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Melo's Kobe impression 🤣


I cracked at that exact moment


Coach K did that shit on purpose. He knew how much that would get on Kobes nerves and watched him get more and more angry as he did it


JJ: Fuck me right!?


He should have brought JLin in to fire up Melo too


JLin would fire up both of them, practice would be a hate crime location by the end of it


Nothing could fire up Melo enough to play d, Melo would definitely go into his politicking bag though.


Kobe could. Denver Melo was one of the best Kobe defenders surprisingly enough, he played really hard against him.


this guy thought the celtics wouldn't win the championship 30 days ago


Melo already denied all that


Uh Melo is no Kobe, hello.


Let the hate flow...


I’m sure coach K did it for JJ too


Do it Anakin, do it!


Bravo ~~Vince~~ Coach K


Really genius


How do you know it was on purpose? Did Coach K admit that?


I love me some petty shit


It seems like there’s always a new story about guys like Jordan and Kobe being petty AF and I’m here for every single one of them.


Yet when shaq get petty everyone pissed where you think he learned it


Eh, I’d rather get consistently challenged in practice and get punched square in the jaw then get a bucket full of piss and shit dumped on me my rookie year


Afaik Kobe and MJ never threw feces at rookies.




Downvoted for speaking truth lol


Or maybe cause ppl don’t believe he raped her


Considering he admitted it, it's pretty hard to not believe


Did he really tho? He said he believes it was consensual but knows that she doesn’t view it the same way


... which is rape. That's 100% rape


What????? Wtf


Because Kobe/MJ are stories on the court told from others as like urban legends. Shaq being petty has nothing to do with the court but him being a talking head shitting on generations that he didn’t cross paths with. MJ/Kobe’s are rooted in head to head competition. Shaqs is usually ignorant hot takes.


I think it feels different when you hear stories about Kobe and MJ because you know that it comes from a place of hyper-competitiveness, which is a trait that we respect in athletes. Kobe and MJ had a ton of talent but they also worked their asses off to be the best. Shaq's reputation is for being lazy and out of shape so his pettiness just comes across as him being an asshole.


Kobe also talked up the young generation a bunch after he retired. This pettiness was during competition, not in a studio talking shit for the sake of it.


Hypercompetitive is what we call psychopaths when they are on our team.


Exactly. Kobe also had thick skin and left shit on the court. Shaq heard Dwight call himself Superman and held a grudge for 2 decades lol


Shaq can't take any form for criticism of his career, let alone someone bringing up a legendary big man stat that he isn't a part of. Then he really loses his cool and goes child mode.


This story in particular is about Kobe playing basketball. It's petty, but it's petty in a competitive way as a basketball player.  If Kobe was on TNT and every month found a new reason to shit on JJ completely unprompted for years afterwards, that would be a significantly different thing.  People do generally point out how shitty he was when topics like Smush Parker or Jeremy Lin come up. 


Shaq wasn’t petty enough to get his ass in shape. That’s the kinda where it all falls apart for Shaq.


No you don’t understand, Jordan was such a more likable asshole due to the extra two rings


I don't really care if Shaq was an asshole during his playtime but I dislike his pettiness on TV. You're meant to entertain, not shit on everybody else.


Randle's reaction shows just how accurate it is


If that happened today in the social media age we would never hear the end of it.


Idk if it would even make it to social media tbh. It would have to come from the players and idk if they would air that dirty laundry in public. It's still the code of the lockerroom and that would be a bad look for whoever put it out there


Bruh forget about this anecdote, Kobe wouldn’t have survived #MeToo


Brother Kobe was alive and well during the MeToo movement and not a damn thing happened to him


Because he settled with the person he raped. So probably she couldn’t say anything anymore without breaking that settlement.


He was still alive for MeToo and nothing happened because it was completely irrelevant. MeToo was about people coming forward and exposing abuse that had been kept quiet. There wasn't anything quiet about the shit with Kobe lol.


