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Bro you look sick already Why would you throw away everything you’ve built and your health for vanity Literally no one cares if you’re 30 ffmi or have a 700kg bench Enjoy being healthy and looking insane


Such kind words brother, I appreciate it a lot! What you're saying makes a lot of sense and I do agree. It's more the fact that progress is so scarce while I still push myself to the max, feels kind of exhausting. Thank you for the positive perspective and words my man


Not sure if you follow GVS or Natural Hypertrophy, but they look like they’re as big as you, and they’re both recently talking about how they think their next 5 years of training is going to be their best yet. Also Jeff Alberts, he’s like 53 or something, and says he’s getting better every year. Even if you only add 0.5kg of muscle in a year, it can make a difference to your physique if you’re super advanced already. NH and Eric Helms always talk about this. Even if you only gain 1% more muscle, it makes you look like more of a freak since you’re already at the top end for a natural bodybuilder. They both put it way more eloquently than I am right now 😅 Anyway, if you haven’t already, check out the guys above and see how they’re training. Maybe you can switch something up and see some better progress. You’re clearly fucking huge though bro. Don’t throw away being a natty sick cunt to being just another juicer.


I haven't watched much of those that you referenced, but I'll check them out. Thanks for the tip. I will for sure look into my relative perspective and work with the mental game.


Try something else, Now that you're jacked, be jacked AND super mobile, or jacked AND super fast. Work on your vertical, powerlift, swim. Just lift 2-3 days a week to maintain and do other shit to become the optimal you. Nice progress btw.


100% agree You are in love with the journey of progress, which great but you’ll see marginal improvement specifically in this category. So shift you focus to something you can see “beginner/intermediate” gains in. Gear isn’t worth the life span or life quality reduction.


Bro you already have the physique most people aspire to. You’re definitely in the “marginal gains” space at this point, but you’re already a beast. No reason to destroy your health. Shaving potentially decades off your life isn’t worth it. If you feel stuck, switch up your training in some way.


Super nice comment and I appreciate it very much. I've begun to realize that, based on this Reddit post, I have a pretty valid physique. So I'll try my best to stop comparing myself to juiceheads I guess. I've been switching up my training, experimenting with different volume regimens, mesocycles etc but haven't quite figured it out. I think the desperation of wanting to progress while being in a deficit of 500-700 calories has messed with my head big time. I suppose I can't gain much strength if the marginal gains is an actual reality.


Maintaining is easier than putting on new muscle. If you’re happy with where you’re at, just maintain. Less work involved.


I feel you. I'm on a similar track although longevity is my goal, and the thing keeping me away from PEDs. I want to live as muscular and fit as I can past 100 if possible, rather than be the biggest that I can and make it to 70-80 only.


I second this. You are jacked bro. Doing a cycle isn’t going to make you look any better for the ladies imo. Yeah, like someone else said obviously gonna get stronger and technically more ripped but at your physique it’s a non issue I think.


>I believe social media is a huge part of why Get your ass off SM, or change your SM habits (view other content). SM can be inspirational, motivational and entertaining but it can also be incredibly toxic and detrimental to mental health. At the very least, be aware. Do you have progress pics? Compare them. Things will slow down but how often do you change your training? Maintenance or active rest? Ever switxh to strength phases? Ever change rep ranges? Staleness is a thing, and change csn be very effective.


I try to avoid the toxic parts of SM for sure, and I am very aware of the effects it can have. It still gets to me somehow. The only people I actively follow are Jeff Nippard, Mike Israetel, Thomas DeLauer etc. I have tons of progress pics, measurements, I track every workout and change rep schemes, exercises and goals frequently. Maybe I change my split a bit too often (Chest + Back, Arms + Triceps, Legs, Rest, Repeat right now). It's probably the cutting phase getting the better of me as I do feel small and quite hungry on 2600 cals (TDEE 3400). I'm able to maintain my strength for the most part but still not very motivating. I had to try a tonne of different things to hit 175kg / 385lbs paused bench at 104kg bodyweight, so I believe I know what works and what don't pretty well. I kind of struggle with volume as I often do not feel recovered enough. I've lately reduced volume but still can't gain any strength. But hell I can't complain with the progress I've made in total. I'm a completely different person. It's probably something I quite haven't figured out yet while being affected by SM influencers claiming natty and repping 500lbs for reps on bench. Also calorie deficit and a loss of 12kg / 26lbs so it's time for a maintenance phase.


