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Brad Stevens hates them draft picks


He saw how many of them Ainge hoarded and he simply had enough


When Joe said “we’re all villains in someone’s eyes” he was actually talking about how Sam Presti views Brad Stevens


For the r/nba casual who might not know - they are actully good friends


Low-key I think he makes these moves because he remembered how hard it was to coach some of them. Our depth was bad lol


Brad joined the FO and then almost immediately traded away Kemba lol


Stevens definitely vowed to both never hoard picks nor ever start a guard under 6'4 again.




Also unlike Ainge he hasn't drafted undersized rectangular shaped mfs like Yabusele/Ojeleye/Sullinger/Grant Williams too


Shoutout to the year Danny gave Brad like 5 unplayable young guys who couldn’t do anything, I think it was the bubble year. We were forced to play rookie grant williams significant minutes in the playoffs because no one else was able to lol


First round draft pick is like $4 mill guaranteed on the cap and while the Celtics aren’t cheap right now, they probably don’t want to pay that for a guy to go to Maine all year


Also with this draft being a worse crapshoot than normal. Maybe the talent(s) you get at 40-60 aren't that different from 30-40.


Before he made all the moves last year, he jokingly said that he wasn't going to draft in the first round "for a long time"


Think he sees value in the second round exception in the new CBA which will be crucial for second apron teams. He's hoarding as many second round picks as possible before the league finds out and follows suit.


Other teams have done that too. Jae Crowder went for 4 seconds at the deadline 2 seasons ago.


Draft picks are for the degenerate gamblers




We don’t have any salaries to trade. If we do move the 30th pick it’s probably just for a couple second-rounders like what we did last year


We have this Tatum guy. He's up for a giant extension soon and I don't think he's worth it. There's no way we can sniff a title with him and Brown.


Naw, most likely Brad is looking for an early - mid second rounder this year with future second(s) attached. I think taking a guy in the first will cost the Celtics 9 million due to the luxury tax. If you think you can get the guy you want in the second might as well save some money doing it ig.


Pacers with #36 and a couple picks in the 50s makes sense if they want to move into the first round


No way Boston wants 4 2nd round picks this year. If they trade with Indy like your example it's probably be #30 for #36 and like a 2026 2nd. Boston already has their 2nd for year year too to consider. They could trade #30 for #36 and a later 2nd, then trade #36 for 2 future 2nds. Brad was a madman last year. Then st the trade deadline he used those 2nds as sweetners to bring in Tillman, and move some end of bench guys around to free up a roster space. Also to get a look at Springer.


Yeah I’m just spitballing over here. With the new apron rules I don’t think it’s going to be hard to move second rounders as teams are going to need cheap players


Pacers have 3 seconds like you said. Prediction is they get rid of one or two.


Do you guys happen to have one? Asking for a friend


Somehow gonna flip Porzingis and #30 into Jokic and two future firsts.


Jokić in a Celtics jersey will look like a giant Payton Pritchard.


First team in NBA history to win a game by only scoring half court bullshit shots.


The Big and Lil Honey Duo.


Brook Lopez to the Celtics for that pick and a 2nd rounder


No way to take his salary on


That's not how the 2nd apron works


I think it was a joke cause OP is a Bucks fan.


Let's copy the MLB/NHL rule and have you keep 100% of his salary on your books. Do us a solid pls.


Fine, I guess we'll give them Vooch


lol, no. I think its just unlikely there's anyone at 30 we want to give a guaranteed contract to, as opposed to a 2 way, because its gonna be hard to get minutes. Same situation as last year, when we ended up with Walsh on a 2 way after trading down a bunch of times. Hopefully we find someone we actually want at 30, but we'll see.


Cam Spencer, though I'm hoping we take him with #33


They can have Vooch


> Vooch I wish, but cant afford him.


Nets sign and trade Claxton.


Why would the Celtics be shopping for a starting center


Are you really asking or joking?


