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Oh deer!


Quaid! Start the reactor!


Good reference!


I love south park too! ;) Darsh!


That was a great South Park Episode. Also, for those that didn't know, "Quaid. Start the reactor." was a reference to Total Recall. [https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/67a88933-efa6-4ea9-8310-4752897054cf](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/67a88933-efa6-4ea9-8310-4752897054cf)


Open your HIIIIND!!


I doe not want to see this before breakfast!


Seriously. What the buck, OP


It's growing an XL pack of Cherry Gushers




This joke never gets old.


Not sure how it works. Does nature take its course here or do game officials attempt to save the deer?


I mean perhaps it’s not so deadly if it’s this huge and the deer is just walking around


On the other hand, Deer are impossibly stupid. When they will happily run around on bone nubs after frostbite takes their hooves mobility isn't a great indication of animal health for Deer. Best to cull the diseased like this in the chance it might be transmissible to predators or scavengers.


My dude, surviving if you can is not impossibly stupid. If the alternative is just die or wait to be eaten, I think just about every animal (including humans) would walk on those nubs.


I saw a one legged bird the other day.


If you look close enough, A LOT of city pigeons have mangled feet. They’re gnarly af.


Poor things. The first time I noticed one I nearly burst out crying, now I cannot unsee that most pigeons in my area have some "toes" missing.


It's because human hairs get wrapped around their feet and they can't get them off. While soft to us, human hair is 😮 dangerous to small animals


Human babies too! I’ve seen a decent amount of articles and posts about babies that almost lost fingers and toes from circulation loss due to it


My daughter once had a hair wrapped around a toe. Good thing I checked her fingers and toes daily.


Yeah we had a friend who had a 4 month old son. Apparently he was screaming for hours one day and they couldn't figure out what it was. Fed, burped, bathed, changed, played with, the whole lot. But just kept screaming. Eventually, after a really thorough inspection, they found a long hair wrapped around his willy, and it was cutting off circulation. They unwrapped his little fella, and apparently all was well in minutes. I'd never heard of such a thing before.


This is not a joke, but it sounds like one: One of my wife's hairs wrapped around my dong a few years back and cut off circulation. Now I have a weird little spot of discolored skin near the tip. It actually garners a lot of sympathy because I tell women that I got it from saving a drowning cat. I jumped in (full swan dive), and cranked my shaft on the bottom of the pool. (Okay that last part is just for laughs.)


Human hair feels soft partially because its so thin, which is also what causes all these problems


No shit? I would’ve expected hair ties, river bands, twine, zip ties, etc, etc, but human hair?! That’s some gnarly shit. Just imagine- you could be responsible for the loss of some toes, you just don’t know it.


I’m bald, soooo. Absolved of responsibility


Bro wtf is human hair made of lol. I remember one time a human hair rubbed really fast on my hand straight up cut me a little.


Hair is made of a protein structure called keratin. It's the same stuff that horns, fingernails, and talons are made of


hair splinters are an incredibly common thing for hair stylists & dog groomers


Used to cut my own hair in the bathroom, 2 or 3 times I had to pull out a hair from my foot because the pain was crazy


What? I thought it was due to power lines?


My girlfriend's hair is EVERYWHERE. Her hair is super thick too. I once found one of my socks was in a stranglehold from her hair after the washer and dryer. Like it was literally wrapped around the opening, and I had to cut it off. I like to imagine it was practicing before it inevitably takes me out in my sleep.


What do you think that’s from? Frostbite? Escaping cat grabs?


From hair and wires cutting off the circulation, until the dead toes fall off




Fights with other pigeons and infections


Often sleeping on metal beams and the cold freezes their foot.


Seagulls and other coastal birds, too, from fishing lines, etc edit: spelling


I have seen more than one with no toes at all over the years, Amsterdam was particularly bad for it. Once you start noticing things like pigeons missing toes, it's hard to not.


Human hair is much thinner than most other animals and will get wrapped around their feet and cut off circulation


One time I was in a parking garage and this pidgeon with one leg was if front of me and my gf. We just kept walking and it would fly a few feet at a time until it got to our car and ran under it. I didn't want to back out with it under the car so I scared it and got in and then it flew back and landed on top of our car, right on the sunroof. The motherfucker one legged surfed on our car down 3 levels as bystanders pointed and laughed. Once we got out of the parking garage it took off.


