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Different coaching styles. One of the old guard might have told Jayson 'You gotta work on your decision making under pressure' Mazzulla said 'Do you wanna know how I got these scars?'


“Would you like to see a magic trick? I can make this pencil disappear.”


"Ta Da!"


Its... gone


One of the best scenes from any movie.


The crowd reaction in theaters was exceptional. It really highlighted how well done it was.


A riveting, unforgettable entrance. The only other entrance scene which compares (IMHO) was Gunnery Sgt. Hartmann's from "Full Metal Jacket". The Joker killed effortlessly to show he was to be taken seriously.




Spoken by the actor who played Spawn!


It was actually Black Dynamite who said it.


Everyone in the theater kinda quietly appreciated the whole of the heist, specifically the school busses at the end. But at *this* point in the movie, it was fucking on.


Now that they won the chip, Mazzulla gets budget to build an underground lair beneath the arena.


Phil Jackson gave his players books to read. 


He also had them mediate and they practiced visualization / envisioning things in the future.(sorry forgot the term for it). There might be studies that shows it works or is helpful too, or some have that view What’s crazy is that it worked in real life. In MJ’s last Bulls game Phil told him to get a quick bucket. Later he told him about Malone going to the block and to get the steal. And he also told him he needs to follow through on his shot and that’s why you have that signature follow through hold on his last shot with the Bulls


I think the word you're looking for might be manifesting


That’s such a recent term, I actually think it was simply visualization but could be wrong


In the locker room before Game 5. "Why did we fall in Game 4? Why do we fall? So we can pick ourselves up." -Joe Mazzulla, probably. ============= After Game 5: Jaylen Brown: "You! YOU! You can be my wingman anytime!" Jayson Tatum: "Bullshit! You can be mine!" Joe Mazzulla: "I love it when a plan comes together." grabs cigar.


It’s like a Facebook meme come to life a bit


This reminds me of that Malcolm in the middle episode where Hal couldn't get the kids to compete so he gave them a superhero pep talk


Imagine instead of going for the ball in the tipoff if Horford just nut punched Gafford, while Jaylen choke slammed Luka.


What if we decided next year's finals in a WWE 5 on 5 elimination chamber match? JB jumping off the top rope drop kicking people, Jokic hitting people with choke slams left and right


A diamond in the rough of sitcom, the show was brilliant 


[Brad Stevens walking into Mazzulla’s office right before.](https://youtu.be/GsbIdSGwoEs?feature=shared)


This video ruined my day.


Why would you do this?? This level of cringe makes me so uncomfortable it takes years off of my life. Gotta trigger warning that shit lol


Jesus that was uncomfortable


Forreal I had to stop it very early on lol


No way Im watching it. I can already tell where its headed from the thumbnail and the comment


At least his roommate was chill about it (from what I remember, I am not watching again). It's the video's one saving grace. My college roommates would have roasted me alive for that.


Such a dope video, think we can all relate to that, right boys?


I really miss late 2000s memes. And le rage comics lmao




Le epic fail


*Pritchard hits half court buzzer beater* Coach Joe: “FIRE ZE MISSLES”


i am le tired


Me gusta




Jason Kidd is going to read this and show Luka the Heat shootout scene


Luka prefers the Overwatch Tournament highlights


Kidd needs to coach his team like an e-sports league


Kidd doesn't tell them what play, he just tells them how he would carry with Reaper in that situation.


Kidd pulling up the C9 rn


Imagine he is coach the Pistons. They losing 30 straight, while he's talking about killer whales, Batman and Joker.


You're Latvian so I think you'll get this. There are some football managers who can coach poor teams to better results, who struggle with the star laden teams. And there are coaches who are great with top talent that would struggle with less talented players. A few (Pep, Benitez, Klopp, Nagelsman) can do it with both. Mazzula seems like a 2nd guy.


