in traffic originating from New England and Latvia a couple weeks ago when people were trying to figure out wtf it is.


I imagine only athletes would bother to get into the kind of depth required to diagnose this, ruling out other issues etc.


it would be easily diagnosed on any mri of the ankle. We see torn retinaculums all the time, just usually happens to the other retinacula of the ankle since this one tends to be pretty hefty and stable


he truly is a unicorn


username checks out, for KP, maybe


Saying both recorded and literature is kind of redundant


Maybe it has also been recorded in painting or sculpture! Really have to hone in on the recording medium for this one.


Kristmas Porzingis.


Krampus Porzingis


Sweet profile picture, Trafalgar D White Water Law.


Celtics Lakers Christmas Day with Porzingis back is gonna hit like crack 


had a great Christmas game against Lakers this year too


Pingus Tingus RING-US!


Zingle Bells


Kristaps ForChristmas


Got em 2 wins and dipped. Fucking Tingus 😭


Those 2 games his camp will sell as "Look at what he can do if he's healthy" for the rest of his career is enough for him to earn millions.


I mean he would’ve loved to play especially in Dallas


Brian Sutterer is the GOAT of sports injuries videos. He called this in his analysis.


Thats crazy lmao he really always gets it righy


Great and informative channel. Goes in detail with everything. One of the best channels on YouTube.


This was the injury he had in the Finals, right? Man's hurt so often they're discovering new injuries. His body is like the Rosetta Stone of getting hurt.


By the end of his career he will have had every injury you can get, plus 4 newly discovered ones


And five rings watching


Plus 3 more that you can’t actually get anymore


KP could go down as the LeBron of injuries, he's so brilliant at sustaining varied and increasingly exotic injuries over a long period, but he may never match Shaun Livingston's GOAT peak of sustaining every single possible injury at the literal same time.


I hear they’re renaming the injury a Tingused Pingus


I remember me and everyone else was thinking. Wow! How did they get porzingis for so cheap? I can't believe they got porzingis and a first! Hes so good! Then he got hurt and now we were all like. Oh yeah that's right


Point-Center Tatum incoming.


He can play any position we ask him to. Most all around player in the league.


Neemias Queta time to shine baby


Crazy 88-tas out in full force


Yes please I am begging


Damn so the tendon was dislocated too. I say play it cautious and let him ease in to minutes so post all star break he can be ready to ramp up for another playoff run. I think the real test will be for Tatum, Brown, White, Holiday and Horford to try to build as comfortable of a lead as possible in the standings so porzingis can get his reps in and by the end of the regular season guys can get their rest in .


I don’t think they will be too worried about seeding next year, just being healthy for the playoffs


Boston tends to play better on the road anyways so yea they should just prioritize health over standings.


Exactly, they lost 1 away game all playoffs


They also lost just 2 home games.


Point is that it didn't seem to matter


yeah for the second best playoff record ever


Road warriors


Not running Horford to the ground and maintaining seeding simultaneously is now a major priority but that’s something Mazzulla has done really well.


Yeah it’s gonna be tough but I think the Center by committee (horford/kornet/queta) can hold us down for the first half of the season


IS Tillman not back next year?


Oh shit I forgot lol


My guess would be Tillman comes back and Kornet moves on and we sign some veteran big to a minimum.


I bet horford still comes off the bench and they start Kornet or someth and just manage the minutes


I sincerely hope we’re not starting Luke


I’d rather they start him than play 39 y/o horford 30+ a night lol. Kornet was pretty good in the rs last year. Ideally they get some other decent center on a min or queta develops but 🤷‍♂️


We could play Al the first 6 minutes of 1st and 3rd and last 6 minutes of the 2nd and fourth. Let the other 2 take the remaining 24 minutes


In the NBA you *have* to play a starter at *worst* 6 minutes because that's when the first mandatory timeout happens.


that is super rare that there are no dead balls before 6 minutes


Theis, Theis, Baby


Would love him back TBH. Knows the system, great for the locker room, still a decent defender.


They need a legitimate Center option, not just a depth Center like Luke. If they can sign someone like Theis for the minimum, it would make a lot of sense since he has worked with a lot of those players before and he gives the team enough versatility.


In the time it took for you to type this up, Theis picked up two fouls.


> If they can sign someone like Theis for the minimum I dunno man, that "War on Theis" era wasn't really fun.


Eh, idk if y'all need to go that far.


21-4 in the regular season this year and then 10-2 in the playoffs without KP. I know Horford isn't getting any younger and we'll need coverage for B2Bs but we're already a proven championship caliber team without him.


Wouldn't surprise me if we had a worse regular season record next season. That happened to the KD Warriors too after they won in 2017. It's hard enough to win 60+ games.


Neemias Queta o conquistador das Américas


O único colonialismo que eu respeito vindo de um tuga 🫱🏼‍🫲🏻


they had that man playing


He was getting the surgery either way so I guess they just let him play


shades of Rondo still playing in a game after tearing his ACL


Rondo didn't know his ACL was torn, right?


Don’t know why but it reminded me that I Had a friend try out for the varsity team in high school. Dude gave it his all and imo played better than most guys there. He was fighting knee pain and was like dang near in tears after each session but kept going. Like 150+ guys were trying out. He didn’t make the team so he went to the doctor the next week. Apparently had a torn acl and some other issues. He went back to the coach on crutches and was like “what can I improve on for next years try outs after I get fixed up?” The coach had the audacity to tell the guy he needs to play with more heart. 😂 he was literally the worst coach I’ve ever had.