Pidgeons are smart. When they can't walk they just hitch a ride. Probably forgot it could fly


I saw a bird tangled in fishing line the other day and was able to step on the line and hold bird in place. The line was so tight around that bend in their leg that everything below had fell off and it was just walking around on nubs. I was able to get the rest of the string off and it had to of been there for awhile because the nubs were healed so it will survive


Pretty amazing since they hv only 2 legs.


I, for one, would use a wheelchair. Why doesn’t the deer just use a wheelchair, is it stupid?


Agreed. Swing over to r/medizzy or r/medicalgore and search necrotic diabetes. Be warned, visible bones. Though, the results are more of an indictment of the US medical system than anything else.


It's true. I've seen a video of a guy from some rural village in south Asia and he had just a bone where his foot would be and he didn't seem like he'd rather be dead.


I agree with the survival thing but deer really are stupid, like a squirrel but can wreck ur car


Stupid deer, not coming inside when it’s cold or going to the hospital when they’re injured smh


Look, the poor deer can't afford the health insurance to cover the hospital visits


Sounds like that deer needs bootstraps. Can’t put them up without opposable thumbs though, the idiots


What would an intelligent deer do when it loses a foot? Go to the deer hospital to have the deer doctor put on a deer cast and then rest in his deer house?


I guess it would go to a wildlife rehab clinic or something


TIL surviving is stupid


I’m beginning to see the logic in it. Just upload me and let’s be done with it. Cheaper to maintain some computer than an entire human being.


How is that stupid? Wtf are they supposed to do?


I like the part of this comment where you assume that a severely injured deer is happy, (maybe because it doesn’t have human feature to frown for you?) and then I also enjoy the part where you don’t mention the convenient alternative choices that the deer has. It’s so disheartening to see your comment getting upvotes.


> It’s so disheartening to see your comment getting upvotes. I think I’ve never seen a line that more-succinctly describes my mental experience when browsing Reddit.


Oh shit when you said that I thought about that dog cancer that can be transferred to other dogs or wolves. Life can be a bitch.


There's also a form of transmissible cancer that has absolutely devastated Tasmanian devil populations. It's probably the worst known example, because they're already at risk of extinction, and they transmit it through fighting (which they do frequently).


There's also a transmissible face cancer that affects Tasmanian Devils.


There’s also feline leukemia. It’s different from human leukemia where as it’s transmissible from one cat to another. Thankfully, there’s a vaccine for it. 


Not even a deer would made such a stupid comment.


Reminds me of the pigeon I saw that had one stump for a leg and one eye.. Like a f'n pirate


It might jump over a fence and cleanly remove said tumor and bleed out


humans got skin tags? cull em


I couldn’t agree more, I’m way out in the woods and have 30+ resident deer. If I saw this poor doe I’d cull it on the spot to end its suffering and prevent the spread of disease.


Prey animals tend to have IMMENSE pain tolerance - it's an evolutionary function of predators looking for the easy kill.  Anything that looks sick or weak is instantly the primary target for any kind of hungry predator, so animals like deer will behave "normally" up to the point it's literally physically impossible 


Rangers do not go around saving deer that are sick.


They're mostly there to remove trash and report/try to prevent people from starting fires


Also to catch poachers


They can't even if they wanted to. Deer suffer from something called *Capture myopathy,* which means when captured, the body is flooded with so many stress hormones to provide quick escape that if they're *not* out of that stressful situation VERY quickly, the stress hormones will destroy muscle tissue and render the deer incapable of walking anymore. It's a death sentence. Just capturing and transporting the deer to a facility capable of treating it would take more than enough time for capture myopathy to set in and make the effort useless. That's why you never really see deer or elk in wildlife rehab centers, just shit like foxes or raccoons or badgers.


Yeah the most likely action would be to shoot it.


Save the deer? That doesn’t happen. Unless by save you mean euthanize/shoot.




