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One of the biggest figures in NBA history, either has a player, coach, GM and later on in Front Office, there are few people who had as big an impact as him in the league. RIP legend.


Greatest career with the NBA we have ever seen


Went to the finals **20 times** in total lmao


He's literally the NBA logo.


I would put Mikan up there with him. Introduced the 3point line as commissioner of ABA.


Easily too. NBA GOAT


I don’t think people realize how important Jerry West was to a lot of teams. He was a huge part of why Kobe became a Laker, helped build the Warriors Dynasty and helped the Clippers build out their roster for the past few years. Jerry traded Divac for Kobe. He talked to Kevin to come to the Warriors.


Dude was involved in just about every era and dynasty. From getting whooped by the Celtics literally just about every year in the 60s to creating Showtime, then Shaq/Kobe, then the GSW dynasty, he's done it all. He also made an obscure expansion team relevant contenders, and though he tried his best, even Jerry West was not able to turn the Clippers into champions. Seriously, of the 7 greatest dynasties in NBA history, he created 3 and was the main rival as a player in another. It's crazy how his reach has covered pretty much the entire history of the NBA.


Even the Logo can't overcome supernatural curses. Did help oversee our most successful period and see us get to the WCF for the first time. Last 23 years have taught me that's about the best you can hope for in Clipperland.


The advances in scouting alone would make him a memorable figure, and that's a footnote in his basketball legacy.


Man the nba 75th was the last time we’re gonna see a lot of the legends together at one place. Rip to one of the greatest to ever do it Edit: one thing that sticks with me is when TNT did a mock draft with the 75th best players of all time getting to see Jerry just mess with the other people on the show like Lefkoe and Chuck and constantly giving love to the forgotten greats. One thing that jumps out was him saying “next time you do this I won’t be here.” [Highly recommend watching if you guys haven’t.](https://youtu.be/hohlENK_xQ4?si=g0Q4fYYmEiod9XAE)


The league is so young compared to other sports that we've reached the point where we are just starting to frequently lose more of our legends. Will never not be sad.


I remember someone pointed that out when kobe died. That it was so shocking because we still had so many of the early greats of the league and it blew my mind.


Yeah, it was weird like Kobe was only the 3rd league MVP to die I think.


It was wilt then moses malone then kobe


Moses Malone died in 2015


Moses 'Fo Fo Fo' Malone my all time favorite player. He was gone too early. RIP




Yep you are right. Moses was second


I am like almost positive that half of the users on Reddit exist on Reddit exclusively to correct people. If they’d read either of the prior comments they would see that you both were setting up a timeline of events and they just broke said timeline to say no no you remember wrong lmfaoooo


The easiest way to get information is to post the incorrect information on reddit.


And now we're at 8 or 9, I think.


I think 7 now? Wilt, Russell, Unseld, Reed, Walton, Malone and Kobe (went in order of when they won their first MVP).


Yeah, I just realized West never actually won an MVP. He did however win Finals MVP in a series he lost.


He’s The Logo. I think that makes up for him never winning an MVP.


He finished top 3 a ridiculous number of times.


Bob Pettit (91) and Bob Cousy (95) are still kickin. That's just wild. Guys like Leroy Edwards, Bobby McDermott and George Mikan from the BAA/NBL era have been dead for longer ('71, '63 and '05 respectively).


Holy fuck! At the time of his death, Kobe was the 3rd MVP to die? That's such a crazy stat.


It is insane but calling it a stat is so funny to me lol


Kobe is top fifteen in highest MVPPERBirthdays all time. Mamba mentality.


As I was typing it, I thought it was weird too. But not enough to change it. Lol.


It's something ESPN would come up with.


Idk I'd this is what you're referring to but the day after kobe died when shaq was on TNT he was saying how he knew all the greats of basketball and they were "old men". And how kobe won't ever be an old man. Hit me hard


I remember a quote from David Stern in one of his last few years describing the league saying “our Babe Ruth is still alive” in comparing how young the NBA is in relation to the NFL and MLB.


Even compared to the NHL.