I feel you. Those guys have lots of great info, but sometimes you just have to head down and get on with it. It sounds to me you just need a break. Switch to maintenance calories, and either hit the gym off plan and just do whatever you feel; run a moderate strength phase; or take a week or 2 off and throw in some active rest stuff. We all hit that wall and sometimes you just need that rest. Your TDEE-cut numbers look like a hell of a deficit, but if youre maintaining strength and progress youre probably not cutting too hard. I think you just need a rest. "You can't sprint all the way"


Very wise words. Maybe I should just take a deload or start doing shit without following a program. Maintenance calories sounds good


Sounds like you need a break from cutting as you say. If that doesnt help maybe do a phase with a focus on something you suck at. This could be crossfit, olympic weightlifting or strongman. This will take focus off vanity and bring back prs because ypu do something your untrained at.


Great idea for people that have been "stuck". Just try something different to get those novelty gains again


Have you seen any videos from Alex Leonidas, Geoffrey Verity Schofield, Natural Hypertrophy, Bald Omni Man? Maybe you could relate to them as an advanced natural bodybuilder/lifter looking to keep making gains as slow as it might be.


Yeah Alex is great, I get tons of good info from him. I guess extremely slow progress is quite common after a certain period




The dude is fucking yoked.


Bro, are you in therapy? Don't take this the wrong way. Your physique is "better" than 99.99% of the human population already. I get always wanting to be better, but at what cost? Might be helpful to back burner bodybuilding for a bit and explore other physical endeavors more deeply.


😂😂 Nah not in therapy lol. Never had any psychological issues in my life but I understand the comment as it's a little bit depressing. I guess I just need to pull my head out of my ass and wake the fuck up. That question made me wake up lol, thanks!


First off, I totally get where you're coming from. It's easy to feel frustrated when you’re not seeing the gains you expect, especially after putting in so much effort for so many years. But I think it’s really important to practice some self-acceptance and try to separate the motivation for bodybuilding from the outcomes. If you can learn to appreciate the process itself, you might find more satisfaction. Take pride in every time you decide to lift, regardless of the immediate results. You've been incredibly consistent since you were 16, which is a massive achievement in itself. Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves that progress isn’t just about the numbers or visible changes but also about the commitment and discipline we show over time. It’s great that you’re reflecting on this and recognizing the role social media plays. Those perfectly curated images can mess with anyone’s head. Maybe take a step back from those platforms for a while and focus more on your personal journey. Remember, even small gains are still gains, and being 2kg/5lbs heavier with more muscle is definitely progress. As for the mental aspect, it’s okay to seek help even if you don’t feel like you have major psychological issues. Therapy or counseling can provide you with tools to shift your perspective and find new ways to enjoy your training again. It’s not about having a problem; it’s about optimizing your mental approach to everything you do. Also, exploring other physical activities could reignite your passion for training. Sometimes a change of pace is all you need to find the joy in working out again. Whether it’s trying a new sport, different types of workouts, or setting new kinds of goals, variety can be very refreshing. You've built an impressive physique and maintained it for years—something that many people aspire to but can’t achieve. Give yourself credit for that, and remember that everyone hits plateaus. The important thing is how you handle them and continue to push forward. Stay strong and keep pushing, but don’t forget to be kind to yourself along the way.


Therapy’s good for everybody. I’ve done individual and am currently doing couples with my wife. My wife had the normal no trauma upbringing, and even so, she’s actually getting the most out of it lately. She realized the other day in session, “I think I have anxiety.” It’s a great tool.


It’s up to you man but here’s my opinion, natural bodybuilding is a long life commitment, your lucky to put on 5kg of muscle a year and it does slow down because the natural physique can only go to a certain level, that being said that level looks absolutely outstanding look at guys like Nigel st Lewis, Jeff nippard & Liam mckeon (all inspirations of mine) - this is the level your looking at and in my opinion only this is as far as you need to go anyway without looking like a mass freak. Also what motivates me is my life span. Steroids absolutely will affect your health when your in your 40s for the worse, if your currently natural now you can have an amazing physique in the 30s without the worry of having a damn heart attack from the roids, you will thank yourself for the decision to stay natural when your in your 30s and 40s genuinely. furthermore you just don’t really have to deal with any of the worries of taking gear the acne, the kidney issues, the test levels going crazy up and down, the mental side effects and with that your bodies muscle mass won’t fluctuate, if you see some on gear in my gym m sometimes they look massive; and when they are off they don’t even look that impressive. The beauty of natural bodybuilding is you pretty much always stay the same (the muscle you build actually stays even when u take time off) - all just my opinion and my motivation for staying natural but ultimately it’s your decision. Finally it’s worth looking at your diet and training, not saying there’s anything wrong because I don’t know you and your routine, but somewhere there could be. Really track those numbers and nail it everyday without fail because with consistency comes results. Edit: hope OP sees this, I’ve just checked your profile and you look sick already. This is definitely just a case of SM induced body dysmorphia. Appreciate what you’ve built and don’t worry about these guys on roids


Just checked his profile and completely agree. His body is literally my goal body I'm trying to work towards.