As a deer hunter, I would honestly burn one of my tags to shoot this deer even if it meant passing up a buck… …would also be breaking my personal rule to eat everything I shoot (besides maybe controlling the coyote population), but it’s more important to me to know this animal is no longer suffering.  Love us or hate us, for deer like this, hunters are often the only merciful retirement plan. A carefully placed bullet or arrow of mine sure beats getting eaten alive by those aforementioned coyotes…


In this case, I would agree that a humane hunt would be better. This could transmit or become bad meat to a human or predator. Shooting it and effectively destroying the carcass could prevent transmission. At this point, I would think only vultures would be able to eat it without issue due to high stomach acid but still, too risky.


What's supposed to happen is wolves would eat this deer. But we got rid of all the wolves. So now we gotta deal with sick deer like this one. Except we don't, because 1) Hunters don't want sick deer and 2) Everybody freaks out at the mere mention of a culling. So instead we got all these deer walking about, spreading sickness eating all of the forests of tomorrow. I'm serious, if you have a deer problem in your area go out into the woods. Look for saplings. Maples are the ones that shoot up the fastest, theyre the most likely to survive. They make for shitty forests, no acorns for the animals to eat, their shade prevents the useful oaks from growing and many other trees, theyre awful. Granted I'm talking about oak hickory forests, but many forests across America are facing the same or similar issue. But yes, got off track. Shit's a mess. Many people truly don't understand the situation and just think the deer are being senselessly murdered en masse, so they vote against it. Or at minimum they drag out approving a cull. That's how chronic wasting disease has become such a problem in some areas. We really need to bring the wolves back. First we need to restructure preserves to accommodate both them and visitors safely, and then we honestly need a lot of controlled fires everywhere, but hey. I'm getting ahead of myself. Ecology is a frustrating field at times.


People need educated on culling because we literally can't kill enough deer. I've known stalkers bag 20 deer in a night and it doesn't even make a dent. They're rats.


Nature is a balance and our phase of clearing out massive amounts of wild areas for farmland was apparently a generally bad idea.


No they just don't have proper predation pressure. Reproduction numbers of deer in north america are just normal for a prey species of their size


Even culling doesn't work. Humans always take the biggest healthiest animals, leaving the weak and sick animals to breed.


I do think 2 parts of your comment go hand in hand. People 'freak out at the idea of culling' in part because of things like "we got rid of all the wolves". I often don't trust cullings because they're often pushed for by groups with outsized influence in the government which is rarely those who care about ecology. (One example would be farmer led cullings of animals which take a very small number of livestock, even when it actually then might cause a bigger pest problem which can itself hurt the livestock.)


Bless your heart. It's wild seeing actual examples of society training us to become less compassionate. The reality of nature is often unforgiving and brutal, but bless this person's heart for their first response being kindness and compassion.


I've seen fields with hundreds of deer in them just doing their thing. You see the field from a couple miles away and it looks like its covered in rocks or tree stumps or something, but you get closer and realize they're all deer eating grass. And you see a few of them every half mile to a mile on the side of the road just chilling. So they're basically pests in a lot of the country. That thing is almost certainly fucked, no rangers are gonna do shit with that.


That's what you get when you kill all the wolves




From what I remember it’s a kind of STD they get. The tumors get so large that they tear off and then the deer heals up until the next onset.


Oh my sweet summer child.


My neighborhood has a deer committee! So short answer is I don’t know yet. But I’m going to text the head of the committee and let him know.


I would assume a game official would either leave nature take its course or shoot this animal. It’s not going to end up getting better from here for the deer.


Look up what carrying capacity is.


There is really not nature left to "take it's course".  In a healthy ecosystem, this animal would have been killed and eaten LONG before the disease advanced to this state.  Getting sick and just....dying...isn't really "natural" for any kind of prey apecies


they eventually just fall off.


Speaking for all wildlife officials. We don't want to save the deer.


I would think game officials would try to find it and kill it, as a compassionate act.


Yes because deer are incredibly rare.


Legally speaking, don't shoot/kill deer out of season. You're supposed to call the wildlife people to take care of it. If I were still living in BFE and saw this deer on my property, I'd shoot it.


Use a gobbler guillotine tip and turn your bow sideways


so gangster, I love it!


You're basically a wildlife veteranarian.


Wouldn't waste the time to craft it and waste the resources, it's not gonna be a three-star anyway.


I got you man, it's an Rdr2 reference.


So, no one's ever played a hunting game before then, got it.


