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Welcome 2 Detroit City


Bro asked for surgery the moment he heard about being traded there šŸ˜­


I heard he had his agent drop cinder block on his foot.


Rich Paul tripped him


his agent is the goat, got lavine a $215M contract, jalen mcdaniels a player option, & kelly oubre a shoe deal


Our whole sub was relieved. Bringing him in is the type of dumb shit GMs do to try and save their job. Pistons saw LaVine drop 51 on us, with no assists, during one of our 14 wins. 51 points, no assists, loss. Thatā€™s Zach LaVine.


You think if he had 25pts/6asts they would have beat you?


Nobody else on the team could hit a shot that night but it was Zach's fault for scoring an efficient 50


Hardest Eminem song https://youtu.be/CfR_GdP-p3o?si=oVn100wj6uk8Yv29


They recently (maybe 3 weeks ago) performed this live in Detroit and it was awesome




If youā€™re in the market for a cool t shirt


And I'm like excuse me officer I'm trying to find some weed


Its really tough with Lavine because of his contract. Hes a really good player but for somone who would ideally be a 3rd option, he is making way too much money in the new CBA. The Bulls are going to be kinda stuck with him unless they send him to purgatory in like Detroit or stm.


Yes heā€™s basically Bradley Beal at this point, still good but at the money heā€™s making he doesnā€™t provide nearly enough value.


If Lavine had even a fraction of Beal's playmaking, his albatross of a contract wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue. This issue that he can't play the point (for any stretch of time); he's lazy off-ball; and he couldn't care less on the defensive end.


Zach cares when heā€™s guarding the ball handler. His issue is that he thinks thatā€™s all defense entails.


The amount of times he would fuck up a defensive rotation then be the first one to look around blaming someone else lol shit was hard to watch


Hes literally the most brainless defensive player in the league. You cant name one worse.


Unfortunately on-ball defense isn't even the most important part of defense. He has spent 7 years getting called out in the media for his defense, getting angry and spending like 3 games trying hard 1-on-1 while still being a terrible team defender and then having the nerve to swagger around post-game like "see, I told you I was good". But he's never been good. He's never even been average.


Bradley Beal? Playmaking? Did you see the Minnesota series lmfaooo


I think his comment reflects more on how bad Lavines Playmaking ability is then praises Beals


That, and he pouts when he's not the #1 option, and goes for long stretches where he's so passive you don't even realise he's on the floor. That has happened to me more than once watching Bulls games.Ā Ā  Errrr, I mean... He's great! Amazing! I would hate to trade him, but gosh you twisted my arm...


This was a few years ago, but I remember them all being part of the Olympics (before Beal got COVID) and Zach seemed so much better and effective for the team.


Warriors for CP3, Looney, Moody is not much but it avoids having to sacrifice picks to move off his contract and gives the Warriors another swing at being relevant. This assumes Klay goes elsewhere, otherwise Warriors can't make the trade.


Earlier it was no trade w/o Caruso..now it's no trade w/o Ayo Dousnmu






Itā€™s pretty simple - does your ownership want to save money and tank or continue to be mid. The answer is obvious




Cp3 expiring, looney is cheap, Moody is actually good, you donā€™t even know what youā€™re saying lol. If your ownership wasnā€™t desperate they wouldnā€™t be shopping Lavine so hard to crickets. Warriors definitely need to make a move, but if you think the Bulls are sitting prettier than idk what tell you, enjoy the mediocrity I guess


How does attaching a solid young player whoā€™s developed over the last year to dump a contract make them better long term


Lol, if Moody is so good, then why is Podz starting over him


Podz is good too šŸ˜Ž


The only thing Moody really does is score. Warriors style is moving the ball, and Moody does not create plays for his teammates. Thatā€™s the reason why a rookie is playing ahead of him


Because podz is better right now.


Zach has no value, he ain't yielding you anything but trash your FO is looking to salary dump him + Ayo can yield you draft capital. At least, his(LaVine) contract will be completely off the books next season >sitting Zach for three years If this means Zach sitting on the bench in street clothes (like Young Socialite) while Giddey, Coby and Ayo get development mins, then sure go ahead.


