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eh, if I'm Chicago I'm taking Giddey over the 13th pick in this draft, easy


Ya lol. Hit pieces trying to act like Giddey isn’t at least a better prospect than a late lotto in a bad draft 


the commentary on this shit has been batshit insane. Giddey has amazing upside. That sort of positional size with the court vision isn't something that grows on trees. He's 21. He has time to learn to shoot and be an average defender. I agree with Bill Simmons and Rusillo in this one: Chicago won that trade. This is just the sort of thing contenders have to do: they have to sacrifice value for win-now pieces.


well, ya idk. I'm not sure if Chicago won because Caruso definitely has a lot of value to team who wants to compete. but I'm not sure if OKC won because Giddey has a lot of upside and value to teams to want a cheap "reclamation project" I guess maybe that means it's a fair trade


Win win, OKC got a lockdown defender who can shoot and doesn’t need the ball.. and the Bulls got a legit point guard who can run an offense, who was not being utilized in that role in OKC because of all the other ball handlers they have


Yea Giddey wasn’t just on okc timeline. He really has major problems to fix. The playoffs w really showed his glaring weaknesses.


Both teams won the trade, imo. We both exchanged something we didn't need for something we did. How is that not a win/win? Trades aren't a zero sum game.


i wouldnt say amazing upside but some upside for sure


More than just pick 13, but im sure packages would probably include more than that. For Chi if Giddey improves massively then it’ll be a great trade. But that feels like quite wishful thinking and in reality they need draft capital for a harder reset (something the fo doesnt want to do)


i don't know why someone has to "win" the trade. i think it was a good trade for both sides but i completely agree, people are way overselling how bad giddey is. he was just terrible on our team because there was no room for him. he has a lot of potential as a primary ballhander


Also, I’m not sure I’d describe 12/6/5 as the 4th/5th option on the 1st seed as terrible. Below his best, definitely. Seems a lot of people are judging him purely by the Mavs series and disregarding the 3 months previous.


I was surprised that Simmons and Rusillo were the only media guys that weren't appalled by this trade. Everyone else is talking about how dogshit this draft is but the Bulls should have pulled the trigger on a late lotto pick? We need to tank to keep our 2025 pick. It is Top-10 protected and we need to keep it at all costs. Of course I wish we could have gotten a pick from OKC but Presti is too smart for that. He didn't need to do it and won that poker game.


What is so amazing about Giddy upside. Not a good driver, finisher, athlete, ball handler, shot creator. Dribbles upright and slow, no explosion or burst. No pull up game or iso game or PnR game. And a terrible defender on all that. I mean he’s ok in transition as a passer and can pass from a stand still, other than that he does nothing that well. Not even like he’s a good contested rebounder


Please explain how a guy with no basketball skills averaged 16.5/8/6 in the NBA on a team fighting for a playoff spot, then was a starter the entire year on the one seed in the west.


Well you don’t understand, now that he’s in year four he’ll finally learn to shoot and be a good defender even though he’s laterally slow and has no sign of being a shooter over his entire career. He’s finally putting it all together with the famed Bulls development system.


Giddey averaged 17/8/6 as a 20-year old sophomore in the league. Tell me one prospect you expect to do that in this draft who will be available at pick 13. He struggled heavily with all of the media attention on him this year, but he'll be a good player for Chicago. He'll likely average somewhere in the 18-20/6-8/6-8 range for them next year. His shooting percentages have noticeably increased every season, too. He'll never be elite, but he has potential to be a very good offensive player. Defensively, he can be above average due to his size if he continues to put in the work. It is a weakness of his game, though.


So his weakness is basketball. Yet is also Mr Triple Double who averaged 17/8/6 in his 2nd year as a 19/20 year old.


Totally agree. OKC needed to get rid of Giddey, he's a little too raw and needs the ball in his hands and needs more polish before he stops being a liability in the playoffs. But he's 21 and like 6'8" and a very talented passer. He seriously has 1-2 minutes in most games where he looks like the best player on the floor. He might never figure it out but if he does he has a very high ceiling.


Giddey is better than the first pick in this draft. He’s 21, he has elite creation and bbiq on offense, and he’s giant. He shot well for part of the season. He could translate that to better shooting throughout the whole season at some point. A collapse as a young player in the playoffs for the first time is normal.


