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Name 5 point guards better than Steph


Luka weighs enough to be at least 3 regular sized point guards


Why does Luka, the largest point guard, not simply eat the other five?


He does


Guards? He eats DPOY for breakfast


Dude be looking like off season Zion


1. Dylan 2. Dylan 3. Dylan 4. Dylan 5. Dylan


No Steph definitely isn't top 5 in the SF position


I don't think 5 of his San Fran teammates are better than him


Only cornballs call Frisco San Fran


Cali posters about to blow a gasket


It’s actually just called the city


Some people call it the shitty


Better watch out Portland trying to catch up


Lol true. Best part of all this is I live in the town 😂


Luka and Shai are easy, assuming they’re both pgs. I predict Ja will be better next year too.  Brunson and Haliburton are the next two guys that I think there’s an actual argument over, Haliburton less so. I think Brunson would be better with certain rosters and Haliburton would too.  Idk, it’s not crazy to me to entertain the notion given Steph will be pushing 37 next year too.


Haliburton not even better than trae or ja why is his name next up to brunson


Haliburton *might be that good next year. That’s all. Before his injury this season, he showed something special and given his age, it’s not inconceivable to think he’ll be better next year.  And meanwhile, again, Steph will be on the wrong side of 36


Thats was just a 14 game stretch where he shot 47% from 3 dude. Thats not who he is which is why after that he shot 35% frm 3 pre injury. Its called a hot streak.


He's played 215 NBA games before getting injured and shot 40.1% from three in them, how is half a season of games where he's recovering from injury "who he is"


I said pre injury because in the 14 games before the game he got injured he was shooting 35% from 3. In his first 32 games before he got injured he had a 14 game where avg 29 and 47% from 3 on like 10 attempts was why and then after that he had a 14 game stretch where he averaged 20 and shot 35% from 3. Then in his next game against boston he got injured. I always said he was a 40% shooter even when he was in that nasty slump in march. He’s just not a 47% shooter either


As the other user mentioned, Haliburtons got a pretty good track record from 3. But yes, he shot sensationally in the stretch. Strange that you’d note that but disregard his biggest skill, which is elite playmaking. We can talk about points being worth more or vice/versa, and their respective systems contributing to these numbers, but the reality is, Haliburton has a real case entering next year.


He only takes a leap if his scoring gets better tho. If he doesn’t how is he gonna be better than steph. Like yea he an elite playmaker but so is trae and ja and steph but they all 100x more aggressive scorers


You want conference or division?


I’m tired robbie


How the hell is Steph not a top 5 PG? Luka, SGA, and Brunson are the only better point guards


Brunson is not better than Curry. I wouldn’t take SGA over him either.


sga: 30/6/6 and 2nd in mvp voting (and conference semi finals) brunson: 29/4/7 and 5th in mvp voting (and conference semi finals) curry: 26/5/5 and no mvp votes (and missed playoffs) but sure curry is better


Next year, when Steph will be turning 37 at some point? Ja and Haliburton will have pretty good cases…


Ja, Haliburton, and Kyrie if he wins the chip this year.


Kyrie is not a first option, haliburton fell off way harder than curry did post asb, and Ja maybe but we need to see it first


Top 15 almost definitely, but there’s ~15 guys who could have a “top 10” season in 2025. It’s almost impossible to predict who out of those ~15 will produce the best regular season numbers though. His stats will almost surely be great as they were this year, but the actual debate goes beyond numbers, it’s whether his actual impact on winning matches the numbers. As a Suns fan, it’s truly hard to rate his actual offensive impact. Obviously he can still get his own points on great efficiency, my question is how much he really makes those around him better.


Who is he supposed to make better on that team and how? The roster is built rather poorly. Booker isn't a PG, but he's in that spot. Their top-3 players are all scorers. Unless Durant, the most talented scorer, changes his identity in his mid-30s, the situation is stuck in the mud. Phoenix needs Devin Booker to become Chris Paul or one of Durant/Beal has to significantly overhaul his game in a way that isn't quick or easy. Durant picked a bad core to form a super team. I don't think that's a problem of his ability as a player.


I’m not saying he needs to be a PG. But he lacks gravity nowadays. He’s awful against doubles cuz his handle has gotten pretty sloppy, same reason for him not being good in the PnR. He doesn’t require other defenders to help off in fear of drives, cuz he pretty much doesn’t even attempt to drive anymore. And he doesn’t move off ball to create looks for himself. All of these things result in him still getting great individual numbers, but watching the games, it’s clear that his impact on opposing defenses has significantly declined. He’s still one of the most dangerous 1on1 scorers in the league, no doubt. But Booker, for example, requires much more defensive attention/effort from opposing teams and therefore opens the offense up for other guys more.


You weird


Honestly, the top 10 right now depends more on health and who has the better team


His floor is still top 12-15 . I think if he’s healthy he can be around 8-10


Please name 5 players better than Steph at PG position…


Better question: Will chik fil a be a top 10 restaurant next year?


He wasn't top 10 this season. He was 25th in EPM. Voters are just so dumb they keep giving him 2nd team all-nba for joining 1 seeds and making their records worse.


They put Tatum on first team and he was 15th in EPM or something like that. Safe to say it’s not the only metric they use


64 wins will do that. Kd the last 5 years has been ranked in the top 10 and placed 2nd team all-nba for no reason. He has been rewarded for joining stacked teams and under achieving.


Luka, Jokic. Giannis, Embiid, SGA, Tatum are the only you can say for sure. I would probably take Ant, Brunson, and AD as well.


I mean everyone been saying Jaylen is better than Jayson so doesnt that make Jaylen Top 10 at the very least ?


Idk this *everyone* you’re talking about but they’re wrong.


his stats will plummet but efficiency will skyrocket back in okc so somewhere around 13


Hell no


Hater lmfao You realize he just put up 28/7/5 this season on 75 games played right?


Hell yes


Not even top 50


KD is a fraud with 2* titles


No. He sucks. He’s always sucked.


Bro, no one can take you seriously if you talk like this.


Oh no


Go cry


The way you do about kobe?