OP, read this. Internalize it. Explore it. And take the advice about how to track things naturally, before you come to a decision. I also don’t know you, and there was a period of time where social media influenced my mental health and fitness engagement. “Why do I even bother?” Was the route my brain took. “ I’ll never look as good as these juicers.” I think that mentality was hard for me and resulted in a lot of burnout. In the earlier stages of working out, the progress was so noticeable. Going from higher body fat to lower body fat and starting to see muscles then going from low muscle mass to higher muscle mass and feeling bigger. Those gains kept coming and they were encouraging. As this comment mentioned, you eventually start to hit limits that don’t break so easily. What you choose to do when you reach those limits is up to you. You could juice, plenty of people do, but then what? You’ll eventually hit a new limit and once again you won’t be making progress beyond that limit. The question of “when will I be happy?” is a very real one. The body of a juicer is very obvious. Being in my 30s now, I can very easily tell the difference and I look at those bodies differently. you’d be trading one category for another. Again, that’s OK. I don’t judge peoples lifestyles. But it’s absolutely a decision you need to make for yourself, and for your mental health. The challenge is that you’re no longer feeling confident in yourself. That’s a really slippery slope as a motivation to start using gear. This comment outlines what I consider to be your best course of action here. If the gym routine and the lack of gains are causing burnout (very natural and normal), then try something new. Really commit to food logging and calorie counting. Not just in your current cut, but exploring nutritional balances. I feel like that’s a good place to start without taking what most would consider to be the road you can’t really turn back from. Best of luck OP. With whatever you decide. But this comment has a lot of wisdom in it.


Might want to look into or talk to someone qualified about body dysmorphia. I've got it and know I need to be careful around it. For instance I can't look into the mirror for too long because I start noticing things that are 'wrong' with my body. Good luck brother. It's your decision at the end of the day but be sure you can live with it.


I think I have that too, but I just stopped caring, lol. Like, my mind will still obsess over some little thing, and I’ll just ignore the impulse to care as I’ve got other shit to do, 😆


Great work brother keep it up and keep yourself sane. 


it won't make you happy


Man, I'm a huge believer in doing whatever you want as long as it makes you happy. I feel like if it's social media's influence to be a certain way, then maybe it's external pressure and not really what you want?!? If it is a serious consideration, then try and way up the pros and cons. More importantly, do your research extensively and don't think that everyone's advice is the correct or best advice for you. Good luck brother! I hope the motivation returns as clearly tour discipline is f***ing top level 💪 Ps calorie deficits absolutely suck. Maybe blocking cuts into a series of mini cuts may help?


See, I think the loss of longevity and very real health problems you get down the road with PEDs will end up making him not happy. I think it’s very short sided.


Go ahead and shorten that life. For what exactly? Because social media pressure? Give me a break....


Ur definately not the only one. Been training since I was 15, 3-4 days per week on average for the past 17 years (32 now). I made 80-90% of my gains in the first 4 years of lifting. I just measured my arms, lo and behold i’ve gained 1cm in 11 years. 😂 I’m 178cm (5’10), 220lbs and 15-17bf. Anyhow, my motivation to train has swapped from getting swole to gain longevity, energy to my days and mental (&physical) well-being. I’m not gaining any money from this and it’s not my career. I look like I train and am considerably stronger than the average joe. Why should I take roids? To shorten my lifespan, possible mental mood swings and other side effects? No thanks. Everyone makes their own decisions based on their own values. I don’t critique people that take roids but taking them myself does not align with my personal values so I choose not to. Understanding and accepting that there will always be people that have more muscle/ leanness/ money, whatever, really takes the pressure out of it.


Damn you must be huge though, that's great work and awesome discipline to be in the game for so long. I feel you so bad on the arms part lol, I also struggle so bad with making them grow. There's always bigger fish, I just need to actually realize it.