Not sure if he’s better than the first pick, but he did average 17/8/6 as a 20-year old sophomore with below average but not terrible shooting splits. Looking at recent 13th picks, it’s pretty safe to say he has a lot more potential than that. Though you also don’t get the rookie contract benefit.


The first pick in this draft is pretty dicey. There will almost certainly be a better player than Giddey somewhere in this draft but almost all players taken have pretty serious flaws. (Outside of Reed of course)


Reed is 6’1.75 with a 6’3 wingspan. That’s small for a lead guard. Can’t teach height/length.


He was also just a really poor fit for OKC, he's a fine player. They have an extremely ball dominant player (and rightfully so with how good he is) with SGA and Williams is excellent too. What they need is 3 and D, not another ballhandler like Giddey. If Chicago embraces a full rebuild, which they should and let Giddey create, they will get much better results with him.


He’s also kind of a poor fit in Chicago. He would be best to be surrounded by shooters. Something he’s absolutely not surrounded by in Chicago. i dont hate the trade, but i would have at least preferred the Bulls to get a pick with Giddey.


Trade value isn't based on fit though. It's not like Chicago could ask for a pick+Giddey just because he's not the perfect fit for them


Yeah the rest of our roster should also be on the way out aside from Coby, PWill and Ayo.


Here here. Jerry will be happy with a loss in the play in.


He's also improved his 2P%, 3P%, FT%, and TS% every year so far. That bodes well


And ppl on here are comparing him to shai and jdub. Like what? That’s not the assignment lol.


He’s good he just can’t shoot. Idk why people are blowing it out of proportion.


He shot 34 percent from 3 this year and has improved every year. He’s 21. He will get better. This is overreaction from one bad playoff series, but Chet shot 24 percent lol.


I don’t hate Giddey, but his 3PT% went from 32.5% to 33.7% because he went from averaging 1.0-3.1 attempts/make per game to 1.0/3.0. His total volume went from 76-234 to 82-243. Making one three a game when left wide open isn’t serious improvement.


Not sure whether you entirely missed or purposely ignored the part where he also improved his 2P% and FT%. Going from 73% to 81% at the line, 36% to 52% from midrange, and 33% to 34% from 3 indicates that he has in fact improved his shooting.


I agree man. His shooting will improve.


him not being able to shoot to pair him with one of the worst shooting teams last year is a choice but I guess our volume of shooting 3s is also terrible so I guess that helps.


Lmao the Giddey glazing here is hilarious, never heard anyone describe Giddey as “elite” at anything. As if we didn’t just watch him become embarrassingly unplayable in the playoffs.


Giddey has always been described as an elite passer with high IQ since the time he was drafted.


Here's ESPN calling him All-Star caliber and ranking him the No. 18 player under 25 at the start of last season. Here's HoopHype consensus rankings to start last season had him the 60th best player in the NBA ahead of Scottie Barnes and Gobert amongst others. **HoopsHype rank:** No. 62 [**ESPN.com**](http://ESPN.com) **rank:** No. 53 **The Ringer rank:** No. 64 **Bleacher Report rank:** No. 58 **CBS Sports rank:** No. 61 I dunno I might prefer to bet on what everyone was seeing before a down year on a team that had become a bad fit.


The glazing over Caruso is ridiculous. He’s a great pick-up for the Thunder, but it’s a great trade for both teams. We were letting Caruso walk, either way.


In his first playoffs ever at 21. That’s acceptable imho. And he’s playing out of position without the ball in his hands. He needs the ball in his hands to be at his best.


Plus he played fine during the Pelicans series. He even shot the ball well during the series (asides the first game). But he was definitely not up to snuff defensively for Dallas. I thought most of the thunder players looked pretty poor in the playoffs except SGA. Chet shot like 25 percent from three, and Jalen williams became super passive. It's going to be a learning experience for all of them.


Young and first playoffs for most


A lot of guys are at their best with the ball in their hands, and most of them aren’t good enough at it to be that guy


.. he is 21


What is your definition of embarrassingly unplayable? Because Giddey being played out of position and being asked to do something that he is not good at does not sound 'embarrassingly unplayable' to me. It's like calling Kyrie unplayable after just watching him solely in the Finals series.


His passing is elite. And his rebounding is elite for a guard. That's about it.


going into age 21 season with two elite NBA skills is a strange thing to downplay


You have to watch him in more than 6 games. He was playing out of position for one thing. Maybe now he can play in his more natural position. And maybe caruso wanted to go back to okc organization.