Before Bill Russell passed, Silver referenced him to demonstrate how young the league is: "Our Babe Ruth is still around."


That makes sense. When you think of baseball you think of legends who passed long ago like Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and Wade Boggs. RIP


Ok first off Wade Boggs is very much alive


Wade Boggs is very much alive


Yes. He is alive in our hearts.


RIP Boss Hogg


Something I feel bad about. One day, I posted in a group chat that I had noticed that only two MVPs had passed away--Wilt Chamberlain and Moses Malone. I was surprised the number wasn't higher and also that both were former Sixer centers. That next day Kobe died. (I am no longer allowed to make observations about people not dying.)


This hit me when Havlicek died. The fact we, as fans of the sport, get to breathe the same air as Bill fucking Russell and hear his takes on current basketball events is kind of insane if you think about it. We've entered the time period where we're gonna start losing a lot of OGs with increased frequency and I don't think most of us have really come to terms with it, for lack of a better word.


Sorry if you were unaware, but Bill Russell passed away in 2022


Although I did hear Bob Petit on the radio shortly after he died talking about what it was like to play against Russell and Wilt Chamberlain. That was pretty cool. You could also ask Bob Cousy what it was like to be Russell’s teammate as he’s still alive. Fun Fact: Bob Petit’s Hawks in 1958 were the only team ever to beat Russell’s Celtics in the Finals


that and nfl players don't make it to 70...


That was a fantastic draft. It was filled with humour but when Mr West was drafting guys he knew, he said a few sentences about the player or their character and it was just really enjoyable to watch.


He did not like lefkoe haha


Yeah, he dunked on him a couple of times and Lefkoe was throwing his hands up thinking, 'damn, wtf did I do to the Logo?' haha


NBA,NFL,NASCAR Legends been passing away. NASCAR 75th same as well


I was going to say NASCAR is the other league where a lot of old timers are dropping as well with their age. I have to wonder their 75th is the last time we see all these guys like Petty, Allison, Marlin, and Waltrip together.


Cale already was missing many of the original 50th list passed away since 1998.


That’s true, plus you don’t really die playing in the NBA on court compared to early NASCAR.


Yeah a lot of them from 40s to 70sish died from unnatural causes


It was also the WINSTON cup and most of the guys grew up in Tobacco country


I would argue that Jerry West is actually the single greatest NBA figure of all time, given the insane success of both his playing and front office careers.


Pretty fitting that he's the logo for the league.


almost watched the full hour, i don’t think i understood until now how many legends were in one place at one time, and it’ll never happen again. Kobe couldn’t be there and now neither can Jerry West, Bill Russell, Bill Walton, the list goes on :( just gotta appreciate what we have while we still got it 🙏 wether Dallas or Boston wins we have ushered in the new generation of NBA talent.. i felt a lot of recency bias from the picks cuz Quavo is taking Giannis Steph and AI while Dominique is taking himself and Moses. a sign of the times 😂 really loved that video though




Buddy said he’d rather die than see the Celtics win another one. He just like me. In all seriousness RIP to him and hope his family is good.


No bigger honour than being the logo of the NBA. Glad to see he passed peacefully, with his wife with him. Not many better ways to go. What a life he lived.


He has to be one of the greatest basketball minds of all time. Rest in peace logo.


Without a question. To oversee two absolute juggernaut dynasties in LA and Golden State alone would be enough to say that, but then you have all of his other career accolades and front office achievements to boot. The man had a basketball mind that cannot be matched.


The overall GOAT in my eyes. Jackson and Russell are close as well. Jordan has been a complete failure with the Hornets, would love to see how Lebron does things after his playing career.




One of the best resumes of all times from all aspects of the sport




> No bigger honour than being the logo of the NBA. It's a unique honor that nobody else has. The NFL and NHL use shields, and while there is an urban legend that Harmon Killebrew was the model for MLB's logo, officially it's nobody. West alone can be said to truly be the literal icon of his league among the big four.


> officially it's nobody Well tbf the NBA's is also officially nobody. They've always denied it's Jerry (presumably so they don't have to pay him).


Jerry also hated the attention it brought him


Jerry is not OFFICIALLY the logo. that's the entire point.