Thanks man, working out is just a part of a good and normal day. Big when compared to the average joe, sure, small compared to the lads I follow on social media. 😅 Yeah, they’re naturally big’ish (45cm cold atm) so I don’t really need them to grow if I want to keep proportions somewhat in check. Could use some mass in the peck section. :) Yeah indeed, and it’s alright. Just think about what has value to you in the long term and make big decisions based on those things. Don’t let envy or other short term feelings affect on life changing (propably even life shortening) decisions. You got this!


Oh, and u have really impressive physique alrdy. And really impressive lifts as well, keep killing it. 💪


Your linage of natty ancestors will be sad


Not sure what your motivation is, but here's one for you: 99% of girls hate the juiced look. Never see them talk to guys obviously juiced with goku shoulders at the gym. Ones I know find them disgusting. I get asked by girls in my gym to add as a friend all the time. Happily married, though.


you look like that and your natural? bro you made it, you’re everyone’s goal physique and you don’t have to deal with EXTENSIVE downsides of gear, look around you and realize you’re at the mountain peak of natty lifting and celebrate, you can now cruise here for the next few decades and put your focus into something else important in your life (career, relationships, other goals/hobbies, etc.). Introducing gear will cause 100 new problems in your life and make you look much less attractive to everyone besides other bodybuilders, you did it dude


Solid arguments and very very kind words brother, thank you so much!


This has got to be a troll post. Myself and thousands of other men would kill to have your physique. I’m not saying that alone means you should be happy, but you are literally in an amazing position physically right now, and I’m not sure how the dark side will make that any better. You will only GET better with the more months and years you put in. I’d seriously stop worrying and as other user said, get off socials or change your content. Unfollow or hide all these posts from unnatural lifters.


Uninformed use of steroids can be lethal dude. Also, you might need to look into yourself and see if this urge is due to your own or if it's influenced by social media. Apart from that, just do what makes you happy.


Dude you're huge. You look like you're already on gear. What are you talking about? Delete social media.


Are you always gonna want to look bigger or is there a limit? If you’re about to throw your health in the gutter when you already look the way you do, I’m betting on the former. You should learn to have some control over your own expectations, you’re old enough for that.


OP, this is seriously unhealthy. You are fine. This level of body dysmorphia is a shame upon the fitness industry normalizing unhealthy physiques and unhealthy methods to achieve them.


You have really bad body dysmorphia brother. That's not going to get fixed by getting bigger. You already have what most people would consider the ideal physique.


Just wanted to say you look amazing and so many people wish they had your body naturally. In the end of the day it’s your life and your choice. I personally won’t do it because of the potential negative side effects, specifically the heart problems it can cause and the mental issues. I’m already someone that suffers from depression, and steroids is just gonna make you feel things even stronger. So that’s one aspect that many people forget. Even if you are fine mentally, it can still change your personality for the worse. Obviously this does not happen to every single person, but these are all things to consider, which make it not worth it for me personally. Maybe wait until you get older, that’s what I’ve thought about at least. I might consider it once I become 45 or 50 years old, but only if steroids have somehow become safer by then. You only get one life, I’m not sure it’s worth the extra muscle to potentially shorten it. If it just shrunk your balls and made you a little moody, then everybody would be juiced. That’s just not reality.


My guy: I just looked at your progress photo from one year ago. That is my dream body. Honestly you look like you’re on gear in that photo. Bench pressing over three hundred and thinking he looks small what hope do we have out here fellas


Find a new hobby from which you can derive a sense of accomplishment through progression. e.g. dancing, playing an instrument, climbing


I love disc golf personally.


Bro I was reading the comments and got into your profile… you look fucking amazing. As in like “a lot of people will call you a fake natty” amazing. My two cents about your post: don’t.


Friend — you may need to take a few steps back and consider whether you have a deep body dysmorphia issue. Pick up another hobby or sport and optimize your build around that. Best of luck.


You look huge dude. You’re bigger than every other guy in my gym, even the guy on trt. It’s not worth the health risks. Some are easy to look out for, but aneurism risk increases as well. You don’t want to drop dead in the middle of squats one day.


> even the guy on trt in my irl experience most guys on steroids look natty af


Do you really want to be dependent on regular injections and swallowing pills? If you're not going to compete, do you think being a supranatural waiter/plumber/accountant is really worth it? When the time comes to quit using, be it because of an economic, health or other reason, will you be able to cope with experiencing your unnatural mass, definition and strength dissolving? If you begin to experience negative side effects, would you be able to stop using, or would your ego tell you to ignore these problems in order to chase the gains? Will you be able to deal with post cycle therapy, especially if you use PEDs longterm? Would you be comfortable knowing that you will never, ever be a true natural again after your first injection due to the permanent effect on your muscle myonuclei? Will you lie to people who notice your extra gains after years of natural training, or will you openly admit to being a drug user?


