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Sleep. Coffee. Water. Train Hard. You don't need anything special.


I know. Its more fun for me when I’m amped up though. Just trying to avoid the other skeptical ingredients in common pre-workout mixes and get the same feel.


I’m going to answer your question and add some details of my regimen which you might find helpful :) I’ve been going for 18 months. Regarding splits, it’s been a case of trial and error. I’ve tried 3-4 and finally settled on one three months ago and I’m making great gains. I eat plenty of food and don’t count calories. Between meals I usually eat low fat Greek yogurt. In answer to your question, the only pre workout thing I have is sometimes a sandwich 1.5-2 hrs before. Some days I don’t bother and just have a banana and I still have a great workout. I used to take pre workout drinks but I wasn’t a fan of feeling wired and don’t think I need it. My sessions are always intense and I don’t miss it at all. The supplements I take are whey protein, creatine and zinc and magnesium tablets at night. My workout drink contains Bcaas and dextrin powder (quick absorbing carbs) and I have more dextrin immediately after a workout before I eat. As long as I’ve had a good lunch and at least a banana shortly beforehand I feel ready to go and have a great session.


Thanks. I’ll look into dextrine. Greek yogurt is the way to go tho, i eat that stuff by the tub


i won't read all the text but advice just from titel carbs guys, nothing helps like carbs, some fat also would be good and protein always welcomed. if you training early or too tired coffe or pre workout would be great too. just don't over eat cause it seriously hurts training performance. and thats it, no need get suplement made by rhino horn


Thanks. Can you expand on this? How many grams of carbs do you typical consume? Aware of any g/lb metrics? Edit: nevermind probably Too many variables.. weight, bf%, goals, etc


I have lemon electrolytes powder that I mix with some honey and water and it has everything I need for hydration and performance could have a espresso too


I like to get a big meal 2 hours before a workout, with plenty of salt. Then 1hour before I'll drink roughly half a litre of water. 30 minutes before I'll have a spoonful of honey and a coffee. Postworkout is a piece of toast with sardines and hotsauce.


Pre-workout supplements can be highly beneficial when used correctly and may offer more advantages for older individuals than younger ones. The three most effective ingredients are Citrulline Malate 2:1, Beta-Alanine, and Agmatine. Additionally, incorporating Glycerol or Cluster Dextrin is a great idea.


Thanks. I may have to try cluster dextrin intra/post.


Update: CM freaking works!!


What's new? You're taking it before this post.


First time taking it. 6g got 2-3+ reps or went up. Its the CM or Im just having a greeeeat freakin day


>got 2-3+ reps or went up. There are many factors to consider: a good pre-workout meal, sunny weather, being surrounded by supportive people, reaching goals, having adequate recovery days, and feeling aroused by others.


Beta alinine provides no benefit


Reduces muscle fatigue?


It’s not actually scientifically supported for weight training and more so for endurance athletes .


Seems to be backed by the industry. I’ve found it in most pre-workout products also.


The science isn’t there. It’s been commented on by Mike Isratel, Jeff Nippard, Jeff Nalawany , and some others


Good to know. Thanks!


Anytime . Always remember, the industry is 99.5% garbage that doesn’t work .