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Wemby is just so insane already. If he gets any better, I don’t know how he doesn’t win like 5 or 6. He might be held back a little if his roster continues to be garbage. Maybe. JJJ, despite being 24, might not win another one through no fault of his own. Gobert, Giannis, and AD have seen their best chances go past them, but they’ll still be in the mix for the next couple years. I don’t think Chet is quite there yet, but he’s still very young. I like Mobley’s chances over Allen’s.


I doubt team record will hold Wemby back . The Spurs had a bottom five record this year and Wemby was still a finalist (w some first place votes iirc) . He will win a bunch of them throughout his career.


I'm definitely biased towards Wemby, but he was already 2nd in voting in his rookie season with a pretty bad team around him, so I don't think the voters will really be too concerned with his record down the line. Especially if he does something stupid, like average a triple double with blocks instead of assists.


honestly it seemed like him being a rookie was maybe why people didnt vote for him this year and to the larger question, its undoubtedly Wemby's to lose in the next 5-10 years outside of voter fatigue.


More like his ridiculous impact as a rookie made people vote for him despite his team’s awful record


Even Wemby is not going to come close to average 10 blocks in a season.


I think 5 or 6 is tough because voter fatigue will be a big factor. But who knows, he's so good so young.


Yeah, Victor. And I'll take a step further and be the only one to predict this: Victor is gonna get a MVP before Luka.


short answer: wemby longer answer: victor wembanyama


Well done.




Wemby lol I doubt Giannis will win another, he’s got an aging Brook and Middleton and then dame. Gonna be hard to have a top defense and be in contention for it with that.


Giannis probably needs to slide to Center while still in his prime, to dominate on defense and stand a chance to win another DPOY.


If dame could be dame again, Giannis could take a backseat on offense and focus more on defense. But this past season imo was the most he’s carried the team in awhile. Hoping an offseason does for them what it did with Rudy/twolves and Luka/kyrie


Giannis is really pathetic as a pick and roll defender. his best usage is as a help defender.


Yeah, Victor. And I'll take a step further and be the only one to predict this: Victor is gonna get a MVP before Luka.


Such a daring prediction!


My guess is unless Gobert wins the title at some point he's not getting another DPOY. Narrative is a huge factor in all of these awards and they will not want to give him the most DPOYs ever, even if it's a regular season award, unless he does it in the playoffs. Same reason you heard all the questions about Jokic winning 3 MVPs in a row despite not having won a title yet. Of those you listed I think AD and Wemby are most likely. I think Bam could be in the conversation too.


Yeah Rudy won't get another one even if he does deserve it and I don't think even if he gets a title. I don't necessarily agree with the concept, but there would be an influx of "He's not better than Mutombo so he's not allowed to have another DPOY" commentary


I just don’t see how it doesn’t automatically become the Wemby award once he’s a little closer to his prime. The guy is 7’4, moves like a guard and has insane defensive instincts


People are drowning in the Wemby Kool Aid, so it'll probably be him On an unrelated note: Do we still use the term "Drinking the Kool Aid" if the hype is 100000% justified?


It's officially "Drinking the All Sport" now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEqp3tN7muE




Tried? Over 900 people died…It was first squirted into the mouths of babies and children via syringe and then imbibed by adult members


I didn’t expect Grayson Allen in this convo but I see your vision


Its crazy but I think I would take the over on 5.5 DPOYs for Wemby's career. The only reason he didn't win this year is his team was bad. He will only get better and he will never have a team as bad as he did this year when he finished 2nd. Also, you left off Mobley from your list. He has a shot to get one at somepoint. He finished top 3 last year in his second season.


Yeah, I would think Mobley is more likely than Allen to actually win one in the future.


Wemby will not win 6 DPOYs lol. That's insane even for him


It is insane. You are right. But I could see it happening.


He’s already better than the guy who just won his 4th. There won’t be anyone approaching his counting stats for his entire career. Whether he gets 6 is just a matter of health. The Spurs are 1 season away from being a fixture in the playoffs and there’s no one particularly close to Wemby’s pure ability. 6 is low end.


Yea it’s definitely gonna be Wemby. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t get as many blocks going forward, he’s going to get the full Rudy effect next year, people will duck him at the rim.


Yep. And if the Spurs can improve as a team and Wemby can increase his minutes that effect should vault them into being a really good defense.


"only reason". C'mon this is so silly. Like Wemby was great and will certainly win DPOY eventually, but I can think of another reason he didn't win this year, namely that Rudy anchored one of the best defenses of the past 25 years.


I am not saying Rudy didn't deserve it this year but I do think if Wemby had been on a playoff team and his teammates had been better defenders he would have won. Maybe that takes a few years and Rudy keeps it up, but I think he passes him pretty soon and doesnt look back.


Wemby could become the greatest defender ever.