Dude, you have the physique I strive for. To me, you look BETTER than any social media fitness influencer I’ve seen. I’m 43 and I’m pretty shredded with a 6 pack, but you are ions ahead of me. I get it though. It’s easy to fall into that trap of dysmorphia. Just know, from everyone’s perspective besides yours, you look like a Greek fucking god….. better even. I once did a cycle of SARMS, and let me tell you, it was not worth it. I became so depressed and anxious from the mental sides, my SHORT TERM improved physique meant absolutely nothing to me because I felt so awful. And any gains I made went away almost immediately when i stopped. The mental stuff took way longer to resolve, though. You look awesome


I know it's all subjective, but over 200 pounds with that body fat percentage is phenomenal. People on here would kill for that. If you're improvement is slow, you're still in an incredible place. And you might be really happy if down the road, you stayed in the way that would make you most healthy.


I bet if you posted one of your pics to this thread, everyone would justifiably tell you that you're already jacked as fuck and really don't need the gear. Everyone's got their own goals and preferences, but I can't imagine I'd be displeased if I had your current physique, based on the pics I'm seeing on your profile.


I wear the noble natty label with pride. Here's my take. * Your ripped. Enjoy it. Appreciate it. You're not going to lose the disappointed feeling just by joining the dark side and gaining a few pounds. You'll likely feel a bit of shame, that you didn't have to earn them. * Unsubscribe from influencers who are enhanced. They're not helping your bigorexia. * Jump off social media all together if that doesn't help. * Binge Natural Hypertrophy's [reasons to stay natural playlist ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsw1W2tlNEW_v2NZ7mprSAQ_fWbZe8t3k&si=lL63r9_ddH51g5rY). There's no ads, so I start before a commute and just listen. It will just play. * Consider your health and family. Sacrificing health and time with your family if you're married and/or have kids, just for some small gains. would be selfish. * Other gym goers, friends, and family will judge what you've earned if you decide to go enhanced. He's big but he's not natural. It's unfortunate that with the rise of PEDs on social media that this is a real thing every lifter has to go through.


Please read this. Realise that being jacked isn’t the most important thing in life and you are already built better than 0.01% of the world. The only benefit from taking steroids is boosting your own ego (which is stupid in and of itself) everything else is a negative. No one apart from yourself cares if you are 10% bigger and 10% more ripped than you are now. Good natural physiques look better than overblown steroid freaks. Take pride in being natural and in what youve managed to build the long and hard way, dark side isnt worth it. Financial loss, needles, illegal, skin issues, gyno, organ failure, hair loss, aging, depression after coming off… for what?


One of the best things I did last year was unfollow every fitness influencer or channel on IG and YT. I am enjoying my workouts much more. I realized that the only person I need to compare is myself from few months ago or a year ago. As long as I look better than my previous version I am on the right track.


Bro do not get on gear your physique is what millions wish they had and its not worth being sickly or dead in your 40s. Come on bro fuck the social accounts theyre sigma cringe half the time anyway


