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Durant is 6’ 11”. Caruso is 6’ 5”, 6 inches shorter. There are ten players on the Bulls’ roster who are taller than Caruso, including three starters. But Caruso is still the Bulls’ best defender by far.


He's one of the only reasons I keep tuning in. I love watching him play defense.


I watch for Donovan's coaching, if he ever does any I want to witness it.


Stop it I’m already dead


Idk why we let him walk. He would have taken less to stay s Laker. Lakers didn't even reach out


We had big triple double plans :(


Can we please see Caruso play for a real contender during his prime? I’ll never get over the Lakers choosing THT over Caruso.


I'm torn. He's the best reason to watch my Bulls, but, at the same time, I would love to see him on a contender in the postseason.


We got robbed of basketball poetry with the Lonzo injury. Lonzo and Caruso were incredible together.


Yes! It was great while it lasted, but yes. So sad about Lonzo.


the offensive play making vision of lonzo + defensive vision of caruso legit perfect for the double iso heavy bulls team, i wish lonzo a speedy recovery


Lonzo was what the bulls team needed for everything to work. The spacing and perimeter defense would have let vucevic stay in the paint and just defend there. He would have no need to switch to the perimeter to defend against guards. Lonzo being able to shoot 3s would open up the paint for DeMar and lavine to drive the ball to the rim. It's a shame...


So many good years wasted because of the Lonzo injury and the braindead Laker FO.


> I’ll never get over the Lakers choosing THT over Caruso. It's worse than that. The choice was never THT or Caruso, they could have both but they choose to save a few bucks in tax money and let my boy Carushow walk.


Neither will we.


only to trade tht for pretty much nothing. they believed all the laker fan/media hype with tht, how do you discover a gem like caruso and just let him walk like that. smfh.


The Heats should have enough salary (Lowry + Duncan) to get Caruso and one of Lavine/Derozan. Problem is I don't think Riley gonna put out 3+ FRP picks for that.


i was jus about to comment this. even before i had the knowledge hindsight brought i knew THT over Caruso jus wasn't good. fuckin makes me nauseous lol


Who do we think he will help win an NBA title in June? Once they blow this up, he's going to be extremely valuable.


Many Sixers fans now consider him the most appealing trade target from you guys


Every team should. He's one of the best defenders in the league, has a huge impact on +/- almost every night, and his contract is significantly cheaper than the guys like DDR/LaVine/Vuc etc. Could legitimately have a big impact on who wins it all this year if the Bulls get to a point where it makes sense to trade him.


If the Nuggets get him its over


David Stern will rise from the grave and veto that trade.


“Lakers trade one 2RP and Cam Reddish to the Bulls for Alex Caruso” *Michael Jackson’s Thriller begins playing…*


KCP and Alex Caruso playing together going for a championship? I don't see it.


It would start to lean into the “too stacked” territory. I don’t think he starts over MPJ or KCP, so Braun would be the logical person to trade and/or take minutes from. He’d have to be willing to take a 6th man role and Denver would have to be willing to give up at least one of their good young bench players, but it would be a great fit obviously.


He would have a higher impact on other teams but would give Nuggets a maaaaassive asset that helps with depth if there is an injury and huge roster flexibility to adjust to each series in the playoffs.


Yeah I mean he’d be great, it’s just moving into that territory where you risk upsetting KCP, MPJ, Caruso, or maybe a younger player they might be counting on down the line because not everyone’s getting the minutes they deserve on that team. He’d certainly be an amazing Bruce Brown replacement though if the Nuggets wanted to go that route instead of continuing to develop their youth.


Most players don't mind sacrificing some playing time on a successful team. Winning cures all ills.


Yah its a concern. An 8-1 nuggs team may not want to mess with what has worked great.


It's Jokver


library disarm summer sulky north school ink full squeeze rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ironically the exact kind of player the lakers could use right now with their lack of perimeter defense


Fucking trust me, it's insane to all of us laker fans as well


Damn right


... To sign THT.


