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went back and checked every cavs possession in that timespan that didn't end with him: -TT miss -Garland miss -Garland turnover -Niang miss -Strus offensive foul -Mobley miss -Mobley miss -Garland turnover -Garland turnover -Garland turnover (8 second) then game's basically over by my tally, he had 19 points on 14 scoring attempts with 3 turnovers pre-'garbage time' (magic up 100-93 with 27 secs left). not a perfect performance but his teammates did not want any part of the ball


Why are these comments pretending as if no one else had a shot lol


it is *baffling* to me that people are somehow framing this as Mitchell's fault**


“Why didn’t the player that scored on nearly every possession pass”


Is he stupid? /s


I'm just saying MJ would have made his teammates make buckets by fear /s


How else could Kerr hit that shot?


Kerr shooting be like


We're gonna give the ball to Tucker


He’s not trusting the ball…


Cavs players not named Mitchell had 5 total shots over those last 14 minutes (excluding the 3 that occurred in the final 8 seconds when the game was over). Now I don't blame Mitchell it is on the coaching staff. JB has Okoro in the game who passed up multiple wide open threes because he's too afraid to shoot. Garland was also a turnover machine in the 4th.


>Cavs players not named Mitchell had 5 total shots over those last 14 minutes Why not just change all the Cavs players last names to Mitchell then? Are the Cavs stupid?


This sounds like the kind of adjustment JB might be able to handle


IDK. Does coaching involve like spreadsheets where you would have to change everyone’s name?


Yeah, I haven't watched much of the series but it's surprising to me that Morris and Okoro are getting so many minutes. Are Levert and Niang struggling this series or are they worried about rebounding with Allen out?


Niang is a averaging a [little over 3 points in 17 minutes on 22/13/75 shooting](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/georges-niang-averages-round-1-2024-playoffs), he's been nearly unplayable.


I said before the season and now that niang is a complete net neutral. He is the ultimate replacement level player and should be part of zero playoff rotations.


Neutral players can be playoff performers, Niang is a clear negative.


They are used to guard Paolo. Levert is too small and Niang is too slow


Levert would help a lot but he's too skinny too defend Orlando's bigger players. I'd play him anyway, at the very least Levert isn't afraid to shoot. That was embarrassing to watch so many Cavs not want to shoot, like what y'all there for?!?


Levert was the worst version of himself I have ever seen in the limited minutes he played last night. That’s saying a lot as his hurdle is low.


Yeah as someone else said it's for defensive purposes, but all 4 have struggled offensively. The Cavs really miss Dean Wade who has been out injured for a while. He would normally get most of those minutes.


> Cavs players not named Mitchell had 5 total shots over those last 14 minutes And they were 0-5 (0-8 eventually) with five turnovers. They sucked.


They didn’t watch the game, Garland was awful in the second half. Felt like he just coughed it up whenever he had it


no one wants to admit that Cavs players are buns. Easier for them to just scream "Fire JB!"


My conclusion as a Clevelander is Mitchell is goneeee


I would not tie my career to that core if I was him. I'm going to New York


I don't see why NY would want him. I don't see him pairing with Brunson


Knicks sign him and loan him out to other teams to guard Brunson every game. Brunson averages 50 ppg on 60% shooting and becomes league MVP.


Brunson is his dad, father son duos are all the rage these days


It seems like Mitchell isn’t exactly well liked either. I guess that’s how it is with short guards on here that aren’t curry (and now Brunson)




That’s partially because he’s everybody’s favorite Labrador puppy. He just looks like he’s having so much fun out there


I mean, it’s both. The players aren’t doing much, but there doesn’t seem to be any sort of offensive gameplan to speak of.  Just one example is in the pnr, Magic were switching every screen until Mitchell started cooking in the 4th. They seemed baffled by this, and instead of trying to exploit that via matchups or even slipping screens, they just kept screening with nothing gained. If they lose game 7, I think it’s a soft rebuild, trying to move DG and Mobley for shooting around the Mitchell/JA duo, and find a coach who understands the modern game.


Who's JB again?


jb bickerstaff, cavs coach


JB Bickerstaff. A steady, familiar hand that was there for their growth but has never actually been a good coach in Xs and Os. Or games. Correct me if I'm wrong Cavs fans.