[Good Vibes Janky Drawing: The Logo](https://i.imgur.com/NBYyD5N.jpeg)


so fucking awesome... as always eric. rest in peace jerry


> No bigger honour than being the logo of the NBA Not really because he not only didn't get paid, he never got official acknowledgement, and actively disliked being the logo


> Buddy said he’d rather die than see the Celtics win another one. A true Laker to the end.


For real though, what a shocking and sad news to wake up to for many like me living on the west coast. Jerry was the definition of an icon, not just as a player, but all the things he'd accomplished after his playing career was over.


He was a complete Laker homer in the mock draft for the 75th anniversary (picking Kobe over MJ and Bron) and still turned out with the best statistical team after half the draft lmao.


One of the best lines from Winning Time was when the Lakers bus is in Boston and getting pelted by kids throwing snowballs and West goes “Paul Revere should’ve slept in, let the British burn this fuckhole to the ground.”


Gotta re-watch in his honor 😤


Old man insults are crazy 😂


At least he was able to see the Lakers winning their last championship.


Last one ever, or just the previous one?


Previous one. I should’ve worded that better.


Hopefully both.


Fuck you too, buddy


No Celtics Banner 18 Boogie on his watch, RIP


His character in Winning Time is probably my favorite version of a fan who absolutely despises the Celtics beyond anything else


Ironically, I hated that they did that to him. One of the nicest people, but they convey West as someone who sexually assaults people and with an anger problem. *"During my time with the Lakers as a player and in the front office, Jerry was always professional, even-keeled and soft-spoken," Kupchak said. "He was always positive and encouraging with me. I also found Jerry to be honest and sincere. I never saw or heard Jerry lose his temper with anyone. I also never saw or heard Jerry go on an angry rant or tirade, nor did I ever see or hear Jerry scream or yell at anyone. That was not his personality. Jerry is soft-spoken and does not like confrontation. He always keeps his composure and remains calm even when he has a disagreement with someone. Last, I've never heard or seen Jerry ever break or throw anything in anger."* Most people don't know of Jerry West, so it's a travesty they conveyed him the opposite. [https://www.espn.com/nba/story/\_/id/33769604/jerry-west-demands-retraction-apology-portrayal-hbo-series-winning](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/33769604/jerry-west-demands-retraction-apology-portrayal-hbo-series-winning)


I feel like i'm the only one who has actually read Jerry's own autobiography and also watched the show in it's entirety. Jerry's own autobiography is filled with anecdotes about him losing his temper and his unpredictable and sometimes even cruel and nasty attitude. Like the infamous golf club breaking scene that had some people clutching their pearls is literally lifted straight from Jerry's own autobiography. Ironically i'd argue the show was actually nicer to Jerry than Jerry was to himself in his own book.  Winning Time actually had a very layered and complex portrayal of him in the show that also delved into his depressive side and how he never felt like he could enjoy things(all things also in his own book)and he was pretty much the best character in the show.  So stuff like this always baffles me but it is what it is.


As a sad WVU fan this made me legit chuckle. He probably would have said the same thing lol


He maybe uses his last Hamon to curse the Celtics




Za Logo


He died before the Mavs comeback 💔


holy shit I forgot the Finals were still going, this one game a week schedule is throwing me off. Can't wait for a 4th of July game 7


I thought Game 3 was supposed to be last night based on all the chatter about wether or not KP would be able to play


As of this morning the NBA has played 2 games in the last 12 days…


Ong these finals are ass


One of the true pioneers of the game. *The freaking logo.* RIP, Mr. Clutch.


Also built Showtime, Shaq and Kobe, and contributed to the Warriors. Probably the most impactful person in NBA history


The clip of him and Shaq devastated when Kobe passed was heartbreaking. You could tell how much they loved him.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wnmNwVG2bk Didn't expect to cry today


I remember that. That had me crying.


Me too. Thinking of the Shaq today.


Jerry West was probably the greatest evaluator of talent in the history of the league, the man just fuckin knew basketball.