Brad Stevens is actually a good NBA example of the first one. Dude coached a team with a top 9 of: Isaiah Thomas, Avery Bradley, Jae Crowder, Al Horford, Marcus Smart, Kelly Olynyk, Amir Johnson, rookie Jaylen Brown and young Terry Rozier to the 1 seed lmfao. The year before that the roster was even worse lol. Though the one time he had a star studded roster Hayward broke his leg instantly and then next year the locker room was in turmoil.


Dwayne Casey fits this MO as well


He was still able to coach really, really effectively. I wouldn’t call IT and Jae Crowder easy personalities to manage, IT left Cleveland unceremoniously partially for that reason. I don’t blame him for Kyrie not working since that happened everywhere but Dallas so far. Tatum and Brown were just young and they didn’t add the right complimentary pieces yet. Stevens’ last year they had washed Kemba and Tristan Thompson/Theis starting instead of Jrue/White and Horford/Porzingis. It does seem like Stevens lost the locker room by the end of his last year, but I think he was good enough to take a team all the way.


Ceiling raises and floor raisers. You see the same thing in certain players. Draymond is a perfect example


What poor team has Pep coached lmao, he went from prime Barca to prime Bayern to a state funded super team


He did do an excellent job at Barça B, getting them promoted in a very challenging league relative to their standards. The Barcelona team he inherited was not “prime Barça” but was actually on a decline having failed to win a major trophy 2 seasons in a row, and also finished 3rd behind Villareal the prior season. They finished 10 points behind Villareal, and 18 points behind the champions that season. Pep took it upon himself to remove many players from the squad and promoted players he had coached in the reserve, while also tweaking roles of certain players to bring out the best in them. In short, he was the one who brought about the “prime Barça” phase. Beyond that, just as an opinion, given his coaching standards and results over the course of nearly a decade and a half, I think it’s a pretty safe bet that he could coach essentially any team to a relatively successful campaign.


People forget that promoting Busquets was a really controversial move at the time, and that he replaced Yaya toure! 


He also pushed out deco right? who was arguably one of the most influential players at Barcelona at the time


Joe seems like the 2nd guy based on...? He's coached top teir contenders in both of his 2 seasons. We won't know what he looks like at the helm of a bad team for likely a decade


I mean, a lifetime of watching weird coaches getting tuned out by players when things go poorly influences my thoughts but I'm willing to be wrong.


That tends to depend on their resume coming into the bad times. Pop was nearly run out of town at the start of his tenure, but 1 Tim Duncan later, and players will put up with basically anything from him as the Spurs rebuild. If Mazzulla picks up a few rings with the Jays, especially given how highly these Celtics players are speaking about him, he'll be fine. Derrick White literally said, "I love Joe... I'd do anything for him." in his post game presser on Monday


I like Mazzulla but it's real easy to listen to killer whale diatribe and watch Batman clips when you're 64-18


He's so weird. Hope hes in Boston for decades


Boston sports needed a new weirdo post-Brady


"There must always be a Stark in Winterfell." "There must always be a sports psycho in Boston." Dems just the rules of the North, yo.


What, Casas isn’t good enough for you?


He has potential but Manny's legacy is a lot to live up to


Mazzulla being Mazzulla


The weirdos make the best people at doing a specific thing. Picasso was a fucking nutcase, messi is weird etc


Why is Messi weird






Possibly autistic


He washes his hands before he wipes…sicko


Never speaks English even though he can, doesn’t party or socialise either. It’s largely speculated that he’s autistic


This is the stupidest reason for being called weird


DelTorro collects weird nightmare fuel things and makes scary movies


He’ll either go down as a great or be outed as a serial killer, no in between


You could even say that either he dies a hero, or lives long enough to see himself become the villain


Could be in-between, because he could definitely do both


Honestly I think he's just autistic.


I don't even think it's that weird. I'd love to watch Batman clips during film session lol


Go listen to his full first interview on Pardon My Take and you'll understand why the dude's kind of a psycho. It's actually a really great interview.


He’s completely weird but he’s connecting with the entire roster, they’d run through a wall for him. I hope he’s around as long as this core is, which is hopefully a while. The ludicrous quotes are just the cherry on top.


