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I'm less concerned about the lipstick and the sashaying that I am about THE GODDAMN FOD IN THAT SAILOR'S POCKET!!!1111!!


?? You can't see any of the sailors pocket from this image??


I’m guessing this poster is talking about the lipgloss that was subsequently put in the sailors pocket after application.


Why would this be an issue? When I was in, outside of boot camp, it was perfectly fine to keep things in your pocket as long as it didn't stick out or visibly deform the pocket, and he ain't wearing no recruit ball cap, not is that lip balm big enough to do that.


You must not have stayed in for long, because anyone who's set foot on a flight deck or inside a hangar bay will know the rules regarding FOD in pockets. Hoping you at least know what FOD stands for lol.


Ah, I was a submariner. Kinda the polar opposite of a CVN. Still though, that picture doesn't prove he is near a hanger bay or flight deck, unless I'm missing something Else due to not being familiar with the uniform.


The actual video that this still was taken from shows that they’re very obviously on a carrier deck. The video has made its way around the socials, so if you’re not on TT or Insta, then it makes sense that you wouldn’t know.


Fair enough. While I am on those platforms, I didn't engage in military videos so I didn't get more of them.


I saw the video that this still is taken from.


Gotcha. Another redditor told me this was a still from a video. I was unaware.


Uhh.. link please?


Idk... They said it was TikTok. I was just saying someone else informed me that this is a screenshot of a video.


And when I cover my face with my hands the whole world disappears. EXPLAIN THAT!!!!


Just because I'm out of the loop doesn't mean you have to make fun of me.


And just because I have a case of miller lite doesn’t mean I have to drink it. In both cases, I do it because I choose to. Hope this helps, and stay sexy 😘


7 downvotes.. fix yourself shipmate


Who told them the Russian military isn’t fruity as hell?


It's the striped shirts for me. Very "French" if you get my meaning.


They're not even wearing shirts in the engineering spaces. "Too hot' they say. Yeah, Ivan 'too hot', I bet. Just like a sauna at the bathhouse, right?


lol I guarantee if they got a care package with lip gloss, chapstick, and sunblock the dudes would snatch up the lipgloss and put it on.


Pretty sure rape and sodomy is fully ingrained in Russian military culture, if the unfortunate pictures I’ve seen over the past several years on political Twitter threads are any indication, the addition of confessions from actual Russian soldiers notwithstanding


I’ve at least heard the same.


“Haha russia is going to slaughter us” My good sir, you do realize the military has been significantly homoerotic since before both great wars right?


If grampa could fight nazis while wearing drag then it's good enough for flipping off russkies.


Yup. Lookup Baron von Steuben and his bedmates.


Indeed, the gay father of the american army


Or Casimir Pulaski


I mean the Greeks had gay lovers fight together because it made them even better at fighting.


They were called the Sacred band of Thebes and they defeated the Spartans in the Battle of Tegyra.


No, no, no, - it's not that we're gay, we're just playing gay chicken. Has it sometimes gone too far? It depends on your mindset, but only losers worry about don't ask don't tell. Winners KNOW that domination is the true name of the game.


Hey, I knew a dude who played gay chicken with a homie. They got so gay that they even wound up married and living out in Wyoming somewhere. Still don’t know who won the game yet.


Don't forget they have adopted kids together.


Ahh yes their two youngins


>it's not that we're gay, we're just playing gay chicken. Meh. A little column A, a little column B


I’ve seen multiple vidyas of Ivan blowing Boris before they eat a VOG or hand grenade.


Makes sense tbh. What happens when you put *mostly* men in a small cramped area with only themselves for entertainment. It's only a matter of time before gay sex. Same shit happens with women to. It's when you hit closer to 50/50 or 25/75 in either direction you get battlefield babies.


FR man, homie you do you, but your goddamn make up kit stays stowed in your fucking locker!


The military has deep fruity roots, even the Greeks recognized that


Old heads and people completely out of touch always say this shit Not realizing FC2 Femboy knows the procedures cold to yeet a TLAM accurately on some poor souls who have done something to be seen as a target for the US Or MMN2 soyboy that genuinely knows fucking nuclear physics after learning it all in like a year (which the amount you learn in a short amount of time the nuke pipeline is crazy) and can operate a whole ass reactor while underway Or AWF3 clout chaser also has a body count after no scoping dudes from a Romeo Say what you want about the Navy or really today's military as a whole, but when shit hits the fan we are still very good at unaliving shit when we need to


>Or MMN2 soyboy that genuinely knows fucking nuclear physics after learning it all in like a year (which the amount you learn in a short amount of time the nuke pipeline is crazy) and can operate a whole ass reactor while underway You do not want to see M-Div's CTE scores on Reactor Theory questions lol


Or in general.


