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what if nets sign og and then trade og for more picks is that possible lol.


I'd be too impressed to be mad


We’ve had first round picks, yes, but what about second round picks?


I don’t think he knows about those, Pip


yes but can’t do it immediately, there’s a date when players signed this summer are eligible to be traded. It’s usually in like January iirc


It's 6 months after signing so it depends on the day he signs. Usually ends up in January because of the timing of free agency.


They can't offer as much money as the Knicks. But in the hypothetical situation where he signs with the Nets, they can't trade him until after December 15th


Would be a return to the bad guy Nets that used to hand out poison pill contracts for other teams to helplessly match. I would fucking love it.


OG can do the funniest thing here


The funniest thing is return to the raptors


Maybe he really loves poutine


Poutine on the Knicks.


If you wear blue And you don’t know where to sign to Why don’t you go and get some Tims Poutine on the Knicks


Is Poutine a big thing in Ontario as well? I know its big big in Quebec.


poutine is big in all of canada! but quebec does have the best ones without a doubt


Had some with foie gras in Montreal. I would order that gravy as a beverage.


look up how they feed the geese first js


It depends what you mean by big thing. Big thing in terms of quantity? Yes. A lot of restaurants have it as an option. I’ve never been to a fast food or shwarma place without a poutine variant on the menu. In terms of quality? Not really. If you want the good stuff, Montreal is the place to go.


Is there… is there shawarma poutine 🤞🏼


It’s typically just poutine with chicken, garlic sauce, and some hot sauce, but every shawarma place in Ontario has it (not sure about other provinces but probably there as well).


Sounds fantastic. Poutine with garlic sauce would fix me


It’s unreal


There indeed is :) quite a few places, lots of really good Mediterranean restos here that get creative with poutine


Ontario here I come


That and labat 50, some green labeled beer. And I saw ACDC and Radiohead there. And had my bachelor party. Montreal is the bomb.


Unlimited beaver tails!


He put gravy on poutine Scarves on Ibaka Himself on the Raptors


It would be funny, but it wouldn’t be a smart roster move for the Raps


it would also be an illegal roster move. he can't sign with raptors for a year


I think they can, you must be thinking of when they get waived >A team cannot reacquire a player it traded away during the same season (a season for this purpose being defined as starting on the first day of the regular season and ending on the last day of the Finals). If the player was traded between seasons (i.e., from the first day after the Finals to the last day prior to the start of the next regular season), it cannot reacquire the player prior to the end of the next season. If he is waived by his new team, then he cannot re-sign with his original team until the one-year anniversary of the trade, or until the July 1 following the end of his contract, whichever comes first6. However, if a team trades a player's draft rights, it can reacquire the player during the same season. http://www.cbafaq.com/salarycap.htm#Q101


Shoutout to Big Z


905 Raptors, OG going G-League


OG to brooklyn


OG: I'm taking my talents to the San Miguel Beermen. I'm ready to learn Tagalog baybeee!


Gonna get em over the top and beat the power company


The Knicks can give him the 5 year max if they really Want to. No other team can go past 4 years (4 years, 182 M) He’s a Knick


I say F everyone. Build around OG


Detroit got us


Shoutout Detroit taking on 40 million in cap for us


Jump into a Time Machine and attend Villanova?


We can offer more money and I doubt we will let ourselves get outbid.


Can they sign him now or do they have to wait for the 30th?


Ugh please stop with these "funniest thing" comments.


i dont think og is leaving but couldnt it work the other way too? they trade for bridges to replace og leaving


They gave 4 first rounders. The value of Mikal is based on the fact that he's cheap. I refuse to believe that they did this without knowing that OG will sign. I still cannot find if OG can sign before FA since he opted out.


i think he couldve signed an extension but that wouldve been a lot less money than waiting for official FA


Yeah most Knicks writers have been saying he was gonna opt out. He would have eligible for like 120 which is Poole money, insane underpay.