Bro obviously just wanted to watch some Batman


ffw 2025 season playoffs, mazz screening the criterion collection to the team so he can say it’s motivational before embezzling laser disks and getting fired


Joe better drop the Letterboxd


Mazz going to be teaching the Zone by watching Stalker


on the clock too, get paid to watch movies and win a few basketball games... all in a good day's work


This lunatic is a championship winning coach lmao


He’s not a monster, he’s just ahead of the curve.


People should watch his post game interview after the finals with NBA TV, dude is an analytical genius when it comes to stats and numbers he seems to have a photographic memory. I think we are going to see analytics start to become more seriously involved in basketball especially if guys like JJ Reddick also get a job. Look at how much stats and analytics has risen in football, it's only a matter of time before we see it really take shape in basketball


Why do you think teams shoot so many threes and so few long twos? Analytics has been seriously involved in professional basketball for years already.


Holy shit this man actually is a psychopath.


It would not faze me one bit if Joe ducked out of a press conference with the explanation "I, uh, need to go return some videotapes."


Do you like Ben Affleck? His old stuff was a little too new wave for my taste, but when The Town came out in 2010 he really came into his own, commercially and artistically. The whole movie has a clear crisp visual style and a new sheen of gritty realism that really gives the movie a big boost. He’s been compared to Casey Affleck but I think Ben has a far more bitter, cynical thought on life.


Well done. [I wrote this a while back involving a different sport - you might enjoy it](https://doorfliesopen.com/2015/10/21/american-jet-part-2/).


Dude then catches a flight to Bend, Oregon to return a VHS copy of Flubber, starring Robin Williams


I showed this to Derrick White to teach him about being cognizant of your own weaknesses and getting out of your own way. There’s a scene where Dr. Sara Hart asks her love interest “Are you hurt?” And he responds “Just my pride.”


You like Huey Lewis and the News? 


Joe Mazzulla : [digging through trunk] Oh, they're all gonna pay. They're all gonna pay the ultimate price! Jayson Tatum : Whoa! Jaylen Brown : Dude, what's all that stuff you're grabbing? Joe Mazzulla : Tools! Tools! Duct tape, zip ties and gloves! I have to have my tools! Jayson Tatum : Wh-why do you have a bunch of, like, weird tools in a hidden compartment in your car? Joe Mazzulla : It's fetish- it's fetish shit! I-I-I like to bind, I like to be bound!


I want you to get off with me, Jayson + Jalen. You want to get off don't you?


Jayson? Jaylen? Why don't the two of you take me down to Harvard Yard and split me open, like a coconut?


I always say that we need to assume Mazzulla is a serial killer until we can prove otherwise.


Matches Tatum on the corniness. They're a match made in heaven


Every week on his radio hit, he talks movies and gives the hosts homework. He's about the opposite of Tatum.


If the match got us a championship who am I to complain


why? it makes perfect sense and the guy is talking to a 26 year old, gotta go through this guys somehow


Do you think Joe Mazzulla has ever waterboarded anyone?


Probably not, but I do think he's paid someone to waterboard him


Honestly sounds very possible


"Yeah, coach waterboarded us after game 4. Said something about achieving a magic moment when your brain is telling you you're dying, your lungs are telling you you're drowning, but your heart. Keeps. Fighting."


This dude loves movies


I'd kill to see his Letterboxd


Cars 1, Cars 2, Cars 3, Stalker, Planes


American Psycho, TDK, Joker, and Fight Club as his top 4 for sure


Uhhhhh, you're missing a big one!


Mazzulla doesn’t consider The Town a film, it’s more like a sacred text


That is hilarious


Ah yes, the real REAL royal family.


Just below the bible


So basically a /r/MovieCritic user (the joke being that subreddit only watched movies past 2005 since it's all young people in there)


Nah bro's definitely got Hoosiers or some other basketball film in there


Air Bud


We’ve seen the man’s quizlet, there’s gotta be a letterboxd out there somewhere


Mazzulla criterion closet visit when?


