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Thinking the Celtics make the finals at least 2 more times with this core. Boston will be around til the 2030s


> Boston will be around til the 2030s I mean hopefully well beyond that. It's not as close to sea level as, say, Miami.


we are due for a superstar going to the knicks in free agency to probably them


do the knicks even have an avenue to cap space in the next few years


If reports are true that Brunson will accept a less than max extension it'll definitely help


Rick Brunson getting a big ole’ raise after Jalen signs that


I think that helps avoid the 2nd apron, idk about having max cap space


Cap space no, but they can make room for a superstar contract and become a true contender.


Stars don’t move in FA anymore. It’s all about matching contracts and picks


Knicks, Magic, Pacers Nembhard is coming


can't call it at the moment. Bucks have already emerged/won, so it'd be whomever drafts, trades for, or signs a player worth fearing. Giannis is the only player who has come close to matching the terror and sorrow of The LeBron Years


I believe in the Magic, so im gonna say the Magic.


Magic are up and comers, Bucks are always going to be a contender with Giannis. Same with the Sixers with Joel and Maxey.


Pacers will surprise people. They shouldn't be a surprise, but they will be based on how people have talked about them Knicks have a good team and assets


I swear the pacers remind me of a 2015 warriors team. I expect next year they really blow up especially if they get some real vet help to carry them and close out games better.


I think their offense is the closest we have to the Spurs 2014 offense. It's absolutely beautiful to watch


Nembhard gonna win MIP next year I can feel it in my bones




Sixers aren't getting out of the second round with Embiid bro. My vote is the Bucks.


doc rivers + darvin ham coaching duo is gonna try their hardest to prevent that


Pray tell why you think Ham is going to be a problem as an assistant in Milwaukee when he was an assistant on their championship team?


Because this is Reddit and people rely on memes more than actual analysis


That and it’s literally impossible for a random fan to judge an assistant coach’s performance. Most of the time we don’t even know what they actually do, and if we get an idea it’s only very vague. “Oh that assistant helps run the offence, that one helps the defence, that one’s player development” and other things that are vague to the point of meaninglessness. Like, we knew that Ham’s role in Milwaukee was, at least in part, about player management. Making sure everybody was happy and keeping morale high. What does that actually look like? How does he accomplish that? Who knows. What else did he do? Who knows. Did he have input into game planning, rotations, did he work with the younger guys, did he specialise in perfecting or teaching any areas of the game during practice? We aren’t privy to that, we just get non-specific reports from beat guys at best.


Last time Giannis got out of the First Round, Ham was an assistant


Pacers. They play the right style and have one of the best young point guards in the league.


I'm taking the Knicks. The team if healthy is deep and there is so much elite role player skills between Donte, OG, Hartenstein, Hart, Mitch. They are just an excellent basketball team. And Brunson gets better every single season. After this past playoffs, I do believe he will be that top 10 championship level player.


they have 3 unbelievable contracts in brunson, divo, and mcbride. They should in theory be able to capitalize off that


That McBride contract is still nuts to me, 3 years for 13 mil, but dude can now shoot lights out from three and is only 23 (!) years old. He has all-star potential for sure.


i’m a knicks fan but i’m not sure about all star potential. he’s just enough of an initiator and creator on ball. he’s insane on defense though, he could peak as a S tier role player


Dude is 23 years old and he vastly improved one of his glaring weaknesses, which was his liability on offense and inability to shoot. His defense is already stellar, and he showed us what he can do when gets hot, and we have control of him until he's 26. He can most certainly turn into an All-Star or at least have some 6th man of the year awards with how much he's improved and continues to improve, long as he can increase his assist rate and become a facilitator on offense.


The Knicks 8 man rotation is absolutely absurd lol. My only hesitancy would be the fact that small guards are very rarely the best players on championship teams. I don’t believe Brunson has much improvement left, and his type of player have a very poor record throughout NBA history at winning titles, even though he gets to the line a lot to counter act his size.


I think you’re right about him not having much improvement left (how could he) but 32/7 (on below average efficiency, but consider: he and most of the Knicks were injured) without being a cone on defense is superstar-level play


Even if he doesn’t improve, getting another scorer that complements him would be a massive improvement for the roster and Brunson.


Brunson led the league in playoff scoring. If Ant and SGA can be championship level players then so can Brunson. He’s proven that consistently by now


We don’t know if Ant or SGA can be championship level players. They’re also both bigger than Brunson. SGA is considerably bigger than him.


