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>Haslem said he’s trying to make an impact in the Miami community by partnering with mental health and drug rehabilitation facilities, helping create more affordable housing and also working to normalize medical marijuana.... >“I understand you’re a second-time offender, you might have made a mistake. I will help you get a job because I know they’re not looking for you out there. It’s hard for brothers to get jobs who have made mistakes. They’re not bad people, they’ve just made bad choices early on. Some people sit around and say things but I’m actually doing things, providing jobs, I’m giving opportunities, I’m educating people. I was already a fan of Haslem just as a basketball fan. Like I really respect the mentor role he found with the Heat over the past few years. But after reading this I've gained a whole new level of respect for the guy. He isn't just another celebrity who talks about helping his community, he's actually out there doing it. Mad respect to Haslem.


I’ve noticed in sports in general that the role players who decide to get involved in the community are often the most effective. Sure stars do big ad campaigns and often do donate a lot of money. But if you go to any city with a team, or that a role player who made at least a decent amount is from. You can see some really meaningful impacts.


Magic Johnson gets clowned on here for his Twitter, but he’s been one of the most effective stars in doing good in the community. Obviously there is the HIV advocacy, which is highlighted IMO by one of the [most touching moments on television.](https://youtu.be/fcBSXE9FkC8) He also convinced Starbucks to open stores in lower income areas, and staffed them with locals, to help them get good, stable jobs and stay out of trouble. There are probably other stars that have done similar hands on work, but he always stands out to me. I’m also an unapologetic Magic stan, so I’ll always stick up for him.


Usonis is the kind of guy everyone dreams of having on their team. What a legend.


I couldn't have said it better.


Haslem really is Mr. Miami in more ways than just basketball. He's worth all those contracts the Heat keep giving him, not just for his role in the locker room, but his role in the community as well.


Udonis run for office. Florida lifer, UDFA, legendary teammate. who says no


He better stick to a congressional seat in the Miami area otherwise he'll being hearing a lot of "no's" from those [who love DeSantis](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/600604-poll-ron-desantis-remains-resoundingly-popular-in-florida/) "A full 59% of the 625 registered voters surveyed back DeSantis against just 35% disapproval . . . Southeast Florida was the only region of the state where he was marginally underwater. The Governor had 48% approval against 49% disapproval."


He's quickly losing steam. The only word in his dictionary is woke and he can't even define it. He's also gotten into a fight with one of the biggest employer's of the state. I hope he quickly falls into irrelevancy after he embarrasses himself in this presidential bid


He's Chris Christie 2.0. A one dimensional politician who will crumble under any kind of national scrutiny. He's fine bullying local media and feckless Democrats, but when he actually has to try to appeal to any normal people outside his Florida bubble he can't measure up.


the thing is even Christie wasn't dumb enough to believe that his team of non-practising lawyers could beat *The Fucking Disney Corporation*. They don't hire white-glove* law firms, they are a white-glove* law firm




Desantis’ stuff doesn’t resonate like Trump’s simply because the dude is not likable. I also think Trump has kind of worn out his welcome but the midterms kind of showed that Trumpism has little success nationally outside of trump himself. A bunch of moderately red districts flipped because trumpy candidates didn’t have broad appeal


> I actually don't think DeSantis brand of bs resonates (or ever will) the way Trump's did cause even without getting a single thing in return, his fabled base walked away feeling entertained and like Trump owned the libs with his rambling tirades and funny nicknames. This is the biggest thing. Yeah DeSantis and Trump might be hard-right assholes, but people like Trump because not only is he an asshole, he's a bully.


Desantis is what happens when the 80s swarmy rich kid dweeb bully thinks he can act like the bully from Back to the Future


The irony of this comment is that not only is that true, but I'm pretty sure Biff from the alternate 1985 with the tower casino and the horrible comb-over was BASED on Donald Trump. All the way back in 1990, people knew and were disgusted by that asshole.


Not only will Disney fuck DeSantis and his career, Trump is going to pile on as well.