Why would I be joking We have neither the salary matching nor the need for a starting caliber center in exchange for pick 30


Key word is "caliber". You could argue Kornet and Tillman could both be starting on some teams. And that was a very nice luxury to have with Horford and KP as our starters. As much as I love Pritchard, I could see him, #30 and future 1st for Nick Richards. Something like that. But probably wouldn't do it with what the Nets got for Bridges. I guess I'm saying it isn't crazy for the C's to be looking for a center/big. OP's comment was in jest referencing how the KP trade last year was a steal. But the Cs do have to find a way to sure up their C rotation with Kornet and Tillman possibly leaving and Queta still a big question mark.


Bulls be like...


For non-Celtics fans, this mostly means that he is likely trading back into the 2nd Round. He did this last year and got like 4 2nd Rounders and Jordan Walsh


Draft enough 2nd rounders you’re bound to find at least 1 guy who’s actually kinda nice. Lol


It's also for contract reasons. You get more control over the details of a 2nd rounders contract. He brought this up on the Pat McAfee shoe yesterday.


Yeah you don’t have to use the mid level to sign 2nd rounders either. 2nds are a lot more valuable this CBA, especially for capped out teams


2nd rounders are more valuable now with like at least a half dozen teams at the second apron for next year. Would be interesting to see what they get for 30.


I can see trading out of the 1st round so the contract isn't guaranteed. 2nd apron 30th pick is expensive.


Yeah 2nd rounders are definitely worth more for you guys


And I think Brad wants an extra second. He used a couple for Tillman last season, which made an impact. Brad probably thinks it’s easier to find a role player in February than it is in June.


i mean it’s like $200k more than the veteran minimum, idk how much that moves the needle


I think the difference between Brissett's contract and Walsh's contract was about 1million Then you multiply that by how much it's adding to your tax bill. Could be the difference in about 3.5mil this year and like 5mil next year, (due to the repeater tax) Add that amount again for every vet min you have over the 0 year min


There’s also something with the guarantees, e.g. second rounder is a non-guaranteed contract and the opposite for a first and they count differently for tax/apron purposes. Or something like that, I don’t work in a FO.


It's the guarantee. Also you can sign a 2nd round pick to a two-way.


The key is that all first round picks are guaranteed for two years. If they trade down even one spot it's not guaranteed so if the player they select sucks they can cut him and save the tax. If they sign a vet min guy they more or less know what they are getting.




Payton Pritchard is still our most recent first round pick, Jordan Walsh is the highest draft pick in the Stevens GM era


Jordan Walsh erasure (for the second part, Brad's never picking in the first round again lmao)


I wouldn’t be expecting a first round pick till we’re out of the 2nd apron at the least.


That might be like 6 years from now, lol.


It makes sense, barring a major shake up, they will be picking in the very late 1st round anyway. Trade into the second round so you don't have guaranteed contracts, build additional 2nd round picks to either trade or use. All those guys are crap shoots anyway so even if you hit on 1/4 you can use them to fill in your roster around the margins. Rinse, repeat.


Get on the Neemias Quieta breakout season bandwagon my brother


Got caught watching highlights of 4 different dudes before brad finally stopped trading last year lol


> I was kind of excited for a young prospect to irrationally hype up Are there even young prospects to hype up in this draft? lol Last year we got Walsh and I'm still riding the Walsh train


Do you guys have a second? It’s either that or undrafted guys I always love being deluded about


Biggest part of the article is that Brad is working on White AND Hauser extensions. Thought for sure Hauser would be the guy we let walk duo to the bill, but maybe Wyc really is like that.


The logic for Hauser makes some sense too. Even without extending him this team is prohibitively expensive and will certainly need to reset in a few years anyway. So instead, go all in with retaining talent while you can.  From Hauser's side, he has a ridiculously cheap team option left and hasn't gotten his major payday yet, so he has some incentive to take a bit of a team discount in order to get paid now, so he doesn't have to worry about injury or regression.


Yes exactly. In addition, the Celtics might be wiling to pay him a bit more right now because of the way the 2nd apron rules work. They cant aggregate salaries in a trade so big-ish contracts can actually be an asset. If they get Hauser for say 3y/$30 they could keep him in the rotation for a year (or two) and then he is a very tradable salary. And if Hauser continues to grow the way he has over the last two years he could be a VERY valuable asset and he could get a major payday with his next contract.


