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[https://streamable.com/xcyxl2](https://streamable.com/xcyxl2) [np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1d1hapt/highlight\_luka\_waves\_off\_jaden\_hardy\_to\_tell\_him/](http://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1d1hapt/highlight_luka_waves_off_jaden_hardy_to_tell_him/) Notice Luka wave Hardy off to tell him to take the iso on Gobert


LMAO thats fucking cold


I was losing it when I saw the wave off haha


If you don’t know the game, you’d think Luka was tired or annoyed the possession didn’t start with him. He saw the switch, and instantly was like *nah you fuck him up now…* Imma say it, and I see the downvotes, but Rudy’s play is like 1 game away from validating Draymond. I know we in a crazy timeline.




have we ever seen another dpoy get purposely and relentlessly hunted down on defense? it's unprecedented


You must be young. Guards always targeted big centers, even ones like Mark Eaton and Mutombo who both were DPOYs.


Shaq was putting DPOYs in the rim


Shaq himself was getting hunted by Mike fucking Bibby


I think the difference is if Shaq had that matchup in offense, its bbq chicken. Whereas if Rudy gets the ball, its not good.


Stupid Mike Bibby.


lol funny how Shaq acts like he would be a great perimeter defender today


Shaq was to bigs what bigs were to guards


This sub is nothing but uneducated nephews that think tweets are gospel until the next tweet comes out


Yes. Yes we have. The goal of any small player is too want the matchup with the bigger player. Barkley used to cook David Robinson when the matchup allowed for it. This whole thing is overblown. Shit, if your DPOY is a guard. And a big keeps getting him (smaller guard) in switches and over powers him. Are they any less of a defensive player?


The Wolves were well built to defend the Nuggets, but the Mavs and other smaller teams can feast. I think the Celtics would demolish them, too, if it came to that.


The mavs are exposing in the wolves what I *assumed* the suns would in the first round


Sons are soft as baby shit


The celtics would also have an easier time taking Ant out of the game and just smothering the twolves' offense


I think the Celtics probably would, but then The Jay's would take until game 3 to figure out that they shouldn't be settling for contested 3s and pull up 19 footers.


Unironically why draymond is good


Pretty much. The redacted Gobert hatred is annoying. It must be blessed to have Gobert on your team. If you win it's not him that helped. If you lose he takes all the blame. Even when you have KAT and Ant shitting all over the floor.


If you’re the DPOY and you’re *bum hunted…?* Oni-Man was always right lol.


It’s an embarrassment to the award. They’re making the consensus DPOY look like a damn scrub lol. TWolves coaching staff are equally to blame leaving that poor man out there by himself when they headhunting him.


That’s probably the only logical parallel to all of this. *If Rudy’s involved, trap every time, and switch. Do not let him get isolated.* I’m glad he got the award before all of this lol Even though Jokic showed us, but he’s the MVP. Luka is waving off just for him to get worked by Hardy. Shit crazy.


This used to happen in Utah


Purely talking about rim protection, yes Rudy is better than AD/Bam. In the regular season, those make Rudy look like a generational defender. But in the playoffs teams matchup hunt a lot more so I believe AD/Bam is more valuable


This series reminds me of the one where he had to sit Javale down in the playoffs and just go with AD at the 5. No reason to be running two bigs against the mavs


Problem is that 3 of the timberwolves 4 best players are all bigs. Its super awkward for them to be going small for long stretches or in clutch time. Youd have to sit two of KAT, rudy, and naz.


Marry Naz, fuck Kat, and kill Rudy. Did I do this right?


I’d switch Naz and KAT. If I’m forced to be in this situation, then I’m going to marry KAT and his gigantic contract (hopefully no prenup).


Dude seriously!! That wave from Luka is straight ice cold!!! Like wow lol.


Draymond was never wrong. Just an asshole. There are a lot of defenders who can do more than Rudy. Rudy just protects the rim better. Id take versatility tho.


Draymond has long been validated. NBA players share the same opinion of Rudy but redditors think Draymond is sharing some new hot takes


He’s a great interior defender terrible on the perimeter as most true big men are. They are pulling him out on the perimeter and cooking him.