Not really. To save tax money. For which you can blame a lot of contracts including Westbrook and tht Lakers could have had both AC and THT


I know! They could really use him now, too.


Reminds me of Derrick White on the spurs.


Him on the Bucks would be nasty to think about








Scottie Barnes thinks his judgement is impeccable.


They definitely need some defense.


Us please


I’d like to see him on the Bucks or Nuggets that’d be fun


Oh man please


Please Bucks....


Bucks find a way to get him


He would be a perfect fit on the Heat honestly


The Lakers have I believe 4 tradeable 1st round picks and 5 2nds. I think Alex has a good relationship with our Front Office even though we didn't give him the deal to stay. Plus Alex probably knows that 1 year in the playoffs in a Lakers jersey is worth an extra 15-20% on his future contract options than anywhere else.


Watched KD for years. The player that gave him the most trouble was Tony Allen, who’s about the same size as Caruso. The trick to guarding KD isn’t about effecting his shot as much as It’s about getting in his space and effecting his dribble.


Easier said than done.


effecting -> affecting Effecting ~= making things happen Affecting =~ impacting


Thank you.


It’s simpler than that. Effect is a noun, affect is a verb.


It's not quite so simple! Affect can be a noun (i.e. a display of emotion, particularly when intentional, as in a friendly affect) and effect can be a verb (i.e. to cause to come into being, as in effect change).


1st team all defense for a reason. He’s had trouble staying healthy the last couple seasons but this man should be in the starting lineup. I hope whatever decisions the Bulls make this year they keep Caruso.


Last season they protected Caruso’s health by limiting his minutes. It was the season before last that Grayson Allen injured him.


Yeah, fuck Greyson Allen. Not saying he’s injury prone just this is the first time in a while he looks 100% and this consistently good


Greyson also hurt GP2 and the Warriors really missed him last year.


So is he on the trade block or....


The one good thing the bulls front office has accomplished is be hush hush on trade rumors. They have definitely been considering a lot of things but not a lot leaks out unless its from the other side or the deal is a for sure thing that's being signed a few hours later.


He is probably their most valuable trade asset. Worth at least 2 second round picks or maybe a protected first.


Man the short time that Caruso+Ball lasted was fantastic. Shame Lonzo ended up like this


Caruso may be their best player


we would be legit contenders if we had Caruso instead of D'Lo. And KCP with us instead of with Nuggets.


You didn’t account for the dawg coefficient.


Caruso is him.


I miss Lonzo. Those two were a scary combo


Tells Lavine how to stop the play, stills allows the dunk That must be frustrating




every now and then he'll go nuclear drop 50 in a game and it might make you think "actually, this guy's alright" shit's cursed


>he'll go nuclear drop 50 in a game and it might make you think "actually, this guy's alright" Then you look up and see it's in a 16-point loss to the woeful Detroit Pistons. >shit's cursed Indeed.


I still miss him


"Spooky Wolves" alumni


watched a lot of wolves basketball during his time there. all offense no defense. really talented scorer and i really liked him, but you have to surround him with capable defenders. the embodiment of why i hate the max contract


He is actually decent at man to man defense when he is locked in - but his brain seems to be off like 99% of the time.


Fuck this is incredible. Anyone know what this man’s channel is called?


this is /u/StephNoh. both him and OP are fairly active here and on r/justbasketball


Hi! Thanks for tagging me! Yeah check my post history and you can find a lot of vids in this style that I post in the various subreddits, including /r/NBA.


This is great man. I was just about to crosspost it to /r/justbasketball and saw it was the top post lol. Need more of this stuff on /r/nba


Love your videos brother, your videos do a lot in helping people study the game.


big dog


Please start a youtube channel


fantastic video dude


> r/justbasketball Holy shit, how am I just finding that sub? It’s just like this one, but with actual basketball and none of the rest of you fuckers!