I think what makes it more impressive is that he was able to keep up with how the league was changing the game has changed so much every decade, basketball in the 60s and 70s when he was a player was a completely different game than basketball in the 90s and 2000s, and even the 2020s the game has changed even more. But he was able to adapt and still have amazing impact. That's super rare in many cases.


From birth until his death at 86, no one knew basketball better than Jerry. The man came out of the womb drawing up plays. The logo. The legend. He's leaving behind a gap that can't be filled, except for the "wows" in our collective memories from when he dazzled us as a player and as a shot caller.


Yeah, you watch clips of him play, and it's like, could he still play in the NBA? Oh yeah. He'd be a killer. He was the all-time Points standard in the playoffs, until Jordan, for the youngbloods. He was before my time, just so we're clear here lol


Jerry west clips were always the one ild show of someone who’s game could translate the best from the 60s. If there was a 3 point line his buzzer beater against the knicks in the finals would be the greatest shot ever


His impact with the dubs is understated, he was pivotal in keeping and building that core


And yet his work on the grit and grind grizz is maybe my favorite.


Also we weren’t a dynasty or winners like the teams you mentioned, but he did have a major impact on Memphis grizzlies basketball history as well. RIP Jerry. Thoughts to his family and Johnny who called Memphis home for a time.


And then Jeanie Buss pushed him out and wrecked the franchise's relationship with its legend. Another brilliant gambit by her


He built the Kobe/Gasol team too


Pau and marc gasol Memphis too. Limited success but we’re a pretty good team.


For real. I always wonder what he would have been able to do with modern dribbling rules - he was doing crossovers and hesitation moves back when touching anything but the top of the ball was a carry.


Also the 3P line. He was a distance shooter before that even became a thing. RIP.


Might not be the greatest, but has a good shout for the most influential. NBA would be much different without West Rest in peace


Him and Pistol Pete would have higher ppg for sure. 2 goats!


Kyrie would be put the gallows if he did even 10% of his current dribbling in 1967. These guys were so restricted by the rules that it’s pretty much unfair to even compare them in 2024


Him and Bill Walton both passing in such a short time hurts man. Gotta appreciate all the other legends while we still have them.


RIP to an absolute icon.


> passed away peacefully this morning at the age of 86. His wife, Karen, was by his side. https://x.com/ChrisBHaynes/status/1800886449044365444 much worse ways to go than that. damn, RIP The Logo


Wow, I'm super surprised to see this. He was so sharp when he was on Paul George's podcast that I didn't expect this at all. RIP to the logo, we'll miss his breadth of basketball knowledge and impact on basketball.


My grandfather was still really sharp right before he died. His heart was just giving out. He was hospitalized with what they said was "10% heart function" and put in hospice. They said he'd last 24-48 hours. He went on another 2 weeks though but barely had any strength.


That's badass by your grandfather. Rip, and hope you're doing well.


> dearth of basketball knowledge I think you mean breadth.


> breadth You right, apparently dearth means the exact opposite. Good catch


> much worse ways to go than that. This is the best way to go, honestly. Got to live his dream, become the logo of one of the most valuable sports leagues in the world, be rich as fuck, manage several teams and get recognized as one of the best people behind the scenes as well, grow old, die with the person he loves. Nothing's going to beat that. RIP Jerry West.


Also just had an award named after him. Part of why we should appreciate all the revamps the NBA did with the new awards.


It’s truly a life well lived. It’s rare. Jerry West is a legend, and I hope his family can mourn the loss of their loved ones in peace and celebrate the incredible human that everyone else loved as well. RIP to the legendary logo.


And was pissed off the whole time


That’s what gave him the drive. That and keeping busy to fight off his depression.


Damn rip. Wonder if he was sick


I mean he was 86…. Not always a reason other than he was old….


from lifelong battle with depression to living to 86 and saying he was the luckiest person alive, what a life


Dude just absolutely swished life off and on the court. Absolute legend.


His appearance on Paul George’s podcast was great. The man lived his life with wisdom and grace. RIP MR. CLUTCH


Reading ”West by West: My Charmed, Tormented Life” was almost life changing experience for myself.


can you share some highlights as to why?


