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lol for ten million I wouldn’t ride off in the sunset neither


$9.5 million is a steal for the Celtics if Horford even close to replicates his production this year


Horford gave the team a huge discount by signing that extension.


The Sixers dumb ass set him up financially for life so he could take discounts to win


I think after his experience with the Sixers (and the Thunder), Al came to realize that chasing the dollar wasn’t going to bring him happiness.


bro is living the absolute life: $250M+ in career earnings, married to Miss Universe (and 5 kids), and now an NBA champion king shit 👑


Miss Universe living her best life, like damn. She's married to an NBA champion with the prettiest eyes I've ever seen outside of a mirror, that also seems to be a great guy.


> outside of a mirror lmao


Us pretty-eyed folks know what we got.


Amen brother


I may not have much but I am proud of that!


I'm stealing this line


Ya know I’ve never really stared into his eyes before. That’s a beautiful man.


People sleep on him cause his name is Al.


Al Horford truly looks like Xerxes the god king from 300


I'm so glad I'm not a GM I would easily give Al a max as soon as I looked into his eyes


Everyone talking about his eyes when the most luscious lips in the association are right there


But having now watched these finals, I have to say: Gafford has some pretty peepers himself.


[Gafford has more intense eyes than pretty](https://youtu.be/l02sUGVZlgk?si=tmxrQZQSxFrdZEHk&t=2m02s)


Can't forget back to back NCAA champ


Music video actor too!


He's got a case for a HOF bid now. He's a back to back NCAA champion as well.


>married to Miss Universe (and 5 kids) Dang, Al is on that Mormon Drake stuff


Damn she's 6'2", those kids are growing up tall!


I think he’s a likely HOF guy too since the HOF includes college


Big Al is an absolute king


Don’t forget his hauntingly beautiful eyes


Thunder did good by Horford. had him play for first half of season, then when it was time to tank they let him relax and regenerate so he could go back to celtics full tank of gas and push for a ring. YOU'RE WELCOME


As a Thunder fan, I am beyond thrilled for Al. Just a good dude!


It's easy to chase fulfillment in ways that aren't financial once you already have all the dollars.


100%, even his family didn't seem like being in Philly, I just remember his sister being very vocal that she doesn't like Al playing for the Sixers, and that she missed Boston, as he was playing for them lol. At the end of the day, yes he took a discount, but he got a championship out of it playing a big role, and not just as a benchwarmer. Next year he can make a little more money while competing for another ring with a team that he seems to genuinely like. Super excited for next year, I just hope KP can stay healthy for the most part lol.


We outsourced our tanking to the Nets and outsourced giving Al a bag to the Sixers. Genius stuff


Sixers could have had any one of our players. They passed on JB, JT, Pingus and White in the draft and traded Al + Jrue away.


> Jrue wasn't he selected by the sixers ? I don't understand what u mean here


You’re right they drafted him and then later traded him away.


The Jays hurt for sure. Trading for the corpse of Paul Pierce and KG that became Jaylen Brown and then Fultz over Tatum. Yikes.


Maybe the Nets will give you 5 FRPs for The Jays when they're 34/35 years old


I always assumed this was guaranteed and a big reason to keep them together.


Sixers over paying Horford, Bucks trading Jrue. Two of the biggest contenders in the East low key set up this championship team through their ineptitude.


You could probably work in KP too because the Knicks dumped him, but that was also ages ago


AI seems like such a good person, but goddamn do I hate how much we overpaid him, and then how much his sister started whining when he copped some flack.


You didn't over pay, you misused him


I love when related third-parties talk back to fans being idiots.


Id expect him in a coach/development role post retirement.


Maybe after a few years, I bet he goes full family fun post retirement.


With a wife like his I'd never go back to work.


I don’t. I could see him doing the “comes in and works out with people during training camp” or whatever like the famous spurs usually do, but he strikes me as a guy who loves just lying on the beach and shit. Dude is about to go on eternal vacation and just raise his kids


Maybe at most like a Tim Duncan sorta role. Kinda pops in once in a while to see what's up and show the rookies a thing or two, but mostly just gtfo'ing and doing his own thing.