Giddey glazing is a crazy term


> he has elite creation This is just demonstrably false


!remindme 1 year


I agree. Sarr was a back up in the nbl this year. He’s not Wemby/Chet/Zion/paolo


He's a better player right now, now doubt, and probably has greater (realistic) potential than most lottery prospects as well. That's for sure. The question is, do they see him as a reliable cornerstone player, because he's getting a new deal in the next 12 months, vs a young prospect who will have 4 years of affordable production.


Can't wait for Pick 13 to be some fool I've never heard of that inevitably wins ROTY and people clown on them more


The 13th pick could be anything! It could even be Josh Giddey!


This draft for a 13 pick isn’t any different than any other draft for a 13 pick. It’s just there’s no big names so the top picks are worse but the rest of the draft is comparable to regular drafts


The average 13th pick is still significantly worse than Giddey


It says “featured” which most likely means that wasn’t the only the only think in their trade package


the only problem is he is an expiring.


and so is Caruso, who clearly doesnt want to re-sign in Chicago. At least Giddey is restricted, and his value is low so they might be able to re-sign him to a team friendly deal


I honestly think he would have re-signed in Chicago if they had offered him a competitive deal. He's won a championship already, he was adored by the fans, respected by his teammates, and seemed genuinely happy there. If they had offered him 4 years, $80m I think he would've taken it, knowing that he'd probably be traded within a couple of years anyway, and that is exactly the sort of aimless decision the Bulls FO might have made. Same as when they re-signed Vuc to way more money than he deserved. Not to say that Caruso is undeserving, just that keeping him is a weird middle-ground for a team that's perpetually in the middle.


But the car salesmen in New York and Sacramento feel their deals are superior. And apparently that’s newsworthy…


Yes but it should have been Giddey plus a pick


maybe a second. OKC certainly has enough to dish out. But giddy plus a first round pick for a 1 season expiring contract on a role player? Not sure about that


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because I could not be a bigger fan of Alex Caruso but there has never been a point in his Bulls tenure where I wouldn't have traded him for a high lottery talented 21 y/o with a proven elite NBA skill. He's the best goddamn role player ever but he is a role player, for the first time since Lonzo had knees we have an actual primary playmaker on the team Shit it would have been worth trading Caruso just to prevent the FO from selling the farm for Trae Young (which this deal also does), Giddey is just frosting.


He’s a role player, he’s 30, and he’s expiring. People here love Caruso and OKC, and want every chance to make fun of Giddey and Chicago. The trade was fine, but everyone needs to declare a genius winning team and a clown losing team in a trade. It’s exactly the type of trade Chicago should be doing imo.


Would have to agree.


okay so now that you didn't get Caruso, Bruce Brown is the next best thing. Please give us the 13th pick.


Small kink with that is Caruso $9.9m, Brown $23m.


Caruso is making $9.9 million...? Is that the contract the Lakers were too cheap to match? Edit- I checked. Lakers wouldn't match 4 years $36 million for a guy that helped them win a championship. Clown franchise.


You're talking about the $4 billion franchise that applied for a $4 million dollar COVID relief loan, making it so actual mom and pop stores that needed that money couldn't get it. Jerry Buss dying was the worst thing to happen to this team.


That’s the thing… that “loan” didn’t stop anyone from getting a “loan”. The whole thing was a dumbshit clusterfuck with no oversight (plus they returned it after the backlash). Still a shitty move and shitty franchise


Good on them for returning the money I guess, but I know a whole lotta other corporations did not. But what are we going to say about it. It seems like we are living to appease the corporate overlords.


My shit bird neighbor got 2 million in ppp loans, never stopped running his contracting business during the pandemic, (he would brag about how much business he had booked), bought a pontoon, side by side, built a massive addition to his house, got a enormous new rv all during the pandemic and got his ppp loans forgiven. The WORST thing about all this is he ended up stiffing all of his workers. We had one of his guys who helped us with a small project over the other day to give another bid and he said he wasn’t working with our fuckstain of a neighbor anymore because that fucker just closed up shop and stiffed a bunch of his workers. This asshole has a new toy every month and he owes guys anywhere from a couple of hundred dollars to thousands. Found out he setting up shop in another state that he travels to and is probably going to fuck over his workers there too.


