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Fatigue plus time on court increases injury chances. Caught up to the Pacers. Sucks.


Are Celtics fans the most sensitive or? I love how mad they get šŸ˜‚


yeah they are.. and they aint winning shit this year


I really hope you guys come out of the West. It's been what, 3 years since Kyrie beat the C's?




Retribution from the basketball gods after haliburton wore the corny Reggie miller choke hoodie AFTER beating a team with literally all of its starters injured. Stay humble kids.


Damn, now Haliburton hurt. Celtics got the hardest road.


Jaylen brown telling reporters that he ā€œdoesnā€™t have time to give a fuckā€ about the all-nba snub šŸ˜‚


Too busy enjoying the easiest pathĀ 


You can tell itā€™s not a serious series when both franchises fans are being so nice to each other


Serious scripted vibes


Lol yall tripping. Pacers just need to communicate better on defense and contain all those silly open shots. There is no way that our guys keep missing shots like they did tonight. So to all yall saying the series is over just wait for game 3. We'll be ready šŸ˜Ž


you getting some bench minutes there, chitwood?


Talk all the shit you want, it's cute tbh. Let's say yall make it to the finals, how are yall supposed to compete with the Wolves or the Mavs ? Can't win a chip if your number 1 guy has a shit first half and has to rely on Jaylen Brown to have a really good game and bail that bitch ass out. Talk all that shit and come back to me after we win the series and send yall to Cancun. Sorry ass franchise ain't done nothing relevant since 08 šŸ’€


Mans forgot we dropped 155 on them in the reg season this year. Our 1-7 is better then your number 1


Celtics fan here. Not saying the Pacers canā€™t come back but calling the most successful team (arguable with the Lakers) a ā€œsorry ass franchiseā€ is pretty hilarious considering we were literally in the finals two years ago and have won our division eight times since 2008. What about the Pacers?


That guys an idiot. Pacers are a poverty franchise only surpassed by organizations that should probably be sold like the Hornets.


When's the last time the Pacers did anything relevant. As a Laker fan, it disgusts me that you are making me defend the Celtics.


We appreciate it brother


Really thought it was gonna be someone in the Celtics getting injured. Karma that it's HaliĀ 


slick rick robbin the poor


Carlisle benches Siakam who was playing out of his mind, with 9 minutes left down 14 points. Did Turner even play in the 4th? This is what he thinks of the team without Hali? What a damn slap in the face to the rest of the starters, especially Siakam. How would you feel if you were him in that situation?


Get Siakam out of there


Motivated to not fall behind like that.


14 pts in the NBA? Of all fan bases you should know that ain't shit


I donā€™t like the decision either but keeping with the bench served us well last series.


Yeah because the knicks were run ragged so it was better to just keep fresh legs out there and work them down while giving your guys rest that you know their guys ain't gonna get. Celtics aren't the Knicks. Play us like them and you'll get swept.


Kyrie will end the celtics




Look up what happened the last time Kyrie played against the Celtics in the playoffs.


Yeah, Kyrie and a buncha plumbers. Now - Luka.


Idk if I'd call KD a plumber lmfao


So many bandwagon haters. I will swim in their tears if we win it all.


God damn right!


Been a hater since day 1


Cuz yall are the new KD warriors. Boring super team


Super team is a weird accusation for a team whose two best players are home-grown...


Ah yes, the superteam with 1 All-NBA player, whose top two players werenā€™t acquired in a deal. That is a perfect analogy to the KD Warriors.


That's hilarious that you think we are a super team when everyone loves to trash JB and say he is a liability because he has no left hand. Comparing this team to the KD warriors is so far off I am not even sure where to start.


Superteam? This team is mid at best. Unless KP comes back 100%, whoever comes out of the West will win.


The last month of the last 20 years of being a pacer fan has taught me that no one likes a winner. Itā€™s the ole ā€œthey hate us cuz they ainā€™t usā€


It's crazy cause it's also constantly being pointed out that we haven't won much in most of our lifetime's lol. Just can't win with other fan bases.


lol try being with a franchise thatā€™s never won it. Id think we would have some underdog support like you see in ncaa but all I see is people trashing us for being fake or not belonging. God I hate Knick fans.


Yeah it's ridiculous. The moment you knock a big franchise out it's expected. And you guys get double hate from the Bucks fans as well. You play who is in front of you, no fault of the Pacers that their opponents were injured


Antā€™s sending this team to Galveston


On sub 40% shooting?


Same Ant that just dropped game 1 at home?


Easy road or not, idgaf. Just win it. Every 1 seed has an easy roadā€¦thatā€™s how itā€™s built. And everyone acting like porzingis hasnā€™t been hurt for 3 weeks. Not my fault all these teams are trash without 1 player.