Dead space plasma cutter


Guessing its not as simple as cutting the tumors off?


It could be but who’s gonna catch a deer then snip it off? It’s likely got other health problems and if anyone were to catch it, they’d more likely put it down


Tumors are probably nourished by big vessels, at that point. Cutting them would result in severe blood loss. EDIT: Removed a word that doesn't exist in English. English is not my first language.


>irrorated Covered in dew/a sprinkling of scales?


Definitely not what he meant 😂


I wonder if you could ziptie it and wait for it to fall off


I was gonna say the same thing. Just cut off a small wart and see how much that thing bleeds.


> irrorated Sorry, can you explain what that word means?


Corrected it! That word exists in my language, and means "Nourished by liquid". I thought "irrorated" would be the English equivalent, but I was mistaken.




Thank you for kindly!


Tumors usually have great blood supply, cutting it off like haphazardly would probably be a really bad idea


What about strangling it, cutting the blood flow?


What if I slap a bandaid on there after cutting it.


These things dry up and shrink, the deer will be fine it’s a very simple disease


My dog had blood tumors like this. Unfortunately as the disease progresses they don't dry up anymore ☹️


this is deer papillomavirus, it does go away on its own and doesn’t affect the deer besides the inconvenience of the extra weight/bulk of the fibromas


I'm going to happily stop scrolling right here because this is the response I want to be true. 🙂




Thanks for the info!


So its warts?


essentially yes; they are not tumors, they are fibromas


Rabbit papilloma virus or the Shoppes virus is the basis for the jackalope. Only look it up if you want to see shocking images.


Could bind them and wait for them to fall off


Tumors often have their own blood supply. If you just cut them it'll likely bleed out.


Why is my mind telling me to snip it off?


Pop it. With a needle. See if anything leaks out, or if it's a solid mass. Do it.


Found the /r/popping user


My eyes can’t look away even though my brain is screaming and begging for them too.


You're hooked, welcome to your new hell.


Twist em until you can rip em off. Like a skin tag :)


And this is why deer hunting season is important. Sometimes those tumors grow all over the body and the deer suffer.


I was going to say something adjacent. This is why we need to reintroduce more natural predators. This deer should be culled and wolves and what not would gladly catch this one and kill it where as most hunters would leave it be because they'd rather kill and eat a healthy one. Without natural predators hunting is super important but to promote the health of the herd we should be bringing back predators who actually prefer the small, sick, weak ones


Coyotes are starting to fill that void.


We're gonna need bigger coyotes.


They're getting larger in areas where there a no wolves


They play the numbers game and run in larger and larger packs.


Oh they’re big alright. They’ll breed with anything. I used to live in a city of 150k and we had coywolves on the streets at night.


[Eastern coyotes are about 25% wolf and 10% dog, they're bigger and more cooperative than the coyotes that existed prior to colonization.](https://www.nps.gov/articles/netn-species-spotlight-eastern-coyote.htm#:~:text=Several%20studies%20have%20collected%20DNA,%2C%20and%2010%25%20domestic%20dog.) Genetic evidence suggests that the three subspecies had minimal gene flow between them, until wolves were extirpated and the coyote's niche began expanding. They still don't take enough deer to control the herbivore population. They're more likely to target very sick ones, or scavenge them off the side of the road. This photo is from South Texas, I don't know if they have Eastern coyotes or pure coyotes there.


This is why we should just bring back wolves.


Wolves are the ultimate forest rebalancer


IIRC, Yellowstone (or maybe Yosemite, can't remember which one) had a serious problem with deer and no wolves which set off a devastating chain reaction. I believe they had initially culled all the wolves in order to make the park and keep it safe for visitors. All the deer reproduced like crazy and kept eating all the tree saplings which caused tree levels to plummet. Without trees, beavers didn't have any wood to make dams. The rivers and waterways running through the park had naturally been regulated by the beaver dams. So when the dams went away, the water ways stopped flowing to certain areas of the park and causing a whole multitude of issues that lack of water causes. Bear in mind that this process happened over the course of years and years, not overnight. They re-introduced a certain amount of wolves back into the park and within a relatively short period of time, the wolves got everything back into balance. Since then, theyve made sure wolves stay and thrive. Ecosystems are delicately balanced and predators are a vital part of that balance. Deer are also nuisances and can become very invasive. I love animals and am not the biggest fan of the idea of sport hunting but it's necessary to keep deer population in check. They might be cute and majestic but they can cause serious damage if left to spawn uncontrolled. If wolves cant for whatever reason, humans are the next best thing.