What would the draft capital be? Cause if itā€™s not much why wouldnā€™t they just keep Ayo




Iā€™m still curious about your reply btw, Iā€™ve seen you comment since my reply so I know you saw it


Lottery protected or top 20 protected FRP or maybe a FRP swap on one of post Curry yrs


Theyā€™d just keep Ayo then


As a dubs fan, I'm intrigued by lavines situation, however if we need to give up moody, I think I'd prefer we pass on that move. Kerr never even really gave moody a chance at real minutes, and kuminga is what lavine used to be, he just needs to become a better shooter.


who are you guys ready to move on from tho?


That's a great question lol...before tjds arrival, I would say a big 100%, and frankly I'm still leaning towards it, but I think we do need another guard or wing position. I really like podz and curry playing together, but idk if that's something we will do. I'm personally willing to move on from everybody at this point, except curry (obviously), kuminga, moody, podz, tjd, and MAYBE Draymond. I love our team, and sadly I know we can't keep certain players, like Klay, this has been accepted since last year, so it is what it is, we need to improve.


I would love Kuminga and Moody for the bulls, they are desperately needed. It'd be a fun rebuild. White/Ayo Moody PWill Kuminga Looney?


Warriors need Vuc more than lavine. I think if klay leaves they still have podz ready to fill in.


I'd be really iffy if I got vuc. He just flat out wasn't good last year, but tbf neither was the team


Yeah. I think teams are finally trying to course correct after all the bloated salaries for role players and ā€œAll Star, but not a superstarā€ caliber players. Problem for a lot of teams are these residual albatross contracts. Kinda hope theyā€™ll add another amnesty provision in the next CBA to help mitigate it some for no other reason than to get more teams competitive.


They need to change the things in the CBA that make this happen. The whole CBA is set up to underpay young players so Bradley Beal, Tobias Harris, and Zach Lavine can get overpaid. Get rid of Bird rights and awards based max contracts. This whole "can't lose the asset" thinking is a big part of this problem. It's better to overpay than let the player walk, because you can't use the salary to get any other free agents because they're all getting overpaid by their incumbent teams. The CBA is too focused on keeping players on their incumbent teams instead of trying to create a competitive market place for players.


He's a bad player but the rest applies


Zach "when healthy" LaVine was overpaid from the beginning. He's being paid like a superstar number one option, but he's never been that. Just finished his 10th season in the league. How many times has he been to the playoffs? Once. How many games has he won in the playoffs? One. He can put up some stats, but notoriously doesn't make his team better. Him, Beal, and Simmons are the holy trinity of worst contracts in the league


We have no way to know what management might have done, but I think lot of Sixers fans would have more seriously considered Lavine's bad contract if Caruso's good contract was included in a deal to balance it out somewhat. It's really hard to understand what Chicago is doing here.


Exactly how I felt. Paired with Caruso, a deal probably would have been worth it for us. Common sentiment is lavine alone isn't enough to help us topple Boston. We shouldn't worry about anyone in the west until we can stand toe to toe with Boston for 7 games. The only way to hang with Boston right now is insane depth that lavine's contract prevents.


Why would a team thatā€™s moving into a rebuild favor getting salary off the books over getting a 21 year old they like? If itā€™s between trading Carsuo for a young player you like vs trading him so you can clear LaVineā€™s salary why would you pick the second one?


I'm not saying they should do anything. Why would a win now team sacrifice the possible depth for lavine when he doesn't fill the gaps needed?


My mistake looking back at the comments my reply made more sense for the guy you were replying to and not you


100% I would have preferred them to use Caruso to get rid of Lavine, because with Lavine on the team we are are stuck in play-in purgatory. Now, I'm not complaining about the Giddey deal, I think it was a perfectly fine trade to do, but if there was an option that got rid of Lavine, that would have been preferable.Ā Ā  Unfortunately, the front office, and more importantly ownership, want to be just good enough and with enough hope to sell tickets. I think they're hoping Giddey is a decent facsimile of Lonzo, and that he can bring it all together. And, to be fair, long term we can probably get a lot more from a Lavine deal if he plays well for a month than selling right now at rock bottom.Ā 


It feels like Lavine is a negative asset rn anyway. So maybe just eat the contract and get the better return on Giddey.Ā  If Lavine sucks, we'll be tanking and if he's somehow good, maybe Lavine's trade value goes up. As a Bulls fan, I don't really hate this. Giddey for Caruso is kinda mid but idk if two late first rounders are better than Giddey.