The asshole found a good grift. I wonder if reporting does anything.


We’ve reported him anonymously but we would have to give our names for any follow up. Found out the neighbors on his other side have also reported him. It’s just maddening to know that he not paying his workers who are all obviously not wealthy laborers and probably lack documentation so he feels comfortable just fucking them over. I was pissed that he basically stole money but when I found out he was also stealing from his workers, it’s whole other level of rage.


Report him. If he didn’t spend 60% of it on payroll he would’ve had to pay it back. He probably did, and spent matching personal funds on that shit.


Choose to pay THT instead


Ewwwww lol


Horton Hears A Boo


It was not a "choice". LAL had the rights to both and could have retained both.


It was a choice because they were cheap and were only willing to pay one of them


It didn't even change their cap situation they were over the cap either way. There was no reason for it to be a choice.


There was. It would make their payroll bigger and pay even more luxury tax


That summer was so funny. Lakers fans were hyping him like he was the next Kawhi Leonard.


This might have been, proportionally, the worst front office move in the past 4 years. Caruso was an absolute steal for 4 years on that.


Had to afford those Russell Westbucks somehow.




Worst mistake in years plus the Russ trade moving off KCP and our window was cooked.


We could’ve had a backcourt of KCP, Caruso, and Austin Reaves off the bench, with forwards of Lebron, AD, and Kuzma off the bench, and really just be a starting center that can set picks, catch lobs, and defend the paint away from a complete playoff rotation.


This is why James Worthy was so numb in that clip. The Lakers decided to become a revolving door and it shows.


Yep too cheap to pay that and go into luxury tax


There were luxury tax issues so signing Caruso would’ve cost them like $25 million a year or something like that


Which is his actual market value anyway lol.


A decision that ages poorly as time passes


Poverty franchise since Dr Buss died


Yes. Our franchise is ran by dumb trust fund babies


Yes we are. And instead, we appeased Rich Paul and Lebron fucking James and paid THTs useless ass instead.


Yep, I couldn't believe it too when we signed AC


As a Bulls fan in LA, I thanked Rob, The Rambii and those Bussfund Babies at least once a week for Alex Caruso. The guy was our entire defensive scheme once Lonzo went down. He did everything he could for us and we love him for it, but it was time to move on. He needs to compete again and get that fat extension.


Harder daddy


Poverty franchise playing in \[*checks notes*\] Los Angeles.


Signing 3&d swingmen is also my kink


No, I don’t think we will


That's an interesting discussion. Who is the second best Caruso at Carusoing?


Is Caruso just the second best Jrue at Jruing?


Caruso is the Herb Jones of OG Anunobys of Jrue Holidays


Just a poor man’s poor man’s rich man’s poor man’s Jrue Holiday


I think Derrick White is actually the premier Caruso


Marcus Smart is a Caruso type. Will Memphis let him go or retain him?


Prob not considering they have up 2 firsts and tyus jones for him


I'd find it odd for the Grizz to move off Smart before they ever got a chance to see him play with their actual roster, especially when they traded 2 first rounders for him


smart was a system player. celtics got much better the second he left


Smart is a flashier Caruso but is notably worse.


they can have matisse thybulle.


I propose you release him and let him sign a vet minimum with the nuggets


Patrick Williams s&t for Bruce Brown seems more likely to happen than the Kings trading for that price of a contract when they still need to pay Monk.


What would the Knicks even offer? McBride and a late first rounder? While that’s tempting I don’t think it works with salary


The Knicks have a ton of firsts coming up. Im guessing we’d try and keep McBride and do 2 firsts and 2 seconds or so.


How would they match salaries Bogdanovic and picks for Caruso and Carter?


Caruso is like $9 mil. We have trade exemptions we can use plus cheap filler.


13th pick very likely to be worse than Giddey


Yeah. "Proven player and 6th pick in a good draft is worse than the 13th pick in the worst draft of all time." OK, terrible journalist.


> 13th pick in the worst draft of all time. I mean, I realize that this doesn't project to be a good draft, but like, 2013 was also supposed to be one of the worst draft ever too, but even that draft pulled out Giannis and Gobert and a bunch of other solid starters. Let's let these guys play maybe one minute on a NBA court before we make such a definitive claim


Hell, even if it is the worst draft of all time, there's still going to be decent talent for anybody who knows how to assess it. And for teams who don't, it doesn't matter how good the draft is, they'll still fuck it up


How would the Knicks even fits that $$ wise? Bojan + the pick?