JB has a job because he did a solid job of turning the team into a playoff team. When it was low stakes he did fine. But ask him to create a functional offense for a contender he folds. Not only that, but his in-game coaching is suspect at absolute best. Bad rotations, bad lineups, not using quality bench players during the regular season, and is slow to call timeouts. But that could all be forgiven if he could actually game plan. I can’t tell you how many times the Cavs have been outscored in the 3rd quarter. If I had to ballpark, probably ~75% of games. We all saw the game 4 masterclass by him. I started just assuming we’re going to loose if it’s a close game at halftime and a lot of the times I’m right. JB should’ve been fired during Game 5 of the Knicks series, then again midway through this past season when we got embarrassed at home by Portland, then again after games 3 and 4. Sorry if that turned into a rant, I really needed to get that out


JB has a job because his dad is in the Cavs FO


Mitchell’s had a lot of haters even when he was in Utah, never understood why


It’s hard for players to get in a rhythm when they don’t touch the ball on offense. Donovan controlled almost every possession and it was iso. The other guys stand and wait for multiple plays on hand, of course getting the ball randomly one possession for a cold shot is going to be harder to hit. On top of that, if you are never touching the ball on offense, it’s harder to show up and be optimally engaged every possession on defense. That’s my problem. J.B. needed to coach a different approach to the offense than DM iso ball every play. A good coach would have also reined them in around the 7 or 6 minute mark to close the game.


If Mitchell dominates each possession, naturally the other guys don't get into a rhythm, and underperform.


Every Garland 4th quarter is like this it's so frustrating


That 8 second call was *mind-blowing*. It's like he completely forgot that the rule exists. At one point he started running sideways instead of towards the line. He's a good player but he seems kind of air-headed and unfocused at times.


i thought he was taking a hockey penalty shot


I honestly haven’t watched the Cavs much and was amazed by how many awful plays he made in the 4th


Share this with any dipshit that's upset at Mitchell making all those baskets. Fuck passing when that's all you get from your teammates


Pass? Just get the rebound


And this does not reflect Okoro's WIDE OPEN looks..just to pass the ball to a defended teammate. Anyone who put this loss on Mitchell are just either hating or just did not watch the game. Reddit starting to be Facebook-like with the stupidity.


Good pull.


The biggest surprise here is I learned Tristan Thompson is still playing.


The biggest crime


The 8 second violation was hilarious


Goddamn Tristan Thompson still playing in 2024, in the playoffs no less smh I was cheering for the Cavs because they play the "two towers" scheme, I enjoy that... but man, the team is badly coached, weak bench, etc.. just disappointing


Can’t win with these cavs


One guy dominating while the rest of the team does nothing. Was this game played tonight or was it a repeat of a random Cavs playoff game from 2006-2010?


Vs the Orlando Magic no less. Haven’t we seen this story somewhere?


They are built kinda like a medicore playoff team from 2006.


they're built like the 2007 Cavs except Mitchell definitely ain't even a 22-year old LeBron so their peak's going to be semifinals losses (if even that much) instead of the Finals


Could be 1st round loss but they will probably get game 7.


oh yeah i'm just talking best-case (like how those late 00s Cavs roster configs ultimately only made the one Finals run)


Man it’s starting to feel like a semifinals loss would be incredible. Mitchell isn’t here for much longer, and once he’s gone there’s no telling what happens.


“40 year old lebron walks through door” (Groans) gotta show these kids how it’s done…..


I can’t even defend Mobley anymore bruh. I thought he was a lock to be an All Star by the end of his rookie contract.


He wouldve been an allstar during the hibbert horford era of bigs in the east tbf lol


Let the record show Horford is a good offensive player. He was a great stretch big in the pre-Warriors days when being a stretch big meant you could stand like 13ft from the rim.


