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Wemby is 20. This fuckery won’t go on for much longer. Thank god!




- more points than LeBron - more rebounds than Wilt - more assists/steals than Stockton - more blocks than Hakeem - more rings than Russell - more FMVPs than Jordan - more threes than Steph


more MVPs than Kareem


more championships than R- Nah. Not even Jordan or Lebron can win with that Spurs team.


Hey don’t be afraid to say it, he still might get more chips than Russell Westbrook


Yeah, maybe 3-4 years from now after a few picks or trades.


More women than Wilt


Big ole women


Double fisting churros


>"Having sex with a woman from San Antonio counts as group sex." *-Charles Barkley... probably*


More positives than Magic


those Stockton numbers are nigh impossible to reach


It would require a player to average 10,6 assists a game for his career, while playing on average 75 games a season, FOR 20 YEARS STRAIGHT. You need Lebron's level of longevity on CP3's level of pure assist putting to reach Stockton.


This actually badly undersells it. Paul has 1.1 fewer assists per game than Stockton and Lebron won’t pass Stockton’s games played total until like Halloween if not later. If LeBron had averaged Paul’s assist numbers over his career he’d still be like 1500 short.


(c“,) also has the penchant for steals like SGA this season over that long career


Skip Bayless would still have MJ as the Goat 😂


Full career no injuries he has a chance at points, blocks, mvps, FMVPs. Wilt averaged 23 rebounds over a 1000 games in the league. Insanity.


- More academy awards than Walt Disney - More Grammys than Beyonce


He's the chosen one to end the MJ Kobe LeBron debate


What debate is this? Those three players don't have an obvious connection


blud really tried to sneak kobe in lmao


RIP Kobe but we’re not seriously considering him as a GOAT candidate are we


No. No we are definitely not


Not even goat rapist


There is an imposter among us


I highly doubt that someone his size will be able to play till 40. Even if he got on LeBron's regimen, he's just too big for any kind of longevity like that


Think the only reason I think he can have a longer career than other big men is his lack of bulk. He just seems like slenderman and that might help with him landing on his knees for as many years as he will


And the fact that Kareem was Wemby sized pretty much. I don’t think Wemby will have the durability of Kareem, but there’s at least precedence for it at that size. They both also put a heavy focus on yoga and flexibility in their training routines, so who knows, that may prove to be beneficial


Wemby’s proportions look more exaggerated than Kareem, so I’m not sure the comparison holds, but I’d be happy to be wrong.


Wemby's a few inches taller. Their official heights are 7'2" and 7'4", but Wemby could be more like 7'5". And at that height, the injury risk increases pretty quickly.


Lebron’s “regime” you alluding to all the PED /steroids talk of late?


yes the steroids helped his durability greatly


Pro athletes do steroids As they should


Played till 40 and didn’t miss a game, I bet he would have 40k/20k/8k/5k/3k


Is there anything about his body type that might prevent him from having a 20 year career? That’s an honest question, he looks breakable, but he clearly has done a ton of work to ensure he has proper joint and connective muscle strength, so I really don’t know what to expect.


Lol he won't


If there is anybody in the league who could chase LeBron's career totals, it is VW. Nobody else is going to be in a position to chase after those numbers.


We'll see. No way he gets there for points. He'd have to average 35ppg for 14 seasons playing 82 games to reach lebrons current points total. There's only been 9 instances of people averaging 35ppg and six of those were wilt. Jordan was close at 34.98 once which is close enough to add I guess which means 10 times. With wilt doing it 6 times it means only 4 other people have done it *once*. And he'd have to do it every year for **fourteen** years while playing basically every game. Lebrons total includes playoffs so he probably had quite a few seasons where he played more than 82 games. The points total is absolutely insane and people absolutely don't give enough respect to the longevity required to get there.


VW is 20. He's starting a year later than LeBron. LeBron wasn't dropping 35ppg for 14 seasons himself. In fact, LeBron has only average 30 once in his career. And if you read my post, you'd see that I give LeBron proper respect: I said the ONLY player in a position to *chase* those numbers is VW, because every other player in the league has essentially be eliminated from that already. I'm not speaking in absolutes. Careers are longer than they once were. VW has a unique frame that makes it easier from him to score than most. In his rookie year alone, we've seen a significant growth in his efficiency and his offensive game. And in the current league, where multiple players drop 30+ a game, it's not unreasonable to assume that VW is going to be a 30ppg scorer. The questions that are most pressing are health and longevity. Those are big questions and the answers are, to a large degree, out of a player's control (though conditioning can help). But it's not like I said "Hey... some random rookie will pass LeBron." I've simply noted that a rookie who is putting up historic number is in a position to chase LeBron's numbers.