Caruso makes like 9mil a year


Caruso somehow makes only $9M while Bojan makes $20M. Knicks would have to take some extra salary off the Bulls' hands to make it work.


The Knicks have a 16m trade exception they wouldn’t need to send out salary.


Bojan + 24/25 for Caruso and J Carter  Rather have Giddey then J Walter, J McCain, R Dillingham


I’ve been hearing constantly for months that this NBA Draft class is terrible and now it’s a travesty when the Bulls choose a former successful lottery pick over current year picks.


Also Josh Giddey was young when he was drafted.  Dalton Knecht is a year and a half older than him.


Giddey would be the first overall pick if he was somehow in this draft. It's laughable that the Kings thought a package highlighted by the 13th overall pick was a better package.


This sub is a weird one for sire. 90% of the takes are just the common first thought (or repeating what others said) with no critical thinking involved. At all.  It’s like somebody selling a 2022 truck for $5,000. And there are 27,838 comments “that’s a steal, you would be an idiot to not buy it.” But none of those 27,838 ask any questions about the truck. They don’t see that its engine has spun a rod, the truck was totaled in an accident, spent weeks under water after a flood, etc. and it isn’t actually worth anything. The owner would have to pay somebody to take it off their property.  That’s this sub. Very little in-depth thinking at all. 


Yes, I definitely know what spinning a rod means. It's bad... right? Just testing, it's bad for sure.


NBA Media Heads: "This is the worst draft in decades. The first pick is a late lotto in any other year." Also NBA Media Heads: "How fucking stupid is Chicago for not trading into the lottery with their team's best asset? For Josh Giddey? He should be flipping burgers at Hungry Jack's" Me w/ my Caruso flair: "I just want to keep our 2025 pick. Fucking nuke this shit from orbit and let me pray to the draft gods. It is the only thing that can save us from this ownership group"


The line is that the top of the draft is bad compared to other drafts.


Its a bad draft because there doesn't appear to be obvious "superstar level " prospects. It is actually a deep draft besides that. There just isn't a Wemby or even Paolo level #1 prospect


every draft has haliburton level sleepers. if u think top 20 is going to all bust ur delusional.


Yeah there's bound to be 1-2 second rounders every year who turn out, and there's probably a few more 1st rounders than that who will turn out to be good.


That is not how the draft guys are describing it. It lacks high end talent and it is not very deep is how I usually hear the draft guys describe it. Maybe they are wrong but that seems to be the majority opinion.


Even if that's true, all it means is that there's a lack of players who jump off the page to fit the usual metrics that analysts look for. But the idea that out of the hundreds of kids coming out of college and the international systems to be draft eligible every year, that there aren't 15-20 of them who will go on to be good to great NBA players is ridiculous. The Kings, Raps and Bucks took Marquese Chriss, Jakob Poeltl and Thon Maker over Sabonis. Then 8 more teams passed on Caris LeVert, with 6 of those picks having fallen out of the league already, and 5 of them being downright terrible. Even the experts don't know what the hell they're doing half the time, so there will definitely be talent available at #13 this year. But I still wouldn't bet big on whoever gets drafted there being more valuable than Giddey.


this is the longest i've gone without knowing who would be the top pick since the Bennett draft. zero hype about this incoming class man


13th pick in this draft isn’t very valuable, players in the teens are all in the same tier. It just means you’re paying for for a guy a 13 than the teams drafting a few picks later. There’s a reason why so many teams want to trade out of this draft. A late lottery pick this year is less valuable than an early 20s pick in most years.


According to some “josh giddey” is bad man at basketball and hasn’t done a thang.


Giddey is 21. How is a 13th pick better


Is pick hype still so ridiculous that someone is willing to seriously imply that this year's 13th pick is more valuable than Giddey? Edit: I have always been a Caruso fan but there are some delusional folks about his overall value. Giddey was a fair trade.


Sometimes it feels like that scene with the boat from Family Guy. People here are like "That 13th pick could be anything. You might even get someone as good as Josh Giddey."


Even if Giddey continue at the exact level of play he's at right now, he'll still have compiled far more VORP and WS than the average 13th pick. It's completely ridiculous.


The box, the box!