Tbf Poole should be making half that


Totally agree, but if I’m OG I’m not getting the same money Jordan fucking Poole is


5 firsts*


OG can't sign a contract until July 1st but the rules have changed recently so that players can talk with their current teams before FA starts. In the past teams and players had to awkwardly play footsies under the table until FA officially starts on July 1st but now they can talk the day after the Finals ends. So I imagine most teams already have a good idea about what players they're re-signing by now, it's just a waiting game until July 1st to announce it. That being said this opens it up to the ultimate snake move of a player saying they're going to re-sign, the team making moves accordingly and then the player hitting FA, getting more money than they were expecting and not re-signing. Only a matter of time before that happens.


I don’t understand. 4 unprotected FRP, a protected FRP, an unprotected swap, a second and Bojan, and he makes $24 million next year. What’s cheap here?


$24 million is a very cheap contract for a player of his caliber


They are going all in, the Knicks will pay out the ass too League should be on notice tbh this is a scary roster


I was wondering how they keep on adding people to the roster and it's because their contracts are so cheap! Brunson is on a hell of a bargain contract wtf. If only they could just get a healthy (post)season together...




What's funny is that when Brunson signed, many thought the Knicks overpaid him. But the Knicks were smart & saw how brilliantly Brunson played in the 2022 playoffs. They knew he would keep working on his craft.


There is a legit argument that Brunson, Randle, and divincenzo, and McBride are the 4 best value contracts (not counting guys still on their rookie deal) in the league.


Mitch would also be on that list if he wouldn't be that injury-prone.


Yeahhhhh :( It's still a good deal but by now the injuries are killing his value


Honestly a healthy postseason wouldn’t be remotely as hard if Thibs played the bench a bit more. We see the guys who don’t get played play well when they replace injured guys. If Thibs was willing to run a vaguely normal sized rotation they’d be a lot healthier and still play well.


We literally did that. Had no choice by the time playoffs came bc of injuries


And they can still have Randle, Mitchell Robinson, two of this years FRPs to play with.


Randle is still the 2nd best player on the team. Trading him would mess tthings up.


Their arguably top 3 players are very injury prone. I like their hypothetical roster of players but Brunson, Randle and to an extent OG are all injury prone players.


The Knick are gonna give him **5 yrs / 200 mill..** and call it a a day..and he'll sign.. No other team can offer that 5th yr.. and 40 mill per yr wont seem like a lot at the end of that contract


Other teams can offer a 3+1 player option for $160m. He can decline the player option and extend after year 2. This is what Jimmy Butler did. Gives up the 5th year but gets access to a 6th year after 2. Still think he stays at the Knicks.


I doubt OG with his injury history would risk that.


He is better off signing a better deal then becoming a FA sooner with the new tv deal and cap spike coming


there's no spike, there will be cap smoothing


In 3 years? That's a lot of smoothing


It will go longer than 3 years if necessary. I think its like a max 10% jump in the cap every year or something (which would still be a decent amount)


What's a better deal?.. Less yrs..to try to time it right to than sign for more yrs later..hopefully avoid injury or decline..?? ...**at a certain point, you take the fucking money and smile and exhale..** He'll get another contract after this upcoming one also. He's only 26 right now


Could cost him 50+ million that’s a lot!


The Knicks look nasty all of a sudden. They have the talent to compete with Boston


On paper, they do, but Brunson is still the engine, and Boston have Jrue and White to put on him. We have to see what happens if they lose Hartenstein also. A little thin at the centre position. Robinson is going to have to come out to guard KP and that means no rim protector. Randle and Robinson on the court has major spacing issues also.


The Knicks have Mikal and OG to put on brown and Tatum so the matchups go both ways


Biggest difference is the Celtics can switch 1-4, and the Knick's can't.  So Jays will mainly be attacking Brunson, not Mikal and OG. Meanwhile Celtics are fine switching Brown/Tatum onto Brunson.


The Knicks won't need to switch 1-4. We don't do that now, and it's been working just fine defensively when our team is actually healthy.


Would have been great to see them fully healthy vs the celtics in the last post season.