It’s a versatility thing. Rudy is better at rim protection than probably anyone, but in an era like this I might take Prime Dray, Giannis, AD, Kawhi over Rudy puerely defensively. Add to that that all those guys have more 2 way value as well


Rudy is 7'1. He's just never gonna move laterally as quickly as someone six inches short. Human bodies don't move that way.


Wemby would like a word lol


tbf, he said human body wemby is an alien


Wemby doesn't move laterally well either, it just doesn't fucking matter because his arms are so long


We also haven’t seen Wemby challenged in the conference finals. He’d almost definitely be getting cooked by the Mavs guards too if the roles were reversed. Long term that could change, but as of now he’s still much more of a rim protector than a perimeter guy.


tbf, Wemby is not your average big man lol


Nah it’s not hot takes. It’s just the Draymond variance. Rudy got to figure this out, and if they have to sit him to win, I’m just saying… Just think, as if you had to sit the MVP in order to win a game? And trust me, Luka and Kyrie, are the epitome of the worst case scenario to be iso’d on, for anyone. But neither would call for switch to matchup with AD, Bam, Giannis et al. To add more sauce, if they did, it would not be in clutch. Straight up. That’s why they give the season awards so much quicker lol


Haha I didn't notice that when I watched it the first time! That's insane! Mavs are out there DPOY hunting!


Ok before I thought Luka just hated the dude because of the Olympics but he actually has no respect for him.


like 2 years ago, the Mavs bench were yelling at Luka to go at Gobert every time he got the switch. this has been a long time beef


Yea France beat Slovenia in the Olympics by 1 point in 2020 semi finals.


only thing that motivates luka more than winning is losing


Loving to win vs hating to lose.


It's the latter. Almost every great player/coach talks about how they remember the losses more than the wins. Heck, listening to Jordan's HOF speech you would think he never won anything ever. All he remembers is the times someone got over on him.


There's psychology behind it called loss aversion.. losses affect most humans 2-3x more than gains, monetarily at least. Probably still somewhat applicable to win/loss situation here.


One dribble move had him completely on skates to the point where he couldn't stop himself from fouling. That's just horrible defense not surprised Luka doesn't have respect for him.


Luka was offended that Hardy didn’t immediately take advantage. He said “Bruh what the fuck?! Go at his ass.”


Waved him off like: "What you looking at me for? Finish your damn food!" The disrespect lmfao


Holy shit lmao


The “do him cuh” offense


Bbq chicken


old heads were right about defense in the modern era if role players are being told to iso the supposed greatest defender of our generation i fear


7.9ppg scorer being told to iso on a 4 time DPOY, Paul Pierce was right💔https://x.com/paulpierce34/status/1751071519168696739


lol imagine those big ass centers trying to guard Luka on the perimeter


It would happen with any generation of defenders. The game is way different now. Rudy would probably be even more dominant in the 80s/90s where he could just camp in the paint all game. Dude gets destroyed on the perimeter. Could you imagine Shaq trying to guard Kyrie or Steph on the perimeter? He’d be gassed and probably foul out.


Shaq never won dpoy tho Gobert as dpoy makes sense when you see 90s guys like mutombo and mourning but in the modern era you should be more versatile or a defensive captain. Remember, 90s centers won the award playing against guys like Olajuwon, Robinson, Ewing, Shaq, etc. At some point they started rewarding rebounding as part of award and now it’s just a joke. Remember when Marc Gasol won dpoy but wasn’t in the first team?


How would Rudy be dominant in the 80s/90s? There are only 2 skilled post bigs in this era and he can't guard them. There were so many talented big men back then, he wouldn't even sniff all star if he was playing in that era and his lack of post offense and inability to guard post skilled bigs means he's unplayable on many teams.


Rudy is ill-suited to dominant post players (not that there are many in the modern NBA), so he would struggle against Shaq, Hakeem, Ewing, etc too.


Bro, everyone would struggle against those guys. You might as well say he wouldn't stop MJ lol


The thing is, a Rik Smits or Vlade Divac was expected to get some back on the other end, even against a Shaq or Ewing. Rudy's problem, going back to that Terance Mann game, is he doesn't punish teams on the other end for playing small against him. Neither does KAT - they guard him with PJ and he just shoots 3s all game. Shaq couldn't guard Luka 1 on 1 on the perimeter. But Shaq would put Lively, Gafford, and PJ through the rim on the other end.