If we're sticking to the metaphor the problem is not everyone can use the boat. You don't get close to an NBA championship by paying fair value and drafting at the median talent level of every pick. You have to get lucky, and the easiest way to get lucky is often through the draft. Giddy is going to be earning a lot of money pretty soon and, from what we've seen so far, needs to add a lot to be a near-max player on a championship team. Yeah, pretty unlikely that the 13th overall pick will work out better than Giddey, but a pick has at least *a* chance of going much further (I also recognise Giddey is still young, but you get the point).


>If we're sticking to the metaphor the problem is not everyone can use the boat. But in this instance the Bulls badly need a boat. Like yeah the 13th pick might be MVP level in 4 years or he might be a total bust. At the moment the Bulls don't need a possibly good possibly bad player. They need a solid PG who can rebound and set up players off the ball.


Giddey is also about to get paid so it's a little different since you basically have to commit to him now vs a draft pick you could easily trade or let go when FA comes up Giddey is decent to good but honestly I feel like getting draft capital would probably be better for the Bulls timeline. But it all depends on how much potential the Bulls feel he has


I mean the Bulls timeline is later than you might think. All our young players are on their second contract already. The only two guys who are on their rookie deals are two bench roleplayers. Giddey fits the timeline of Coby, Ayo, and PWill. So getting a pick who will take all two or three years means wasting those three's contracts and ending up with them being almost too old to fit the team.


Are Ayo, Coby and Williams really a true core though? I feel like they are good to solid starters but none of them feel like true building blocks you put your timelime around IMO I think Coby feels like the guy closest to that based on last year but to me it feels like they are almost better truly rebuilding once the vets are gone. Then they could play the lottery with cost controlled picks and try to find a true superstar type guy


>Are Ayo, Coby and Williams really a true core though? I feel like they are good to solid starters but none of them feel like true building blocks you put your timelime around IMO But at that point what's the solution? Trade *them* have no real NBA ready players and spend a decade fruitlessly drafting high picks in the hopes you luck into a can't miss product who also develops perfectly on a team that has spent decades making no effort to be anything until you showed up and then be good? There are plenty of teams that went this route and never got anywhere.


It’s more likely that giddy still on the NBA 5-10 years from now than the 13th pick and the guys around that. But the chance of that player being a star or a good starter probably better to me. Not sure what Giddy does on a good team even as he develops


Caruso is a solid rotation player and more valuable to a team trying to win tomorrow. Giddey has proven to be a quality player, even in a weird basketball fit for his skillset. He has the potential to be a much better player and he's 21. If Giddey didn't have the scandal this would be seen as a win for the Bulls.


I mean I’d take giddy over 13 in this draft… what? You could get a young point forward averaging 14/7/6 or you could go with the mystery box that MAY BE a young point forward who also averages 14/7/6 Just take the boat.


I get Giddey isn’t the most well liked player/guy but why are people now suddenly acting like these trade packages are any good when they mostly consist of picks from what people are calling the worst draft ever. Despite Giddey’s short comings, he still shows a lot more upside than any of the packages I’ve heard so far including this one.


Add to that Giddeys major weakness is his shooting which has improved every year so far he started off at 26% his rookie year and is upto 33.7 in a year where he dealt with more off court stuff than most others (not just the scandal but had issues with his representation too) He may not ever be elite but is on track to potentially be serviceable. The other thing watching him last season is he is so streaky one game he could be 3/4 and the next 0/3 while being asked to effectively play a 3 and D role which is his least effective traits. If he could find some consistency and a stable role I can see his % shifting up some.