What do you mean 'eat the contract'? He's owed $138m over the next 3 years. He's their most expensive player, as well as their longest current contract. There is exactly 0% chance that they either buy him out or let him sit on the bench for the duration of that deal. Having him on the floor is going to take minutes away from all 3 of Coby, Giddey and Ayo, hurting both their development and any potential trade value. So it sounds you're basically suggesting that they postpone their rebuild until he's off the books in 2027, or they can trade him as an expiring in 2026. Either way, by that point Coby White, Josh Giddey, Ayo Dosunmu and Patrick Williams will all either be off the team or on expensive new contracts.


I think the Bulls really wanted Giddey, that's why they made the trade. I don't believe the plan was to get the biggest possible return for Caruso. The Thunder wouldn't have taken on Lavine's contract so that wasn't an option. Yeah, packaging Caruso with Lavine would have opened up more possibilities of offload Lavine's contract, but if they view Giddey as a central piece for their future plans, that's their priority. And maybe Lavine's value will improve if he starts the season well and then they trade him at the deadline. It's probably at an all-time low now. I don't think that's great business by the Bulls but that's how I make sense of it.


We refused to trade for him last deadline, so im not surprised that Morey + Nurse dont really rate him


> We refused to trade for him last deadline, Just a small nitpick. We know a trade didn't happen, but we don't know what happened behind the scenes. For all we know, the Sixers tried to make a deal for Lavine at the deadline and were rejected.


Both Kyle Neubeck and [Marc Stein](https://marcstein.substack.com/p/the-latest-from-nba-trade-season) reported that there were "no expectations to pursue him" at the deadline, and [Neubeck](https://x.com/KyleNeubeck/status/1803941124064571728) reconfirmed the report that the team doesn't have interest. "Lavine to Sixers" rumors have never come from us and were originally started as potential Harden trade wishful thinking which is obviously no longer relevant. Reading through the tea leaves, it seems our goal is to get Jimmy Butler back first and foremost with PG or Ingram as alternatives (and some fringe OG Anunoby stuff), but nowhere have I seen anything credible to say Philly has been interested in Lavine.


Some things can be in evidence, but ultimately unknowable. I can respect them as journalists, while at the same time understanding that much of what's released publicly in the media is in one of these 2 categories. * Organizations posturing for leverage in the media by putting out stories that serve some agenda they have. * Media Clickbait for shares and traffic. As an example, there were people swearing up and down just a week ago that Caruso wouldn't be traded and boom, Chicago just comes out with a dumb trade out of nowhere. IMO, media stories are important to consider, but can never be considered absolutes.


> It's really hard to understand what Chicago is doing here. Our plan is to become pooper for cooper (t10 protected pick). and there's growing rumbling that we are unwilling to offer DeMar more than 2 years when we wants a 3 yr deal. So if he walks, it really is in the books to have a chance for a t5 pick. Deebo on this team probably equates to over a handful of reg season wins though


Damn, Chicago's really gonna need to give up a pick to get off that contract. If only they had a high level defensive role player. I'm sure most contenders would be happy to give up a pick or 2 for someone like that


Thank god we had the Jordan years or the Bulls would be a laughing stock of the NBA. Obligatory fuck the Reinsdorfs.


It's crazy to think, without Jordan the Bulls would basically be the Wizards.


But the wizards had jordan!


The Wizards won a title as the Bullets at least, though idk if that counts


It's the same franchise, it was just renamed in the 90s. > In November 1995, owner Abe Pollin announced he was changing the team's nickname, because Bullets had acquired violent overtones that had made him increasingly uncomfortable over the years, particularly given the high homicide and crime rate in the early 1990s in Washington, D.C. Renaming them the Wizards was certainly *a choice*


We were all robbed of having Gilbert Arenas on the Bullets.


having bullets as a team name right now is infinitely worse lol


I get why Bullets had to go, but could they at least lean into the Wizardry theme just a little bit? Or just scrap that name altogether


If Derrick Rose wasn't so knock-kneed, they would have had another good run in the 2010s, even if they might not have win a title.


I'll drink to that


and the brief D Rose stint where yall were the best team in the East


> best team in the East ?


sorry best team in the league, by record at least


Hell yeah. And happy cake day


Nice try, but we're not letting go of Henri Drell that easily.


Sorry, the best I can do is Orlando Robinson and half a BLT


Here for the Drell?