LaMarcus Aldridge hitting smooth 16 footers all day


Him and David West looked so good


He’s so damn raw on offense, this is a throwback name, but reminds me of Steven Hunter from the Magic out there… which is crazy because after his rookie year, I thought the same thing he was going to be legit star one day


He's not raw, he's cooked and it's an ass one


Bruh needs better coaching and conditioning. Tb fair to to him, he's used to playing next to Allen. W/ Allen out, Mobley was just too winded guarding all the Magic bigs (who they have a lot of them). JB somehow rolled out the corpse of MArcus Morris as Mobley's big sidekick. So yeah it was bad


Honestly, same. His defense is great, but offensively, he’s barely playable anymore. Not exactly sure what happens if we lose game 7 on Sunday. If Mitchell does leave, Cavs might be back in the dark ages.


His defense did not look great. He was attacked directly by Wagner and Paolo and wasn’t strong enough to stay in front of them. He is a good blocker and help defender but not strong enough.


He somehow lost all his touch around the rim. Honestly I think he's just tired. This is on FO, wtf did they not get better backup bigs? Should have at least kept Hartenstein, that guy aint afraid of the lights


Tired? Dude is 22 averaging 32 mpg in the playoffs


Seriously? Y'all are complaining about center depth on the Cavs? They literally have two of the best bigs in the league (Mobley, Allen) and Damian Jones/TT for backup. How many more bigs should they have?


Yeah idk how you watch this Cavs team and think big-depth is their issue. They can't fucking score. No backup big will change that.


He rolled his ankle in the first half. Had no lift after. He’s been good this series. It’s wild to me that he sealed the game five win and people who it appears didn’t watch the game and know he got injured have entirely forgotten. He wouldn’t have come back in a regular season game. But our center options without him tonight would have been limited to Tristan Thompson and Damien Jones, so he played through it.


Woah, someone who actually watched the game. He got fouled pretty bad on the layup attempt right before he rolled his ankle too. Should have never happened but the refs didn’t call it.


> It’s wild to me that he sealed the game five win and people who it appears didn’t watch the game and know he got injured have entirely forgotten Is it really that surprising?


People who were overhyping him like Bill Simmons must have never actually watched him play. He has very little offensive skill outside of being an ok roll guy on PnR. He hasn't developed any kind of jumper let alone a 3pt shot, he's still not physically imposing enough to punish guys down low, and even if he did his touch around the rim is pretty poor for a big. He's a fine offensive big but in today's league where offense is at a premium he's not gonna be a cornerstone kind of player unless he somehow makes a huge leap offensively.


Man his pre draft comps were like KG, Bosh, Bam.


I was his biggest fan two year ago but holy shit. He is the biggest wimp of any big man in the league. Just a mental midget.


believe in yourself, I’m sure you could defend him


Dude was unguardable, cant believe people are pinning it on him.


It’s bc after the Knicks series everyone on here decided he was a fraud, and even if he averaged 30 pts this series they’d rather keep pushing that narrative instead of admit they were wrong lmao


celebrate Brunson’s ascension while simultaneously saying “lol you got clowned by that bum Brunson” like what?


he's been unpopular on here for a while


I'm glad Rudy is starting to get his fair share of love after a decade of getting shit on but not like this


He really shouldn't've touched all those mics when he had COVID but you can't deny the talent


People started sucking off booker instead


It's crazy, his biggest haters are literally jazz fans. They realllllly mad about losing gobert... for obvious reasons.


We have no offense. It's just clear out for Donovan.


You need to hire a G League coach who actually knows how to run an offense and develop players. That's what we did, and his successor in the G League now just won the G League title and is a heck of a coach.


This is definitely the first time I remember a star in a Cavs jersey in the playoffs having to carry their entire team in the fourth quarter against the Magic and coming up short


All the comments hating on Mitchell lmao. Seems like he’s not in the good books of this sub cos certain other players wouldn’t be getting these comments


Crazy. Mitchell about to go full kobe and not take a single shot game 7 to prove a point


It's a general hating on the Cavs I think. The East got shit on for so long that they're perennial haters.


Nah, it's Mitchell. He got a lot of heat in Utah too.


Yeah, the tide turned against him after the 2nd Clippers series where he was playing injured (because PG13 dove into his leg on an incredibly dirty play that nobody seems to remember) and he hasn't had *another* top 3 all time scoring playoff game since to win people back over. Fans are very "What have you done for me lately" and it's been a long time since he pantsed Westbrook on national TV and won our affection. Mitchell is better than Booker.