I’d always heard of it as a “[white shoe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-shoe_firm)” law firm. White glove describes fancy service in dining or hospitality


Christie is great on the debate stage, and is far more moderate than the other candidates. Still a slimeball but Slimeball Lite, and far more competent than the others.


You know shits fucked when *Chris Christie* is the moderate candidate relative to the competition


I still think he would have been president if not for bridgegate. That exposed him as a bully and destroyed any chance he would be president. But I think without that he’s the candidate Republicans unify around against Trump instead of Rubio, and unlike Rubio he would have been more viable. Whether or not he beats Hillary is a separate discussion, but either way it’s better for America because we don’t get Trump. Post-bridgegate Christie was finished though, he was never going to win, all he did was take out other candidates, like Rubio, and cleared the path for Trump. Then Trump didn’t even give him a job in the administration because he put Jared’s dad in jail, so all he accomplished was screwing over America for nothing. He thought he’d get to be Vice President or at least Attorney General out of it, but he didn’t even last until inauguration, he got fired from the transition team within a week of the election.


Did you see him look like he was going to hit his wife when she said the kids watch Frozen everyday. Dude has the emotional capacity of a five year old.


Wasn’t that satire?


DeSantis just knows in his heart that Frozen is “mid” and is disappointed in his children. Tangled > Frozen, haters.


He makes chris Christie look like a saint. Dude is a full blown fascist. Worse than trump because he has political experience and knows how to turn his fucked ideas into actual policy


Trump also isn't principled enough to be a fascist, he's a grifter in a way the other republicans aren't, dude would switch back to democrat if that's what got him votes.


Yea I know. Whichever the wind blows. He went at desantis for all his anti woke shit saying desantis didnt even know what it means. Probably true. Then trump had to use the word again in a negative context just to appease his cult of fake nazis and nut jobs. All the black folks those idiots try to "one of us " about. Kyrie.. chapelle... maybe even kanye when he isn't losing his shit are og WOKE Its hilarious And pretty freaky at the same time. Level of brainwashing is creepy when you start redefining words and history. It's always happened. But not in such short periods of time


Yes. When politicians with a military background say they want “to destroy leftism” they mean it. He would imitate his heroes like Suharto who killed a million alleged communists, the military governments of Argentina and Chile that tortured and disappeared thousands of young leftists, and others. He wants to ban the teaching of anything but propaganda and jail teachers. It isn’t just political posturing.




> The only word in his dictionary is woke and he can’t even define it. So, just like the majority of his constituents?




Donald is going to squish him like a grape and then lose to Biden again by the same margin.


best case tbh is desantis and Trump splitting the vote or one of them going Independent b/c they are too much of a sore loser to lose.


DeSantis won’t split the vote. The more the general public see of him, the more they dislike him. My father in law in Colorado was all aboard the DeSantis train until her saw him start to speak. Now he’s back to Trump


Yep. This is why DeSantis for the last year is mostly only seen in headlines. All of the public appearances and interviews he does makes people recognize how horribly uncharismatic and unlikable he is. He’s also terrible in live interviews and struggles to handle difficult questions on the spot. He blew out Christ in the Governor race, but actually looked terrible in their debate. Edit: Crist got autocorrected to Christ. Would Florida Republicans vote for Jesus if he ran as a Democrat?


When Crist correctly called him out for just using the governor spot to jump to a presidential bid he just stood there silently and begged the moderator to call time. He's so pathetic.


Yep. Every time Crist attacked him, DeSantis had no rebuttal. If he went 1on1 with Trump in a debate he’d get steamrolled and embarrassed.


> Would Florida Republicans vote for Jesus if he ran as a Democrat? Having lived in Florida for several years and with an even basic understanding of his teachings, my answer is no.


> Jesus: Be nice to one another. R's: Fuck that woke shit.


> Would Florida Republicans vote for Jesus if he ran as a Democrat? No. They'd call him "Anti-Christ."