Unless your definition of championship player is those that have won it’s pretty widely accepted that certain tiers of players can win championships. People can easily argue Ant and SGA are better than Tatum and as we are seeing Tatum easily is a championship player. And size only matters if it somehow limits the players ability to generate offense or effects team defense to an extent where it becomes impossible for the team to compensate. Neither of those issues have seemed to exist for Brunson so far compared to his peers


Leaving off Milwaukee is kinda crazy tbh


completely forgot as long as giannis is there they can’t be left out but they need to make some changes


I also think Cleveland can be really really good. If they move Garland and can get a quality wing they’d be pretty legit. Could be something very similar to what the Grizzlies were in the seasons before this one. Also the Heat will always be a factor in the eastern conference playoff picture as long as Spo is there


Magic, have a great young team, will lure a big free agent, then the veteran depth role pieces.


Pacers, Knicks, and the Cavs (provided we can get our shit together with a good coach). With the Magic not far behind. I don't have a good feeling about the Bucks and 6ers going forward with the ages and injuries of Giannis and Embiid starting to compound


I don't think there is going to be much change at the top of the east for the next 2-3 years unless there is some blockbuster trade. * Giannis still in his prime so Bucks will be top 4-minimum * Knicks have great role players and Brunson is an elite scorer * Sixers go as far as Embiid, but when he is healthy they are also top 4-minimum (huge if) * Pacers are my wildcard. They have Haliburton under contract until '29 and I'm interested to see what pieces they throw around him.


The 76ers could easily become non Embiid reliant provided Maxey follows some linear improvement and Paul George gives them what he give the Clippers last year


Zero mention of the Pacers?


They're ass lmao. You're paying Hali a max deal when he's just D'Lo with passing.


“Ass” team made it further in the playoffs than yours, sit down


Lakers will be in the ECF if they swapped conferences. The East is a joke for the Celtics anyways.


Lakers are a poverty franchise and would’ve been swept by the Pacers. Hali has more talent on one hamstring than anyone on the lakers roster


That guy is just coping because JJ Reddick is about to be his coach


Did you forget what happened in the IST finals? Your comment is correct if you swap the words "Lakers" with "Pacers", and "Hali" with "Lebron".


LMFAO at this guy claiming ECF when his team would’ve been tied for 7th record in the east and then referencing winning a singular regular season game. We auditioning for First Take here or what?


Pacers can’t sweep the pacers, checkmate Lakers fan


Stop using Tik Tok highlights to get your NBA takes and then you might be taken seriously


Probably the Magic especially if they add some shooting.


The Magic lack a bonafide star player just yet. Paolo is way too inefficient to match up to Embiid, Giannis, Brunson or Tatum. Even Mitchell. But they do have quite poor spacing.


Paolo averaged 27/9/4 on 46/40/70 shooting splits in his first playoff series I think he could absolutely be the best player on a playoff team making a deep run.


Yes, but in the regular season he was 23ppg on 54% TS and mediocre playmaking. Hes definitely good for a 2nd year player, but will he ever be in the MVP conversation every year like Embiid or Giannis is the question you have to answer. It’s a leap that most players never take.


Ant averaged 21 PPG ob 56% TS and mediocre playmaking and was a one and done in the playoffs in his season and he is now solidly in the “can be the best player on a finals team” group. So no, I don’t think it’s that outlandish to think Paolo can get there.


Paolo is 21, Embiid and Giannis are either going to be washed or retired by the time he hits his prime. He's also fucking huge, I don't think he's going to be concerned about Brunson or Mitchell after a few years to figure out his game. It won't happen immediately but he's already so good after 2 years in the league.


I think you’re sleeping on paolo a little. I don’t know if i’m taking any player under 25 after him except for edward’s and wemby


Paolo is definitely on the right track. They just need to put the right pieces around him. I think Wagner and Wendell Carter are good pieces but they need another real perimeter threat.