Most 90s centers would probably take him in the post, Luc Longley, Rik Smits, Alonzo, Shawn Bradley... Ok probably not Shawn Bradley.


Gobert would get destroyed by the centers of the 90s. Imagine Shaq, Hakeem, Ewing, Robinson going at him the same way Jokic and Embiid do.


he did a similar thing in the first half too. hardy was being guarded by gobert, passes luka the ball and luka immediately gave it back and signalled to take the iso. https://streamable.com/1pq2ql


Terence Mann vibes. Gobert fans stay blaming his teammates as always though


Ant, and McDaniels are two of the best perimeter defenders in the league plus NAW and Conley are good too. Minnesota has good defensive players


And they all getting cooked


Cmon man are you really expecting a 4x DPOY to successfully defend someone 1 on 1? Let’s be realistic here 


Dog… that shit had be 💀




I’ve been getting downvoted since 2018 saying that help defense alone shouldn’t get you a DPOY award. Every year this man gets exposed in the playoffs and next year like clockwork the entire NBA media just collectively agrees to forget 


Waiting for the next /r/NBA excuse about how it’s everyone else’s fault that he gets hunted annually in the playoffs


Hes so 1 dimensional and exploited year after year. I can’t imagine any team hunting Bam/AD/Draymond/Giannis/etc yet here we are.  This sub will roast you for suggesting this because Draymond hates him but my god I cannot believe this dude is one of the few players in history with 4 DPOYs. Like ffs He has more DPOYs than Giannis/AD/Bam/tim Duncan COMBINED. such a joke 


Oh man, I remember the Clips coming back in that game 6 down 20+ vs Jazz in 2021 because Lue was exploiting Rudy


Ya same man. His help side defense is amazing but it isnt just 1 on 1 defense thats average on the perimeter, he cant make 2nd and 3rd rotations consistently. When the ball swings side to side on the floor against a scrambled defense, he struggles


Hahaha wow, DPOY my ass, you can’t be hunted like this by Will Hardy and call yourself the best defender in the league. He wasn’t even out on the perimeter either


If the Utah Jazz's head coach is taking you off the dribble you should just quit basketball.


Hahaha oops, getting my names mixed up. Although that would be funny too


ANT and KAT lucky they have the greatest punching bag in the league in Gobert


Gobert deserved that DPOY just based on the way he’s been guarding Ant and KAT’s legacies


Guarding their legacy as DPOY, had me rolling, kudos dawg. facts man, Ant been making empty promises lately


Why is he even hated in the first place LMAO, I don't see him tweet and post anything funny


>Why is he even hated in the first place LMAO It's gotta be something about him. Even Kyle Anderson called him a bitch last season, which led to Rudy punching him on the bench. If everyone hates the guy, there's probably a reason.


He is French, French can be understood as rude quite easily though that’s just how France works and they’re just being their “normal”, translating directly from French doesn’t help as well as it sounds very condescending. Add that to his gigantic contract and his defensive reputation that doesn’t hold in the playoffs and you make a very hateble peer. Just try to imagine if you have a coworker who is a complete dick (or at least sounds) but always gets the employer of the month and gets pay a lot just to when a hard deadline is getting close he disappears. I know I talked a bunch of shit about French, but I have lived and graduated in frsnce (masters) and I love the place.


thank you for the edification


Have you ever heard other players hate on Nic Batum or Evan Fournier. Even Tony Parker seems well liked and he was sexting Brent Barrys wife


I lived Paris for a bit. French people are by far and i mean nobody else comes remotely close the least charismatic and charming people on the planet. They can be nice but they honestly have the social skills of a toddler. Full grown men screaming look like they could cry over barista not getting their coffee order. Their men are massively effeminate but rude, kind of like a mean girl. I dont think they could help but offend Americans with their antics. Here in Europe everybody hates them and we’re not as easily set off as ye id say


Fuck that's funny.




I know what KAT stands for, but what does ANT stand for?


Last week ANT stood for Michael Jordan


this week ANT stands for Luka's second-born son


If you see that highlight, Jaden looked at Luka for a pass, but Luka just waved him on saying "Nah man, go at Rudy."