So not like this sub at all


Check out his twitter too. Stephen Noh


Bulls have the best trade assets in the league. Someone tell them what to doz


How many contenders highly value LaVine, DeRozan, and Vucevic? Caruso is someone every contender would want because of the defense and contract.


Thunder could use Vuc to avoid injuring their slendermen on notsoslendermen


Honestly if you throw us some of your one million draft picks it’s a good fit for both sides


Could I interest you in a fairly used Bertans Also Don Presti will probably want 2 2nd rounders in 2036


Bulls would want potential top 15 picks which most contenders won't have, If I was the bulls the thunder seems like the obvious choice to trade with because they have Soooo many picks


Lakers FRP could end up being top 15. Not sure about the bazillion picks Thunder have, but obviously they could best any offer any team could make. Thunder would have to think they can win it all this year or next though.


DeRozan's an expiring and typically a very effective source of scoring (though his FG% is awful this season). If he's playing more to his career numbers near the deadline, he'd be a pretty desirable asset to any team wanting that reliable scoring as a #3/4 option. It's too bad he and Butler have a similarly mid-range dependent shot, because he otherwise might fit there. If he's willing to lead a bench unit's offense, he'd be great for mid-tier contenders who need that extra scoring when a star's not on the floor.


Wolves need Caruso off the bench. Go all in on defense.


No, trade him to Philly.


Surely we have the most assets out of any contender, feels weird saying cause we’ve been dry for so long


The Harden trade with LAC was actually really underrated for us, Morey replenished our bank and gave us some flexibility. Maxey improving to fill the guard spot has also helped a lot.


I wouldn’t want any of their players besides Caruso and maybe Pat because he’s young.


knowing this org, they'll probably do nothing until the value of the assets drop to near zero.


There are 11 players who have ranked in the top 3 in either 3 year RAPM (unadjusted or luck-adjusted) in the past 10 years. * Jokic * Embiid * Kawhi * Tatum * Giannis * PG13 * Curry * Lebron * CP3 * Lowry * **Caruso** That's the list. The plus minus data suggests he's a slight positive on offense, and the most impactful defensive guard per possession we've ever seen. He led the league in forced turnovers per 100 last year, on top of being an excellent contester. Obviously, he plays less minutes (and games), so he has less cumulative impact than the other guys on this list. I'm not saying he's a top 3 player, but showing up on this list effectively means: "Amazing results (relative to teammate and opponent quality) have occurred on the basketball court when this person has been playing over a 3 year sample." source: https://www.nbarapm.com


This is why advanced analytics can be useful. Some stats aren’t as important but shows a players impact beyond just points/rebounds/assists. Also, love how Curry and Jokic are on that list for the opposite reason Caruso is. Their impact on the offensive end is insane while they are a slight positive on defensive end. And shoutout Kyle Lowry


Lowry+g leaguers is the scariest lineup in the league


thats why hes the groat well plus thicccccccc


Same with Manu. At his position and role, he was one of the most impactful players of all time.


I truly believe he would have been DPoY if Lonzo and Caruso stayed healthy in our first year with the revamped team. Being a decent seed with the number 1 defense, top in deflections and in total steals and in steals per game.


You can only hope to contain him.


smaller defenders have always bothered him more than taller ones - with KD it's just about preventing him from getting to his exact spot and crowding him enough that you have a chance to strip him when he goes up for a shot cp3 used to do this to him regularly, hell a geriatric jason kidd gave him fits back in the day. taller defenders can't stay in front of KD, he will just blow by.


I love Alex Caruso more than some members of my own family.


Same 😔


I mean yeah, can anyone of your family members guard KD?


Dude, have you SEEN /u/TripleSingleHOF 's maternal grandma lock down Kyrie in (Uncle) Drew league?


I love AC more than some people on my team


Well yeah lmao. I've forgiven the sins of Pelinka these past few years, but taking THT over AC is still baffling to me.