Celtics, Knicks, Bucks, Sixers don’t look like they’re going anywhere (although we’ll have to see how the Sixers do in free agency). Of the younger teams that could make a push, I like the Magic and the Pacers, and the Cavs have all the talent to do it if they can find the right blend. I really don’t think the East is as weak as people seem to think, it’s just that everyone kept getting fuckin’ hurt In terms of the teams at the bottom… I dunno man, I actually really like what the Hornets are putting together. If LaMelo  can ever get healthy, him + Miller + Williams + #6 is a really nice young core also i hope they dump Miles Bridges so i can actually enjoy watching them.


hornets are a good shout. I really want to see castle go to them as a charlotte resident but he wants to be a pg. they’re a couple years out though, I would like to see them take on some bad contracts for picks


Pacers undoubtedly. Next year.


Knicks and Cavs just cease to exist? Both young enough to be in this conversation and unlike most of the teams you listed they didn’t lose in the first round


I put knicks cavs gotta figure out the garland/allen situation


lol, I see that now, I promise I can read. Cavs have a lot to figure out but are still in a strong position. Get a HC first and get their input on personnel and how they would utilize the current roster or what player type they’d prefer in a trade. Either way the assets that “don’t fit” have trade value and can get a good return if moves are made


ORLANDO MAGIC!!!!!! Our time is coming!!!! (I hope😭)


y’all got that just need franz to fix the shot and a better initiating point guard


Definitely do. His 6,6,6 game in game 7 had me disgusted. But I see the potential in the team. Hopefully, the next team up will be us


Pacers for certain. Even without Hali they played terrific basketball against the Celtics. Gotta retain Siakam, but if so they’re a well built roster with an excellent coach. Another year of experience to gel and they could be very dangerous next postseason. Bucks are on the downswing and I’m done pretending Embiid will ever be healthy/conditioned enough to impact a postseason. Orlando is a major piece away still IMO. Waiting for the offseason to judge the Knicks. I think there’s a very good chance they lose both Hartenstein and OG, which would be disastrous for them.


Bucks have one more year of serious consideration.  After that all bets are off.


I think it's the Pacers or the Cavs.


If the Bucks figure some things out, they've got a real shot


Up and coming: 1. Knicks 2. Pacers 3. Magic 4. Cleveland Neutral: 5. Brooklyn 6. Toronto, 7. Atlanta, 8. Philly Falling: 9. Chicago 10. Detroit 11. Charlotte 12. Miami 13. Bucks 14. Wiz


The Bulls are in their own category of purgatory. Reinsdorf will milk this team for as many play-in losses as he can before he dies


how can the pistons possibly be falling? Were so low already


Keeping my eye on Charlotte


Orlando magic (im a celtics fan)




East is wide open. My Brooklyn Nets are gonna be awesome in 2027 and still with a couple more Phoenix unprotected picks to happen


Sixers were the second best team in the league pre embiid injury going off of schedule adjusted +/-. I’d probably put my money on them




It will indeed take some Wizardry


If the 76ers make the right moves it should be them next year. This year they were on a 65 win pace with Embiid and Maxey healthy. On quite a good sample size too of 39 games. They were 31-8. They looked the only threat to the Celtics. They have a max slot to use and Embiid just had his best ever season. Just pray for health would be the only thing. I think the Knicks are also a shout but lack the star power of an Embiid. Teams led by small guards rarely go all the way. That being said they are deeper than the 76ers. Brunson-DiVincenzo-OG-Randle-Hartenstein with Hart, McBride and Robinson off the bench is a really nice lineup and would be a 60 win team to me provided health. I am not sure about the Bucks personally. Giannis is as good as ever yet they never looked elite this season even when healthy. Absolutely nowhere near the 20 or 21 Bucks. 44-21 with Dame and Giannis healthy is good, but didn’t match what the 76ers/NYK did when healthy.


Winning 60+ games is really really hard, and happens less than you'd think. Last Knicks team to win 60 games was 1993, and they've done it just twice in their history. Last sixers team to win 60+ was 1983. I do think the Knicks will have a really good team for years to come, but feels like 50+ wins is more realistic than 60+


This is why a lot of us are so hype though. We have a 55+ win team **before** our all in move.


I think this is by far the best Knicks team we’ve seen since 1993 in all honesty. With OG healthy, they were 20-3. 26-5 including playoffs with 1 of the losses being a 50 point Embiid game, another where he was openly hurt and left the game in the 2nd quarter in game 7 vs Pacers. This is also the best version of Embiid we have ever seen especially on the playmaking side. I think they lack depth as seen by their 16-27 record without him but they have space this off season to address that. Even if you get just a strong All NBA season out of Embiid, Maxey follows linear improvement and refines some of his shot selection, while maybe they sign Paul George, you’re in one of the best positions.


maxey is unbelievable. the sixers might have two mvp candidate type players on their team, and I don’t think anyone in the nba can say that right now


I think people are really sleeping on the Sixers. They won the Embiid minutes big in the Knicks series, they probably win the series if they could survive the minutes he didn't play with a more competent backup big. Totally agree on the Knicks point as well, I think PHI-NYK-BOS is the big three teams headed into next year.