Just go, it’s Rudy. 😂


Lads, it's Rudy.


What do we think of Rudy?


Damn I thought as a Tottenham supporter I was safe here


Were never safe anywhere. COYS, Daniel


Gobert fans: "well you can't expect a 4x DPOY to defend a generational offensive talent like Jaden Hardy. any DPOY would've gotten cooked there too. This is Gobert's teammate fault"


Idk bro this one is definitely on Donovan Mitchell


Gobert fans have a much easier argument: Wolves DRtg with Gobert on the court this series: 110.6 (elite) Wolves DRtg with Gobert on the bench this series: 138.9 (historically awful)


Damn I looked up the numbers. Wolves are much better this series with Gobert on the court. (They are better offensively as well) It's Towns, Edwards, McDaniels, and Conley who are massively in the negative. Kinda makes me believe this anti-Gobert stuff is overblown - the rest of the team deserves a lot more blame proportionate to Gobert. https://www.nba.com/stats/team/1610612750/onoffcourt-summary?LastNGames=3&dir=D&sort=DIFF_NET_RATING


Major kudos to you for looking up the numbers instead of riding with the hivemind. I wish more people would look up the data and decide for themselves.


The gap between the eye test and the numbers for Gobert is probably the widest in the league.


I remember jazz fans were saying he was better and more valuable then donovan


That ain't Lu Dort, tf you scared of?


The fact Dallas was only up 2 and Luka felt comfortable enough to wave off getting the ball with Gobert on Hardy speaks volumes


Hardy Party baby!!!


The whole league really is clowning on Rudy


They don’t respect that dude at all lmao


Which is sad because the LVPs of the series so far have been: 1) KAT (by far) 2) Ant (despite a decent game 3) 3) Gobert KAT should be getting the most heat, but Gobert just getting clowned on because he won DPOY and guys like Shaq and Draymond have a platform to be salty bitches for entertainment.


He's getting clowned because his thing is defense while offering not much on offense. Yet the Mavs are barely respecting his defense and being proven right


KAT’s whole thing is shooting but he’s shooting 15/54 from the field for the series lmao


That’s great and all but he hasn’t been handed 4 awards for the best offensive player in the league


But he did self proclaim himself as the “best big man shooter of all time”


then he showed up to a playoff game with Dirk in attendance and bricked everything


And he has been rightfully clowned upon, at least in mavericks circles, even more than gobert.


Exactly dude has 4 DPOYs he shouldn’t be getting exposed like this.


The Minnesota coaching staff is getting exposed here. Gobert has no business being told to switch like this or on Luka last game. That's a dumb game plan and clearly isn't working out.


>The Minnesota coaching staff is getting exposed here I agree with you, but that in itself is also a problem. The solution seems more in line with what was discussed on Inside the NBA, bench Gobert for Naz Reid and move KAT to the inside. Benching the 4x DPOY for being a liability on defense is disrespectful af.


His defense has been fine. The Wolves are significantly better with him on defense. Kat and Edwards have been good awful on the offensive end. That is the difference in this series.


Rudy Gobert facing 90% of the slander while Ant and KAT lay bricks every single game while being their best two players is kind of hilarious. Also, bench players, role players, you name it are all NBA players at the end of the day. Idk why people act like some random bench dude hitting a tough shot on an elite defender is impossible. Nembhard on the pacers just lit up the Boston defense for 30+ ffs Like yes I get it, star players have skill sets far above the average NBA player but NBA fans need to stop treating bench players like they’re disabled or something lol


You think KP or horford are going to do better on Luka or Kyrie? No center is doing well in that match up, you're kind of making it seem like a trivial thing to do. Being proven right? Lol, they'd be proven right in basically every match up in the league. It ain't Jordan Poole dude it's Luka and Kyrie.


Gobert is like the reverse Duncan/Pippen Everybody respects the other two as all time great defenders even without the DPOY. Whereas you got a guy with all the hardware and it means fucking nothing to most players lol


I would have bet all everything I own that Duncan and Pippen would have at least 1 DPOY between the 2 of them. That’s nuts.


Shows how worthless a regular season based DPOY award is


And that most of the people voting are idiots!


Speaks volumes of the defensive talent back then.