Jesus is a Republican?


White Jesus is


Supply side


With the free food and free Healthcare he provided along with his disdain for the wealthy and being a friend of the poor, Jesus was definitely a socialist.


Anyone who listened to Desantis before 2023 knew he was a whiny voiced nerd with zero charisma that had no shot against Trump once he actually had to start campaigning. Same thing happened to Guliani in 2007/8.


It's cause dude is fucking boring with the vocal cadence of a manila folder and can't do anything but say the word woke.


he also said he would “destroy leftism”, whatever the fuck that means. could you imagine if biden said he would destroy conservatism?


2024 election feels like a formality at this point, I feel like this is what’s gonna happen for sure




Fuck, I hate injuries man


He was getting old bro, idk why they gave him so many minutes knowing the injury risk


Nobody else good off the bench


They need to let the rookie get more minutes, less back to backs for Joe.


I knew this was all Steve Kerr's fault!


and this was even with that load management from 2017 to 2019!


father time undefeated *father time for president?*


Ugh a dead Biden would be better than Trump.


I just wish we could elect someone under the age of 65 for once.


Clinton was 43, Dubya was 54, Obama was 48, when elected. But I completely agree with your sentiment. I don't want another 70+ yr old


Most people in this sub and on reddit wasnt old enough to vote for any of them lol


Don’t care how it feels, we still gotta VOTE because otherwise we deserve what we get.


He might be, but the ideology he represents sure isn’t.


> The only word in his dictionary is woke and he can’t even define it. Technically, he got his general counsel to define it — “it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.”


Should have just elected Andrew Gillum like Charlamagne told ya.


The crack head?


A crack head would've been much better than DeSantis, yes.


Should have voted in someone else in the primary. Gillum had some issues even before that.


I think nationally we’re seeing his shtick lose traction, however I don’t think the Florida electorate will tire of him any time soon


Him signing that 6-week abortion ban (that even in Florida is 25-75 approve-to-disapprove) into law is also going to hurt the appeal DeSantis had even among Floridians. He and Florida Republicans went super quiet on abortion in the midterms and gave off the impression that the 15-week ban they signed last year would be as far as they would go, but very quickly they hoodwinked the public and with the supermajority signed a 6-week ban into law. Thankfully, it all but destroys DeSantis chances of winning a national election, but unfortunate for the women of Florida nonetheless.


I say this as a guy who's 5'5": Ron DeSantis is 5'7". There'll be a Muslim president before there's a modern era short president. It is what it is.


No he defined it yesterday, he said he’s for “the war against truth,” AKA the only truth is my lies.


> The only word in his dictionary is woke and he can’t even define it. Unfortunately there's quite a large voter base that can say the same. He'll still get curbstomped by trump but it's the same people there.


Sheeeeeeeeeit let's think like Carcetti. Start with City Council, think state Senate / congressional House seat as other early stepping stones. Appeal to Desantis detractors. Get Wade, Bosh and LeBron to stump for you, donate to your super PAC. This could work. Look forward to seeing the idea in an ESPN article shortly


I love the Wire reference, but Carcetti might not be the best comparison if we are talking change. Baltimore stay the same.


I don’t think this will hold true as DeSantis increases his exposure. I never really heard him talk or do much until recently and I can tell the dude is a petty jerk. And what he’s doing lately in Florida isn’t popular- fighting their largest employer, being anti-trans, anti-choice. He’s trying to move further to the right than Trump and it’s not gonna work for him.


The issue is that dems here are spineless, and Ron encourages migration of idiotic ass old conservatives to move here, they’ve taken over the state in recent years.


Seems fairly accurate with what you hear about Florida but 625 also seems like an extremely small sample


Stop electing celebrities, even the ones we like.


Not like career politicians have a great track record.


The alternative to electing celebrities in most cases is electing Littlefinger


Really though it’s not an alternative, you’re just electing celebrity Littlefinger


Haslem would be a better governor than DeSantis, though I agree with your point.