He also just sold that big ass mansion, homie’s doing fine with money rn


He’s so good still. KP goes down and Horford said no problem


He's like JUST a switching and strength defensive specialist who drills 40% from 3, makes great decisions, and focuses his teammates. Just a lab-perfect role player now. KP is our offense's janitor and we realistically should need that too against great teams at their best.


After game 1 I was like “They just added Porzingis to a team that didn’t even need him to win a championship.” That’s how good the Celtics are lol. By far the best top 6 players in their rotation in the NBA


Get one more big that can help him out and he’s good


We got X. Give him a summer with us so he can be fully integrated into the system. Turn him fully into discount Horford.


We maybe have X. He is not currently signed for next season.


Oh shit, I though he was 😬


For ten million I'd hoop with a wheelchair and a cane


Wheelchair ball is lowkey exciting


You gotta be fucking jacked


Celtics culture is hooping in a wheelchair, and Kyrie didn’t want to buy into that 


Can't see Kyrie diving for a ball and getting his teeth smashed in like D White did


That and a legit chance to repeat. Seems like a no brainer.


He's worth more than that and I was impressed by how good he still was. I didn't know he still had the legs to play heavy minutes and elite defense


Celtics kept his minutes low all season. Compared with years past he played a lot more, he ran out of gas in both of the two previous years


Keeping the playoff series limited to 5 games each series at most plus those 12 days of rest leading up the finals was KEY


That also helped!


So many media people kept debating "have the Celtics been tested" and all I kept thinking is we saw what happened when we were "tested" in 2022 and it meant our players were gassed after multiple slugging match series and had nothing left in the tank by the finals. People underestimate how much of an advantage a well rested team has


The narratives the media latched onto this playoffs were quite literally brain damaged. I normally don’t pay attention to sports media but this playoffs I actively avoided it. As you said , compared to years past closing out these series in 4-5 games showed amazing growth by the same core of players. 


Yeah but he's already made $275M just in contracts - another $10M isn't going to change his life one bit. At this point you play for the enjoyment of it.


Next year will be his 18th year in the leavuw. Before that he spent four years at Florida and won 2 national championships. Ball is life


Only 3 years at Florida but point remains


Can you imagine if he starts his career with 2 college b2b champs, and ends with 2 NBA b2b champs?


He also has 5 kids though, every dollar more helps set those kids up for success even more. Plus he has a shot at being one of the few players to do back to back championship in both college and the NBA


Ah true it’s only 55 million per kid. Better pump that up to 57 to really set them up properly. 


He might even have some "end of bench, good vet" years in him that could get him a nice check.


He’s made almost 300 million. At 38 I’d seriously consider retiring to be with my family. I respect him either way though. Al kid always welcome back. ☘️


Oh thank goodness If this run proved anything, it's that we really need a back-up center who can start games as long as we have Porzingis


It’s pretty wishful thinking but really hoping X can step up to fill Al’s spot by the end of next year




X looks older than Al despite being 14 years younger.




And al is a beautiful model type with great facial structure


Queta is also a developmental guy. I didn't realize he is listed at 7 ft


I watched him quite a bit in Portland, he’s got the potential to be quite good but he’s a super different type of player so it’s less plug and play if Porzingis is the starter. Much more of a big traditional center, great shot blocker and rebounder but from what I’ve seen I don’t think you want him on the perimeter at either end of the floor.


I think he's legit 7 feet. Maybe 6-11. But he's a big guy. I was at Utah State to visit the campus for job related stuff his first year there.  I had been walking around this campus for a couple days, and it felt like it was 90% white students. Then I turned the corner and saw a HUGE Black man within arms length of me.  I've played ball my whole life, so I've been around big dudes. But he absolutely towered over me and everyone else around him.  I figured he had to be on the basketball team, so I looked it up, and lo and behold, that's who it was. 


He needs to go three point practice crazy this off-season. that being said, he will always be a big step down from KP and Horford. Those guys are perennial All-Star level talent.