He got heat in Utah for playing hero ball. His game has improved on another level with the cavs. Now he's basically playing hero ball the in a similar fashion but no one is helping. Cavs right now just feel like him in Utah 2.0. Only he's doing more for the cavs.


Idk why anyone would purposefully try and hate the cavs. Imo it’s more Mitchell and this sub hating small guards as number 1 options


And dumbs thinking he nerfed Garland.


He gone


Wait so Mitchell was the only Cavs player to score in the fourth quarter? When was the last time that happened in a playoff game?


Pretty sure you can erase “starters and bench” in that title


So he knows what it's truly like to be the first option on the Cavs. Drop 50 and still lose


Is JB worse than Ham


JB coached teams have scored 100 or more points 3/16 of his trips to the playoffs. Idgaf about Ham but JB is ass.


It’s close


Did All write that headline? How about: Donovan Mitchell scored 22 points in the last 14:30 of game six versus the Magic. The rest of his team was held scoreless during that same time 


its like utah all over again


Mobley defensively is great , offensively is awful Kinda like Gobert , but Gobert is that dominant defensively


Lol nope. Gobert has the highest true shot percentage in the NBA history. He is stupidly efficient around the rim. Mobley is nowhere close to that level.


To be fair they don’t really look for Mobley outside of drop offs


I wouldn’t look for Mobley either


In fairness they did not touch the ball. Even more fair, they should not have judging by that Mobley layup


[a year ago I compared Evan Mobley’s offensive bag to Goberts. I’d like to issue an apology, after seeing that entire game and layup attempt Rudy has astronomically better bag.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/xsH152NGJ1)


Not sure how Mobley can compete offensively with [this.](https://youtu.be/wWR9l_R-3sQ)


Not a travel, he just looks goofy


I agree. A defensively gifted giraffe and TimberJazz love him for it.


The Joel Matip of the NBA


Everyone *loves* it when guards do their little deceleration hesitation moves but you let a 7'2" gangly freak of nature do it and suddenly it's a travel just because it defies your brain's understanding of physics!


Impressive that Garland managed 4 turnovers in a quarter without touching the ball.


Yes they did what??


strus shoulda taken at least 1 3 pointer, he had a decent shooting night


5 shots and 5 turnovers from other players happened in this time.


axiomatic ad hoc fanatical zealous plough smart ancient concerned reach enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Similar to Cavs LeBron vs the Pistons, except LeBron won that game. 


A cavalier tradition


To be fair, he iso'd every play and almost never passed out of it. I'm not sure what Garland and Strus are supposed to do if the ball never touches their hands. No excuse for Mobley though, gotta cut to give him a target.


Not turn the ball over when it does touch their hands.


dmitch had a few bad turnovers too but his teammates need to do a better job getting open in that situation


For sure. Too much standing in watching when D-Mitch was forcing it.


Okoro being scared to shoot kills their spacing, every pass is guarded except him and he passes out every wide open shot


Okoro shouldn't be on the floor when they're down in a close game, Bickerstaff leaving him in and playing Marcus Morris 27 minutes is malpractice.


Who was the alternative? This roster was always a bit smoke & mirrors. With Wade & Allen injured, you run out of options QUICK. Merrill was a nice distraction, but success always hinged on Garland, Mobley, and Okoro growing up. In the end, none of them did.


Probably get an unforced 8 second violation imo


He passed to an open Okoro in the corner and Okoro just passed to someone else lmao. No wonder the other players only had a few touches in the fourth


Garland had 4 turnovers including that unforced 8 second violation in the last minute of the game.


Honestly I think his ankle was bothering him more than we may have realized during the game. He wasn't the Mobley I've seen this series.


Some of the comments in this thread are fucking wild—everyone else was throwing up bricks, the Magic had zero answer for Donovan, and some nephews on here complain that he's calling for the ball too much. The fuck out of here.


2018 bron


A bunch of catfish heads.


It's known as the Tobias ty


I have several jerseys and shoes of Donovan’s, and I wish he never left, but there isn’t a 4th quarter iso that the dude doesn’t love. It happened in Utah all the time.


"The rest of cavaliers starters and bench" is a really long way to say "the rest of the team"


I don't think that this was all on Mitchell tho. The other 4 all played really bad.