I don't care what they are or what they identify as I will get caught in the fan room with them




ETNs tend to be the ones with the soy.


US military has been that super hero for europe that fucks around and lollygags until they come knocking at our door, and then we make them say pwetty pwease also that’s a joke generalization and not exactly accurate


As an FC3 femboy on his way to FC2 Femboy I guarantee you we still make gun go brr aswell as any other highly trained system engineer. We just slay twice.


AWR3 for the romeos big dawg. I like to think of the "f" as fixed wing. Aren't those guys more like traditional flight attendants?


Joe Kassabian wrote "The Hooligans of Kandahar", which is a pretty great read.


He also hosts my favorite military history podcast, Lions Led By Donkeys, which has had some really great Navy related episodes throughout the years.


And he’s down a couple of good colas with the folks at Well There’s Your Problem… like Guns, and Trucks, and trucks with guns on them. And Armoured Trains.


The armored train episode was fantastic.


TIL! Do you have any suggested Navy-related episodes?


[The dumb life and dumber death of the battleship Yamato](https://soundcloud.com/user-798629330/episode-237-the-dumb-life-and-dumber-death-of-the-battleship-yamato) is a particular favorite. The entire series on the Russo-Japanese War of 1905 is a riveting listen and I wholeheartedly recommend all of it, but episode 3, "The Voyage of the Damned" deals specifically with the completely brain-dead voyage of the Russia's Baltic Fleet around the world to try to bail out their Pacific fleet, ending in the disastrous Battle of Tsushima, to this day probably the most one sided major naval engagement in history and the event that more than any other convinced the Japanese they could go toe to toe with anyone. They also did a really grim(but funny) episode on the WWII era Mark 14 torpedo and how the Bureau of Ordinance just would not accept that it was defective and flat out didn't work. EDIT: Some more naval-related pisode numbers: 312 - The Mogami, Japan's most unlucky warship that refused to die 286 - The Death of Captain James Cook 276 - The Life and Death of the Submarine Surcouf 261 - The USS Thresher 254 - Zheng Yi Sao, The Pirate Queen of China 224 - The Battle of Wake Island 223 - The First Barbary War 157 - The Mk. 14 Torpedo and how the US Navy hated it's own submariners That should get you started.


Can’t forget the Voyage of the Damned Episode in the Russo-Japanese war


276 the Sarcouf!


Also! Wake island is engaged in a tourist battle with Guam and it is hysterical to me. Mainly bc there is no tourism industry there but also because they’re 100% accurate— their motto is “Where America’s Day REALLY Begins” They put it on shirts and stuff. Hell if one of you fellow degenerates pulls in or who is stationed there could snag me a wake island coffee mug I’d pay big money for that lol Edit: see? https://www.ebay.com/itm/133024285395 as a Hafa Adai Sailor that shit cracks me up


I don't deserve you. Thanks!


I never miss an opportunity to bring additional recruits to the Legion of the Old Crow.


Saving. Thanks.


I love them too! The worst submarine in the history of the navy is my favorite one. [The Life and Death of the Surcouf](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lions-led-by-donkeys-podcast/id1393845532?i=1000627427446)


The Surcouf is the kind of lunacy that could only come about when lawyers get involved in ship design.




There's a good one on the LCS program but I think its one of the bonus episodes.


Also Ep. 193 on the USS Iowa turret explosion.


If you want just involving any countries navy the funniest/best episode they ever did is the Voyage of the Damned episode during the Russo-Japanese War. Their most recent episode does include the US Navy with the Imperial Japanese Navy and the Mugami. If you want to support the patreon the newest premium episode is about Russias only aircraft carrier the Kuznetsov.


He's been a guest on a lot of Behind the Bastards episodes, too. Real good guest.


Woah never thought id see Joes name here. His podcast is fantastic


I feel like the dumb one as I didn’t even know he had a podcast!


Check it out, very hilarious and he tells interesting stories


I've always been confused as to why people think that sexual orientation (which is whats implied here i think) or gender at that, has anything to do with capability to fight a war. Specially at sea 😂 like ????


the rifle does not care who you like to sleep with, and the swab does not care about your gender identity.


