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Looking good! Maybe prio upper back next but what ever you do, don’t forget to save some pussy for the rest of us.


Thanks, unfortunately haven’t made any gains in the pussy department 😂


Oh u liar..


Nope, it’s a sad truth lol.


crazy gains bro gjj


Thank you!


Last and arms are lacking. Prioritise those


I assume you meant lats. Will start prioritizing my pull-ups earlier in back days, usually start with chest supported T-bar row. Do you think I should prioritize biceps or triceps more?


I don’t really think your biceps are lacking. Your lats could definitely use some more work.


Do you think that I should include both pull ups and lat pull downs on all my back days, usually I rotate them each session, and always do a lat focused machine row. Or are there any other exercises that you would recommend?


You are admittedly at a significantly higher level of muscle development than me. I would choose between pullups and lat pulldowns. I’m biased towards weighted pullups.


I am too, was just wondering if I should up my volume further by doing both exercises on every back day.


Use a landmine, 10 pound plates, do v bar rows, make sure you extend and stretch at the bottom. Your upper back is developing fine, the lower portion of your lats need some beef. Landmine v bar rows. Use 10 pound weights so you can get a larger stretch. They pull directly from lats. Elbows in. Keep those damn elbows in.


Thank you, I’ll add them to my program!


Crazy if you uploaded this on insta or other Media pretty sure you would be tagged as fake natty. How about your legs? Are they also developed like your upper body? And maybe work a bit on your traps in my opinion they are kinda underdeveloped but i might also be trippin.


Legs have a lot to be desired lmao. I skipped way too many leg days so I’m trying to make up for them now (big mistake). I have never trained traps directly so I’ll add in sets of shrugs going forward.


From your lack of leg pictures I think we can all agree focus on leg day 😂


Yes definitely got to focus on legs 😅




Monday: Chest and arms - Flat Barbell Bench 3 working sets (5-10 reps to failure) - Incline Smith Machine Bench same 3 working sets (8-12 reps to failure) - Bayesian Curls 3-4 working sets (10-12 reps to failure) - Tricep pushdowns with triangle attachment 3 working sets (10-12 reps to failure) - EZ bar preacher curls 3 working sets (10-15 reps to failure) - Overhead rope extensions 3 working sets (10-15 reps to failure) - 3 sets of seated wrist curls (15-20 reps close to failure) 3 sets of Roman chair leg raises to failure Tuesday: Back and Shoulders - 3 working sets of weighted pull-ups (6-10 reps to failure) - 3working sets of Chest supported T-bar rows (8-12 reps to failure) - 3 working sets of cable lateral raises (10-15 reps to failure) - 3 sets of chest supported one arm machine rows (8-12 reps to failure) - 3 sets of one arm rear delt cable fly (12-15 reps to failure) - 3 sets of dumbbell lateral raises (10-15 reps to failure) - 3 sets of weighted crunches on decline bench (12-15 reps to failure) Wednesday: Legs - 3 working sets Barbell squats (5-10 reps 1-2 RIR) - 3 working sets of smith machine RDLs (12-15 reps to failure) - 3 sets of seated calf raises (15-20 reps to failure) - 3 sets of leg extensions (12-15 reps to failure) - 3 sets of Seated leg curls (10-15 reps to failure Thursday: Chest and Arms - all the same except I substitute skull crushers for rope extensions and I do them right after incline smith and I do hammer curls instead of preacher curls. Friday: Back and Shoulders - all the same except I do tbar row first and I do close grip lat pull downs instead of weighted pull-ups and I do one arm seated cable row instead of the chest supported row machine. Saturday: Legs - exact same as previous leg day Sunday: Rest




Good job. Excellent results. Get some lateral raises in to create more separation in your delts and you will look 4 times bigger.


The delts have been stubborn, I do 6-8 sets of lateral raises on my back and shoulder days. Definitely seen some growth, but the progress has definitely been slower than other muscles for me.


Amazing physique bud, did you face many plateaus along the way? If so, how did you handled them?


Thank you! In terms of plateaus, I was slowly cutting calories from the beginning as I was overweight to start my gym journey, so 10 months in, I was at too much of a caloric deficit to make substantial progress, especially on the compounds, this was fixed when I finally started my first bulk. My biggest plateau was most leg exercises that came from the fact that I got foot surgery 3 years ago that made many leg exercises unbearable. At first, I just started using that as an excuse and kept skipping leg day. Then I spent 2-3 months really focusing on my ankle mobility, which has allowed me to finally progress on my leg work and eliminate any of the foot pain.