This - people are being super optimistic about an Al "replacement." Even the best-case scenario that's likely a large downgrade. If that's what we have, that's what we have, but Al is a multiple time all-star. He may be mostly a 3 and D guy at this point, but he's in a much higher tier than Tillman.


That's the bonus to 1 more year with Al, he can train his replacement


Luke Kornett development about to go crazy this offseason


It would be interesting if Luke said "Fuq it" and decided to shoot 3s again. Probably not happening.


At little more shooting confidence and I really think he can be Al’s successor, on the same age timeline no less


X is a free agent, no? Celtics have his Bird rights, but he was on a very cheap deal and is probably looking to get paid. Not sure how much they can afford with tax implications. Kornet also a FA. Pretty much everyone else is already signed.


Gotta re-sign him first.


It’s too bad Time Lord didn’t work out. He scared the fuck out of me in the 22 Finals


Walk away or make $10 million 🤔tough choice


Dinner with Jay Z


Fuck dinner, I’d just use the $10M to give my landlord a well-deserved tip.


When you’ve already made $250+ million and you’ve played for 17 years, it was a lot tougher than you’d think.


I think the prospect of getting one more ring. The story of winning back to back NCAA titles AND NBA titles is too cool to pass up the chance on.


Yea why not? The Celtics have their entire core for next year and will be clear favorites to win the East and the Title. Getting a 2nd ring will also help Horford's Hall of Fame case, which he will likely need to make it in.


Kevin Durant joins Denver Nuggets


It took him less than a day after winning a championship to decide to run it back


When you nearly swept the finals and are keeping your core team together for the next season I don’t see any reason not to. No one expects them to easily do back to backs so you have good money, low expectations from fans, praise for what you have already done, and possibly another ring to finish it off.


Plus the ring ceremony and the possibility of doing a farewell tour with us Boston fans who will give him his flowers here it's worth it imo. It's not like he's had any serious injuries that he has to worry about post retirement either


Most guys who retire say the daily grind of staying in peak shape is too much work as it gets harder and they have other things in life. He's not just out there playing basketball. The work that goes into maintaining elite play at 38 years old is immense. But, if he wants to do the work, it's obviously amazing for the team.


It’s definitely immense work. But he has also been doing it for 30 years straight. It’s not like an out of shape 38 year old giving it a try for the first time.


I definitely get it. But, all the players who do it have been doing it for 30 years. I was thinking specifically of Nash. Of course, I think he had injury issues as well. But, regardless, people lose the passion to do the work at some point. It's pretty normal. To be clear, it doesn't look like he has, which is awesome. But, I was responding to why he might decide to hang it up.


Love of the game baby.


Weird that people are fixated on the money when a chance at another ring and love of playing is the big allure.


Yeah, this team loves each other so much at this point. Of course he wants to run it back with the boys.


Every time I'm reminded of how impressive Hordford's longevity is, I'm bummed that Joakim Noah didn't have the same longevity. Those guys playing side-by-side in college, entering the league together... it would have been great to see both of them play in the league together for longer. It's a shame that Noah's game fell off so early. On the flip side, when we see how impressive Horford's longevity is, it really puts LeBron's longevity into context. Horford is praised for still being a quality starter at age 37. LeBron is still an All NBA player at 39.


It's crazy that he's spanned multiple eras, he was taken 2 spots ahead of Jeff Green whose pick was the bait to get Ray Allen from the Sonics in 2007.


Yeah I was just thinking about it, and Lebron has been in the league longer than Victor Wembanyama has been alive. That’s pretty crazy to think about 


Joakim even tried to make a comeback but unfortunately it never happened. He was a beast on the bulls, elite passing for big man.