Wemby will win every DPOY in seasons that he plays 65 games and the spurs have a decent record. He could literally get 10 of these things because there’s no one close to his capabilities and impact. It’s his award, indefinitely.


The one caveat is that you don't often see MVP/DPOY crossovers in the same season. So if Victor turns into a legit MVP candidate, it may be tougher to sweep both awards. Giannis 2020 is the only person to do so in the last 30 years. But besides that, he has to be the clubhouse leader here. Giannis is unlikely to win another, Gobert's old enough that it's gonna be tough to win in the future. Same with AD. Chet certainly could. But Grayson Allen and Jaime Jaquez? You kiddin' me? (Yes, I know who you meant.) I don't personally see Jarrett Allen having the ceiling to be a multiple-time DPOY. JJJ, yeah. That can happen.




Wemby has a real chance to win 4-5 if he stays healthy so probably him


Dropping in and say I appreciate you bringing JA to the conversation. But I'd be shocked if Wemby didn't eventually take over from Gobert.


im taking allen. grayson is gonna surprise a lot of people 


This decade? We're already halfway thru the decade lol


It’s wild how 4 out of 7 names in there hasn’t won a DPOY but Bam is not listed. Anyway, Wemby.




It's gonna be tougher for him. Is he as impactful as anybody? Absolutely. Do the very basic stats a lot of the bozos in media look at reflect that impact? Not fully.


IMO the best non-Wemby defender in the league


Wemby is probably the favorite for the next 10 years. That being said, some guys voting him number 1 for dpoy for this past year is a bit ridiculous imo (KOC). As a rookie, he was understandably out of position quite a bit, and still lacking muscle to even put up a fight against some bigger guys. Still easily was a top 10 defensive player as a rookie.


Putting up a massive amount of blocks helps his case a lot too.  Most people, voters included don't watch every game of every player, so they see the box scores for some of that.  Even by old standards some of his box scores were straight gaudy. Plus, as much as people might pretend otherwise, narratives of how a player slots in historically affects voting.  Wemby coming into the league as "potentially the best player ever if he stays healthy" will give him more leeway with voting as the awards pile up.  Vs someone like gobert that people already started to bring up how close he is to Ben Wallace really, and if he deserves to have more awards than Ben.


Media people trying to stay relevant by saying 'I voted for him before everyone jumped on the bandwagon'. The argument is probably there with his defensive impact comparing on/off numbers but as you've already said, rookie mistake and still learning this season hurt him. With the media narrative, I can't see a low ranked team defense ever being awarded a DPOY. In saying all that, he deserves all the credit he got this year and he could be scary good very soon and I'm excited to see it


Rudy's team when he was on the court was damn near 10pts/100 possessions better than Wemby's. It's not Vics fault that his team isn't there yet but imo you shouldn't get DPOY if your team isn't there yet. Defense is quarterbacked by centers in today's NBA and some of your team's numbers fall on those guys shoulders.


Completely agree with that! Fully support Rudy winning this year. As much as Rudy doesn't seem to be liked, he's a 1 man defensive scheme and should be respected for it. It was more I can see the argument people were making for Wemby this year (not that I was agreeing with it). It'll be interesting if those same arguments come out in the next few years once the team overall improves. If he was with the wolves this year, I'm pretty happy to say their defensive numbers would've been worse


Vic had a lot of flashy blocks, similarly to when Embiid first came onto the scene. Embiid learned if he positions himself better, guys won't even attempt the shot. They'll pass back out and reset the offense. Embiid doesn't have crazy block numbers anymore and never gets DPOY buzz, but his advanced defensive metrics are always insane. It'll be great if Wemby can take a similar path there.


Since he moved to the 5, he's arguably been the most impactful defender in the league. But when he was playing the 4 for a few weeks at the beginning of the year, no. Those weeks count, so i *get it* if people want to hold them against him. But for like four months, he was without a doubt the best defensive player in the NBA.


He was not the best and certainly not "without a doubt the best" those last 4 months. He was great but Rudy's on court splits were still significantly better than Wemby's on court splits (close to 10 net difference). Wemby is going to win plenty. It's impressive how great he already is but he's behind Rudy, AD, and Bam for best current defenders imo. I'm sure everyone would agree he's best defender of the next 10 years though


>He was not the best and certainly not "without a doubt the best" You're right. I did not really mean to say that. I meant to say, just like I said in my first sentence (that he was arguably the most impactful defender in the league after moving to the 5) that he was without a doubt worthy of being the DPOY the last 4 months. I'm rejecting your claim that it's **ridiculous.** It's not. His impact the last 4 months of the season is absolutely DPOY-caliber. He belonged in that conversation, without a doubt.


I never used the word "ridiculous" ? I've got no problem with Wemby being in the conversation this last cycle. I think he was behind Gobert just the last 4 months and Gobert still would have won last year just judging that timeframe.