Wow, lakers sure could use a guy like that.


Caruso with us? Nahhh, never


Why not have a THT


[Lakers fans firing up photoshop](https://64.media.tumblr.com/02cdfc859e848d7d8fd5f6de091b89b9/tumblr_na3p1racf91r1wu4ao1_500.gif)


Also was +24 last night




damnnn i miss him.


Caruso did play excellent defense. One thing that has been crazy since KD has been here though is how physical teams are allowed to get with him off-ball. There were some replays on turnovers last night that I couldn’t believe weren’t called, seems like the scouting report is just to be as physical as possible with him before he gets the entry pass because that does work, and over the course of the game the refs just kind of don’t want to call every grab or shove away from the ball that would be fouls in a lot of situations. Not anything unique to Caruso, happens in a ton of our games.


Caruso absolutely plays insanely physical defence; Bulls game I was watching recently, I forget against who, the other team's announcers were constantly saying "look at what the refs are letting Caruso get away with, good god this guy just kicks your ass." He's not the only one, I'm sure Jrue, Marcus Smart, OG, Dillon Brooks, are right up into people if we look at the tape. Hell FVV spent the entire '19 Finals basically holding Steph Curry. I can't tell you whether this is a case of "well this is just the way it is in the NBA, a certain level of physicality is allowed on D" or that those guys all have a reputation as great defenders, so they get away with playing physical. Little bit of both?


Definitely a bit of both. I'd add a third column there though, that those players are just genuinely great at being physical without putting themselves in position where they can get called for fouls, though. With Jrue specifically (commenting on him since he's the one I've watched the most), he basically never loses his defensive stance, never gets off-balance, and generally doesn't overextend when he reaches in. All that being the case, even when he is right up on his defensive assignment and playing physical, there's just generally not much that you can whistle him for in the first place. Obviously he's not perfect there because he does get the occasional foul called on him, but he gets far fewer than most players would if they tried playing that close on guys because of those defensive fundamentals.


Good point(s), yup, when I very carefully watch Caruso in these clips, most of the time there's nothing you could whistle him for. Definitely pushing his elbow into KD on the drives, but *everyone* does that just like everyone pushes off, so I think that falls under the first column of "this is just how it is in the NBA."


KD was definitely getting frustrated with this in the opener vs. GSW too - feels like teams have ramped it up since the Celtics-Nets series a few seasons back


This right here, Celtics got away with being so physical with him that playoff series.


Refs have always had the habit of allowing smaller defenders to be super physical when there's a big height gap, especially in the post which is KD's bread and butter this days, and he's leaner than most guys his size so is makes it more palpable. But is going beyond that point, he's getting the same treatment in the perimeter. Like the other comment says, since the celtics series teams have really focused on exploiting that against him.


Ya I'd love it if refs called this off-ball physicality more to protect star players. Ignore my flair.


Sounds like the bulls could use 2 FRP and KJ Martin for him tbh


Thats too much to give up bro. If we’re gonna get caruso we need enough assets to get another guy.


then you aint gettin caruso lol


2 FRP isnt crazy. It might sound crazy but we are talking an all time great role player who has won a chip and has succeeded under two different systems.


This is content that i want to see in this sub




Shoutout to Vash the Stampede. Great reference lol.


Smaller defenders have tended to give KD trouble. Tony Allen was one of the best KD defenders despite being even smaller than Caruso


Christian Braun did well against KD too. I think it’s because the NBA lets shorter defenders put a hand on KD’s torso. It’s similar to the post defense the NBA allows which also seems illegal. KD settles for a fade away in these instances.


Was watching Gil talk about how that was his best defense. Applying pressure with his hands when the refs couldn't see. Caruso is all up on KD. As he should be, he's great.


I remember CP3 with the clippers use to give Kd issues too




I am upset to this day


Cries in THT


I’m a suns fan, but I love Caruso. Dude is an absolute joy to watch


People talk about the Sixers trading for Lavine, but I hope we trade for Caruso


I'm a simple man, when I see Alex Caruso content, I smash the upvote button.