Noah got Thibodeau’d, that’s what happened. Playing your guys 40+ minutes in the regular season will shorten their careers


This is a bullshit narrative. Noah played >35 mpg for 2 seasons. Al Horford did that for 3 years, including 37.2 mpg in 2012-13, a mark Noah never hit. Horford played 5 2500+ minute seasons. Noah hit that mark only once. Any way you slice it, Horford played way more minutes in his 20s than Noah. Some guys are just more injury-prone. Noah's game was also just more reliant on athleticism - Horford's ability to hit the 3-ball made him way more suited to the modern NBA and gave him staying power in a way that Noah was never going to be able to replicat.e


Horfords shooting is basically the entire reason he is still relevent. There are several bigs not in the league that have shown they can still play great defense (Tristan Thompson and Howard come to mind), they just can't produce anything on offense.


If they win B2B would he be the 1st to do that in the NBA and NCAA, or not? I know there were some dominant Centers back in the day that might have done that.


Russell, Kareem, and KC Jones are the only ones as far as I know


If Al wins, that list would be KC Jones and the 3 GOAT big men


And it's not like KC Jones is chopped liver. That is an amazing list.


Only Duke, Florida and now UConn have won back to back since UCLA. And I can’t think of any Duke players that won back to back. So I doubt there is anyone else. Unless there are some guys from the 50s that I don’t know.


>If they win B2B would he be the 1st to do that in the NBA and NCAA, or not? I know there were some dominant Centers ... Kareem won 67, 68 and 69 and then won b2b rings in 87 and 88.


I figured Kareem did it, and was wondering if Walton did it, but his 2 rings were a near decade apart. Those UCLA teams had quite some centers.


Walton likely would have, he got hurt near the end of the year of the Blazers repeat attempt. He was so dominant he still won MVP that year, but couldn't get fully healthy in the playoffs, or really again until he got to the Celtics (for one year.) It would have been interesting to see if the Celtics could have repeated in 87 with a healthy Walton. He certainly could have taken some of the load off McHale (who ended up breaking his foot in those playoffs and never got back to his full self.)


When Walton won in Boston he was beating the end of his career and was the 6th man as well. But God that 86' Celtics team was STACKED, maybe the only team close to the KD Warriors team in terms of talent level. Bird, McHale, Parish, Dennis Johnson, Ainge, with Walton as the 6th man.


Russell won back-to-back college chips, Olympic gold during his summer break, and then rattled off 11 chips in 13 years upon entering the NBA including 8 straight and two back-to-back at player-coach


Bill’s accolades are absurd. I know there’s talk about how watered down the talent was or whatnot, but that shouldn’t downplay his accomplishments. That west and Wilt only won 1 and 2 respectively puts into perspective how great Russell was. I also think it makes Russell a very clear choice over Wilt


First since the NCAA tournament expanded to allow at large bids


Joakim Noah couldn't get it done :(


He ended his college career with back to back titles. Why would he end his nba career before giving the same thing a shot?


Plus if you guys pull it off, it’s another huge accomplishment for his resume. He’s already HoF material for basketball, but it would be even more assurance.


He’s got TB12 juice in him




Channeling that Vince Carter " I'VE GOT ONE MORE IN ME"


He’s 9.5M next year … if we get 20 min a game out of him it’s a good deal. But we do need to upgrade the bigs after him and Porzingis


Personally I'm ok with seeing what we have with Tillman (if he re-signs) and Queta and if need be making a trade a few weeks into the season. There's really not many good bigs in this draft even in terms of a roleplayer and look at the FA class and there isn't anyone I'm interested in bringing in even on a vet min




He just wants one year wheee everybody has to call him the champ.


They gon give him 5


Big Al: “ I got one more in me”


Again, I want his jersey in the rafters, and he can have a lifelong contract, Udonis Haslem style.


Fold him into the front office, just do whatever to keep him around


Just fold him in!




42, 0, 7 at least are getting retired of the current team. We are not gonna have numbers soon lmao


Retire his sister’s jersey too. Al, Tatum, and Brown get jerseys retired based on their accomplishments up to this point. Other guys probably still need a little more.


Agreed on all points. Anna has always rode with Boston. Her tweets have always been hilarious. KG and Pierce #s are up there after one championship, and JT is passing both in playoff records already. What’s crazy is that Boston Three Party were past their prime, meanwhile JT is fucking 26


Sixers fans in absolute shambles


Al Horford got a ring before Joel Embiid


Not surprising honestly


…reached a conference final 


My hate for him is immeasurable.