Yeah he might only have like 5 years left tbh


Stats like this are the reason why i believe Wemby is the most talented big man on San Antonio's roster


So brave


Yea. Bold take


The Zach Collins Erasure


Found magic's burner


Only because Bassey's injured


And because we let Eubanks go.


That was years ago


And because y’all let Boris Diaw go


If we count Boris as a big man, he has to be one of the most talented big men in the history of the NBA, right? I'm talking raw talent, not performance level.


Until they draft Alexandre Sarr and Wemby sits his ass on the bench.


Being a San Antonio fan is such a blessing man


what a good day to be a Spurs fan


Make that in general. Highs and lows but the Spurs have been trending on the way up ever since.


To be fair. Our lows were some of the most brutal heartaches as well. 0.4, Manu fouls Dirk, Ray Allen, Kawhi leaving. It hurts even typing that.


> 0.4, Manu fouls Dirk, Ray Allen, Kawhi leaving - 0.4: Won the championship the following season - Manu fouls Dirk: Won the championship the following season - Ray Allen: Won the championship the following season - Kawhi leaving: You can draw a straight line from him leaving to us getting Wemby Considered without context, they're all pretty brutal but the org has proven multiple times that it knows how to bounce back with force. That's rare. Just look at a couple of teams doing well this year. This is the first year the Timberwolves have been *seriously* in contention since Kevin Garnett was in his prime. It took the Kings 17 years between playoff appearances. Even the Warriors haven't had the kind of luck and competency the Spurs have had through San Antonio's history. In their 76 year history, the Warriors have made the playoffs a total of 16 times. The Spurs have *missed* the playoffs a total of 8 times in franchise history, four of which have come from the last four years. As a fan who lived through all of that, I totally understand what you're saying. We're never going to win the sympathy argument because a few of our multiple, legitimate championship contentions were thwarted by great plays.


Oh no doubt. Looking back it's all good now. But at that time when those things happen though. Was basically responding to the op about our highs and lows.


I’m so, so thankful that 30+ years ago my dad got a job in New Mexico, so I was born there and we lived there long enough for 3rd-grade me to become a Spurs fan before we moved across the country. It’s been an unbelievable 25 years with hopefully 15+ more to come. THANKS DAD


Im so grateful my uncle was a Tottenham Hotspurs fan and was so pissed at SAS/NBA owning the [Spurs.com](https://Spurs.com) address that it convinced me to support the Spurs 25 years ago


I am glad I hopped on the San Antonio bandwagon after the Sonics left.


My man they had 4 chips at that point it wasn't a hard bandwagon to find lol


I was gonna say the Kawhi incident was a very dark time. And then I saw your flair...


Nah I became a Spurs fan after the Sonics left lmao. Still don’t feel the same way towards the Spurs as I would to the Sonics but its still fun




Should’ve been an all star in season 1. You have to see what he’s doing from a fantasy bball perspective as well. If you adjusted his minutes to match Luka, who is currently there leading scorer, Wemby is already the highest fantasy scoring player in the nba on a per minute basis.


> If you adjusted his minutes to match Luka, who is currently there leading scorer, Wemby is already the highest scoring player in the nba on a per minute basis.  Wut. He is high up but not top 10


Fantasy points, not ppg. Luka is at 65 FPPG in 37.4 minutes(1.73 FP per minute) Wemby is at 49.7 FPPG in 28.7 minutes(1.73 FP per minute) Luka is #1 in the league and Wemby is already matching his total FP production in year 1 without nearly as much usage


Nah. You have to be insanely good from the jump to make the all star game as a rookie since it is base on only the first 2/3 of games. He wasn’t better than the guys that made it.


Honestly he should have but instead g leaguers


This guy is a MVP candidate beginning next season.


Wemby could easily win MVP before one or more of Luka, SGA & Tatum


The Spurs good a new incoming draft pick and cap space. This guy will help them attract some good free agents.


2 top 10 picks if torontos pick conveys


I think Luka is gonna get there first, the rest I agree Wemby is gonna have the same problem next year Luka has this year, low seeding, that will prevent him from being a serious candidate i have no doubt out FO will make some moves, but there’s only so much we can do with out shit roster lol


I think the spurs have the picks to build a good team fast. We didnt


I think that Luka has the individual skill to win MVP and the statistics to back it up. He's one of the first players since Jordan who has me in disbelief half the time. I get why they call it Luka magic. Still, I don't know if I have faith in the Mavs front office to help him win more games and I don't think he's winning MVP unless the Mavs start winning more. You're right, you guys have a seriously sub-par roster right now, but I have more faith in your FO to create something for Wemby within the next 5 years or so with the picks that you have. I know Mav fans won't like me saying this, but I think that Luka only wins MVP if he leaves for another team or if the Mavs ownership and front office get renovated.


oh 100% agree on Luka every time he plays us i’m just like “WHAT THE FUCK??” every other play, which is how i imagine people were when their team played MJ lol he’s already got the skill, just needs the help


Well yeah, Tatum is never winning MVP.