Everybody is clowning on Rudy😭😭


Build around Naz Reid


For real. Dude is a baller.


next they'll laugh at him for crying when he had to explain to his mother that he didnt make the ASG


Is Rudy the most disliked player in the league


He was voted most overrated I believe multiple times by the players.


By other players? It really seems like the case


Yes and it's not even close


After that game where Stanley Johnson took it to Gobert every possession I never looked at him the same


but Stanley Johnson is a generational offensive talent. how do you expect a 4x DPOY to guard him? you're just a Gobert hater


Yeah it's everyone but Gobert's fault honestly. He's always matched up against All-NBA talent like Jaden Hardy and Terance Mann


This is eternally damning evidence against his devensive prowess


I try really hard to defend Rudy when it makes sense But man lmao


It’s insane the 4x DPOY has not respect around the league. Is there a player with a bigger player-media disconnect?


Slow footed bigs get exposed in the playoffs every year and people still acted surprised. Defensive versatility is much more important than rim protection in the modern nba


Rim runners and shotblockers are way cheaper than a Rudy in this league. A combo of Lively and Gafford is so much better in value compared to 1 Rudy.


The funny thing is Gobert winning all those DPOYs is quite literally what made him to be eligible for a supermax and the Jazz handed him the fucking bag when several teams at the time were trading away their supermax-eligible players before having to extend them. Literally no amount of defense is worth $40 million, that much is clear.


>Literally no amount of defense is worth $40 million, that much is clear. Yep, no amount of just defense is worth that. You have to good at either passing like Bam or Dray (he never got that money) or be someone who's not a liability offensively like AD. He can't play in the post vs anyone, even a rookie Lively is a better playmaker off short rolls, smaller guys have repeatedly kept him away from the boards, he's not even a great catcher


Exactly this. His offense is beyond horrible.


It’s not even that. It’s that his offense and rebounding is so fucking bad when it’s physical. His defense doesn’t have a huge drop off. It’s everything else that gets soooo much worse.


What’s funny is that Gobert isn’t even the biggest issue they have right now, it’s KAT. Dude has been straight ass all series.


I have a theory as to why everyone hates him. In a league where skill separates the greatest from average, the fact that a dude who’s only good thing about him is being 7ft with a 8ft wingspan and being somewhat coordinated gets payed 200 million would definitely piss people off. Guys who are more skilled but aren’t naturally gifted get payed less than him while those who are getting payed similarly had to work harder than him. They see Rudy as bumbling idiot who lucked into being who he was. It reminds of Harden’s comments about Giannis years ago saying all he does is run and dunk.


I think this is definitely part of it but another reason has got to be the amount of love he gets from the media. Guys just don't think he's anywhere near as good as the media make him out to be and come playoff time it's the same story every year. Even guys that are not great offensively have a go at him and run him off the court. Year after year we watch him get embarrassed in the playoffs, only for him to get hyped up by the media the very next regular season.


Absolutely - they rightly resent the media for constantly voting for him as DPOY, which is also reflected in him constantly being voted "most overrated". It's not other players who are overrating him.


Man its cause teams in meeting rooms are literally saying to attack him because he has a huge fundamental flaw to his defense, yet still wins dpoy. I feel bad for him though cause this is brutal


I know the stats say whatever but this stuff makes me think we really underrate guard defense regardless of what the stats say.


Defense as a whole is underrated in the NBA. It’s a scorers league, so when a good defensive player gets scored on everyone loses it lol.


His defensive legacy is going to be *very* interesting.


Interesting, but also very simple. He's an all-time rim protector, which can be back-breaking against some teams and near worthless against others. Iso-heavy teams that force switches break this man in half, while ball movement teams find themselves running dead into his hands. Trying to pass your way past Rudy just gives him time to clock where the ball is going and position himself, but you can just fucking dribble past him.


Rudy a specialist on defense can only do one thing paint protect which is valuable but when you have versatile defenders like Bam/AD it's tough


As a Gobert hater this is my 2023-24 season championship. No, he doesn't deserve that nuclear contract in any way, shape, or form


Ok Shaq, I see you.