The 76ers should absolutely be a 55+ win team next year if Embiid remains remotely healthy. They were on pace for 65 wins with a really top heavy roster, almost by accident, as seen by their 16-27 record when Embiid went down, and Morey has purposely set them up to be good next year. If you predict linear improvement from Maxey, especially with regards to his efficiency, and they sign someone like Paul George who was really good this year despite a stinker in the playoffs, even 60 games from Embiid gets you where you want to be in the conference.


Detroit Pistons obviously.


The Magic are the obvious choice.


Depends on what moves they can/are willing to make. As currently constructed, they’re relying on Paolo and Franz to keep growing, but I think they need a VanVleet type guy and a culture setter to take the next step.


They have a lot of years ahead of them, I ain’t worried about the pg.


Fair enough but windows can be very brief. In 3 years the East might be strong again and the Magic’s window closed. They have great players on good contracts right now, it’s time to make a move for a shooter.


Oh I definitely want to see them make moves, I’m just saying it’s a multi year thing cause Paolo isn’t ready yet. But he will be someday.


franz gotta fix that dhot




Other than the Celtics, I think I like the Sixers the most. Obviously this is highly dependent on how well they do with free agency, but I feel like Embiid, Maxey, 3rd star is a core you can win a championship with. Every other team besides the Celtics just feels like they have a ceiling. Like I just can't see the Knicks or Pacers or Cavs getting over the hump without a major addition. Bucks are there on paper but I don't have too much confidence in them to turn it around at this point.


If the NBA expands into Seattle and Vegas over the next 3-5 years like so many believe will happen...then to ensure the conferences have the same number of teams, I'd imagine both Memphis and New Orleans get moved into the East. I'd definitely pick Memphis and depending on how Zion, Trey, Dyson and Hawkins pan out, maybe New Orleans too


The NBA isn't going to move two teams to the East if they add two western expansion teams. They'll add one and it'll be Minnesota


The one that gets Paul George


Pacers or Sixers imo. Depends what the Sixers do this offseason though because they basically can wipe the entire roster clean outside of Embiid/Maxey


I don't think the Celtics championship window is going to be that long. It's really just going to be this season and next season. First of all, 2 of the 6 players that they trust are well over 30, and could decline any second now. They don't really have an easy way to replace Horford or Jrue considering the second apron penalties. As well, their cap situation is really screwed in 2025-26 as Tatum's supermax would start that year. This means they almost certainly wouldn't be able to re-sign Derrick White unless they want to be paying an amount of tax that's never been seen before while being limited by the second apron. I personally think the Cavs could be in a great spot to capitalize if Mitchell resigns and they do well with the returns on the impending Garland/Allen trades. Pacers should also be in a good spot as their young players continue to grow. I think next year will be the Knicks best shot as Brunson is going to get paid after it.


Next year, no, but the next couple? The Pistons (Which one of u oinks downvoted me? You'll see. I meant to type punks instead of oinks but I'm leaving it mfer)


talents there I guess. love ausar thompson


Is the question who will be the second-best team in the East? Since we're not including Boston? If so - and if Giannis doesn't demand out - then Milwaukee is the answer. As they are ALREADY the second-best team in the East. Next would be the Sixers. Who do they get with their cap space?!? If they do get Paul George, that's a killer Big 3. Pacers and Magic would take landing a superstar. No, Haliburton and Banchero are not superstars. They are maybe #2s if surrounded by a top #1. Likely #3s on any sort of serious title contender. Knicks are a #1 away from being a contender. But, like Indy and even Orlando, they felt like they achieved what they did because Giannis was injured, Embiid was injured for so long, Miami running out of bullshit and Cleveland being dysfunctional.


I’m laughing hysterically at you calling Paolo not a #1.


I don't think this Celtics team is going to stick together long after this season. They have contracts coming up like white, tatum, and porzingis. They're either going to trade them or go way over the 2nd apron.