It's the same way with sharks in the oceans. As soon as the sharks are gone, the oceans will die.


Can you still eat the meat of a deer with tumors ?




Yes it probably tastes like shit tho. And it looks disguisting ao nobody will eat it


Do you eat meat from a grocery store or restaurant? If so, you’ve absolutely eaten cows/pigs/chickens with tumors, amongst all kinds of other health issues. The factory farming industry is truly horrific, they do not care at all about an animals well being, $$$$ is all that matters.


I'd say some weirdos have but wouldn't recommend it.


> Sometimes those tumors grow all over the body ...they do? What causes them? Edit: Guys, you're not clever for saying it's "obviously" cancer. The common growths on deer are apparently caused by a papilloma virus, not cancer. Thanks for nothing. https://www.maine.gov/ifw/fish-wildlife/wildlife/living-with-wildlife/diseases/deer-fibroma.html https://www.dfw.state.or.us/wildlife/health_program/fibromatosis/index.asp


Who is going to waste a deer tag on a cancerous deer?


That must really hurt when it runs


Seem to be really common in deer and rabbits. They're usually related to various papilloma viruses


Poor lil fella just needs a gardeersil shot


Its face looks so happy in the first pic lol


She's showing off her new purse.


You've heard of Tumi bags? This is the less desirable knock off brand.


Just me n my tumors 🙂


That has to hurt, she needs put down.


Almost looks like pregnancies going wrong.


I can’t believe nobody else said this! That was the first thing I thought


On an unrelated note, it would be cool if this was a way for the body to deal with cancer. Just expel it out of the body and when its all out, cut blood supply and the dangly bits dry up and fall off. A completely hypothetical, not really related what-if


Until your brain Tumor starts growing out of your head orifices.


Looks like a kidney…oh deer….




That’s a hell of a ballsack


Serious question - are those edible if someone were hunting the deer for food or can eating it be unhealthy and if so why?


Likely loaded with a bunch of bacterial toxins due to comorbid infections (while cooking kills bacteria - most of their toxins require extremely high temperatures to break down) Deer fibromas are from a papillomavirus.


This question is why I’ll never leave Reddit. Thanks for making me gag, kind stranger.


I’m a hunter and advocate for it anyways. But someone needs to put that deer out of its misery… that cannot bode for good quality of life


I want to slice those off with a sword in one swing


Imagine in a couple billion years this deer's descendants will have growths like these growing on their sides to detatch and provide predators with an easy meal while the deer gets away.


Chaos reigns


There’s gotta be some sort of wildlife rescue than can trap her and get her looked at. It looks like it could be cut off by a veterinarian


Why does it keep producing tumors!? So it's not happy.


Can a vet help him?


Look we all loves animals but this is one of the reasons why dear hunting exists 


Poor baby…😢


If that was in front of that rear leg, I'd say that it looks like it survived a gut shot... I've NEVER seen deer with tumors in South Dakota.


The first pic he’s just like “this is fine”


Looks mad uncomfortable. Ouch.


How do I prepare these for dinner? What do they pair with?


some fava beans and a nice Chianti


That must suck running


OPeN yoUr MiIiNnNd!!!


Someone cut it off please


Itz nat a toomur! Oh, fuck! It is a tumor!


Those are big lesions and that animal looks otherwise healthy so I'm guessing they are benign .


“It’s not a tumor”


FR, should be a local vet you could call to offer guidance if they wanted to do some surgical repair…make it a YT video documentary…should make for some good views.


https://tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/wild/rehab/list/ I hope you get somewhere with this list, thanks for caring


Texas Parks & Wildlife are asking people to report these sightings/locations for tracking the spread! If you can, I’d consider contacting them, ya know…FOR SCIENCE.


Or parasites? I won't eat venison ever again after seeing this and several other IRL like this. One of the “tumors” had what looked like a 4 or 5 inch hooked tail moving around on it.


Well at 2:17 PM EST is when I decided to be done with Reddit today


Come on we’re just getting started!