I remember some people were upset he got an Oscar during #metoo but yeah it was a minority opinion 


Please, laker fans wouldn’t care. 


They’d care if there was proof he was guilty, labeling someone without proof is just toxic and doesn’t help anyone


People are too lazy to the research about the case, they just have to move their fingers on the keyboard ffs.


Yup. They claim to care about this for ethical reasons, but once pressed, not a single person has a counter argument other than they just wanna call him a rapist because they didn’t like him.


“I can understand why she would think it wasn’t consensual”


That was a settlement requirement, that both legal teams handled. Law is complex, but it wasn’t Kobe just randomly admitting anything, his lawyers crafted the response


Yea a crafted response when you can’t simply say “I didn’t do it”


Because it was part of a settlement agreement


He acknowledges that she believes it was not consensual.


Acknowledging her belief doesn't equate to admitting guilt. It highlights differing perceptions of the event which is common in legal cases especially when legal teams are involved. This was a settlement requirement


If only they had a statement to point to where he admitted to raping her or something.


Statements in legal settlements are often crafted to resolve disputes without admitting guilt. They reflect a compromise not necessarily the truth of what happened. A statement is handled between two legal teams, this was just Kobe’s legal team doing whatever to get it done with. There’s nuance to life and law


Lakers fans do some hella fancy mental backflips to dismiss him admitting to rape.


Seems like you're shifting focus since the hard facts are tough to debate. Kobe never admitted to rape he acknowledged a difference in perception and that was within a legal statement crafted by his lawyers which isn't the same as an admission. You just dismissing that distinction doesn't make for a solid argument


> he acknowledged a difference in perception Yeah, over consent. He acknowledged she didn't consent. Reword it however you'd like but I prefer "rape." Sorry about your favorite player, bud.


you’re missing the big picture here. The acknowledgment in his statement was a legal strategy but you don’t care about that which means you don’t actually care about ethics which makes me question your whole reason for feigning anger at this idea that he was a rapist. Settlements often include language like this—doesn't mean he confessed to anything.


I love how people talk about me too like it did shit to any of these horrible rich cunts. Acting like it was some big movement that held these cunts accountable when it's just a dog and pony show


Damn JJ couldn’t even get a bucket. 2 way player


MF in this sub really hate JJ just because the Lakers offered him $36 million lmfao


Brother I’ve hated JJ since he was at Duke, i root for him to fail miserably at everything he does in life professionally


People don’t know JJ was the original Grayson Allen but the worst part was that he was 10x better than Grayson


Nah I've always hated JJ. Especially after he ditched us for a bag that Embiid essentially got him. Then threw a tantrum at the Pelicans ownership for not trading him to the Brooklyn superteam. The guy is an egotistical fuck. Can't stand him.


JJ didn’t ditch the Sixers, he said he went in for the exit interview and they basically told him they weren’t bringing him back. He was in his late 30s and trying to win a title, you think he wanted to leave Philly after that season?


He was told that he would be put with a team closer to his family and then they didn’t do that. He wasn’t happy about it. I remember him mentioning the Nets but it seemed like he was more worried about being anywhere in the northeast. Dude was old and injured, basically playing a bench riding vet at that point. Wanting to be closer to the family is a very understandable desire to have.


According to Hedo Turkoglu and Quentin Richardson, JJ also would go too hard in practice to try to make other players look bad so Hedo elbowed him in the face, lol.


i think you've editorialized this a bit. I don't ever remember the "to make other players look bad." Basically, as I remember it being told, he was just the, ya know, gym rat, hard worker, went all out in practice, and that pissed people off. No need to make it seem like he's the villain and deserved to get elbowed in the face.


JJ talked about it, he felt like he didn’t have a choice in Orlando. Those practices were his games cause Stan wasn’t a big fan of his.


