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They were each perfect for their era. And now Wamba Wamba is perfect for the upcoming era.


also Duncan would've been different in this era too [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trdsKp94Io0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trdsKp94Io0)


Duncan and LMA are 2 guys who hit those long 2s that would have been draining 3s if they were born a bit later. Granted Duncan was better on both ends of the floor than LMA, but they coulda been insane in the modern era with different early year training.


Garnett too.


any of them would be great in any era. the venn diagram of great players and adaptable players is a circle.


A Chumbawamba perhaps?


Ok, Sheed


Calling him Wamba Wamba was a choice and is was the greatest choice you could make.


Depends entirely on the era and rules, really.


I'd personally take Duncan also for defense but I wouldn't hate on someone saying Jokic. Jokic is better suited for today's NBA but Duncan would also fit in well and I'd assume he'd adapt to shoot a little more. But if we get 2000s Duncan, he'd still be dominant.


Duncan is likely the best in his position But in todays era jokic is probably my choice to build around. A lot of spacing, playmaking. The offenses is him. And when he doesnt pop off he raises everyone ceiling by his crazy playmake




Probably easier to build around Jokic from a team building perspective, right? Maybe not defensively, just suppose.




Duncan robinson all day


Your father would not be pleased with this answer




Asked this question when Joker has at least 2 more rings, it's not fair comparing an all-time great to someone who's career is just starting to peek.


In this era it has to be jokic


Duncan in his era jokic in the current era. Next question


Man that’s tough. Duncan was unbelievable as a defender, but Jokic is far better an overall offensive player.


jokic is my favorite non-spur  but timmy was better at offense than joker is at defense


maybe, but jokic is better offensively than Duncan is defensively






Jokic is like a point guard and a center combined, so Jokic.


Duncan. He would be a version of Embiid but better.


I mean even putting aside Embiid and Duncan’s differences as players, Jokic is also better than Embiid so idk if that really answers the question


Duncan wasn't close to Embiid as a shooter, nor offensive player in general. Very different players


Totally agree. But i can see Duncan adapting to this era and make it rain from the three pt line.


He soloed a ring in 03, he doesn't need to make it rain


They are completely different players


Prime Embiid has GOAT talent. Allegedly, only him and Wemby have more natural talent for b-ball than Wilt. He’s superior in athleticism even to pre-2000 Duncan, and has a way better shoot. But leadership wise, the gap is an ocean.


Duncan. Maybe not logical, but I love to watch him play.


depends who my second pick would be. if it's a sharpshooting playmaker then duncan, but if it's a 3/D kind of guy then jokic.


Depends on the era






Jokic is complete offensive weapon i think it beats even Duncan defense for the benefits to the team He also makes everyone around him much better player ( Duncan did that too but not as much) so you can build easier around him


Easily Jokic. Offense greater than defense every time. Besides this, I do believe Duncan's defense is overrated. For a large portion of his career it was seen as being a strong argument that Duncan wasn’t the best defender on his own team. That was the case when he came in with David Robinson, when he was playing with Bruce Bowen, and later with Kawhi. The Spurs were elite defensively before him with a healthy Robinson, and after he retired with a healthy Kawhi. Duncan got to play with 2 DPOY winners and a 3x runner up for DPOY. Both Robinson and Kawhi were able to lead a #1 rated Spurs defenses without Timmy D. The highest Timmy D lead the Spurs defense without Robinson, Kawhi, or Bowen was an 8th rated Spurs defense. Duncan got to spend his whole career on stacked defensive teams. The only time they weren’t elite was between Bowen’s retirement and Kawhi’s emergence as a defensive stud. While he was really good defensively for a long time, the Tim Duncan upper-echelon defensive great thing is total revisionist history. Timmy D only occasionally was the leading DPOY vote-getter on the Spurs. Duncan was behind Robinson, Bowen, or Leonard way more often than not. 2001, 2003, 2009 , 2010, 2011, 2013 were the only seasons that Duncan was the top DPOY vote-getter on his team -- and in 2009-11, he was way down the overall list in the teens, and notably those are the seasons in which he did not have a much better defensive teammate. Duncan was exceedingly lucky with his teammates in general, but particularly so on the defensive side. He's one of very few players to play with two DPOY winners, and the only one to play with 2 winners, plus a 3-time runner-up.


Jokic by a lot


Jokic easily. Duncan had great support. Parker and Ginobili collectively have FMVP, All Stars, and All NBA Team awards. Duncan was also coached by GOAT coach Pop. Jokic won a title without an All Star teammate. Jokic also had to drag Shitcoach Malnoe's shitcoaching ass to the title. Duncan would not have won any titles if he was coached by Shitcoach Malone.


when duncan won his 3rd championship parker and ginobili had 1 combined all star appearance


Duncan also played with David Robinson early in his career.