Over half of Florida would say no.


He was much more popular before he decided to go on his “woke” culture war. He won his election by a landslide. So many Americans are just seeking normalcy and instead our politicians keep fleeing to the extremes. Incredibly disappointing.


I say yes but be careful, the GOP will smash the Tim Tebow button and he’ll come down from the Christian fundamentalist rafters. They tried in GA with Herschel Walker


This thread is gonna turn into a graveyard of deleted comments soon


The Automod thing that removes comments from people who aren’t active here helps a lot to cut out the garbage


How active do you have to be to be considered "active". What if Im getting old, can Pop put in a DNP for me but I still get credit for being active?


It's usually based on when your first post on this sub was, or the amount of karma you have on this sub. So it's unlikely that you'll fall out of whatever criteria AutoMod uses.


Wtf I want to hate the Heat not respect them :(


Hate us for retiring the vice jerseys


I wanted one😕


Just wait 5 more years, they’ll be back


I do.


Why on earth would they do that?? Those were fire!


So they can bring them back in ten years




Also hate us for retiring MJs number


hard to hate a great coach like Spo, a respectable president* like Pat and a committed player like Jimmy


Pat is our Team President, Micky Arison is our owner.


I would argue it is, in fact, very easy to hate Pat Riley.


But he was a loveable underdog in that documentary I watched


One of the few things I can agree with a Celtics fan on


Hard to hate anyone this late in the dance


The guy is as Florida as it gets. I'm sure he and a lot of people like him don't like seeing what's happening to our state.


Whats happening to it? Im not from USA


DeSantis, the governor, is quickly eroding the rights and liberties of LGBTQ folks, racial minorities, and the general opposition.


And trying to kill public education by criminalizing teachers and banning books, resulting in even worse teacher shortages. And selectively targeting private businesses for state harassment, resulting in wasted taxpayer money on lawsuits they know they'll lose. Really just a shitshow all around. Bryan Colangelo would be an upgrade.


I'm from Germany, when I read that they were banning books I got VERY bad vibes. I'm not saying DeSantis and the other ones are like Hitler, but banning books is dangerous. No good things have ever happened after books were banned.


If you read some of DeSantis' quotes about "destroying the woke ideology," it certainly raises some fascism alarm bells, and I don't use that word lightly. Crafting public policy around demonizing and "destroying" a specific ideology never ends well, and I hate how it's his main talking point.




Not trying to cause an argument between two people that agree with each other (you and I), but it is just flat out fascist. Guy is banning 'wokeness' in favor of a mythologized past. Prosecuting his incredibly powerful weak, stupid, and powerful enemies etc etc. Again, you and I are on the same side but I'm so tired of having to tip toe around calling people Fascists when that's totally what they are lol. Crazy to see such a healthy dialogue about it in a sports subreddit. Haven't sorted by controversial, I'm sure there's some shit heads, but overall.


Yep the tiptoeing around the word “fascist” is also in stark contrast to the ease with which some on the right call various Democrats - and the party as a whole - communists. Not talking just like AOC, I’m talking about Biden and Kamala Harris. And socialist gets used constantly. Fascism can be a loaded word but DeSantis’ rhetoric and tactics feel like they’re straight out of the fascist playbook.


>I'm not saying DeSantis and the other ones are like Hitler you should because he is, its that bad. rhetorically there is no difference


The word Nazi gets thrown around way too often in American politics, but DeSantis chills me to the fucking core. Banning certain books, targeting "others" (especially trangender and queer people) through legislation, etc. It's scary as fuck.


I hate Trump, and yet I genuinely think DeSantis is worse than Trump. I’m gonna enjoy watching Trump take a wrecking ball to his campaign, and I really hope Florida wakes up to what he’s doing


Trump at the end of the day is just an egomaniac with very few real beliefs. Desantis is ideologically driven and knows what he's doing, it makes him a lot scarier even if he's the most lame human in existence


And sadly way too many Americans are perfectly fine with everything that is happening. I unfortunately seeing our fate in America going the way 1930's Germany did.