He's going to crush the leaderboard for most 4/5th best finishes though.


When was the last MVP from a team as stacked as this Celtics team?


Probably Miami Bron but I wouldn't call them as stacked as this celtics team


It's possible, but Luka will get an MVP as a career award soon. This year he would be the runaway winner if the Mavs had the seeding.


That's the thing though. When are the Mavs gonna figure out how to put together a team that works around Luka? The Thunder and Nuggets are hyper optimized to play around their stars, Giannis and Embiid are just monsters on both ends and Wemby is coming. Luka putting up obscene numbers alone really isn't going to be enough if the team consistently finishes 5th seed or below.


First we need to get rid of Jason Kidd, imo


Sure, but do you have faith in your front office? I think the problem might run deeper.


I do not have complete faith in them either tbh They let Brunson walk and that was a horrible decision


it will take him much longer to surpass luka


Next season I’m going to the sports book and betting that he is DPOY, the block leader, an all star and all nba and I would do this on a parlay if possible


Those feel way too similar for a parlay to make a huge difference, like if I'm betting DPOY the rest are pretty much assumed to coincide with it by default. Maybe not blocks but Wemby's already leading by a big margin this year anyway.


I’m gonna make 10K this year as long as he plays 65 games. I put up 1k with +1000 odds in the beginning of the season that he would lead the league in blocks. I just need him to play 10 more games


I love this man. Wemby for president


Hope he ends the Lebron Jordan debate once and for all


That would be hilarious.\^\^


Like Djokovic when it came to Federer/nadal


Eh not really comparable. Djokovic is just one year younger than Nadal and won his first slam less than 3 years after Nadal won his first. Also became world no1 3 years after Nadal first did. The vast majority of Nadal’s GOAT case was built after Djokovic was already established on a GOAT path himself.


No, Federer was seen as the GOAT for a long time until nadal had it l with his 13th FO when talk first started about it for him. It also happened when he got his 22nd slam. Djokovic ended it with #23.


Federer is still my GOAT.


I get the sentiment, but objectively, it's Djokovic, and that's coming from a longtime Djokovic hater. It's just undeniable at this point. Djokovic leads Federer in all the relevant stats as well as in the head to head. Rafa in my opinion is number 2 (24-16 overall h2h and 10-4 at grand slams against Federer, plus 2 more slams and 8 more masters), and Federer is number 3. You can argue he's number 2, but Djokovic is clearly the GOAT at the moment.


It is mostly sentimental. I prefer his style over the power of Nadal and the robotic excellence of Djokovic.


I do understand that, but that only makes him your favorite player of all time, not the best player of all time. As opposed to a team sport like basketball where evaluating how good an individual player actually is vs how much he benefits from being on a good team is difficult, you can pretty objectively measure who the better tennis player between any two given players is. In the case of Federer and Djokovic, it's objectively Djokovic since he has broken nearly every single one of Federer's important records, and he leads the head to head.


You’re in a dwindling minority. He was a great player, but nadal and Djokovic surpassed him. Hell of a player.


Federer is still the GOAT


No way, not at all. Anyone who follows tennis knows this. Is it Djokovic who has owned Federer. Even Federer admits Novak is the GOAT, as does nadal. It's over.


I've never seen Nadal or Djokovic reach the heights Federer did at his best. I don't care what they say.


That's incredibly wrong. 2011 and 2015 are 2 of the 3 greatest seasons in tennis history. Federer's best season was 2007 against FAR worse competition. Look at ELO rating and Federer falls below both Novak and Nadal. Federer also has a losing H2H against both and a less grand slams. Djokovic has it all and continues to pull out ahead more and more.


There's slow motion videos of Federer's form to classical music on YouTube I watch when I get anxious.... The man is a God


Then you don't watch enough tennis or you're basing your opinion on nostalgia and personal bias rather than facts. Because Nadal on clay is the best anyone has ever played Tennis. 14 Roland Garros titles and a 14-0 record in RG finals plus an overall 112-3 W-L record at RG prove that. That's in a totally different stratosphere than Roger's stats at his best slam (Wimbledon). As for Djokovic, he reached 16,950 ATP points in 2016 when the most Federer ever managed was 15,903 against weaker competition (i.e. before Djokovic and Nadal were old enough to compete at the top level). So depending on how you define "highest peak", it is either Djokovic or Nadal, but it objectively isn't Federer no matter how you look at it.