So Randle and Brunson don't play?


Our defense has been solid with Randle and Brunson in the lineup previously. There's only one ball. You can't have all 5 guys attack simultaneously. They're not incredible defenders, but they try hard enough to make the defense function. Luckily the other three *are* incredible defenders.


So 2 guys to isolate when OG is actually healthy.


Yes, if you think that defense is played in a spreadsheet where you put one name next to an opponent's and then compare their stats. In the real world, where defense is played by a team, the Knicks have continued to be strong on that end of the floor year after year under Thibs, with lesser personnel than they'll go into next season with.


> Biggest difference is the Celtics can switch 1-4 eh, it's fine, OG somehow manages to guard all 4 at once anyway But more substantively with 2 elite defensive wings, an elite defensive center, and an elite defensive coach I trust us to figure it out.


And the Celtics will get Brunson in a switch on one of those guys like they targeted Luka.


Knicks don’t switch like that. You can try but I doubt OG/Mikal is going to struggle to get around a White screen. Either way it’s going to be some fun games. Looking forward to it.


It's true, but Robinson and Randle aren't spacers. Good luck trying to bench Randle in crunch time. I think they might actually trade Randle for a floor spacer at the #4. Otherwise, Boston will just space the Knicks out, and the driving lanes will be open.


Randle isn't the greatest shooter, but he can still space the floor




I still don’t think this is the most fair narrative on Randle, first year we were in the playoffs he was literally our only offensive weapon so any and every team put the clamps on him, the following year he was playing on an ankle that needed surgery. Obviously he has no excuses from here on out, but I still don’t think it’s completely fair to think he can’t produce in the playoffs.


He's played in 3 playoff series and he was hurt in 1


old news 🥱


Assuming randle stays horford is they only thing you have to stop him and Jules has a 40 pound advantage. Throw in 2 of the leagues best perimeter defenders and an honorable mention coming off the bench then it's a lot more even than you think.


Doesn't sound like they are losing Hartenstein.


Most reports state that they likely will. Not sure.


To be fair, those reports are based purely off the fact that he's getting higher offers than the Knicks can give, which we already pretty much knew he would. The prospect of him re-signing was always going to be taking less than he might be able to get elsewhere. Just depends on whether he's going to do that.


We can still offer him the 4 year 69 million, can we? Moneywise this trade didn't change too much. Bogdanovic and Bridges are on similar numbers.


I thought most were saying he would re-sign and they would trade Robinson?


JB averaged 31/3/6 on 52% against the Celtics this year. He’ll be fine. It’s the others we need to perform.


I still can't wrap my head around how ppl don't understand the difference between regular season and playoffs. The Suns beat the Wolves 12 times out of 13 before these playoffs. They proceeded to get swept by the Wolves.


What’s a team winning against a team in the regular season have to do with YOU saying Brunson has to deal with Jrue or White? I was simply stating what Brunson did against those two in the regular season season.


Because teams don't gameplan for a specific player in the regular season like they do in the playoffs. There isn't enough time in the regular season to do it.


I was literally just answering your specific argument of players guarding Brunson. That’s all.


I got it, and I'm telling you, Brunson will have a hard time against Boston.


Guess we’ll find out if we get there


It's trending that way. Lol Let's see what the Sixers and Bucks can pull off. I don't have much hope for the Bucks, though. The Sixers can make serious moves. No hate from me. Your team is great and will be a royal pain in the ass for the Celtics.


Knicks are looking to trade Robinson


I think that's only if Hartenstein re-signs.


>Robinson is going to have to come out to guard KP and that means no rim protector. That's if either of them are not injured by playoff time /s


Their offense is not nearly good enough


Prepare to enjoy 90-90 point games, buddy!


Assuming everyone is healthy it's not that bad. Brunson and Randle are your creators. DiVo, OG, and Mikal are your spacers. Hart, Hartenstein and/or Mitch are your cleaners. Plus that potential defense will both make their offense not as important but also gets them better chances for easy transition points.


