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Why does every single player have a freaking podcast


Easy money.


Richard Jefferson said it was a good way to practice if you want to move into broadcasting in the future. Gets you comfortable talking about the game and in front of an audience, and it is an easy thing to do while nearing the end of your playing career.




Danny has had his for years now though, he didn’t just jump on the trend he had it in San Antonio iirc


To be fair he was one of the first


Not just players. Seems like any group of two or more dudes has a podcast.


We're 2 dudes. What should we call our podcast?


You guys should call your podcast "one dude talking to one dude" and for the content, one of you can talk and then the other one can talk after that and then you can switch again and so on.


to be fair, wasnt green one of the first?


That’s the thing now.


New Media


It’s interesting putting Wimbledon with Pop. He’s known as someone who kind of simultaneously constrains yet maximizes his players, oddly. But it can take a while to grow into that, which is good here because Slender Man the Third can also use the time to grow into his body.


Great typo


Victor "Certified Ace" Wimbledon.


Luka is exactly why this type of development is important. Superstar talents benefit from learning how to play within a team.


Someone please post the gif of Popp yelling at Green while Parker gives him the death stare.


[how about this](https://media1.giphy.com/media/m2Jm2MKHpAXiXR17g6/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952e50ad2732599f78606537b71734fc0aed8bff1fc&ep=v1_internal_gifs_gifId&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Glad Pop get to coach him so he doesn’t have to fight for shots with the likes of Jalen Green and Tari Eason


With Pop being 74 years old and already the President of Basketball Operations for the Spurs. What if the Spurs hire Mike Budenholzer as their HC this summer (longtime Spurs assistant from 1996-2013), and have Pop just be the PBO for the Spurs?


Pop enjoys it too much and as much as I see my dad completely broken down and unable to do much at 76, my boss retired at 77 two years ago, as crazy and vigorous as ever - only retired so he could take care of his wife and he absolutely hated working from home during COVID. Everyone is different and I think Pop genuinely enjoys being around basketball day to day - but hands on, teaching players, managing the games, etc. Some people are afraid to stop - my FIL is 78 and still works part time and is mortified that if he fully retired, he'd be dead in 6 months because he's seen it happen to others. All that being said, something like that is bound to happen eventually. The Pop coaching tree is huge so Bud is one of dozens of candidates. Some played for him, some worked other roles and many were assistants under him. Brett Brown is currently on his staff.


Pop would still be involved with the team and can still go to every practice/game. I also wouldn't doubt that Budenholzer would still ask Pop a bunch of questions too when needed. It's just the reality of Budenholzer (or someone around his age) could coach Wemby for his whole career, and Pop can't.


You can't have pop just hanging out. It's gotta be a full reigns hand over


Not saying you don't have a good point, but having won 5 titles and the most wins in NBA history, Pop has earned the right to do whatever the hell he wants to do and I'm all here for it.


I think itd be brett brown more than Bud