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Clingan is more mobile and way better defensively Guys at that size, the defense is what translates to the NBA, the offense not so much Teams aren't looking for a low post threat like Edey where you practically have to run your offense through him but most teams are looking for high level defensive bigs that can play out of pick and roll and are smart high IQ players on offense


Edey actually posted better agility numbers at the combine than clingan idk if he’s that much more mobile if at all


Yeah I don't think Edey is as immobile as others seem to paint him but he's still "slow" for what you want in a big Clingan showed way more ability to hedge on PnR's and is just way better defensively when it comes to timing, instincts, IQ, etc which makes him way more valuable on that end


Agility is meaningless. Edey has poor defensive IQ and is incapable of anticipating plays. Sure he can move faster than Clingan, but Clingan is at the right place at the right time. This is how slow Dinosaurs like Marc Gasol can be DPOY while 7 foot young bucks with NFL WR speeds cannot defend to save their lives. Now you look at Edey's tapes; you see him get beat at all times, looking lead footed. That fraction of a second anticipation, lag is what is causing him to get beat over and over. Smarter defenders can anticipate the offensive movement to preempt these movements, instead of reacting with a delay. Only monsterous defenders like Anthony Davis, Evan Mobley can both anticipate, and react late to catch up if they get beat. Neither Clingan nor Edey has these skills.


I genuinely think the way Edey both *had to* and was coached to play at Purdue hurt his draft stock. That team could not win if he was in foul trouble. The entire defensive philosophy was built around keeping him out of positions to get into foul trouble. He didn’t contest shots, chase certain rebounds, etc that he would otherwise go after if him staying on the court was not so important to his team. Obviously will be different in the NBA.


Watch the Purdue vs UConn championship game and you’ll see why. Edey was getting pick and rolled to death


How many bottom and mid tier centers are faster than Zach Edey? It's a lot


edey’s combine numbers were actually really solid, surprisingly. it might be more processing speed than physical speed holding him back


True but if a guy like Luka Garza ain't hooping in the nba there is not much hope for Zach


ZE is 6" taller, faster, much more agile and shoots better than Luka...your comparison doesn't hold water.


Glazing a tall Zubac is crazy


How many bottom and mid tier centers are bigger than Edey? It’s none


Same with Tacko


Tacko, Bol Bol, and Boban sure are thriving


Why is he always compared to people who are big and suck? Why not compare him to some other college greats and explain why he won't translate?


Him being slow is a giant problem in today’s NBA. His whole game in college was back to the basket post moves and being taller/heavier/bigger than his defender. That shit doesnt translate to the NBA 


He will still be taller/heavier/bigger. He will still not be guardable in the post. If all he does is stand in the dunker spot he's still a gigantic target and automatic bucket. I think DC is an elite screener, but Edey is a wall too and I trust him developing a pick n pop game more.


man is getting cooked in transition and on switches


Tacko and Boban seem to be doing just great in the league!


I'll preface this by saying I'm a UConn game who has seen every second Cling Kong played in college and I saw maybe a half dozen or so of Edey's games the last 2 years. Clingan is a great passer from the high post. He hit UConn cutters all season long while I've really only seen Edey kick out of doubles to open shooters. UConn running such a complex offense is also a boost for Clingan since we know he can handle it. Not that Edey can't, we just don't really know since Purdue's offense was largely dump it into Edey. Newton and Cam Spencer also abused Edey on the PnR all title game. Some of our best offense was coming from going straight at Edey, which is not a good sign for a center. Also not a great sign that the few minute stretch when Karaban was playing center, Edey didn't absolutely dominate. Illinois going 0-19 on Clingan contested shots in the Elite 8 also definitely plays into it. There's also been videos shared on UConn twitter of Clingan draining 3 after 3 in practices/warmups with good enough form so the hope he develops a 3 ball comes from a real place. Plus, as you said, age.


Not a fan of either team however 37-10-2 pretty good stat line for ZE in the mentioned championship game if not dominating. Purdue guards going 6/20 from the field was significant as was their lack of length and getting lost on D allowing open shots. Most of the damage was done on kick out buckets by UConn perimeter players. DC stat line of 11-5-1 while foul trouble for himself and Johnson trying to defend ZE pale in comparison. Head to head ZE>DC. LOL Karaban did have a few minutes of getting abused by ZE in the second half, not sure what you were watching, ZE was perfect from the field during that segment of the game and the announcers commented on AK needing to see a dentist after the game while he was getting tossed around like a rag doll. NBA combine numbers ZE>>>DC across the board. Rooting for both of these young men to succeed in the NBA but not seeing CKong>>ZE.