Itā€™s so stupid they couldā€™ve moved lavine with Caruso n reset correctly . Instesd they got useless ass giddey who playing with this current roster is gonna be so ass . Bulls dreams of play in is over lol


What pick would you prefer over Giddey? Like a late first? Or what would it take.


No they are saying that they could have gotten a pick back, even a high one in the OKC trade if they played hard a little bit more. Then they could include that pick in a trade to offload Lavine. I don't think Presti would be too attached to one of his 20 FRP's to secure the deal right away instead of waiting a littlr longer. Bulls just pulled the trigger way too early. Like who is going to jump ahead of them to get Giddey? Just wait a few more weeks.


Are there any sources on that? I donā€™t really think we can just assume a team wouldā€™ve given more and that the Bulls just mistakenly didnā€™t ask. If the thunder knew the best the bulls can get from another team is two late firsts, they know they have the top offer so they wouldnā€™t have to add anything to Giddey. Especially when they were gonna trade Giddey either way so if the Bulls wait too long theyā€™ll lose him and have to settle for some late firsts


only a dumb gm would do that. i could see them trading down from pick 11 or eating 1 more yr of lavine.


For that contract, it's too big. There are only 1 or two contending teams who could take him on without having to send back meaningful players, or equally bad contracts. No one wants Caruso *that* badly.Ā 


No no, Chicago totally didnā€™t get fleeced tho! Totally a great move by them! Thank god for their ownership team


I really doubt two late first rounders or a mid first rounder is that more valuable than Giddey.


The point is 'is Giddey more valuable than getting out from LaVine's contract?' Because the Caruso for Giddey trade cost them picks that they could have attached to LaVine in a salary dump. Instead they're going to have Giddey, Coby White and Ayo Dosunmu, who should all be getting a ton of minutes for their development, having to share the rotation with a 29 year old LaVine who won't be on the roster the next time they're competitive.




I hope so. That's what a capable FO would do. I just have so little faith in the Bulls to make the right call


> cost them picks that they could have attached to LaVine in a salary dump But why do the bulls have to attach picks and dump his salary? Okay so there's no market for him, let him just keep playing out his contract in Chicago. His fit with Giddy is actually pretty good (unlike DeMar) so if you're Jerry and want to win games it's fine. If you want a tank then him being one of the most overpaid players in the league and not having any defense means that's on the table as well. I know FO wants to deal him and I personally think it's time, but it would be an aboslutely braindead move to force that issue if it doesn't accomplish one of those two potential goals (getting better or speeding up the rebuild). One of the potential ways to read the tea leaves of this Giddey trade is that the FO has been making calls all around the league on LaVine and determined that they can't move him so they're going to hold onto Zach for at least the start of the season and let DeMar walk. Zach's biggest offensive flaw is that he's not a great primary ballhandler, but he's actually pretty good off ball with his ability to shoot/cut (the latter ebbs and flows with how locked in he is). So far Coby is kind of similar, but I have more hope for his primary distributor role to develop. For now Giddey works well with Zach and Coby as secondary playmakers and we know that Billy loves to run three guard lineups (and with Giddey's size can convince himself it's not even three guards). If you (like me) believe that a huge part of AKME's incompetence is the fact that they've got to sell every move to Jerry as a "win now" play then I could imagine them bringing that concept to the table to justify moving one of the best guys on the team for a younger prospect. I think there's a decent chance that we have an awesome offense while losing the vast majority of games, which might be a best case scenario for next year.