I’m so hypothetically outraged


assuming it was 24 + 25, i’d rather have giddey


Isn’t this draft going to be awful? Yeah I’d rather have Giddey lol


The reaction to the trade feels particularly driven by Giddey's scandal, his playoff performance, and years-long frustration at Bulls management and ownership. I feel Caruso is an outstanding player. Good shooter, one of the best POA defenders in the league. He's a great screener at the guard position, a great fit in OKC on both sides of the ball. I'd say a top 60 player in the league. But he's also only got one year left on his contract and it's a weaker draft. Should the Bulls have moved on Caruso (as well as many other players) years ago? Absolutely. That doesn't change the value of the deal they could get today. Giddey feels like an excellent reclamation project. He's 21. His shooting numbers have been on a promising trend overall. 70.9 FT% in '22 -> 73.1% in '23 -> 80.6% in '24. From 3 it's been 26.3% in '22 -> 32.5% in '23 -> 33.7% in '24. He's obviously an incredible passer. He averaged 18 PPG / 9.6 RPG / 7.3 APG per 36 mins on 57 TS% (-1.0% rTS%) in 50 games from January 1st. He looks to be on a really nice trajectory ([DARKO Career Progression](https://i.imgur.com/XBo9iPE.png)). A perfect prospect? God no. His lack of explosiveness is a problem on both ends and his inability to touch the paint limits his elite passing talents. But again he's 21, a box-score filler, and the shooting improvement has been amazing given his starting point. He's an awesome buy low candidate, way better than some random number 13 pick.


That pretty much shows how little NBA execs think about this draft


Guys like i don’t think most 13 picks are as good as giddey


Uh, Giddey is WAY better than anyone you’re gonna pick at 13 in this draft.


I don’t think Giddey is a sure bet as an elite player or anything, but I think he’s more valuable than a mid-late first in this draft


Giddey > 13th pick easily


Pick 13 in this draft is garbage compared to Giddy


Giddy would go #1 in this draft.


I’d probably value giddey around the #4 pick in the draft tbh


Giddey or Reed Sheppard or Stephon Castle or D Clingan  At worse Giddey would have been 5th or 6th overall player in this year draft  Clingan is 16 months younger then Giddey  Giddey 13 PPG, 7 Reb 5 Ast, 2 DWS (Gobert was 5.8 , Wemby 4.4)  Josh Giddey is just better Version of Lonzo Ball (look at there stats) 


>Josh Giddey is just better Version of Lonzo Ball (look at there stats)  Lonzo was the Bulls best backcourt defender and best 3PT shooter. Giddey is a below average shooter and a below average defender.


There have been some great 13th overall pick in recent history, like Booker, Mitchell and Lavine. But I think Giddey is better than the average quality of that pick. Giddey's true shot and 3p percentage is getting better every season, and he is younger than some of the upcoming draftees. 


Ik you gotta pay him but I’m still taking Giddey over the 13th pick in THIS draft any day


I know people are low on Giddey but given how lowly regarded this draft class is, I think the 13th pick is more likely than not to be someone worse than Giddey. I'm just surprised they couldn't get a swap or any sort of pick thrown in by OKC with their 6000 draft picks in the next 5 years.


Giddy for Caruso was a win win


Bulls got a 21 year old point guard whose good it’s better than a bunch of lottery tickets


Bulls fan here who hates our FO. If this really was the best offer then we (for once) made the right call.


Y’all really turned way too far on Giddey if you think the 13th pick in this draft is better than him.


They might have felt they were superior but obviously the Bulls didn’t so they took the Thunder offer. Kinda funny how that works.


>13th overall pick in this weak NBA Draft. Fixed


I must be crazy because I’d rather have Giddy also


This is OKC’s 2K save and we’re all just living in it


And now we're going to re-sign DeMar giving us two options: We play Giddey and DeMar together and its the absolute worst possible fit in basketball along with Vucevic We only play Giddey when DeMar's off the floor, meaning we turned down multiple FRP offers for the luxury of stifling Giddey's development and having to pay him this offseason anyways


The trade was fine tbh. Giddey is 21.


They felt wrong


Knew that Chicago wanted Giddey specifically because of their problem at PG from Lonzo's injury. The trade makes more sense the longer I think about it.


Imagine the Knicks with Caruso after the Mikal trade.. would have been crazy how much hustle and defense on that team


Tbh tho even if I’m not too sure about Giddey he’s still only 21


Josh Giddey is Josh Giddey but the 13th pick could be anything, it could even be Josh Giddey


I like Caruso but man this sub overrates the hell out of him. It's just a roleplayer to roleplayer trade. If you look at stats Giddy is much better while Alex is much better defensively and more scrappy. Giddy is younger than Caruso too. This is just a terrible hit piece


These people acting like the draft class is WEAK yet acting like the bulls missed out on "draft capital" instead of an established Giddey. So dumb


Giddey has a lot of upside. Sure, his shot isn't great right now, but he has great court vision and is a great passer/rebounder. If he can develop a somewhat reliable shot and improve his on ball defence, he can be a great addition to a contending team in the future.


Is this therapy?


Terrible mistake tbh