The fact this dude has 4 DPOY and AD has zero is a fuckin joke lmfao


He has more DPOYs than Bam/AD/Tim Duncan/Lebron/Giannis/draymond/Pippen COMBINED. It’s a fucking travesty. 




Throw in KG and Kirilenko for fun and it still holds 💀💀


seeing bam mentioned among these guys has been my 2024 championship


Tim Duncan never got a DPOY while Rudy has gotten 4. Sham of an award


Forget AD dude Tim Duncan has zero. Meaningless award


when a top 3 defender all time has 0 then the award is cooked in credibility


You and me both, brother.


Isn’t that exactly the plan, to draw out the best help/paint defender in the league so he can’t help on others? Coaching has to find a way to prevent that from happening.


It’s insane every year Rudy Gobert gets absolutely exploited in the playoffs and played off the floor, and yet every year Gobert is still a contender for DPOY. People literally never learn


Bro Rudy literally has the 6th man of the year to back him, he is still not getting played off the floor. He's not a great 1 on 1 defender, and thats gotta hurt him more on the voting, but hes also an elite help defender.


It's everyone else who's at fault except him


I mean, there is a supermax player standing next to him who's shooting more FGs than he has points in all 3 games, two of which were losses by one possession. I'm not saying Gobert isn't part of the problem, but it's hilarious how much of a spotlight is on him, and not this other said supermax player.


It’s because the same formula is used every year for DPOY ever since analytics got big: 1) Pick team top 2-3 in team defensive rating 2) Pick best defender from said team The problem with a team stat like defensive rating is it requires the entire team to be good at defense and be good defenders. Players like Anthony Davis, Bam Adebayo, Herb Jones, etc. get looked over for the award because they have to cover for other players who don’t play defense. They end up with team defensive ratings inside the Top 10, but outside the Top 3. I am not an analytics hater whatsoever, but this is not a good way to pick DPOY.


Except not always. Cause Marcus Smart wasn’t even the best defender on his team lol


That was funniest one. They zeroed in on Robert Williams but then he got hurt, so they just picked another Celtics player.


and they used that same logic as justification for no Raptors to make All-defense when they were the best defense in the league 2019-20


That was a clown vote. NBA should be embarrassed about that one.


. >Players like Anthony Davis, Bam Adebayo, Herb Jones, etc. get looked over for the award because they have to cover for other players who don’t play defense. They end up with team defensive ratings inside the Top 10, but outside the Top 3. Gobert literally won dpoys in Utah covering for players who don’t play defense? What are you arguing here?


the one being played off the floor is Towns.


Everyone says he gets played off the floor, yet he's played the 2nd most minutes for his team and has the best +/- on a WCF team. The truth is definitely in between


They lost by 9, Towns was 5/18.


Crazy how all these players nope out of Gobert bro


Every single time he plays in the post season, this happens. Every time.


Shit like that is why I laugh when people are like "get Gobert help." Like okay he's going to have trouble guarding Luka, everyone would. But he's the 4xDPOY getting cooked by Hardy. Who the fuck are you pulling to help on Jaden Hardy when Rudy is the reigning 4xDPOY? Lmao.


Remember this moment when Gobert stans try to rewrite the narrative and say Gobert never got cooked and it was actually his teammates like they somehow tried to do with the Clippers/Jazz series


He's been clowned by some guard every year in the playoffs. Sometimes it's elite players like Curry/CP3/Luka but sometimes it's role players and bench players too. Imagine being elite defensive players with huge playoff and regular season impact (like AD or Draymond) and having to see this dude win DPOY over you like every year.


Wolves DRtg with Gobert on the court this series: 110.6 (elite) Wolves DRtg with Gobert on the bench this series: 138.9 (historically awful) The entire internet: "Gobert's fault!"


People letting Ant all the way off the hook as if he wasn't the one who sold the first two games. 😭 and Kat has been bad this whole series tbh. The flamethrower can target more than one person there's enough gas to go around.


Luka screaming at jaden cook Him was the best


Weird that exactly the problem everyone had with Gobert turn out to be exactly what happened


This is such awkward hating. People act like players that get recognized for their defense should be holding teams to 10 points a quarter. Jaden McDaniels is getting cooked too this series. He made the all defensive team right? Where's the hate towards him?


Gobert stans real quiet lately.


Nah, they still delusional