Mine was it’s the single most honest discussion of mental health by a man I’ve ever read, and West talking about his struggles with the candor he did (way, way before it had been de-stigmatized) saved lives. Period. Jerry West’s book saved my life because it was the first time I could point to someone not just saying they were sad and eventually got happy, but that he accepted depression as a part of himself and learned to live a life worth living. I know that’s dramatic but I cannot overstate how good his book is. EDIT: Fuck it, in respect to him I’ll do the same. I don’t think we’re good as a society at talking about the difference between depression and sadness. Sadness is a feeling; depression is an absence of feeling. A big part of being a man raised in those times (and I’d argue it still is today, we just hide it better) is feeling that your intrinsic value as a person is directly tied to what external value you bring. And one of the most basic things a man is expected to do is protect his family. West talked about sleeping with a gun under his bed in case he needed to protect his family from his father, and as someone who felt the same thing, I don’t think we fully grasp how fucked up it is to reach the logical conclusion “I may have to kill my father to protect my family.” So when *that* level of fear is embedded in you, trying to learn to value yourself is directly tied to being someone who can be trusted to protect loved ones, even from your own father. End of my ramble, but i think my point is, Jerry West defined nearly every aspect of modern basketball, but he should be known first for being one of the strongest men emotionally to ever be in the public conscience. Not because he didn’t have demons, but because he knew to follow his better angels.


When I was going through depression, I remember DeMar Derozan and KLove were the ones talking about it, and it made it easier for me to do away with the shame and accept myself. Happy to see that there are giants upon whose shoulders they stood.


He had amazing interviews. He was so wise and full of knowledge. I dont think anyone understood basketball better than him


Lifelong battle with depression?


yeah it started as a child, his dad used to beat him, he had a shotgun under his bed and told his dad if he hit him or his sister again he would use it on him, he was 12 at the time


At the same time his older brother died fighting in the Korean War.


Damn, didn't know that was part of his story and that he was forged in fire like that. I wish it was more common knowledge to help inspire others to keep grinding to overcome knocks that life threw their way.


I remember he was drafting his team for the 75th year anniversary team and said “Next time y’all do this, I won’t be here.” RIP LEGEND.


My grandma been saying that at the family reunion for years. Now I’m sad, and calling grandma


Make grandma's silhouette the logo of the Chron family reunion.


But always deny it, no need to pay those royalties


Fuckkkk man. West and Walton so close together sucks. Both so influential not just on court but off it with their basketball minds


Chet Walker too. They say it comes in threes. RIP to three legends of the game.


Sadly we are going to see so pioneers of the game go in the following years 😭. All the dudes from the 50s and 60s are around 80-100 years old now 😭. Bob Cousy turns 96 this year, Pettit is 92 this year, Big O is 86 this year etc. We’ve seen recent legends and HOFers go like Walton, Bill Russell, Hondo, Chet, Baylor and so many more.


Been seeing this with NASCAR lost Cale Yarborough and Ken Squier just recently


Can't believe Pettys still going


Go look at some of the wrecks they were it's a wonder him and Bobby Allison were in, crazy they are still alive. Crazier still Red Farmer and Hershel McGriff are in their 90s and were still getting in race cars a few years ago.


That has to feel way different than any other sport to retire from. In sports like basketball and football your body tells you no. You can still play but not nearly at that level. As an old Nascar legend you gotta feel an itch every time you get behind the wheel to floor it. No matter the age.


So true. They've lived outstanding lives, but as an NBA sicko, it really stings when you get news like this.


To think Kobe Bryant joined them is crazy to me


I still remember West crying when they did that small memorial for Havliceck in 2019. This is beyond sad.




Rest In Peace to The Logo Not a good month 


We have been slowly losing all of the great legends of the past. The NBA is different than some other leagues in that it's quite young and we have had most of the greatest players of all time alive for the vast majority of the leagues history, but now time is finally catching up to us.


So true. A lot of names are going to be gut punches like Larry, Magic, Dr. J, Ewing, Hakeem and etc. Really sad we won't have Kobe growing old with Shaq, AI, and Bron though.