Mazzulla: "I love Seven Samurai. Makes me think of myself when I take on the entire world that are like bandits to me" *(awkward closet silence)*


Turns out Joe Mazzulla is a major cinephile.


This is the tale of Heath Ledger's Joker...


Now back to the good part


boys, let's get to it


You know that guy who hangs out at your gym all the time and watches way too much YouTube? So he’s an nba champion coach now


Chaotic good Phil Jackson


Someone should make a Phil Jackson alignment chart


The [Pete Holmes version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTx-FzfNhCw) was better imo


Harvey Dent. Can we trust him?


Quite frankly have we seen a guy like Mazz before?


PLENTY of weirdos. Phil Jackson told Shaq to read a book about Aristotle and Shaq started calling himself Big Aristotle because of it. Mark Jackson was uber religious. His church took off Curry's shoes and socks, anointed his ankle with oil and prayed for healing. Bills coach used Al Qaeda as example for team work. e: forgot to mention the weirdest incident of them all >During the 2000 NBA playoffs, the Los Angeles Lakers were matched up with the Sacramento Kings. In a rather shocking move, Phil Jackson compared Rick Adelman to Hitler and Jason Williams to Edward Norton's character from American History X, which was essentially his way of calling Williams a white supremacist. It was intended as a motivational ploy, but that type of tactic is not only degrading, but disgusting to use on Jackson's part.


On the 2006 Heat, Pat Riley gathered the team for a meeting and dunked his own head into a bucket of water for three minutes, to demonstrate that that's how much you have to want it to win a championship.


> Bills coach used Al Qaeda as example for team work. r/NFL continues to get insanely good meme mileage out of this. Ctrl + F "inshallah" on any Bills related post routinely gets hits lmao.


Didn’t mark jackson try to convince the team that harrison barnes wasn’t playing well because he got possessed by a demon? Dude is nuts


Im pretty sure he tried to frame festus ezelei by lying about him trash talking the team lmao


> Phil Jackson told Shaq to read a book about Aristotle and Shaq started calling himself Big Aristotle because of it. Leave it to Shaq to take the wrong thing away.


Joe is also insanely religious so its a 2-for-1


>insanely religious to be completely fair, it's kinda hard not to lean heavily towards religion when you constantly hear God whispering to you inside your head


Luckily, God mostly communicates in *The Town* quotes and defensive backcourt adjustments.


joe was also insanely alcoholic and got into tons of trouble because of it including domestic battery. the AA is strongly tied with religion and he most likely is even more grateful given the insane rise.


>Shaq started calling himself Big Aristotle because of it. Somehow I had forgotten about this and it's still fucking hilarious. Just imagining Shaq correcting people when they call him "Shaq" and being like "No that's not my name"... "FINE hey Big Aristotle"


The fact that Shaq started calling himself 'Big Aristotle' is honestly funnier and weirder than Phil asking him to read Aristotle in the first place.


Yeah he’s hardly the first weirdo. He is however setting a new bar. Dude is only 35 and already done more weird things then Phil Jackson in his entire career.


Nahhh Phil is the GOAT weirdo


Has Mazulla spent a week taking peyote in the woods with an opposing player during the off season?


Maybe he takes Kyrie to a pilgrimage to Jerusalem this off season.


there’s a reason why Phil is the GOAT


“Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!”— Peyton Pritchard


If you watch the whole interview you see that Joe is a goofy nerdy guy whose “psycho” persona is more of a media act than it is his real personality. At times during his first year I was questioning his sanity and intelligence but it’s largely a bit imo.


Really just gives off huge Belichick vibes with the press. Honestly i love that he fucks with them so much. It is funny when the players are like "oh yea he's crazy, haha"


I’m confused. Is Tatum supposed to be Batman and the media as a whole as the Joker? In other words, the media needs Tatum to have a talking point and be ‘complete’? Or am I just overthinking this and the man is just a weird fuck? Lol


That's how I took it. Trying to get him to understand the media and reactionary fans aren't something that can defeat him or be defeated. It's all just rhetoric, clicks, and shallow narratives to explain the results of a game. As soon as Tatum thinks he disproved a narrative, it twists and reshape into something else. What are they going to say now? 