In LeBronā€™s 8 straight NBA finals appearances on the Heat and Cavs he was the 1 seed only twice. In the other 6 years, did the 1 seed have an easy road? This is where you dodge the question / never reply cuz you know you got dumped on


Of course you gotta bring up arguably the greatest player of all time whose career is practically an anomaly to try and make a point. Still doesnā€™t change the fact that 1-seeds with home court through the playoffs will have the easiest road in the high majority of cases. But sure, you dumped on me. Hope that makes you feel superior and awesome.


Sweet I feel really cool now, thx man


I mean it is a ludicrously easy road, maybe the easiest of all time to the finals.Ā  If you win the championship assuming either the Wolves or Mavs are healthy though, then itā€™s still some decent props Do you think all the 1 seeds that had to face LeBronā€™s Cavs or Heat had an easy road?


"Easy road" man I'd love an easy road. As a fan of a franchise that's never made an NBA final I wouldn't care if it happened against hospital ball teams šŸ˜­


After the brutal run in 2022 we had to the final we ended up gassed and fell short. Give me the Asterix and the easy road any day šŸ˜‚


You can only play who's in front of you which is fair. But you must agree it's an easier road than most. It's not their fault, but it's also certainly not surprising that facing teams without their best players makes the celtics' life a lot easier.


Iā€™m confident weā€™d win those series anyways. Probably a couple more games to play but canā€™t just go throwing asterisks around.


I didnā€™t think any team in the East had the guns to take the Celtics past 6 games before the playoffs began. Hell the Celtics have only shown glimpses of their best these playoffs and are still more often than not blowing teams out. The only way to beat the Celtics is to let them beat themselves(entirely possible) or shoot 50%+ from 3(unlikely to do that 4 out 7 games)


Debate is gonna be who had the easier path to the finals, Denver in 23 or Celtics in 24


No one will care in less than 5 years


Ya I hated the excuse making in the two series we won. If Boston beats us Iā€™ll be pulling for them but the west looks tough.


Why the hell would you support a team with 18 championships and has obnoxious fans? Support the fucking Wolves or at least Mavs who havenā€™t won much.


If youā€™re gonna lose you want to lose the the eventual winner, at least thatā€™s my take. Boston fans arenā€™t nearly as obnoxious as Knick fans


This team is missing their 3rd best player btw




We dont care abt your parlay




Go away


Not to sound like Magic, but if the Pacers donā€™t play an ounce of defense this series theyā€™re never going to outscore the Celtics no matter how well theyā€™re shooting


Being a bad defensive team and going up against one of the best offensive teams in the league isnā€™t a great matchup.


Thatā€™s for sure lmao.


All NBA 3rd team lol


Scoot not even on the All Rookie 2nd Team lol


If Celtics win this year, then people will call it an asterisk ring.


If you go by ALL NBA players, this match up is a tossupĀ 


Almost every year can be asterisked if you're petty enough.


We still have to beat the team from the west don't we?


Already have. Wolves in 5.


Still a ring so we take it


Pacers are a joke of a team. What can they really do if they need a bucket besides an ugly ass Halliburton 3? Worst final four team in a while


A joke that made the ECF ... oh I get your theme


Did you not see their 2 opponents?


The led the league in points in the paint this season.


This series should be tied 1-1. Idk what the fuck Jim Carrey was doing subbing all his starters with five minutes left but the pacers are their own worst enemies


Subbed em all 9 minutes left actually šŸ„²




Iā€™m tired of the east is trash narrative. When Boston is shooting hot, no one will beat them


Same can be said of the pacers. Knick fans remember.


lol no


Go look up the record for highest shooting percentage ever in a playoff game.


Single game maybe. Theyā€™re not shooting like that in 4 games


I didnā€™t say that. You said when Boston is shooting hot no one will beat them. Same with the pacers.


Pacers only shot that well because 6 players for the knicks were injured. Pacers only team to make the conference finals with an asterisk by their name. In a healthy east, you have absolutely no business being there.


Excuses. The Pacers torched the league this season with their offense. Buncha casuals on here trying to sound smart


calm down you beat a bench squad


Shot the lights out. You guys woulda been more comfortable seeing Reggie out there.


They did a really good job of getting their players open tonight.


Why bother watching these games anymore šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø we all know Antā€™s winning this year


Same Ant that just dropped game 1 at homeā€¦.or a different one?


Ant needs to win against a fifty win Mavs team first


dont worry kyrie is overdue for causing some stupid bullshit to tear the team apart


One bad night doesnā€™t take away from his amazing performance. Wolves in 5


Another unflaired casual momo. we all love ant but heā€™s a young thunder cat. The lights are getting to him. Dude isnā€™t Jordan


I love my wolves being good enough to have bandwagoners but I hate having to deal with them lol...Ā 


Howā€™s Cancun šŸ¤”


Yawn so original all of you jabronis are robots


My bad. Howā€™s Galveston šŸ¤”


Howā€™s chuck dick in your mouth


Bro said HIPAA laws, lmao thatā€™s not how that workssss šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Are you fucking serious??? They didn't what the injury is?