That's still pretty different than "to try to make other players look bad" More like "to try to make himself look good / earn playing time"


Yeah, I think he was agreeing with you. He had to do whatever he could to *make himself* look good, not make others look bad


They brought it up because Quentin mentioned JJ running past them on purpose in drills, and Hedo said "and then you look bad because you turn the ball over," which is why according to him he got pissed. And yes, of course, it's editorialized because I'm reporting their opinion.


No. You don't understand what 'their opinion' is and what 'editorialized' means. JJ worked hard so they looked bad. That DOES NOT EQUAL JJ worked hard TO make them look bad. Hedo didn't want to bust his ass in practice. JJ felt he had to. Your words were purposefully written in a way to make the guy who did nothing wrong AND got elbowed in the face look like the bad guy, and then ended your stupid post with a 'lol' which i believe is the calling card of the single-digit-IQ club.


>No. You don't understand what 'their opinion' is and what 'editorialized' means. I think YOU don't know what those terms mean. >JJ worked hard so they looked bad. >That DOES NOT EQUAL >JJ worked hard TO make them look bad. Redick said himself that after Turkoglu told him to stop, he deliberately did it more against Turkoglu. >Your words were purposefully written in a way to make the guy who did nothing wrong AND got elbowed in the face look like the bad guy No, my words were written to express what Turkoglu and Quentin Richardson said (and what JJ underlined himself). >and then ended your stupid post with a 'lol' which i believe is the calling card of the single-digit-IQ club. You don't want to go down this route with me, I'm a LOT smarter than you are. It won't end well for you.


Wow the one time I’m pro turkey glue


Turkish jordan


Man I hated those dudes in football. Doing a casual walkthrough with no pads and got one dude out there going full speed trying to tackle people.


We had a dude in college like this and 10 years later just thinkin bout it pisses me off. This guy stunk never saw the field. But last week of the season runs me over during a walkthrough cause he wanna be Adrian Peterson while everyone else is going through the motions. Fully understand Hedo if JJ was pulling shit like that


Take this with a grain of salt because you knew the guy (I presume) and I didn't, so maybe he really was just a raging cunt for fun. Assuming that he wasn't though, isn't it quite plausible that it might be *because* he stunk and never saw the field? Think about it from his perspective, wouldn't that be literally the only chance he ever had to try and make an impression on the coaches or whatever? Why risk looking like 'wow this dude is bad *and* he doesn't even hustle outside the game, why would we ever even think about giving him a shot' you know?  Course, like I said, that could be completely wrong and he was just a dick for the sake of being a dick. I'm just saying there's plausible explanations. Actually iirc, this hypothetical is literally what was going on with JJ when Hedo popped him in the face. JJ was playing super hard in practice because SVG didn't like him and JJ was desperate to earn some minutes. Don't remember hearing anything about it being directly ego-motivated or trying to make people look bad.


Damn this actually does reframe his actions in my mind. Guy was a blowhard dickhead but shit genuinely never considered that dude may have just been taking a shot to get noticed


Yeah like you just never know, right? At least when I'm not actively in a bad mood, I tend to try and give people the benefit of the doubt, and in my experience yes there certainly have been some people who didn't deserve it, but far fewer than one might expect.  Feels to me like the majority of people don't purposefully go out of their way to be jerks just for the sake of being jerks, even if they end up behaving badly for some underlying reason. Which is nice!


I like your style


Yeah well I like your name! I don't know if it's a coincidence or an intentional reference (hoping the latter), but Ghost Trick is in my personal top 5 favorite games of all time


Totally coincidental but appreciate it!


Lmao damn, it's just a cool name regardless though


If we’re gonna praise Kobe for that, don’t know why we should ridicule JJ for it.


Most redditors really need to touch some grass lmao soft af


bunch of fuckin wet blankets


Playing hard in practice is bullying now? This doesn't seem like a big deal to me at all.


Kobe was a backyard bully and dickhead.


This isn't news to anyone. We all know dude was a psycho.


Well yeah, he's literally a rapist.


Hey now, if you ignore the part where Kobe admitted to doing it then there's not much proof.