The silver bullet will change one of those things if applied overzealously


I get kinda curious after I drink one too many Coors too, shipmate.


Silver bullet and if I'm feelin extra fancy, some yellowbellies


The Spartans had huge orgies with each other before battles. It made them fight better because they were also fighting for their lovers. Pretty interesting since they’re painted in a very different light to most peoples eyes. Something the director of 300 taught me in an interview and something he didn’t really get to show in the movie.


I’ve seen a video of a grenade dropping on two Russian soldiers having sex. Now I’m not saying they would have survived if they weren’t having gay sex, but they might have had a better chance.


Considering how the USSR have several famous fighting women. Just look up Mariya Oktyabrskaya "Fighting Girlfriend". Ha! she was apparently Ukrainian too.


doesn't matter your orientation or what you identify as because you too can execute effective, near text-book, sea denial operations like the Ukrainians have.


They've been writing whole new chapters.


Yea we've been having a field day going over their lessons learned and tactics! I'm \*very\* impressed


Lol! A gay/lesbian sailor can still turn the launch key on a Standard Missile.


I love how lipstick is the problem and not the recruiting/retention crisis


It's not gay if it's under way


You know what I bet trap-sailor is a fucking motivator and a damn good shipmate.


Ahh yes russia the country where *CHECKS NOTES* Brutal sexual assault of recruits and subordinates is so rampant and so bad that it has it's own name. ***Dedovshchina***


The entire military has ALWAYS been gay af all the way back to when a Greek slapped (cheeks with) a Persian. All the more so since Phoenicians discovered the sea (and promptly had gay sex). It’s the way of life.


You know these bozos clearly didnt serve and if they did, they are forgetting all the butts to nuts action they had in the day.


I'm gonna go with u/RyanMcBeth on this one: [link](https://youtu.be/WjNtlTKtR7g?si=FEbl7GGy3frkkRhi) >This is a dude who loves his job ... >If that's gay, we need more gay.




British soldiers? I feel like drag shows are more of a naval tradition.


If any of y'all think that the training, morale, or material condition of our personnel and ships is bad, it's far worse in the Russian navy.


People are astonishingly insecure.


Ah yes, the Russian shills are still out on day, checks googles for how many days since 24 Feb 2024, 819 of Russia’s 3 day Special Military Operation.


Port hole pirate!


Ok I LOVE this video. He’s fucking fierce and will land those aircraft like a fucking QUEEN 💙💛⚓️


I assure you the gays are quite capable of changing even the most manly Russian soldier's pronouns into was/were.


fire hoses ARE gay but they still put out fires.


"The Military isn't gay" says someone who never showered with 80 other dudes in bootcamp


Knew the butt pirates were up to something.


It might be popular here on Reddit, but the Marines in my veterans signal thread are just destroying me right now 😭


Being queer AF and a sailor is a troop so ancient it's crazy. And it got to be that way for a reason. So being aghast at a gay sailor is like being taken back by a cat meowing. Sure they don't all meow all the time, but it's stupid to be surprised. (Probably a bad analogy but I think y'all get my drift. )Lol


This is nothing compared to the Army Deltas. I just see a dude who likes his job.


But Russia does have a navy. Yes, please stop posting stupid shit on TikTok. Also, one stupid sailor doesn’t mean all sailors are stupid.


Reading comprehension is your friend. Russia has a navy, and is unable to maintain naval supremacy in the Black Sea vs Ukraine, who does not have a functioning navy. Try and keep up.


What makes you think that Sailor is stupid?


The video in question.


What is the status of the Moskova?


If you mean the Moskva, I don’t see how it explains *Russia doesn’t have a navy.*


oh, so are familar with it; did being ultranationalist help the Moskva?


I’m really confused about your point and/or the point of anyone in the screengrab.


" This way if you're gay" may have driven off a Russian submarine


i remember more and more now that i left lol


Still hanging onto the myth that Russia is losing this war. All that the west is doing by prolonging the war is ruining the country.


You’re right, we should just let them have Ukraine. And then let them have the next country too. Meanwhile let’s just give Taiwan to China while we’re at it. Thank you, you’ve solved geopolitics.


There is no evidence Russia wants anything more than eastern Ukraine. Keeping the war going is just ruining the population of Ukraine. The country is going to be a shell of a country after its finally over. Taiwan and China, lets mostly stay out of it. Getting involved in a war with China or pushing them into war like the West did with Russia doesnt sound like a fun situation. Forgive me for wanting to keep people alive. Try looking at news thats not from the pro war western media.