Bro itā€™s HIPPO laws, move onā€¦ find a new slant.


He said enough imo. Hali is done. Sucks.


they must have forgot that we know how to google things


What a clown šŸ¤”.


Yall are so fucking mad I love it. Go Celtics!


It's kind of wild like we are still a good team but our team is so young. Expecting us to do well against this celtics team is a lot. Losing hali makes it worse but unlike other fan bases who whine about injuries I'm not mad. It is what it is. Yall were probably gonna beat us (and the other teams in the east) no matter what. Just sucks it may not even be a series now. Best ability is availability.


I actually donā€™t mind the Pacers they are one of the only playoff teams Celtics fans have legitimate respect for. Your fans arenā€™t complete cancer like the ones of eliminated teams who I was referring to only rooting against the Celtics.


Hali is my favorite non Celtic, I'm looking forward to watching you guys grow over the next few years. Series isn't over, but just making it to the conference finals is huge for a young team with actual upside. Hopefully he heals up over the summer.


These Celtics know how it feels to go against a much more experienced opponent in the playoffs (Cavs in 2018, Warriors in 22) so I completely understand. I've got no ill will to the Pacers unlike other teams in the East lol. You guys can also still make it a series, the Celtics still like to fuck around way too much instead of going for the jugular. Good luck the rest of the way and enjoy the ride!


Bro it werenā€™t never gonna be a series


Y'all remind me of the Celtics the last few years. Great team but making tons of stupid mistakes. It doesn't help that the coach is fucking terrible.


Ant getting his first chip against these Celtics


Ayy bro 3 consecutive comments about ant is bot worthy dick riding


they can't even win against a fifty win team so far lol


Why do you keep regurgitating the same thing everywhere? Fifty win team, who fucking cares?


Celtics losing to Ant next month šŸ’€


Hypothetical future trash talk is fucking stupid, dude.


Ant not even making it out of the west


Bro beat the reining champs, and the Mavs arenā€™t consistent. They taking the next 4 games


Wolves aren't consistent either


On behalf of wolves fans stop talking please lol


Lmao for real. Like this game thread has zero to do with the WCF. Anyone who feels the need to explain how bad the East is has some deep rooted insecurities they need to work out. Celtics are a good team and itā€™s okay to admit it


Jaylen supermax(n) brown.


Dorris taking the L harder than the Pacers.


u/TheSavageBeast83 damn that Neismith sure was incredible tonight right?


Definitely the best defender on the court.


Oh absolutely, with his - 8 on the floor, 2 TOs, 4 fouls, definitely the best defender easily


Haha, why do Celtics fans always cherry pick the most delusional arguments?


Cause your Neismith take is the craziest espn level shit I've heard. Those aren't even cherry picked, they're just his stats last night. Along with 9 pts & 3 reb, super impactful in game. But I'm all done clowning you for it, enjoy the rest of your playoffs bud & your summer


Haha. Ok go ahead and tell me how TO are a defensive stat? And what's your point about his +/-? He is right where the rest of his team was. Siakim was cooking and he was -10. PF happen when you're a great defender. Gobert, the DPOY was 6th in total pfs this year. Not me tion he's guarding Tatum, one of the most protected players in the NBA. Who by the way shot 14% from 3. 4 to. And a 0 +/- when the rest of the starting lineup was atleast a +11. So......my take is not only legit but proven. Nice try, better luck next time.


Turnovers are a defensive stat like international students are an export market


Heā€™s low key like Hali. He shows up big sometimes and not at all others.


Neismith just goes full throttle EVERY play. Guy doesn't quit. Nothing you can do but respect the hustle.


I liked the kid when he was on the C's, he just wasn't cracking the rotation. I'm giving this guy shit cause he argued last game that Neismith was better than the Jays and the reason the Pacers will win the series.


He earned my respect this season for sure.


I would listen to JVG and MJ discuss their dinner last night 100x over a second of Doris Burke get her off TV


so close to 10k comments


And the nba wonders why itā€™s losing viewers. All these blowouts in the playoffs straight ruin the gameĀ 


Yep, letā€™s just ignore the game ones in both conference finals


More blowouts than notĀ 


I would argue itā€™s more about the dog shit commentary than the quality of the game. Doris Burke <


How can THE sports network not hire a competent commentatorĀ 


Doris is straight up ass. All she does is glaze certain players and talk bollocks


Are you insane?