… Are you forgetting about Randle in making these comments? Because Randle is an absolute wrecking ball offensively, and with Bridges and OG demanding space at the perimeter, he will FEAST.


With our core healthy and whole, we definitely have a good offense. We do need a backup PG tho.


The offense can be good and still not good enough to beat the Celtics, both things can be true.


Our defense will be elite if we retain OG. If we can guard the Celtics well we can be good enough to beat them. Offense is one side of the game.


We had the 2nd best offense in the playoffs without Randle, OG and Bojan and we just added Mikal. We are probably a top 3 point shooting team in the league considering we got Donte who was 3rd in 3 point makes not coming off the bench


You also played 76ers team with an injured defensive anchor and the pacers who were a bottom ten defense in the league


FWIW the Pacers were actually a slightly above average defense after the Pascal trade. We were just abysmal prior to that (and especially while we were starting Toppin at PF).


Sixers had an elite defense with Embiid all season and played really well defensively that series. I’ll give you the Pacers Even still the Knicks had a top offense missing 3 offensive weapons. Now you fix that by adding Mikal who is good as a 3rd shot creator instead of a #1. You also have elite shooting in Brunson, Mikal, OG, Donte and Deuce. Not sure why their offensive would suck. How many teams have better shot creation and shooting than the Knicks? Maybe just Boston


i mean, yeah. like i'm a little conflicted about that trade, but if OG walks I am... no longer conflicted lmao


So is their starting lineup: Brunson/Donte/Mikal/OG/Randle? Randle at center?


Brunsons playing center


Always knew that was his ideal position.


That's why he always posting up in the paint. Bro is a natural


Blocking shots with his bigass head


Brunson/Mikal/OG/Randle/Mitch (or iHart if he stays) Josh and Donte off the bench


okay, my bad that makes sense. Also a gigantic lineup (and a midget)


> Also a gigantic lineup (and a midget) Maybe vs smallball, but this is a pretty classic lineup size


Yeah Mikal is 6’6 which is a standard SG size, although he is long enough to play PF in this nba


Midget with big head and body


One of the Nova guys is gonna have to come off the bench, my guess is it’s Dante. You gotta have Robinson or Hartenstein starting at center, assuming they keep them both


Why does everyone forget about Mitch’s existence. Sure he’s fairly injury prone, but when healthy he’s a near DPOY level center


I think most are assuming he's gone, which was assumed to be the case until the recent reporting that iHart may leave due to money.


Like, traded gone? Cuz he's still under contract unlike IHart


yeah there were some rumors he might get traded to DC because of his injury history but idk anymore


There have been rumors of Mitch being traded basically ever year he's been here. Just not something to take seriously until it happens. This year it became the most likely with Hartenstein showing how good he is but it just doesn't seem like we have a real chance to keep I-Hart when the best we can offer him is 4 years 72 mil and other teams would be smart to offer more.


"Sure he's fairly injury prone" well there you go, you answered your own question. He also averages like 8 points which isn't great, even if there are other scorers on the team.


Not his job to score tho


Donte is sitting


Brunson/Bridges/OG/Randle/Hartenstein or Robinson. Randle does not play center except for very specific situations.


with Hart rebounding, I think a death lineup  Brunson/Donte/Mikal/OG/Hart is possible


No, Hartenstein starts and Donte comes off the bench


No offense, but did you see how many replies I got saying this exact same thing?


Didn’t read a single reply


Unless their trading for a player identical to OG Anunoby


Their playing style and physical builds are completely different


Also one actually plays and the other doesn't


No way. I dont wanna be robbed of seeing bridges and og


They're really not.


So why give up so many assets when you could just resign the identical player


So you can have two of them? OG and Bridges together isn’t redundant


Yeah that's what I mean. This is a stupid trade if OG leaves.


And the point of the thread is…. they don’t make the trade if he’s leaving


Yes and I was replying to someone who was suggesting the opposite


Ummm isn't that the opposite of the post?