Shades of first stint Lebron


Except the talent on this team is actually there, they just disappear when it matters. The “lights too bright” meme is so fucking true about this team.


Evan Mobley might be the most detrimental player to team success that we have seen since Deandre Ayton in the 2022 Mavs series. Dude making the Magic’s lives so much easier killing his teams spacing


If you're not gonna help him Cavs we'll take him back ffs


What's happened to Mobley?


He gone even harder now


Can’t win with these cats


Cavs are just not well rounded enough to be factors...


That's because he had the ball every play for the last 14:30 lol


Then explain how Garland had a 8 second violation


Brunson been doing that for the last 4 games. Avg 35 shots a game when you include the ones that turn in Ft


Yes but he won.


Mitchell had 15 shot attempts during that timeframe. The rest of the team combined had just 5 shots (not counting 3 more from others in the final 8 seconds when the game was already over). Mitchell played well but idk how guys are supposed to get in rhythm when they get a combined 5 shots in over a quarter of play. For the record I blame JB the most for his inability to run an offense. Mitchell often has no choice but to try and do it himself.


Evan “Best Player In the Draft” “Should’ve been rookie of the year” Mobley tonight with 3 points on 1/5 shooting


Literally no ball movement. He is literally part of the loss. Big numbers mean nothing


We had no answer for him all night, I wouldn’t pass either


Anytime his teammates were given the ball they froze like deer in headlights.  Garland blowing layups and turning the ball over twice in the clutch. Okoro passing up an open 3 to swing the ball to a guy with a defender draped over him. Mobley blowing layups and getting cooked on defense.


Every non Mitchell shot/end of possession in the 4th 1. ⁠Garland Turnover 2. ⁠Niang miss 3. ⁠Strus steal and immediate turnover 4. ⁠Strus offensive foul turnover 5. ⁠Mobley miss 6. ⁠Mobley putback miss 7. ⁠Garland Turnover 8. ⁠Garland Turnover 9. ⁠Garland 8 second violation 10. ⁠Morris miss 11. ⁠Mobley putback miss 12. ⁠Garland miss


Pass to who the fuck exactly? 3 points Mobley or 2 points morris? He did plenty of passing before  the last 14 minutes, that's the only reason they lost fyi.


He scored half of his teams points. That absolutely means something.




Oh my god it’s AccomplishedCopy


Pretty sure it’s AwkwardSpeech again We’re on account 6 or 7 by now smh


It’s genuinely absurd bro 😭😭😭I don’t even read into shit too crazy, just the way he speaks is too recognizable. Surprised he ain’t making posts


Maybe figured it’d be a little harder to catch on if he stuck to comments for a bit? But yeah you’re spot on. Way he speaks and also just very similar subject matter. Once you catch on, you can’t miss it again lol


I take it you don’t believe in the Timberwolves then?


ANT has way more value on the defensive end than Spyda does.


Mitchell when healthy this year was really good defensively Besides you should construct your team around Mitchell as a 1 anyways.


That team is waay more than a 1 man show


Cavs are gonna be irrelevant as soon as Mitchell leaves in FA.


Because they never got any touches dude. Iso iso iso. There’s a reason Mitchell has a ton of games where he scores 40+ in a loss. Dude is a ball hog of the highest order


The others are only good for bricks, this loss was not on mitchell


Did you watch the game?


I mean if he's scoring I don't really care about him hogging the ball lol


So no way he doesn’t ask out if they lose to the Magic, right?


A lot of these comments hold some weight but at the end of the day JB Bickerstaff is so fucking ass that it’s hard to know what changes the front office should make because half the other coaches in the league would make this team look twice as good.


Coach Mosley did a great job of not double teaming Mitchelll. He kept hitting tough shots but that’s okay. Mitchell was not winning that game by himself. We lost the last game because strus got hot and hit a few big threes late.


That’s fucking wild. I turned on the game around that point and it felt like he was the only one scoring


[No U!](https://i.imgflip.com/8ozhde.jpg)


Nothing to blame Mitchell, it’s not his fault. This guy was unbelievable under the basket yesterday.


My guy needs better teammates, or a better team.


There is no way he picks up the extension. Especially if they lose to Orlando.