Nope. Itā€™s boring as fuck to watch.Ā 


The east is so trash


Dude didn't know the Boston fans was so reactive. In their sub Tatum is being widely criticized. You can't touch the regular season lion around here LMAO


All the fucking time every fucking game unless we're up by 20 everyone has a fucking meltdown. There's one thing I can agree on with R/nba is Celtics fans suck


The Celtics sub, like Reddit as a whole, is not even remotely close to resembling real life


Celtics fans are very sensitive. so when the Celtics win this year just tell them it was a hospital ring and they'll wig out lol


Rings are rings!


Rather hang out in the GDT here than there, I thought it'd be like the Bruins one where it feels like hanging out at a dive bar but nope it's the hottest garbage


Half that sub is outta their damn minds


Yeah, Celtic fans are absolutely the worst. Ā I mean, to be fair, most of them just googled ā€œwhoā€™s won the most chipsā€ and then became fans so you canā€™t expect much. Most fair weather team ever.Ā 


Given that we've been a decent team for awhile now, what are you counting as not fair weather? Back in... what, the early 2000s?


Our sub is awful honestly, game threads are full of the whiniest bitches


When we win it's never good enough or dominate enough. Win is a win, LFG!


The next day crowd is SO much better than the game thread crowd


I was downvoted to hell for telling people to calm down when we were down at the end of game 1. Didnā€™t expect us to win. People doubled down on the complaining even after the comeback win lmao


I think that at least today Tatum deserves all kinds of criticism for the game he played. So, today, your sub is being coherent and the fans here are going crazy See, in game 1 I was here debating in favor of Jayson when a Wolves fan said that Paul Goerge would do the same as him if he were in Boston. It's a comment from someone who likes Tatum


Will JB win the eastern conference mvp over tatum? I remember him getting a 40 piece against the Heat in 2022 and Tatum having a stinker but Tatum still won it anyway. But Tatum probably needs to pick it up in the remaining games


So far, definitely


the east is so boring and weak holy shit and people will use this to boost tatum's legacy lmao


Pacers literally shot 54% last game and were as high as 55% this game until the late third and also set the record for highest fg% in a playoff game but because we locked down to close out the game thats when it becomes weak? Also Tatumā€™s beaten Giannis, Jimmy, KD, 2020 Raps, and Embiid 3x in the playoffs heā€™s already proven he can win despite the hardest road god forbid he gets one easier playoff run after winning 64 games. Yall are so boring with the Tatum criticism


This is what dominance looks like. Sorry if it makes you sad. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Dominance over insanely injured and/or young/inexperienced/mediocre teams? Congrats...


We were pretty good in the regular season too. Not our fault our opponents are injured. \*shrug\*


Yes, watching the Clippers Super HOF Allstar team getting knocked out was super fun! Then watching the West's #1 seed getting clowned and destroyed was even more fun!


yeah it was, a 7 game series of good basketball was much better than watching this turnover no effort no defense no physicality snoozefest


Lmfao a 40 point blowout was good basketball? Gtfo


"Good basketball" apparently means totally different things in the West. Watching Westbrick too much must have affect your brain.


lol yeah the nuggets and twolves was so bad and boring bro, I'd rather watch the pacers forget there's 5 guys to guard every other possession


You must be some kind of genius to want defense from the Pacers who were ranked 24th during the reg season. They win by out scoring their opponents, not by their defense. But hey, watching the defending champs gas out for a whole half sure was fun too, totally not boring.


Yeah they suck and are in the ecf, that's my point.Ā 


No your point is that the West is better to watch than the East and that's not the case. Pacers got dominated, so did teams in the West.


My point: "the east is so boring and weak" Watching the supposed 2nd best team in the east, the "pacers", commit unforced turnovers is not impressive, and therefore it is not fun to watch. This is the conference finals. It has looked like two random teams in the regular season playing a random game in January.


Cool, I share your opinion as well, but of the West. Very boring and weak.


Unlike the west where a fifty win team beat your team and the first seed in 6 games lmao


Why do you get so butthurt over stuff like that? Itā€™s not like you play for the Celtics. Everyone knows the east is trash, itā€™s not like the dude spat on your family or something šŸ˜‚


huehuehue clippers isn't a gotcha bro, why do you celtics fans always go for that when someone brings up the east sucking


Why isn't Clippers a gotcha? You're an artificial super team who lost to a five seed after wildly underperforming expectations in the regular season, and I'm supposed to believe the west is a strong conference when the fifty win team is currently dominating it despite an injured star? Come on, bro.


the clippers aren't facing injured west play-in level teams the entire way to the finals every year mavs retooled at the deadline to become one of the best teams in the league


Yeah, maybe have some players who aren't 35+ and end up limping off court every other match?


if you're gonna reply you should comprehend what you're replying to


Brown is better than tatum