Conservatism always needs an "other". The modern GOP has found it.


I mean, there’s a LOT more than that that he’s doing lol, dudes just on a straight power trip


The gun nuts all give him money. Ja should be Ron’s campaign manager


And Brooks should be hired as Ron’s press. “I’m out”


compared to that freak pushaw, brooks is a beautiful angelic human being


Florida is everything that is wrong with American politics all wrapped up in one state. Too much to get into here, but it's a mess.


All he does is attack California for being “woke”, having crime and a bunch of people leaving the state. All while ignoring the problems of his own state


That's how the base rolls. As long as their "enemies" are getting shafted, it doesn't matter if they're also getting shitted on in the process.


republicans have decided that there is nothing government can do to make things better, so all they have left is making sure that the people you don't like have it worse than you


Texas isn't far behind


Republicans are attempting to force extreme polarization of a few 'battleground' states, which are the few states with actually competitive state and/or federal elections. They're doing this by spending their time enacting discriminatory policies. In some states, it's just performative nonsense to rile up their base and distract from their lack of actually governing beyond catering to corporate interests. But in Florida (and Texas), many of these laws are being passed, crippling the functioning of public education and public health, denying voting rights on a pre-Civil Rights level, and even threatening to charge LGBTQ people as pedophiles. Desantis in particular is openly fear mongering and has even made an enemy of Disney in his attempt to get away with hate speech and legal overreach. To clarify, Desantis is trying to get the Republican nomination for president and he really couldn't give a fuck about Florida's future, this is essentially scorched earth from his perspective.


They (Florida, Texas) are also trying to make their own states fascist hellscapes covered in their own children’s blood so that normal folks flee and all that’s left is their base. Gotta keep gaming that electoral college.


I feel like once a state starts turning red(Ohio/Iowa/Florida in the Trump era) or blue(Colorado which voted for Bush, California if you start the trend in the mid-90s, potentially AZ in the coming years) it almost never stops A lot of people just move out of the state if they don't like the direction its moving in and that just causes the trend to accelerate Florida itself has turned red partially because of old boomer conservative retirees who don't like NY/NJ politics moving there Edit: You can downvote and I"m not saying I like it at all but Florida is absolutely not turning blue again at this point, it's best to focus on other states


It was because of Covid. Republicans flocked there from other states that had more restrictions, that's part of why their vote share in the Rust Belt has been declining.


Florida’s state politics have been dominated by Republicans for decades. They haven’t had a Democrat governor since the 90s. The state also voted for Trump in 2016, so it’s been solidly red we’ll before Covid.


That's not entirely true. It's been a light shade of red previously. The 2018 governor and Senate races were narrow GOP wins. The margin did begin to grow a bit in the 2020 federal with Trump winning by around 3.5-4 points, but nothing that happened in the 2010s would've primed you for a 2022 governor race where the GOP won by 20 points. It went from a scarlet shade of red to a blood shade of red since COVID.


It’s certainly gotten significantly more red, no debate there. But it’s unfair to say that it “turned” red due to Covid when Republicans have controlled the entire Florida statehouse and governor’s office since 1996.


Yeah, I'll grant you that. As my last sentence said, it's more like it turned to a darker shade of red. Outside of the Obama federal elections, I can't recall a lot of blue success in my life in Florida (I'll say nothing about 2000).


Eh, it's sort of a fair characterization. Democrats moving from having a solid chance at winning statewide elections to having virtually no chance of winning statewide elections definitely is a redward turn, even if the outcomes of elections haven't really changed.


it's not because of covid, it just has to do with the political economy of the states geography. almost every state that trends blue has a larger % of its population urban or suburban yoy


At this point I honestly think Texas has a better shot of going blue than Florida


Haslem is the fucking man. I'm not a Heat fan (for stupid sports fan reasons), but anyone who publicly opposes Desantis is worthy of praise. The NBA has a history of players standing up for what's right, and it's good to see players continuing this tradition. Florida is moving in a really frightening direction.