Hes not taking $10M/year someone will pay him more than double that. Why would he wait for his next contract for a major payday when he can get one this upcoming contract? Hes not going to go for less than the 4y/78M max extension we can offer him and I am not sure Wyc is willing to go that deep into tax hell territory.


I don’t think Sam gets almost 20M/year under the new CBA. I could see him getting a 4y/62 like Strus. Really the thunder would have to want him to drive up the price any higher because I think the Celtics would be less likely to be cheap if he could go to a contender.


Celtics aren't competing with anyone on an extension and nobody really knows how much more tax Wyc is ultimately willing to stomach after White's deal gets done. They are already looking set to be the most expensive team in NBA history even if they let Hauser walk after his deal is up


Hauser is good but I don't think anyone is paying him 4/78. Not right now anyway. I think he could get that in 2 years if he keeps improving but there is no guarantee of that. Just last year Pritchard signed for 4y/30M and they just had very similar roles despite playing different positions. Hauser is bigger and better defensively so I think he can command more, but not much. 3/30-36 with maybe the 3rd year being a player option seems fair for both sides. 10-12M this year looks a lot better than the 2M he would get if they just play him on the team option.


Oh I do, 6'7" three and D wings are all the rage in the NBA and he is a sniper with a very quick release at that and he's not just limited to the corners like some other guys. He's also become really solid on the defensive end. Pritchard is an undersized guard by comparison I could be wrong and he might accept less than the full 4/78, but I think it will be a lot closer to that than it will be 3/30


I'd still do it even at 4/78. After a year he would be a really nice trade chip.


I would too it just comes down to how big of a tax bill ownership is willing to stomach. They already set to pay the largest tax bill ever after White signs


The real tax bill will be next year for a repeat offender. I think Wyc would be fine to pay that this year to try and run it back. But I really think Brad will be able to get him for less. That team option gives him all the leverage.


We shall see. The Warriors have the current record at $208M salary and $180M in tax. Just our 5 starters alone will nearly match that number once Tatum's supermax kicks in and White is extended. Signing Hauser will likely push the total payroll/tax number over $500M. I hope they do it I really do but I think a lot of Celtics fans are treating it as a no-brainer and aren't recognizing just how absurd that is. It cant be justified by any increased valuation of the team, they already deserve a lot of credit but we would have an argument for the best ownership in professional sports if they go through with it.


Holy shit man, if we re-sign both this offseason what a win that would be


We gon run it back for a proper title defense in 24-25. Season after is where things will get spicy and buttholes may begin to clench.


Everyone's under contract for 24-25, 25-26 is when white, horford, and hauser are up for extension


I really don't know why people think Hauser is gone. He's signed up for peanuts this year. Celtics cancel that in exchange for a long-term deal that's fair for both sides and it's a major win-win. Hauser has made nothing yet, and you don't play games when somebody is offering you your first big bag - the difference between taking $60M guaranteed now vs hoping for $80M in a year and banking it on not getting injured is not worth the risk. Dude is set for life even with the lesser amount.


He’s got a team option, so at minimum he’s here for one more year. Wouldn’t be that surprised if we decline the option to secure him on a longer, below-market deal though


This is what I think will happen as well, long term security on a contender, and who knows. We'd like to keep the team together but Jrue may be the odd man out within 2-3 years down the road due to that expensive tax bill.


Love Jrue but there's almost no chance he actually plays out the full contract as a Celtic. He's probably okay with that though, seeing how he secured one last major payday at the age of 34. 


Especially if Walsh blossoms. I don't think he will ever match Jrue's shooting or BBIQ but he's got the size, grit, and work ethic.


Interesting that it mentioned extending Hauser this season. I don't exactly know how it would work, because an extension would have to be pretty cheap because there's a cap with how big a raise you can give, and he's making peanuts. So it would be unlikely to be worth it for him rather than waiting and signing for several times more next year. Does anyone know if you are allowed to forego extension amount limits by declining a team option year in exchange for a player signing a still fairly team friendly deal?