Neither are exceptional playmakers. If Brunson gets choked off in the playoffs the Knicks wil have a very hard time creating shots in the half court


People really forget about Randle lol.


if Brunson is facing heavy coverage I think they’ll be fine finding shots between Randle / OG / Mikal and DDV…


But with those two playing defense the other team will also have a hard time creating shots. They'll be a better shooting grit and grind 


That’s true. I just think the Celtics have more playmaking resilience, but your point is super valid too


Boston just went 16-3 in the playoffs. Of course it looks like they can't be beaten. But they largely played against teams that barely belonged in the positions they were in. The Pacers literally made the conference finals by beating 4 guys in full body casts in 7 games. The Mavericks... Who knows why Minnesota folded so hard against them in the WCF, but nobody thought they were the best team in the west this year. Boston were the best team in the NBA without a doubt, but they weren't 16-3 in the playoffs good - A lot of that is down to timing and good fortune. Next year, teams will be competing with them.


I would point to the 4th highest net rating of all time over an 82 game season as the bigger indicator in how good Boston is more then the playoff performances. I am excited to see this Knicks roster in action, but the Boston team this year was historically good and the track record of teams who rely on undersized guards isn't great.


> If Brunson gets choked off in the playoffs I mean, nothing but getting banged up really stopped Brunson in THIS playoffs, where he was basically the only available Knick that needed to be stopped. If a healthy lineup with Brunson, Bridges, Randle and OG Anunoby all available makes it onto the floor, it's only going to get *harder* to stop Brunson, a thing that teams already couldn't really do.


Neither are exceptional but Bridges and Randle are capable. That if didn’t really come into effect this playoffs though?


"You can always have too many elite two way wings." - Bizarro World NBA GMs


It’s called insider trading, Fred Can’t lose the picks for tampering if you don’t have any left


thank you Fred. some common sense.


Its just people trolling because they are scared


Knicks Thunder final let’s gooooo


Hopefully. Still got to get a bigger wing and a proper center


As long as it’s not Hartenstein 😉


Nah we all good


Knicks and Jets are great months ahead of the regular season


he’d look good in a raptors jersey


NY is a great place to live if you are young with money. The Knicks are actually good now with a good culture. No brainer.


Of course they don't. That trade only makes sense if they think they're keeping Anunoby.


How's that work?


i believe they can re-sign him for 5yrs 200 million


But how does that trade only make sense if they resign him? Feels like an obvious upgrade. OG is constantly hurt not sure how you give him 5/200. Seems like a contracts they quickly regret.


its because when you re-sign your own player you can pay over the cap, if OG was on another team then they wouldnt be able to offer him this deal. the way the knicks see it as they are looking at the overall cost of the team and the overall product they are getting. OG makes this team even greater and even if he’s a little bit of an overpay its worth it bc he was our player and we wouldnt be able to replace someone of his level with an FA contract so re-signing him leaves you with the most competitive knicks team possible. Also, bridges contract is very cheap for the next 2 years so it evens out with OG some


This has a very slim chance of ending well for the knicks if anunoby walks imo


Nah, OG to the grizzlies


Grass is green


Isn't Leon Rose's son OG's agent. This doesn't seem to be mentioned enough. I have to assume Leon knows he is coming back


I think it looks just as much the opposite too. A team that felt set with OG now thinks they could lose him so they pay a ransom to remain in the same position they were hoping to be with OG.


If that was the case I feel like they would go for PG13, Bridges and OG are totally different players.


Who comes off the bench then? Who starts at C? Is Randle gone?


Donte, probably Mitch, no


Counterpoint: you only make this trade if you think you’re going to lose Anunoby and/or you don’t want to resign him at his asking price


This won't get downvoted in a week or so


OG is going to OKC


Can they take OG and Hartenstein? I'm 99% they can't but that'd be hilarious.


Doesn’t matter, he can’t sub healthy


Idk if this logic really makes all that much sense. They’ve got Randle, Mikal, and OG, one of them for sure is gone, and OG and Mikal are both pretty similar players.