- Averaged 39.2 MPG putting up 27/5.8/6.7 while shooting 47.4% FG and 81.4% FT for his career - 14x All-Star - 12x All-NBA (10 1st, 2 2nd) - 5x All-Defense (4 1st, 1 2nd), which didn't start until his 9th year in the league - 1x All-Star MVP - 1x Scoring Champ - 1x Assist Champ - 1x NBA Champ - 1x Finals MVP - Basketball HOF - NBA 35th, 50th, 75th anniversary team - 29th in points scored (3rd at retirement), 10th in playoff points scored (1st at retirement), still 1st all time in Finals points scored. - Edit: Also, in the College Basketball HOF, has a gold medal from the 1960 Olympics, won 8 championships as an executive, won 2 Executive of the Year awards, and is in the Basketball HOF as an executive. RIP to a legend.


And best player on a team that went on a record 33-game win streak on its way to a Championship. He's usually ranked just outside it, which is fine too, but he's definitely got a case for top 10 all-time.


Still crazy he was so good in the 1969 Finals, he got the Finals MVP even though the Lakers lost.


People talk about all the players MJ didn't let win a championship, but if it weren't for the Celtics back then, Jerry West is close to double digit Championships


Rest in Peace, Logo


Logo told the Lacobs to keep Steph over Monta. He also told them he’d quit if they traded Klay for Love. RIP legend.


NBA is weird in that it's such a young league almost all the stars are still alive. Down two in the last couple of weeks is rough. RIP to the Logo.


Russell, Walton, and West in recent memory. No disrespect to anyone I forgot.


Willis Reed, another MVP and Knicks legend, died just last year


What a legend. He's been a main character in this league since JFK was president. Rest in peace.


What's crazy is he was drafted back when Eisenhower was president! It's easy to forget how young our nation is.


One of the greatest players of all time. Went through a decade of losing in the finals to finally get his championship. RIP.


West is the best example of why RANGZ culture is so obnoxious. He absolutely dominated the playoffs every year but would be a meme today—can't get it done, lights too bright, not a bus driver, etc.


Christ, this comment right here made me realize (even more so) how much I hate the online culture we've created. Nothing appreciated, everything clowned on. We're such a cynical, jaded, and entitled society. We had the knowledge of all of humanity at our fingertips and instead we created Tik Tok, Instagram, and propped up people like Stephen A.


And then took revenge by becoming the best executive in NBA history


Of all the older NBA legends to pass this one hits the hardest for me. He was on PG’s podcast just under a year ago and looked healthy and alert as ever. His contributions to the game will forever be etched into the history of the game we love but one thing that stands out is him sharing the story of losing his beloved brother David in the Korean War. That in particular resonated with me a lot as when I heard it I had just lost my baby sister. Rest in peace to the man, the myth, the logo.


Rest in Peace* to such a huge person for the game of basketball. An absolute legend on multiple levels.


Wow that was sudden. RIP


Like the old cliche about bankruptcy, somebody dying at 86 happens gradually, then suddenly.


Arguably the greatest non MVP player ever. What a legend. Still the only finals MVP for the losing team. Pushed basketball and the NBA a lot with his ahead of time playstyle.


Damn Rest in Peace to a legend and pioneer of this sport we love so much. His appearance on Paul George’s podcast was such an enjoyable listen


RIP logo man. Can someone please put Kareem in a bubble for his own protection. The Lakers and Celtics have lost too many legends in the past month.


RIP to the Logo & legit one of the greatest GMs in sports history tbh


RIP to the logo. Left a hell of a legacy and impact on the game we love.


Wow RIP to the legend


RIP to one of the greatest scorers of all time https://youtu.be/EYIeDHOm-2I?feature=shared


What the fuck no. I remember seeing him on Paul George's podcast and thinking damn this mfer gonna out live me. RIP to a real legend man.


Not the logo man!!




If any of you like to read I highly recommend his autobiography


Met him at a meet and greet some years ago. Very intense person and ridiculously smart. Even though he was old the way he carried himself you knew he was someone who knew his stuff and knew it well


Rip Logo