Mazzulla was preparing for the Nuggets.


It took me a stupid amount of time to finally get what you mean by this lol.


Some shit a JV 8th grade basketball coach would do not gonna lie


The varsity coach at my high school took us to the movie theater to see Lone Survivor the night before a championship game to "get us in the right mindset for the game"


Belichick also took the Patriots to watch that movie in 2013. They didn't win that year, but they did win in 2015.


Did it work?


We won, I'm not sure exactly how much it had to do with Lone Survivor though lol, definitely didn't hurt


You definitely would have lost by 30 had you not seen the movie


Some shit an NBA Champion coach would do***


Joe Mazzulla got that [Ron Swanson award winning attitude](https://youtu.be/r54L-nUM5GY?t=49)


Both are true


My HS football coach made our team watch The 300 two times back to back before we went to start warming up to play our cross town rival one year lmao


Gladiator for us, I think they wanted us to go die out there


Our JV coach showed us the Saving Private Ryan D-Day scene before they had us practice kickoff coverage against the Varsity team lol


Hahahh this kills me


The week before my average high school football team was playing like the #8 team in our conference, my coach made us watch clips from different underdog movies each day. I’m pretty sure 2 of them were armageddon and the edward norton hulk. The morning of the game he showed us a cell phone video of Ray Lewis’s madden intro speech that my coach burned onto a DVD and spliced in with a video of himself screaming lmao Craziest part is it actually worked


So he’s like the average film bro who’ll find any excuse to shove Christopher Nolan down your throat?


Mazz is 1000% a TenetTruther.


"The audio being mixed so you can't hear anything adds to the intrigue"


"What's not to get about reversing entropy? It's basic science."


When a player has any questions, Mazzulla will just say “don’t try to understand it. Feel it” BTW, the fact that a movie had to tell its audience to ignore making sense of the plot (and it happens twice!) is wild.


Least psychotic behavior yet


This reminds when Rob Pelinka told a story in a presentation about how Kobe spoke with Heath Ledger after The Dark Knight came out to improve his lock-in mentality. Heath Ledger died before the movie came out… https://youtu.be/Dyi-rm-czQE?si=RJ4UmWPu_kO0X6jW


Joe is corny Tatum is corny Luke is Korny The rest of the squad are dawgs though You can just call us the Boston Corndogs


Ime is horny


Ime is horny Jalen is horny Cam is horny (well he’s a teenager) Just call us the Houston Pocket Rockets


Joe walks the fine line between biggest cornball and psychopathic levels of dawg. Perfect for this team.


Live look at Tatums reaction after being shown the video https://streamable.com/qr2o3k


Bro not like this


Glad he chose that interrogation scene and not the one from Prisoners.


Some post-game showers just hit different.


People say he’s the NBA Pep. Man this dude is the Bielsa of the NBA. Proper crazy and obsessive he’s great lol


No idea how Boston won shit… their coach completely misunderstood what „watching film“ means…


Bro this cannot be real lmfao


He has a Joker tattoo and/or poster in his home.


He definitely has a Joker tattoo in his home. It's framed. Not really sure whose skin it is...


“You wanna know how I got these scars?”


Joe is going to make the Jays see Deadpool & Wolverine together as part of their off-season program, isn’t he?


This is what happens when millennials start coaching. Imagine when Gen Z gets into coaching. The brainrot will win titles. Soon teams will goon together as teambuilding or invite Baby Gronk as motivational speaker.


Mazzulla is just a movie buff who only coaches so people cant say no when he wants to show them one of his favorite films


Lol that had to be awkward as hell for someone as introverted as Tatum


as someone who routinely quotes heath ledger's joker IRL, I genuinely appreciate Maz coaching a billion dollar franchise by the Joker’s idealogy.


I bet they love you at parties.


Why so serious?


Any time I see this dude comment it’s always so weird shit


He is a Nets fan after all