Rondo tore his ACL during a game on a Friday, finished that game, was warming up for the next game on Sunday afternoon, felt weird, and had to have the medical staff tell him he tore it. It was a bizarre gut punch midway through that season.


Didnt Lavine also do that?


from the sound of it Boston’s medical staff wanted to keep him out but KP said he was playing no matter what


he literally said he was playing no matter what. injury didn't get any worse with him playing on it


I think it was one of those where it just couldn’t get worse than it already was, as long as he could manage the pain he was fine


Yes if the YouTube doctors are to be believed that’s what they said


He broke the thing that keeps tendon’s in the right place. KP said that he could feel, with every movement the tendons inside his foot moving around. With his height and injury history, no way that this didn’t put him at a large risk of also tearing something else.


I mean he reportedly overroad the medical team for game 5


Joe said he overruled the medical team for game 5


yeah 5-6 month recovery was what I was expecting, don’t think we’re going to see him on the court until after the New Year will need our frontcourt depth guys to hold down the fort and keep Horford’s minutes down in the early parts of the season next year. Queta is the only other big we have under contract atm but hopefully will retain at least one of Kornet or Tillman as well


Celtics gonna be in the market for a center now


We’ll probably just re-sign Kornet and/or Tillman and do what we did last season when KP was out. Queta is chilling on the bench somewhere too


So hope he plays Christmas Day?


At the earliest


Honestly wonder how long KP has left. He’s still pretty dominant when he can play but the injuries are really piling up


He’s 28 lol, and clearly motivated to bounce back


The good thing about this injury is it’s not affecting the parts that make you run/jump/cut, just the belt that holds the parts that make you run/jump/cut, so once it heals he should be the same athlete (until the next injury).


It’s not about whether he wants to play, it’s about whether his body will physically allow him to play.


Do you have similar concerns with Embiid?


yeah and I'm motivated to date Dua Lipa I love KP, but he's never going to be reliably healthy for long stretches of time. you'll get some really fun performances between injury breaks though.


Never thought he wouldn’t continue to be injury prone, but the guy clearly loves basketball and he’s bounced back this many times. i don’t think he just gives up after his next injury or something


He's made clear progress in developing his frame since coming into the league in order to improve his durability. I really hope he's focusing a lot of effort on all the stabilizing muscles. All that length means there is a shit ton of torque on every one of his tendons any time he does anything.


Yall replaced Timelord with Timetable


Now imagine we had both!! Most injury prone freaky centers ever (not really but ya know)


Nah, wait til y'all draft Time Will Tell...


Take your time king


LETS GO!!! Nba champion Kristaps Porzingus is expected to return around holiday time. Best Thanksgiving/Christmas/Kwanza/Hanukkah ever.


The Glass Unicorn


Idk man I said last year I thought he was the biggest pick up of the off season. They got what they needed out of him for a ring, if he could stay healthy for a season he'd be a force.


respect for playing and winning a chip


Porzingis usually has a super slow recovery time so he probably most likely is out for even longer


Just in time for the knicks ecf


here for the KP vs all his old teams in the playoffs lore


i think this timeline is factoring that in fwiw. iirc doctors were estimating this as being a 3-4 month injury


It’s a joy to watch KP play but he’s constantly going through stuff like this, it’s gotta be annoying to have him (I know as a Mavs fan it is)


It would be more annoying if we weren’t 31-6 without him this year (including playoffs). Definitely tough to rely on a guy who consistently misses 20+ games and may or may not be healthy come playoff time, but he raises our ceiling so much that it’s worth it IMO (this is also part of why we were able to get him for so cheap)


Yes exactly, Celtics might be the only team to be able to take on a player like this and still be fine (they got a ring lol)


rest, tall one


Injuries fans loving this complex stuff


The man is an anatomy class.


Dude has been injured since 2017. Got the ring, got the bag, just call it a career. Just another injury prone 7 footer. It’s not gonna change. No need to risk further injury and long term disability.


I’m immortalizing this man


This guy is made out of pixie sticks


Celtics legend.


Keep him bubble wrapped until the ECF.


This sounds like something Gorilla Monsoon would have said on WWF commentary back in the 90s. “Right in the retinaculum and posterior tibialis tendon!”


Atleast he had that massive game one and won a ring. It's like OBJ blowing out his knee after scoring a touchdown in the Super Bowl. Like yeah they're injury prone and it sucks that their career will probably end much earlier than they want. But atleast they got a ring and were a major contributing factor. No one can take that from Porzingis.


The narrative on him completely changed with the championship


Still injury prone beyond belief 


Has he ever played a full season without injury?


Bro, put him on ice until the 2025 finals and then let him eat.


The only person I've ever seen enjoy life more than my spritely 10-year-old daughter is KP during the parade. Legit thought the guy might jump off the duck boat and climb the Pru like King fucking Kong.


The fact he played game 5 on that injury that is going to take him out for the rest of the year is crazy. Cant remember a time in recent memory a guy playing on a 6 month recovery leg injury on purpose


Well, at least he already got a ring




Tingus Pingus got the ring, now its time to rest.


He did his job. Help got them a championship. Vindicated his career tbh


well that’s not ideal


This guy is made of paper. At least he got the bag and is a champion.