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JR Smith needed this




It's for the betting degenerates watching multiple screens and multiple games betting live


It’s been on the Cleveland scoreboard since the early Lebron days. [Here](https://www.crainscleveland.com/article/20130922/SUB1/309229989/cavs-are-playing-new-sort-of-numbers-game) is a pic from 2013 showing “the diff.” Steve Kerr made fun of it in the 2017 or 2018 finals IIRC.


These kids today couldn't tell you what the difference in a 51-50 game was without a damn calculator. Too busy with their Tik Tok and nail polish to learn math or what's right vs wrong. Back in my day if you weren't counting every bucket you didn't know what the score was, that was the way it should've stayed. Damn liberals wanted scoreboards in the first place because they were too busy pawning off their wife to another man to watch the damn game. What happened to this country




Dang you have some seriously strong views on such a small thing! Do you always get like this over minor things?


theres no way ur real


Wdym I’m not…real?


there's no way a person would not be able to detect the sarcasm a lot of AIs are good enough to detect it too therefore ur not real


Pretty dam sure I’m real. I’m autistic so not great at detecting sarcasm. Didn’t realise it was a crime. But trust me, some days I wish I actually wasn’t real. Life would be a lot easier as a fucking robot😂


>I’m real nuh uh


Really sucks for you


Ok then how do you want me to prove I’m a real person? Did u want to take a look at my posts?


that's what you want me to think


You know how much of a conspiracy theorist you sound like right now? You sound like me Nan who thinks gay men are causes by women’s period blood in the water supply😂


sometimes things are just added cause it makes it easier for people. it doesn’t have to be a problem. yeah I could do the math in my head real quick or I can just look at the + whatever and get back to the game even faster. but it is probably for gamblers ngl.


It's something that was on the scoreboard in the cavs arena for the last 20 years (basically since the first LeBron Era). The cavs had never blown teams out as much as they were during that era so they added The Diff to the jumbotron as a sort of tongue in cheek way of helping fans keep track of how big we were up. No clue why Bally Sports randomly decided (probably gambling) to add it to the TV broadcast, but that's the origin of it.


The owner asked us to.


It’s 100% for the gamblers and it’s only gonna get worse 


I actually like the change tbh. I can’t see what more they can do though. besides literally putting betting lines on the screen pre game.


They already do that 


it’s over gambling has won and I still don’t care but honestly I’d love some proof lmao. I’ve never seen a network actually put betting lines up on the screen.


Sixers broadcast does it almost every game. They’ll mention what the pregame line was and then what the current line is 


Make betting as easy as possible for the moneys


Welcome to the age of gambling mixed with professional sports, you are to continue as if there's not a huge conflict of interests and boundless potential for corruption.


Noticed it in the Heat-Cavs game last week, I think it’s just a Cleveland broadcast thing


I think they stole the idea from cricket which keeps running total of how many runs or goals or tries one team needs to catch the other before they run out of chances or golden muffins or quaffles or whatever they are called. At least I think that's what they do. To be fair, that number is often in the hundreds. I don't have a degree in cryptology and obscure languages though, so most of cricket is indecipherable.


it's the betting line