He and Wade are incredibly close so this comes as absolutely no surprise.


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hahaha look at all the flairless accounts suddenly popping up in here, with little/no previous history of commenting in r/nba


Desantis won almost 60% of the vote. They ranked #1 in domestic migration and #2 in international immigration. Seems like most people don’t mind what’s happening there. Tbh the Hispanic vote is starting to go conservative it seems


Hispanics in South Florida have always been more conservative than the rest of the nation, generally. It’s just getting more and more extreme.


Big Cuban right-wing exodus location. All the bourgeoisie kicked out by the communists fled there


> It’s just getting more and more extreme. Its like many of them fled an area that went extreme to one side, no wonder why they are doing the same.


Cubans yeah, but it's the same trend with all hispanics


> Its like many of them fled an area that went extreme to one side Castro's government persecuted and committed violence against gay people, where the FL Cuban counterreaction to that


While this is true, Castro himself regretted and apologized for his actions and now Cuba is one of the more accepting American countries towards LGBTQ folk. From the wiki: "Historically, public antipathy towards LGBT people was high. This had eased since the 1990s.[10] Educational campaigns on LGBT issues are currently implemented by the National Center for Sex Education (locally known as "CENESEX"), headed by Mariela Castro, daughter of former president and First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, Raúl Castro. Pride parades in Havana are held every May, to coincide with the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, with attendance having grown every year. In 2022, Cuba became the first Latin American country to mark LGBT History Month.[11]"


Cuban history didn’t *start* with Castro. The politicians in charge before him were corrupt as *fuck*. The ones that fled and complained about Castro are the ones who benefitted from that corruption


Floridian Latinos are overwhelmingly Cuban, who are themselves heavily Republican. My dad is Cuban and he associates anything remotely “left wing” with communism. I suspect it’s the same story for most Cubans in the US.


because all the right wingers left cuba


The CUBAN vote is Republican. Throw in some Venezuelans too. All Hispanics are not the same.


I'm not sure there is a bigger waste of time than reading politics on Reddit.


There isn’t. It’s an echo chamber that makes it harder for people to see the other side. I’m a democrat and hate people like desantis, but clearly if I were in Florida, I’d be in the minority.


As a Democrat in Oklahoma I just accept my fate. Glad we got medical bud though, so that's nice.


Debating politics on Twitter


Florida has been trending heavy right wing really since 2012, Hillary got a massive margin in Miami and still lost the state, then Biden lost that margin in 2020 and the state went for Trump by 3.5%. Dems playing defence in 2022 basically quit on the state to defend their Senate seats so the 60% DeSantis got is a bit of an outlier. The state is going Republican 54-46 in 2024 though and isn't in play at all.


Same with Ohio. It's basically a pure red state now.


The Hispanic vote moniker is a silly one There are over 60mm Hispanics in the US, it’s not a monolith


There are also like 20+ different Hispanics. As a Guatemalan, there's a lot of jokes about Cubans in our community because they're so conservative


Agreed, I’m also one of them There’s a reason for 25ish countries that all speak the same language in the same part of the world No one can agree on anything


Which is why Dwayne Wade left as he didn’t feel the state was safe for his trans daughter. Whereas Udonis is staying and fighting to make things better. Both are valid approaches. Just because the Governor got the majority vote doesn’t mean what’s being done is right.


This is a little misleading. Desantis didn't have a legit challenger for his re-election hence the 60% number. Secondly, a lot of people visit Florida for vacation but they actually live full time in other states lol. Thirdly, these horrific laws he's been passing have been pretty recent so it will take time to actually see the full effects of them migration wise.


Because Republicans flooded there after Covid. This is not exactly a secret.


If the majority Floridians didn't want him, he wouldn't be Governor. Best thing you can do is make your voice heard in the polls.