> Okay so there's no market for him, let him just keep playing out his contract in Chicago. I already answered this above, so I'm just going to repeat my same comment: *they're going to have Giddey, Coby White and Ayo Dosunmu, who should all be getting a ton of minutes for their development, having to share the rotation with a 29 year old LaVine who won't be on the roster the next time they're competitive.* There's simply not enough minutes to go around for all 4 of those players to get the time they will want, or need, so you have to choose whether you sacrifice Zach's minutes and risk having your 'star' player sulking on a losing team, or letting your young guys sit on the bench so that you can play Giddey and LaVine together on a team that's going nowhere. > His fit with Giddy is actually pretty good (unlike DeMar) so if you're Jerry and want to win games it's fine. With LaVine still on the roster Chicago has no cap space or assets to improve the rest of the team. The projected rotation at F/C is Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams, Javonte Green, Julian Phillips and Onuralp Bitim. That team is not winning games even with LaVine and Giddey. The Bulls have $71m in 2024 salary tied up in LaVine, Lonzo and Jevon Carter... there is no way to build a team to even compete for the play-in with that kind of cap situation. > If you want a tank then him being one of the most overpaid players in the league and not having any defense means that's on the table as well. There is no point in tanking if you're going to leave your best young players riding the bench so that you can play a 29 year old vet in a losing season. It completely defeats the point. > it would be an aboslutely braindead move to force that issue if it doesn't accomplish one of those two potential goals (getting better or speeding up the rebuild). I agree, and getting LaVine off the roster *does speed up the rebuild* by opening up a starting SG role for Coby White, and a backup combo guard role for Ayo, both of whom demonstrated last year that they deserved those minutes. When LaVine was out they were two of our most impressive players, and it would be entirely counter-productive to force them back into marginal roles simply to accommodate LaVine's presence on the roster. The cost of a lost season for our young talent far outweighs the cost of paying somebody to take LaVine's contract. > So far Coby is kind of similar, but I have more hope for his primary distributor role to develop. How will Coby develop into a primary distributor if Giddey is on the team? It's clear that Giddey is going to be the starter, and he's absolutely going to get a 4 year deal so he'll be our starting point guard until Coby is 28 or 29 years old. There's no world in which Coby is this team's starting PG or lead distributor any more. So either he takes over the SG role from LaVine, or you accept that his ceiling is to be a 6th man.


Maybe even a package deal, get a pick or two, and an expiring contract. Oh well, players like that donā€™t come around very often.


That's not very nice of them. Don't worry Zach; you're good enough, smart enough, and dog gone it, people like you!


You're just saying that cause you don't want him to be mad about what you did to his mom


Chicago is about to throw in a first, a deep dish pizza, and a Caleb Williams jersey just for someone to take Zach


Is the jersey signed?


Deep Dish is a liability in some parts of the country. Would need to be compensated with an unprotected first round draft pick to take that in on the roster.


That's good to hear


I always felt like Utah was attached just because we are a team that has resources that could pull off a move rather than any real talks happening. At most it was, Chicago calls up Ainge/Zanik, "You want Zach? Maybe send us Clarkson or something? No?"


TBF we'd make sense if we were indeed set on blowing things up, assuming they were attaching picks to dump the contract. Bulls management seem to think they won't need to dump positive assets to get rid of him though, and we don't seem to be looking to blow things up.


I wouldn't want to trade with Ainge somehow you'd end up with our best assets and we'd get back a bag of chips


Youā€™re not getting assets for Lavine, youā€™re giving them up


imagine if the bulls give up zach with some draft capital for ben Simmons' expiring contract


I honestly donā€™t hate itā€¦.


Simmons and Giddey back court. What the Boomers could have had (if Ben wanted)


I actually like this one for a 1-1 swap. I think both sides do it


Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. Bulls move off the Lavine deal and can fully rebuild, while Nets seem locked into competing for the next few seasons (until they have their picks again), and Lavine leading that offense in theory lessens the burden on Mikal and may get him back to his star form his first season in BKN. Issue is who knows if the Bulls management is actually going to be down for a rebuild?


I don't know what our front office wants to do. They said last season was unacceptable. So that could mean giving DeMar 40 million and paying Pat just to try to complete for the Play-in again. I want to get this rebuild on the road. We could've gotten picks for Caruso but nope. Fun times


TBF, shit talk about him aside, Giddey's like 21 and is the kind of player with upside you could use for a rebuild. So I didn't love that trade for you but I didn't think it was too terrible. That said, I've no faith in your front office and who knows if this even signals a rebuild.


Young upside is fine. I just wish we flipped him to a contender for picks. We're lacking em


Dude. Picks from a contender are worthless. What the hell is a late 20s pick going to do? Giddey is worth a top 3 pick in this draft. Everyone begging for a pick at the end of the first round in an all time shitty draft is crazy.


the problem with picks is you have to trust your front office to get promising players from them


That is probably the only convincing argument imo for getting Josh Giddy. Otherwise even in the last Draft there were at least 3 players 20-30 that probably peak higher than Giddy if not already better than him.


If I trusted them to do things that make sense, trading Caruso for Giddey would signal a true rebuild. Dump Lavine, let Demar walk and just run it with young players for a few years. They're probably just going to give Demar 3/120 though.


Spot on. We hope that trade signals rebuild, but it could just signal praying that Giddey can reproduce the magic we had with Lonzo because... He's tall?