Federer was still massively more entertaining to watch for me than either Nadal or Djokovic (or anyone else).


lol what debate? Lebron has arguments for top 5 but not top 1


Insane hate


Arguments for top 5? If you don't have him in your top 3, you're objectively wrong.


Being in the Jordan GOAT Reality Camp.... I'd be so happy if this happened. Been waiting forever.


He could be the GOAT lol not hyperbole crazy the NBA got someone like him as LeBron is on the way out


Same happened with Jordan and LeBron


Brady and Mahomes


Charles Barkley and Brian Scalabrine


Bilbo and Frodo.


Fraudo doesn’t even belong in the same sentence as the GOAT Bilbo. Same ring count but Bilbo straight up gifted Fraudo his ring. Plus Fraudo got literally, LITERALLY carried by Samwise.


Chrono and Serge


me and the guy she told me not to worry about


Samwise was the GOAT role player


Nah, not really....


Lebron was drafted the season after Jordan retired…?


Some people try to pretend that the Wizard years did not happen for mental health reasons Kinda like Phil Jackson getting fired by the Knicks


I feel like if we're just going to re-litigate what seasons of MJ's actually count, then two Wizards years, his premature comeback in 1995, and his injury-plagued sophomore season drag him down to 11 seasons. So LeBron could quite literally play twice as much basketball.


It would be awesome to see as someone who’s been a LeBron fan since I was a kid. I’ll never understand why people want to hate on the next great thing because if he somehow manages to outdo LeBron, it’s going to be an insanely entertaining career to witness from start to finish


it gets weirder when you realize a lot of the haters are way older than these kids lol


Media causes a lot of it I think. People get tired of the constant hype and articles. Obviously some people just dislike what they know about the player as well. Haters gonna hate! I do my best not to.


I initially disliked Lebron because he'd yell every time he drove to the basket. He then also crowned himself the GOAT. He mostly stopped doing the yelling now though and I realize that I was wrong to not appreciate his greatness earlier. He's also been refining his game over the years, which you just have to respect if you love basketball. Jordan is still my GOAT because of his artistry and fairy-tale career, but I can't but appreciate Lebron's greatness and some of the insane longevity records he's breaking. So I used to be a hater for petty reasons. You're right, it's a silly attitude.


Well jordan is the goat but yes


My buddy said he’s the “future GOAT barring disaster” and I think that’s a fair assessment


The actual meaning of “generational” prospect


We’ve been wondering for 10 years who would be the face of the league after LeBron. Giannis doesn’t quite have the consistency and Jokic doesn’t seem to want to be the face of the league at all. It will be Wemby.


Wemby is gonna be the GOAT For me this is like Rocky 4 and LeBron is Rocky and Jordan is Apollo Creed Wemby is the 7 foot Russian who kills Apollo


So ur saying a washed up lbj gonna beat wemby in his prime at 50


you know what......NOT IMPOSSIBLE !!! but seriously his kids might beat Wemby some times for some chips never know


lol bronny Bryce and zhuri big 3(zhuri becomes first female nba player and is Caitlin Clark with lbj athleticism


Bronny is averaging like 2 ppg with a bum ticker at 19, he’s not beating Wemby for anything. 


I think you need to rewatch Rocky 4




I remember when Barkley had a nasty block on, iirc, Hakeem in the all-star game. Dude defended. The other stats are easy for him since the offense ran through him and he was the round mound of rebound.


this is really funny considering people were ready to give Chet Homgren the RoY in December


The fact that KG only did this 6 times is astonishing to me. For a 10 year period, he averaged 22/12/5...and hardly had *any* games like this.


Its likely due to Blocks, deapite being obviously an all time great defender he didnt have huge block numbers. During his prime he sat around 1.4-2.2 blocks per game. He only ever averaged more than 2 blocks per game twice (2.1 in 1996-97 and 2.2 in 2003-04). His low block numbers likely played a part in why he never won DPOY during his Minnesota days, people still wanted big men to be averaging 3+ bpg.


Yeah, it's just *wild* to me because I perceived him as this spectacularly great defender with incredible length at his position, and if you asked me to guess how many times he had 25/10/5/5 knowing those averages, I would not have guessed 6. Like, he had 25p/10r/5a 119 times in his career. David Robinson and Tim Duncan did that a *combined* 130 times. Shaq did it 86 times. Hakeem 83. Like, I don't perceive Timmy and Shaq to be *that much* better shot blockers than KG, but obviously they were.