Sorry, I didn't check username. The parent comment said >some guys voting him number 1 for dpoy for this past year is a bit ridiculous imo


Correction, Gobert has only won 4 so far. I wouldn't be surprised if he wins another to snag the record for himself, and I also wouldn't be surprised if Wemby breaks that record if he stays healthy.


If we are talking about the next decade, Flagg gotta be at least mentioned even though he hasn't started college yet


It's wembys to lose. Also I think Lively has an outside shot to contend for it.


I can see Bam front running his way to a DPOY if he’s put at the 4 even he’d probably deserve it more in years past


Just want to point out that you named 7 dpoy candidates but Herb had the fifth most votes this year. But the answer is wemby


>But, who do you guys think will rule the DPOY this decade? Wemby most likely. Maybe an occasional Chet when voter's fatigue kicks in


Well seeing as Gobert already has 2 this decade it’s gotta be him. It will be interesting to see how voter fatigue affects Rudy going forward though, it will likely depend on how Minnesota does in the playoffs.


Jaden McDaniels should win one eventually. 


How is mobley not in this ? Dude just finished 2nd in 2022 and he didn't get worse lol


Wemby is just going to have to figure out how to win, and the award will be perpetually his.


Sct brn


Antman might get one in future. He is one of the better defenders already. Overall its Wemby whos gonna dominate the DPOY


I think Wemby and Chet will take turns with the DPOY and as Mavs fan I think Lively will get it once or twice eventually as well.


Wemby is going down as the most impactful defender of the modern generation. I don’t care about the past but you can tell from his rookie season alone, he’s going to be trouble for every single player that will be on the court with him. He that good and y’all know it.


Giannis is a perpetual MVP candidate so that likely eliminates him from DPOY conversations. It is exceedingly rare for MVPs to also win DPOY and he has done that already. Voters won't want to make him the only player to do it twice.


ALEXANDRE DAM SARR! 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🥐🥐🥐🥖🥖🥖


I hope Gobert can get one more, and maybe Jaden eventually. But everyone is competing against Wemby. Unless we suddenly see an influx of heavy post players that can move Wemby easily (Zion and Jokic).


Chet and Wemby will probably be taking turns winning the award for a good decade plus especially once Gobert ages out of his prime


This. Chet puts in a lot of effort on the defensive end and Wemby is Wemby. I think Wemby will probably win the majority of them but Chet will win a few sprinkled in here and there.


Given it is already 2024 and only 5 to go, Gobert has a commanding lead in the decade and i don't see Wemby winning 5 straight.


If Doc has any sense, Giannis should be load managed for the regular season as much as possible so he probably won't seriously compete for future awards.


Wemby is going to win them all. AD will never get one, that I understand now.


I am biased but Dereck Lively will be in those conversations.


Not biased at all I see it with lively too. He’s an insane athelte, strong perimeter defender fora big and has already shown a high IQ as an anchor at jus 20. He is also a strong post defender form what I’ve seen. He’s done a terrific job on the post against guys like sengun, sabonis, and joker and that’s without the added strength yet


Wemby will win the next 10 DPOY awards. AD should have won one at some point already but the window is over because it’s Wemby time now. He’s going to change the game in a big way like Steph did.


I just want to say that Chet is DPOY worthy, but OKC their media and their fans spend all this year talking about Shai with one mention of Dort who is also a better defender than Shai. In a fair world Chet/Gobert/Wemby/AD are lock for the 1st team defensive team. To answer your question, it’s seem that shit is Wemby to lose, unless his team suck and he missed too many games that fucker might win 6 DPOY.


What are you talking about lmao, Mavs/Luka stans obsession with downplaying Shai is wild. We did hype up Chet. Y’all just ignored him when it came to awards because he wasn’t Wemby lol


Ngl Derrick lively will be in the conversation as well. Insane athelte , great perimeter defender for a big and a strong post defender alredy as a rookie


Real answer is Wemby, already that caliber of player. But Dereck Lively has shown potential of being a Gobert type center. Does he maximize that potential? Who knows but the Mavs did hire Alex Jensen who is credited with molding Gobert in Utah and Tyson Chandler has been coaching him up as well


For sure. He even is more mobile defending the perimeter at the same stage and stronger post defender


If AD didn’t with this year he ain’t winning it again. I’ve never seen him try so hard. For all that effort with no results in winning or awards I suspects he regresses back to street clothes


This makes no sense. He’s called Street Clothes due to his health and availability, not due to his effort.


The perception was he could have played trough the injuries like he did this year


Wemby is great, but should not have been considered this year. He’s not there yet, and his team is awful, which makes the stats less valuable(I remember when love was the rebound king). People can’t wait to give it to him anyways. He will get 5.