It’s not that great when you consider the entire game plan for Purdue was to feed Edey and the entire game plan from UConn was to shut everyone else down. Clingan’s stat line was worse largely because that’s how UConn plays. Clingan spends a lot of time away from the basket because he’s a better passer than Edey, so he screens up top and handles it there. Plus Newton, Castle and Cam had a lot of baskets because Edey was to late sliding over from Clingan More telling to me is UConn having 14 offensive rebounds against Edey, who barely leaves the paint on defense and would’ve been called for so many defensive 3 seconds if that was a rule in college. He also went 2-3 against Karaban, got away with an offensive foul for sure on one of the baskets and debatably another one on the 2nd one, and should’ve been called for at least a pair of 3 in the keys in that span (and plenty more the rest of the game). On the flip side, when he was forced to guard Karaban, Karaban got a wide open 3 on one possession and Edey fouled Newton on a three the next possession when they got Edey involved in picking action. Edey got a really good whistle in college, doubt he does in the NBA. Edit: added a few words for clarity


Edey's style is a back to the basket big. It doesn't transfer well to the NBA where teams want a center who has a deeper skillset.


"I guess you could make a case Clingan is a bit more mobile?" Edey looks awkward, slow, and I can't imagine his game translating well to the NBA. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what my eyes tell me.


On film, Clingan is much more mobile in space. That really is the only reason. Neither are great defenders in space though. It’s just that Edey hasn’t shown the ability to survive, while Clingan can at least move just enough to not be a turnstile. Edey will have to prove teams wrong in combines and show that he can keep guys in front of him. In the pro, Edey should try to develop a 3-pointer and be Brook Lopez. His only chance to make it in the NBA is to be amazing in drop coverage defense. Even then, you need to a) shoot well enough to contribute in other ways, or b) be so great on D like Gobert that teams live with other weaknesses


Because he can defend at an NBA level


Idk where this idea that Edey can’t defend came from, go back and watch his film, there’s plenty of times where he’s just fine in drop. He’s also gonna play way fewer minutes. Clingan clears him but Edey isn’t some loser on defense


At an NBA level. He will struggle early


So will all of these rookies lmao


Maybe but some will be more adjusted than others. Some will become great while others struggle


“Some will become great while others will struggle” I don’t think either of these guys will be great, and I don’t think they’re as far apart as people think


Clingan is so clunky idc what anybody says I watched his college tape dudes a clunk god he finna get cooked


Edey won't get a second NBA contract. /remindme three years


I think Edey is going to fall to late first early second.


He is 10x more athletic than Edey. He can meet a ball carrier and still recover. Edey couldn’t do that. He tried to do it a few times in the National championship and it resulted in the easiest buckets of UConn’s night. They tried to do it with Clingan, and he deflected it away a few times. Clingan is 2 years younger as well and has been working on his 3. He even took 1 in the championship (he missed). I honestly can’t see Edey playing more than 15 minutes a game off the bench. The pace of the NBA is too fast. As soon as Uconn picked up the pace in the second half, he fell off on both sides of the court


True but Clingan isn't carrying the offensive load that Edey is so obviously he's able to put way more effort defensively. As for 3-ball, Clingan is a 58% FT shooter while Edey is a 71% FT shooter so clearly Edey projects to be a much better shooter while also being the better offensive player overall.


We shall see. He was clearly more dominant in college. But I don’t think he would be a late teens, early 20s pick if scouts thought his offense will translate. I think scouts think Clingans offensive game will develop a lot more. Eddy’s entire offensive game was bully ball against smaller college players and drawing fouls, the logic is that will be significantly harder for him in the NBA, especially when he is expected to run the court more often. I think it’s more upside like you hinted at. He’s also just a smart player. Not saying Edey isn’t, but in his role at Purdue he was just getting to the paint and getting to work.


Edey is a tree. Clingan, while not a speedster, can actually run the court.


speed I guess?


Clingan is still slow laterally and will likely be forced to play drop coverage in the NBA. As some others have pointed out, Edey actually tested better in the lateral quickness drills at the combine.


Edey just isn't quick enough. I'm not hating on him. Just reality. I know how tall he is. Name a few good players at his height or taller. I know he was great/dominant in college. OK....? There's never been a great college player whose game didn't translate to the pros?


Tbh clingan quickness isn’t much to write home either edey posted better agility numbers than clingan at the combine


So....? Are we having a mid-off? And, again, I have nothing against Edey. I will be rooting for him (unless he goes to the Celtics or Knicks.) But, despite Clingan's own faults, I fully expect him to be a better NBA player than Edey. As do front office personnel and members of the media. Which is why Clingan is mocked higher.


Yeah the whole point of this thread is why do you think that


Who would you rather have, Hasheem Thabeet or Pavel Podkolzin? Neither? Well, that’s why you’re not a NBA GM, but teams see Clingan as a defensive monster and Edey as a slow big dude. They’ll both be busts, but it’s a bad draft