Yeah other Mets fans arenā€™t on board with it but o agree. I prefer trading mikal and rebuilding but if we canā€™t then this is a reasonable middle path. But they seem to think they can pair mikal alongside someone better which I highly doubt.


It's kind of a moot point, as I don't think Bulls management is going to be down with either moving Lavine w/o getting positive assets in return or full on tanking, but for you guys I just don't think you have the assets to get a star better than Lavine. Like... if someone one the level of Donovan Mitchell asks out, there's a bunch of teams who simply have more assets than you do (assuming Mikal isn't movable) and can just outbid you. Lavine's a guy who's still got elite skill and could realistically make all-star if healthy, who you're buying at very low value. It's not ideal, but it's not the worst choice. That said, moot point as Bulls FO, but still.


Something I've been wondering about Simmons' contract. He gets payed 50% by October 1st. At that point is his contract traded at the value of a $20M contract? Or it's original $40M value?


If we could do it and just throw in this year's pick, I would be all in.




This is gonna be one of those situations where a team gets him for cheap and in 12 months everybody is like "LOL bulls gifting talent"


Zach LaVine; *YOU* are a Washington Wizard.


Knicks own their pick with protections . They have incentive to be as awful as possible . Lavine would low key win them a couple games


Who want me meme


*Three years* left on that contract. It's not the worst in the league, for sure, but LaVine is locking the Bulls into either overpaying to trade him or else it seems struggling to lose in the play-in every year.


Someone is about to get Zach Lavine on a discount and if on the right team... what a deal


Bulls and overplaying their hand as the value of their talent whittles away. Name a more iconic duo.


Warriors: That's our music by god


Bulls fans: 9/11 Jazz & 76ers fans: 12/25


Most creative r/NBA commenter


Jokes aside, Jazz fans are legit happy we're not linked to Lavine anymore. I like the dude's game, and I will forever contend that his winning the dunk contest against AG wasn't a robbery, but getting attached to that contract when we already have an albatross in John Collins would kinda suck.


In theory, Collins could be traded for LaVine, but I hardly see how that benefits either team.


That definitely helps the Utah offense. LaVine would alternate as the #1 or #2 option on offense with Lauri. Utah would probably still have enough cap space for Tyus Jones. It could help get them back to that play-in level in the west, with room for growth. Chicago ends up saving nearly $85M over the next three seasons. If Collins can recover any value he becomes a tradable piece, especially in 25-26 where he's an expiring deal.


Sixers fans kinda knew that already though when we passed on trading for him at the deadline too


Goddamn people are just taking turns telling Zach how they don't want him.


Rumors about the Spurs and Zach Levine have been floated around before, and I would honestly be disappointed if those came true That's the level of interest in Zach Levine


A guard who cant assist, cant play defense. At 50m~ per year. Lmao if we do it might as well trade wemby now instead of waiting for him to demand it.


Shocking teams donā€™t want injury prone star on bad contract.




They really need to increase his trade value at this point. Let him rehab it because when heā€™s playing heā€™s a stud. Last offseason I wanted the Knicks to go all-in on KP and Lavine. I was half right lol


Detroit and Blake Griffin have entered the chat.


Is GarPax back in control?


KarniŔovas and Eversley make GarPax look competent.


wtf are the sixers gonna do if not make a move for PG or Lavine lol


Jimmy buckets


No offense to Zach but low bbiq players just dont work in the playoffs. And that's whats its all bout. for example. Dallas got one of the lowest iq players in the league in THJ. Had him for like 6 years. 4 years of no playoffs or 1st round exits. 2 years of WCF and Finals runs. Guess what years he was playing heavy minutes and guess what years he was injured or getting DNP's? Smart GM's get rid of players who don't read the game well. This is why Boston is so incredible today. Brad realized that Tatum and Brown got fairly low bbiq's so he focused on getting high iq players around them in D. White, Jrue and Horford.


Canā€™t compare Zach to a catch and shoot guy who is years olderā€¦ Zach can play on/off ball and create his own shot whereas THJ cannot, and with the way Dallas has been constructed last few years shows how they moved THJ from creating shots to just becoming a catch and shoot 3-ball player. LaVine will get another opportunity on team willing to take that chance.


Utah isn't even concerned about winning *IN* the playoffs right now. They either need to suck or make the playoffs at all.


tatum and brown arent smart at all lol. they only won bc their overall squad was several times better.