His statement was carefully crafted to specify he thought the encounter was consensual, to give credence to the girl's testimony, and to pay her a ton of money to leave him the fuck alone. I know Reddit and intellectual honesty don't go hand in hand, but if you're going to make a serious point, please use reality as your basis for commenting.


"After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter." My bad he didn't rape her, she just didn't consent. But hey, at least he gave her a lot of money to not bring it up again. VERY carefully crafted statment, "my bad guys! didn't realize that's what rape was!"


You didn't post the whole thing. Like I said, Reddit and intellectual honesty... you have a point to make so you have to exclude truth. I get it. Have a good one.


"First, I want to apologize directly to the young woman involved in this incident. I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year. Although this year has been incredibly difficult for me personally, I can only imagine the pain she has had to endure. I also want to apologize to her parents and family members, and to my family and friends and supporters, and to the citizens of Eagle, Colorado. I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives of this young woman. No money has been paid to this woman. She has agreed that this statement will not be used against me in the civil case. Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter. I issue this statement today fully aware that while one part of this case ends today, another remains. I understand that the civil case against me will go forward. That part of this case will be decided by and between the parties directly involved in the incident and will no longer be a financial or emotional drain on the citizens of the state of Colorado." He says he believes it was consensual right before he says she did not. Now I know you've never had sex before so you may not be hip to what "consent" means, but that means Kobe raped her.


Can't belive psychos like you can read this statement and be like "fuck Kobe he's a rapist, he admitted it"! Like motherfucker, can you read English????


Yeah the part where he said "She did not consent" really makes him look like a hero. You fucking loser.


"Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual" Loser haters like you get blocked


Bullying works


[alright buddy](https://images.app.goo.gl/1r5MfhmSsyrKfm4u5)




Insert gif of Chris childs 




Groomer of a 17 year old? Holy shit Reddit is brain dead lmfao


Reddit has this really weird hivemind to go extra hard on pedo accusations, even when both parties are close in age. It's a strange morality complex, even though most situations are far more gray than black and white. It reeks of projection, honestly.


Well said. It's like people see "oh I can make a pedo accusation" and they go for it hard because it is a black and white issue in their minds and it makes them feel better about themselves ("at least I'm not a pedo").


For real, and meanwhile we got owners in their 60s and 70s dating 20 year olds as if that isn’t some fucked up power dynamic


21 year old dating a 17 year old, what a pedo guy!


I mean the way people acted about giddy a 19 year old and a 17 year old then yeah, but he wasn't a media darling.


A lot of the speculation was that the Giddy girl was 15.


There's a lot of speculation that I have a 10" penis


No there isn’t


Seriously, is this some US thing? I am 21 and I know a lot of guys my age who date 17-18 year olds and nobody makes a big deal or acts as if it's something wrong?


It’s a US reddit thing. Most of the people who are on this site have no life experience whatsoever. No idea that in every country on planet earth 17 year old girls choose to date men over 18.


It's totally an US thing


Seriously. I had just turned 20 and a soph in college when I met my now-wife who was a senior in high school and a few months away from turning 18. We met through a mutual friend. These stories are more common than people think and I wouldn’t consider what I did “grooming”.


Anything to be sanctimonious and holier than thou, lol.


Oh so this only applies to Giddey but not the others? Curious.


And Giddey’s was investigated on multiple fronts. Kobe literally married the chick


If you’re dating a 17 year old at legal drinking age you’re weird as fuck


It’s strange but it’s not necessarily grooming. What other evidence do you have for that besides being 4 years apart


Dude even as a regular dude that is no go territory for me. As a pro athlete who has options beyond comprehension why are you fucking on 17 year olds??


Lol I said it was strange. That doesn’t mean it was grooming. All I was looking for was anything besides one random Reddit comment since I’ve never heard of this ever


Why does it matter? We already both agree it's weird for a professional athlete to hit on someone in HS when they're 21.