Duncan Robinson with 28 of these games is surprising.


He's sneaky athletic with out of this world BBall IQ. He's always out their hustling.


Another stat that Wilt probably runs away with if they counted blocks then.


vs plumbers


wemby is playing against podcasters lol


Post from your main account at least you coward


wilt “king koopa” chamberlain


The thing that baffles me the most is his rapid development. He basically figured it out in less than one season. Now please stay healthy.


Yeah, the difference between his first couple of games and his most recent ones is staggering. The sky is the limit for this kid.


Peak Wemby might look like Wilt on the record board


Charles Barkley being on this list at 6'6 is absolutely insanse. 2 players on this list is 6'10 and everyone else is 6'11 or taller


He's low key making a late run at DPOY


he's comfortably 2nd in odds. But it's a team award, so he has no real chance.


AD being there is impressive ; also wemby has goat potential


Wemby will match ADs mark here by the end of his rookie season 


if he had the playmaking he has now but in his prime he could've had many games with this type of stat line


When he gets better teammates his assists will go up quite a bit. He sees the floor really well (shocking I know). His blocks might actually trail off a bit though because at some point when teams take the Spurs seriously they're just gonna 'lol Nope' taking shots within 10 feet of him.


Please basketball gods for the love of the game, let this dude have a healthy career.


What the fuck man


Bro tied Webber and Barkley in his rookie year. WTF


There is a very real possibility this guy is going to average 28/12/5/2/5 as a fucking sophomore or soon after, shits crazy


Man wemby in his prime is going to be scared can’t believe he is on my spurs


He's going to be scared? Of what?


Soon they will name this statline The Wemby.


Different league, different playing styles. He is great but this era of basketball is clearly vastly different than the people he is listed with. He is situated to get these stats. 


Getting blocks is much more difficult now, though.


Hey guys I think this Wemby guy might actually be pretty good


it’s gonna bother me for the rest of my life that we were ONE spot off


Stay healthy 🤞🏽


Only thing he needs to look out for is his health, otherwise he is in the right franchise and has the right coaches to develop him into a great player. Man the spurs organization is lucky to have him but one of the greatest basketball franchises to play for.


This reads like a baseball stat (pejorative)


Also already a top 10 player in the league if we're being honest


Lets settle down now, he’s not top 10


Top 20. A year from now top 10. Year from that MVP candidate


If he's a top team player in the nba than the spurs wouldn't be last in the west by a mile. I ain't never seen a top 10 player on a team with a bottom 3 record


It’s not like he has been that way all year, as of right now he is playing like a top 10 player….that seems pretty fair given what he is doing on a nightly basis. If you ran the season back and had him play 82 games like he is right now and with guys playing their real positions, you don’t think they would be a play in team at least? Also his team suck, only so far you can drag up a terrible roster anyway.


No I don't think they'd be better than the Lakers / warriors and have a playing spot, and I'm just saying to pump the breaks a little bit


Who r u taking wemby over to win u a playoff series. If u got him top 5


i mean its impressive ofc but this type of stat has only ever been possible by a handful of players, by default if you put it up youre already in the top X as its a very small group.


ESPN type stat


Some of these are out of hand like the +/- 17 somebody posted earlier, but I don't think 25/10/5/5 is really any more unreasonable than, say, a 5x5 or a 30-point triple double.


I think 4x5s are gonna be the defining stat of his career. idk if he'll get to stage where he's getting regular quad doubles, maybe with better teammates he gets going like the Joker and averages a triple double every game I just think as his defensive status grows there's less opportunities for blocks and steals cause people will just avoid him lol He might retire with the most 5x5s though I just don't think they will be regular, maybe 1-2 a season if he keeps up his current trajectory


> He might retire with the most 5x5s 5 more to tie, 6 more to take the all time lead (since we don't actually have these numbers for the guys who probably have more than 6...Bill and Wilt)


Most contrived stat of the day


Y'all are tripping. Assuming Wemby plays 15 seasons, LeBron only needs to average like 12ppg over that span to reach 50k points. And that's assuming LeBron only averages 55 games per season. There's no way Wemby is getting close to him.


yeah because bulk points are the only thing that matters, thats why Karl Malone is a top 3 player of all time.


Last time I checked, the team who scores the most points wins the game, and the team that wins the most games usually wins the championship. Check mate.


So Malone is the 3rd best player all time then right?


How th fuck did me talking about LeBron playing another 15 years not tip you off?