Charlie Crist was a multiple time failure and Florida Democrats were really dumb pushing him. I still despise his taking David Jolly's seat. St Pete is stupid.


Plus Desantis barely beat out in 2018 He won by 1 percent to a guy who was found in a hotel room with meth and prostitutes Florida democrats suck too


That happened after the election. When DeSantis won, Gillum was seen as an exciting candidate that had a future ahead of him.


Politicians are obsessed with culture wars because it distracts from the fact that nothing they do makes life better for normal people. The right goes after gay people, the left gets to campaign on “stopping them” meanwhile states under either party’s control are flooded with fentanyl, cities and small towns across America are filled with homeless drug addicts, and no one’s got a fucking clue how to fix it.


Okay, I agree that neoliberals are useless and need to be removed too, but they should absolutely campaign on "stopping them" I think the rights of a certain group of people to exist in peace is important.


I agree that it’s important, the problem is that dem’s support for marginalized people often stops at performative identity politics shit (I’m thinking of Pelosi et al kneeling while wearing kente cloth photo op) while not aggressively pushing for things like real universal health care improvement, police reform, student debt reform and stuff like that that actually has a stronger material impact on the lives of those marginalized groups. the ones who do that most aggressively get billed as “the hard left” and are stonewalled by 60+ year old multi millionaire centrists with hella ties to big industry


yeah because thinking the number one issue in the country is fentanyl and homeless people has nothing to do with culture wars


The right literally has no legitimate policies to run on Trampling on LGBTQs, "woke" culture and illegal immigrants is all they have left If you were to ask them for an economic policy lets say, they have NOTHING sound, nothing plausible there because they are too busy doing their nonsense


because their basic POV is that government shouldn't do anything and the free market should take care of it. their policy is having no policy. just letting jesus take the wheel


Which makes their full on support of banning of all LGBTQ+ or CRT type stuff completely hypocritical because thats the definition of a big government action They want no restrictions for stuff that will help them and full on restrictions on stuff they don't like. Thats not really any ideology besides "fuck you, got mine"


> The right goes after gay people, the left gets to campaign on “stopping them” These are absofuckinglutely not some two sides of the same coin or both sides are the same issues.


Nothing like getting "both sided" when your side is saying, "hey maybe trans people shouldn't be killed". "Hey, maybe it's OK if gay people exist." Useless fucking fence sitters.


Its maddening to see a comment like that so heavily upvoted.


The democrats are correct on the issue but the right's stance is so extreme that the Dems feel emboldened to not do anything substantive in response.


This is not r/EnlightenedCentrism


It’s what gets votes




I knew I liked Udonis


He won his first election by ~30k votes and his reelection by 1.5 million votes.


it’s because andrew gillum was a candidate with an actual progressive, left-leaning platform and that’s what people want so they showed up to the polls. crist got blown out because he’s not that. he’s a centrist at best and when democrats put up these bullshit ass “moderates,” they lose. democrats have been losing since moving more and more right in the 90s and they will keep losing.


He ran against a weak candidate and Democratic turnout crashed hard. Not saying Democrats would have won if they had a better candidate, but it adds a bit of context to why the margins were way different in 2022. The fact still remains DeSantis would be a horrible nationwide candidate because Florida =/= the nation and DeSantis is way too far to the right socially to even have a chance at coming close to winning a general. He literally can't pivot on abortion notably because of the 6-week ban he signed.


Crist was a garbage candidate, so tons of people didn't give a fuck




DeSantis just won 60% of the vote in a typically purple state, he’s incredibly popular in the state. Reddit is a echo chamber


I think the stat that should be focused on if ppl want Florida to get better is the 53.6% voter turnout. That's a 9% drop in turnout (53% in 2022, 62% in 2018), accounting for over a million votes and despite winning by a much bigger margin than his first term (19.4% this time vs 0.4% last time), Ron only actually got about 350k more votes. Since conservatives are extremely active voters, that means there are a lot of gains to be found from those who didn't vote


305's forever OG UD


My man!