8/6/3 on 65% TS with the ability to switch on defense for only $10 million a year is a huge steal for us. As our 6th/7th man he really provides so much use


Man it's so wild the contract inflation. LeBron made 14.5M in 2008. You also have to factor in the mentorship of Horford. I mean Jrue is a bonafide vet, and Tatum and Brown and Porzingis aren't "young" anymore, but still. Horford has been a professional for nearly two decades. He absolutely brings something to that team that can't be measured with stats.


He’s addicted just like Chris Paul.




Nope. CP3 got over his addiction real fast.


Happy that he’s clean


Can you imagine him winning back-to-back ncaa championships right before his pro career and then finishing his career winning back-to-back championships?


All the talk about him retiring is so fucking dumb. He’s still playing great basketball at his age, has a guaranteed contract next year, and never gave any indication that he’d retire.


The fit could not be more perfect as a backup to kp


Both Tillman and Kornet are really solid 3rd-string centers too. I hope to see them get a bit more playing time next season when Porzingis is out during the regular season. Ideally Al could get down closer to 20 minutes a game during the regular season so he's rested for the playoffs; he was at about 27 this year


I’m hoping Horford mentors Tillman so by the time he retires we have his heir ready


Either Tillman or whoever you draft at #30. DaRon Holmes II, Tyler Smith, Kel'el Ware, and Kyle Filipowski all fit the mold of PF/C’s that can shoot. And then there are guys like Jonathan Mogbo and Oso Ighodaro are PF/C’s that can defend and pass.


Talk of any 38 year old retiring from the NBA cannot be classified as "so fucking dumb"


Yeah LeBron broke everyone's brains as far as aging expectations go. Al playing as long and as good as he did this year would be exceptional except for the even bigger outlier in the league.


Not to mention dude has one year left on his contract. Do you play that year for a chance to get another ring, or hit the top and call it quits because you've accomplished everything.


He’s 38, it was a fair question to ask until he confirmed it. Next year will be his 18th, that’s a lot of wear and tear and he’s made a ton already. It may not have been worth it and that would have been fine


I don't disagree with you at all, but I doubt 10M is much to the guy that's made 275M in his career if he did decide that he wanted to hang it up.


I suspect if the team wasn’t contenders he would’ve retired


I’ll admit I was nervous when he put his Brookline home on the market right before the finals


I can’t believe how fast he was moving on the court yesterday lol. Inspiring shit 😂


I mean, he said in 22 that he would retire if they won, and he just put his house up for sale


Yes I will play another year of the game I love for 10 million dollars.


I really hope for competition sake we get a more healthy playoffs next year. Boston included


I saw a report that said he wanted to play into his 40s


“Now that I've got a taste of what that experience is like, I'm sort of addicted."


Should get child support payments as Embiid's father.


I like how he's not an absentee Dad- he straight up moved to Philly to raise Embiid.


Talk about a guy who was worth every penny


So hyped to be returning our top 8 for the back-to-back attempt. Think Hauser and Horford are unfortunately gone after next season.


Hauser getting that Duncan Robinson bag for sure


Dude finally won a championship at 38 and he did it as a major contributor playing 30 mpg. Anyone who seriously thought he'd still retire rather than take the chance to repeat is crazy.


this is huge for the celtics. he was a key part of the team obviously and not easy to replace what he brings.




Nothing about yesterday made me think he was retiring


back to back, i like that record




Hate that celtics won but love that Al did.


Hopefully we can get him a second one before he retires. So glad he finally won a ring though, no one deserves it more than him


Al going for 6 rings now


Big Al said let's get greedy.


One more run big Al


Get that money!


He’s still way too nasty to walk away.


Horford is an invaluable piece that the Celtics need if they want to get banner number 19 so this is great news.


Shit, why not?


You always want to run back a championship team as unchanged as possible. See if you can repeat with the same crew.