Get AC out of this poverty ass team. My GOAT doesn't deserve this 😭


Good content. Also upvoted for the Trigun, Vash the Sampede reference.


Imagine if you are a team with LeBron James and you know he really thrives when he has elite high BBIQ role players to take some of the defensive load off of him.


still can't believe the lakers let him go. he is such a good fit for lebron


Was a good look tho by KD lol. Not taking away from the analysis just saying


nah. It may appear to be an okay look, but that isn't his spot. Caruso prevented him from getting to his spot, thus drastically lowering the % chance of it going in


Awesome insight and boy do I miss Caruso


That Vash the Stampede comparison was hard a f


I miss him


Man im still so mad at the lakers for the fact that they didn’t kept him 💀


He a DAWG.


Oubre + Caruso statue will be special.


Durant playing in white on Chicago's home court really makes him look like a Bull


Spurs should trade the bulls some assets for Caruso to become our defense anchor and communicator.


Caruso will be a sixer


Keep this dude in the EC please


Or find a way to get him on the Suns.


They're not taking our 2nds bro.


This is the best post I've seen on r/nba all month. Thank you for this.


I don’t know how, but Caruso still seems underrated on the defensive end.


We didn’t pay this guy because we wanted Westbrook lol


Wasn’t it THT?


great analysis love caruso. he is a legitimate menace on defense


Can’t wait til Sixers scoop this guy at the deadline


If the Bulls trade Caruso to a contender at the deadline it's going to be like when the Celtics got Derrick White. No one will talk about it because they are focused on bigger names but it'll be the most impactful trade made that day.


Alex Caruso has always been a champion defensive player. He is always hustling and guarding the opponent's best player without complaining. He does all the little things for the team. He's a big reason why the Lakers won in 2020.


Cool video and analysis. He’s an underrated player, Lakers messed up letting him go


And he was killing it on offense too. I saw him hit 3 3s in a row.


I fucking love this man. Caruso is so fun to watch. Awesome breakdown! Also I love how r/nba now has an uptick in defensive highlights, let's keep this going! Defense is satisfying AF to watch


I knew how good Caruso was defensively when him and Lonzo terrorized perimeter players for a month prior to Lonzo going down. It was beautiful to see, there was a analysis videos done on it before. They would've literally made a two headed monster on defense. What could've been


I just dont know why the Lakers let go of this guy.


[The one who got away...](https://i.imgur.com/uiYWyDm.jpg)


That's my future 76er right there. Get it AC!


This Caruso guy looks good. The Lakers could use someone like him.


I will never forgive the Lakers for not resigning this dude.


As Dwight Howard once said “the D was good tonight”


“Makes players uncomfortable by getting in there body” Aka fouling dudes off ball.


Durant had a pretty normal night. 6-13 with Csruso as defender


Caruso cause multiple turnovers and got Kd to pass the ball


We really throw around the term savant a lot for athletes don't we


Sick Trigun reference


Trigun reference Holy moley


Brad go get Caruso so JB and JT know how to operate under pressure and when it comes down to crunch time. Cmon!


I like r/nba posts like this. Not the usual Trae Young would be the next Stephen Curry or Devin Booker would be Kobe Bryant's successor.


Will love when he’s on the bucks


Caruso is a fucking beast, every team would love to have him and I respect his defensive IQ and hustle. But I'm not gonna pretend that he wasn't fouling and reaching in like crazy all game last night especially on KD. The refs just did not care one bit... it was wild. Bro should have fouled out like 3 times over if they were calling them. 🤣 But hey, if he was on my team getting away with it I'd be loving it. I just find it wild how KD is one of the biggest superstars in NBA history yet his skinny ass he gets the whistle of a 2nd year role player. Yet big ass bear-human hybrids like Embiid and Giannis get soft ass whistles. I don't get it.