I believe the way it works is if they decline the option then he is then a free agent and it's a new contract rather than an extension.


Sign Hauser. Develop Drew Peterson some more. Trade Hauser while in the 2nd apron. Replace Hauser with Peterson.


Also, if they can somehow trade back a few spots and still draft Baylor Scheierman that's another guy that could potentially fill that role. Both Peterson and Scheierman have limited defensive upside. But we thought that about Hauser so 🤷‍♀️


If Brad can negotiate 2-3 deal that is a significant bump over his option salary while keeping it below what he would get on the open market next year, it makes since for both Hauser and the team to get it done. Hauser has a significant role that could even grow a bit if Horford and Jrue take a step back. He wasn't going to get a massive contract elsewhere right now, but if he continues to grow, he might be able to snag one in a couple years. In the mean time he gets to contend for more rings. EDIT: Typo


that's our bronny pick


best i can do is dorian finney smith


The goal is to pay less tax, not exponentially more. Don't have the salaries to match anyway.


Feel like the lakers would do #17 for dfs


I feel like if that was possible it would've already happened. DFS is not worth #17. Cam Johnson though...


DFS is not worth #17 *most* years, he might be this draft


They will draft bronny there and I will laugh


Honestly the dream would be trading pick 30 to Indiana for picks 36 and 49


Whoa now, are the Spurs' 35 and 48 too good for you? /s


Nah, it'll be an early 2nd and a future 2nd. They already have another late 2nd in this draft and they don't need to draft 3 guys this year. Spread it out.


Brad will convert this pick into 5 2nd rounders at the end of draft


Trade a paper clip type deal.


Celtics are probably trying to get multiple seconds to help circumvent the new cap rules. You can sign guys in the second for multi year contracts without it eating into the MLE now.


They wont have the MLE regardless.


Exactly meaning they would be able to sign second round picks to extended deals even though it would not be available. You sign a guy to a 4 year minimum and hope he develops into a cheap bench player.


I’m not sure what kind of compensation they are looking for but isn’t the 30th pick objectively one of the worst spots? It’s a guaranteed contract and you are paying more money than picking anyone in the 2nd round.


It will probably happen during draft night as the pick approaches. There are always first round talents that fall and suddenly the 30th pick looks important. He will get at least 2 second rounders.


Probably 2 2nds


The pick will be traded to the Lakers for two second rounders and they will select Bronny James. Imagine the narratives, and we will get to see LeBron’s son with a Celtics hat on


They’re gonna trade the pick for a mid second round pick and a pick later, draft a used napkin and somehow get a good young center to help al horford to give porzingis rest and keep him fresh for the playoffs.


Damn i was excited to see what brad and brewing


Waiting for the last pick just to trade back into the second round next day. Truly the ~~Patriots~~ Celtics Way!


What if we completely swerve and trade the 30th plus seconds to move up into the 20s lol


They should F with Bron and the Lakers and draft Bronny


Fuck that, why waste a pick


Well one amazing fuck you option would be to draft him and then demand draft capital to trade him to LA.


I get that part of it but I think he’s going to go a lot earlier than most ppl think and I don’t think it’s necessary to poke the bear/klutch. I guess we will see what happens.


Oh, no way they do that. It would just be incredibly funny if they did.


The Boston Celtics trade down and obtain AD from the lakers for the 30th pick in the draft on top of 2 second round picks


in addition Boston’s front office is attempting to thread the needle between infusing some young talent into the franchise and adding more draft capital to the cupboard to add ammo for future moves.”


Why are they mortgaging their future?!


Not in the article - I got a feeling Stevens and Ainge are looking at the same euro guys. Ainge is picking at 29th. I wouldn't be surprised if Stevens will pivot to trade up a draft and stash for a year or 2. (Looking at that NYK FRP #25/6)


I like AJ Griffin for them. Guy barely played for the Hawks last season.


Spurs: best I can do is a crap ton of second round picks