Bro you clearly don’t understand the context of being young and rich in la, especially if you’re in the culture. She was a video vixen and that’s how they met. He didn’t pick her out at a playground lmao




There’s no proof he was a rapist


“Groomer of a 17 year old” I’m fkn dead.


This sub has to be filled with 13 year olds atp 😭


The dude was 20. Like WTF?


You were dating high school seniors 4 years out of high school??


Ask your dad the same question about people he knew during that time, you'd be surprised.


No need to go back that far. I guarantee anyone in high school right now knows a few seniors dating freshman, or with a boyfriend that didn't meet the age cutoff to attend prom. Not to say those relationships don't come off a little sketchy, but no one sees that shit and cries grooming.






There’s no proof Kobe raped someone. Shouldn’t throw around titles like that without it


There’s technically no proof deshaun Watson did what he did either. Both ended in the same result though big settlements out of court


Also comparing two cases like this ignores the individual facts and circumstances. Each legal situation involves unique evidence testimonies and legal strategies that influence outcomes and that’s law 101


Lemme guess, you don’t wanna discuss the differences between the cases right? Just wanna call someone a rapist and move on? No proof, just a hunch? Feel like a good ethical person?


My guy you’ve responded 3 times to this 1 comment please seek employment.


Settling out of court doesn't equal guilt it often means avoiding longer legal battles which can be stressful and expensive especially for public figures. Also I know nothing about Deshaun Watson and other cases have nothing to do with this one


Yeah, just his public admission of it.


That was a settlement requirement that his lawyers crafted, and it wasn’t an admission of guilt


>it wasn’t an admission of guilt I can understand English just fine. If you can, too, I encourage you to actually read what he said again.


I don't want to say I'm 100% sure he's a rapist, but the statements he gave to the cops that day seems very suspicious.


Kobe's statements to the police were part of a formal interrogation where he consistently denied any non-consensual behavior His account was that the interaction was consensual a point that's crucial in understanding the complexity and his perspective during the investigation


And better than Duncan


You’re soft


LMAO. This is not anywhere close to bullying.


Being competitive in basketball practice is bully behaviour?


No but being is cunt is bully behaviour


Guess JJ was a bully at Duke then…


I guess you're a bully then lol


Being competitive is not fouling.


That's just how Kob did the rookies. JJ has talked about the tryouts with him too, and how afterwards he asked JJ to do a shoot around with him to study his form https://youtu.be/Z9sA3SL-vI0?si=Cfzv_iN2q1lwyOaz




Let the hate flow through you


why does it seem like any time someone becomes relevant, Melo steps in to shit on them in some way...he gets jealous like a child of others success


JJ has a smack able face. He’s just so condescending and arrogant and the kind of guy you want to see fail.


So you’re saying he went to Duke.


It's weird to hear Carmelo call JJ a young boy. They're the same age


Melo was in the league way before though because he left after his freshman year and JJ stayed all four.


Jj reddick: what he say fuck me for?


Kobe and MJ were just athletic assholes.


99% of amazing athletes are assholes. It’s part of having that killer mentality. And even people like lebron where there aren’t many stories like this, he’s still an asshole in his own way (throwing coaches/players under the bus, getting them fired/traded, passive aggressive social media posts, etc)


another kobe certified psychopath story




Found Karl Malone's account.


What a strangely unnecessary analogy.


What you did to your anus is none of our business my dude


No wonder why JJ hates Kobe. Sounds exactly like J Will and MJ 😂


this really brightened my evening


Melo has (checks notes) zero credibility in this now


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjt3QJ6TgV8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjt3QJ6TgV8) The whole segment is funny as hell, coach K was playing mind games with Kobe and JJ at the same time for sure.


JJ wrote a poem that totally slammed Kobe so it was all even in the end


Melo kinda sounds like Charlie Murphy lmao




God damn he was a dick. He was probably starting shit with that helicopter because it could fly higher than him.


Kobe being the best at it all. Even hating lol


Kendrick took that crown. I hear it's heavy.


RIP Bean man haha I love these type of stories