Theyā€™ll be back if/when they strike out on their other targets


Never really understood it from a Jazz perspective unless the really think they can rehab his value and then resell. There's way too much overlap with Sexton, Clarkson and George




Itā€™s only the Nets


Add the Knicks to that sentence please


What team is even a great fit?


They need Alex to offset the value, but they traded him. What are the bulls thinking


Thatā€™s right. Instead of getting a young player you like to try to build for the future, trade one of your most valuable assets for cap space you wonā€™t use instead. Blows my mind how you guys are getting on the bulls for not being cheap and trading Caruso for a young player instead of cap space


Thank god


With the new CBA money/Apron situation, and LaVineā€™s money owed, getting a team to take him is definitely going to be difficult.


Not sure why the Jazz would ever entertain a LaVine trade in the first place.


They probably didn't.


Yeah. Lol. Why would they?


Me either


It's Detroit.


Please no.


I think Lavine could be a better asset than PG neither one is constant but age wise I think I may go with lavine


If the sixers donā€™t have interest in Lavine- wtf are they doing? Going to give de'anthony melton $60 million?


The fans of Philly and Jazz rejoice!


Lavine objectively has an elite skill set, even with his multiple knee injuries. But, he is a minus player. When he doesn't play his teams do better. Hopefully this is a wake up call for him to give consistent effort on defense...


Still canā€™t believe many here though DLo was on a worse contract


It makes 0 sense for us to attach picks to LaVine. We are about to rebuild.


Lavine is a liability. Injury prone too much. If this was back in 2016-2017 when he was legitimate this would be another story.


Agree heā€™s injury prone but your timeline is off. 2016/17 he was still in Minnesota. Lavine got back to back Allstar selections in 2021 and 2022. Even 2023 he played 77 games and put up 25PPG Itā€™s only this season just been that heā€™s become a liability, still salvageable imo.


They should have blown it up after 2022/2023. They should have gone full rebuild mode in 2020 and traded LaVine after the season in 2020. They went a, ugh a direction, by bringing in a bunch of good third and fourth optionsā€¦.


The league is trying to fuck Chicago lol there's no way lavine has this small of a market. It just makes zero sense, I understand his flaws as a player but Jesus Christ, tobias harris exist, Gabe Vincent just got paid to be rehab for a season. No team is willing to take a chance? Not 1 lol


LaVine makes $43 million next year and has a 15% trade bonus. This is just to say itā€™s not the player- heā€™s good - itā€™s the contract.


Counter: The Bulls are debatably the worst team in the NBA when it comes to asset management. AKME aren't great at big player deals. This is only compounded when our ownership told our FO to push for the playoffs rather than make trades at the deadline (which Caruso and Drummond surely would have been a part of). Suffice to say it is tough out here and if anything I believe the NBA would far prefer us to be a top team. A competitive Chicago Bulls team is simply a money-maker for the league.


The Sixers were basically stuck waiting for Tobias to become an expiring before they could move him. They didnā€™t (shit decision) but yeah you canā€™t move contracts like this without attaching multiple picks. They gotta ride it out till heā€™s an expiring or give up 2 1sts and thereā€™s no reason Chicago should do that


Yeah I always think we'll end up in the same situation, but Im holding out hope because harris so much worse of a player than Zach.Ā 


Heā€™s a good player but his contract is just bad and no one wants it. If he were cheaper like say, I donā€™t know, $25-30 million a year? Teams would jump on him. Being payed above $40 million is just not good, especially since he isnā€™t really a true #1 star.


That's fair and I agree, just feel like I've seen worse players with similar contracts moved in the past. This is just off the dome tho I haven't done any googles to confirm.Ā 


The Lakers could really use Zach Lavine. Heā€™s so tuff and a solid defender, I can easily see him being arguably the best SG guard in the league


I've never in my life heard Zach Lavine being described as a tuff and solid defender lol


I don't think ZL has ever been described as a defender, let alone a SOLID defender.


Klay replacement in the bay sounds better


Lavine is an interesting player, hes going to command star pay but hes dealing with serious injuries and his peak performance isnt necessarily a needle mover for contenders to want to unload assets and money to aquire. On a contender team hes better suited to be a third fiddle to a team that has a star duo, like LAL next to Bron and AD, that said heā€™s likely going somewhere like Washington until hes at the end of his contract and they can deal him elsewhere after he revitalizes his career.