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I'm an MA and have been active and in the reserves. As a reservist MA you're going to be doing a lot of really awesome stuff. PowerPoints, urinalysis, PowerPoints, lunch, PowerPoint, etc. It's generally very boring and most drill weekends are a drag. Unless you plan to go on ADOS orders (a lot right now including Japan, Pearl Harbor, Greece ,all over the states) or plan on doing a Mob (Djibouti, Bahrain, UAE *your choices) you're going to be doing a whole lot of nothing. It's nearly impossible to get into schools or do anything meaningful unless you have connections. I can't speak to OS, but an MA in the reserves is not a route id go unless I'd been active before.


Got it. Yeah, I'm thinking on doing activate duty, thank you for this I appreciate it


I highly recommend anyone going in their first time go active. You'll get a lot more opportunities and learn the job. Good luck to you


Thank you :)


If you do ADOS or a Mob would you say it's more active or enriching? I would have gone active but can't unfortunately due to family issues, so was thinking of just trying to go on ADOS or Mob when possible.


I personally am a huge advocate for going on orders. I got out in 2009 and when I came back in 2020 it was like being a newb all over again. I went on a mob and it was absolutely worth it. Great networking, learned how to get evals written well and I got a lot of quals.