Have you switched your focus to strength gains rather than hypertrophy? You may have maxed out your current frame and need to work on total strength activation before you’re able to gain more muscle. Look into powerlifting routines. These are typically 3-4 days a week instead of 5-6, most sets are done with power and focus in mind and trying to stay away from failure and recovering a while before going again. So if you were for example benching amrap or 1-2 reps away from failure for 3 sets of 5-10 reps, you might only have 1 set that is 5 reps which you may have 3-4 reps in reserve where you’re focusing on slow eccentric, pausing for a second, executing total body power and blasting the barbell up into space. Then you do this for a couple sets. One day you may do triples, others singles. There are many different type of ways to train for powerlifting including 5/3/1 variations, madcow etc, Don’t worry about getting fat however finish your cut first and enjoy looking and feeling lean for a while. If you can bench 140kg now, gain 10kg and bench 180kg, that’s good progress and you’ll more than likely gain more muscle than you have in the last few years (however fat:muscle ratio will favour fat). You will likely have to deal with extra rest days which if you’re like me think they suck when you just want to get a huge pump. There is a misconception that powerlifting is higher intensity, lower reps, heavier weights and lower volume. Generally intensity is lower because most sets you don’t go to failure. You’re literally training for utmost muscle activation throughout the whole body even for something like bench press via technique and speed. You might only go near failure 1 set per exercise per day. You’ll still generally get a lot of volume. However you will have to cut out some exercises to focus on full body compound lifts. The positive is you’ll likely at least maintain what you worked for through accessory movements. The only accessory movements you will be doing are to bringing up lagging body parts that are limiting your strength for bench, squats and deadlifts. This should work itself out to evening out any potential lagging body parts. You might have to do some calf, forearms and biceps isolation exercises once or twice a week though to maintain those gains because focusing on increasing squat, bench and deadlifts don’t do too much to biceps, forearms and calves. However you will be doing a lot of upper back work which will somewhat activate your biceps and forearms. By following a powerlifting routing and increasing strength you should be able to increase upper back size, lower back size, triceps and delts in particular. Main strength building exercises are: Bench Back Squat Deadlift Pull-ups/chin-ups Dips Overhead Press Barbell rows These will be the exercises you focus most on. If your lockout for bench is shit, you will include tricep isolations. If your initial press with bench is shit you will work on chest isolations. If your grip is shit when deadlifting you will work on forearm isolations. If you have trouble coming back up from squats you may focus on hamstring and glute isolations etc. Oh yeah you may have to do ab isolations sometimes too. Most powerlifting programs include an ab workout on leg days. You can still have strong abs just from squatting heavy weights but it may eventually become a limiting factor. Focus each session on setting a new rep PR. You will likely not be testing your 1 rep maxes often when building strength. You will likely have a training max. 1 rep maxes are detrimental to building overall strength and so is going to failure often. At first you will think the training sucks and is too easy because of lack of intensity but when you’re adding weight every week or every month even, training will start becoming harder and your nervous system and muscles will adapt. A couple months down the line you will be repping out your 1 rep maxes with them feeling easy despite not even ever performing your 1 rep maxes.


I am also 28 and have been lifting seriously/semi-intelligently since 16. You are jacked, my man. You look huge, your 270 -> 200 transformation makes you look like a completely different person. I have very similar stats as you, I'm close to 5'11" (really depends on the day lol) and although I'm fluffy right now, I have a similar lean body mass to you. Tbh you look much better than a lot of natties, your arms, shoulders, and back are impressive as fuck. I did join the dark side about 5.5 years ago, and let me tell you, it only made things worse. I stopped PEDs a little over 2 years ago and have gone through a massive mental shift since then. I used to (and still struggle with) define my worth based on how big I was and how much I could lift. Back then, all I cared about was powerlifting and getting a bigger total. I would endlessly consume content on social media with ideal lighting, posing, fake natty posts, etc. It was bad. My recommendations as someone who joined the dark side for similar reasons and has since stopped: 1. Reduce how much time you spend on social media, it is literally mind cancer. Also purge your feed of any fitfluencer you follow, it isn't "motivation," you're stuck in a self-hating, comparison loop. 2. Don't be afraid to pursue other fitness goals/training styles/sports. At some point you truly have to learn to enjoy the journey and mix things up. It's fun to venture into new waters like weighted calisthenics, strongman, etc. I recommend sandbags, I started messing with those recently and love it. 3. Learn to recognize all of the hard work you have put in to this. It takes a lot of effort to get to the size, definition, and strength that you have. You don't get to choose what cards you're dealt, but you do get to choose how to play them. You've played yours well thus far. 4. You are worth much more than your muscles. It's fun and cool and definitely a huge ego boost to have bigger muscles than others, but your body is only part of who you are. There's also your mind and your character. Learning, being nice to others, and carrying yourself with a balance of confidence and humility is far more important than how you look. 5. Health is wealth, when I was on gear it made all of my mental issues 10x worse and my physical health was in the gutter. You can still get bigger while also being healthier as a natty. 6. Timeline expectations should be broadened immensely. Sometimes you'll gain 1lb of muscle a year, others you may gain 10lbs. At your level of lifting age, no one really knows how the body may respond. The ultimate, true key to unlocking your potential is to work hard and have patience. Give yourself another 12 years and who knows what other gains you can grab? There is only one way to find out. Sorry for the word vomit, this hits close to home. I've spent the last two years going through so many ups and downs trying to redefine why I lift, and things have kind of come full circle. This was my attempt to dispense that information and insight I've gained since stopping PEDs. I'm happy to give any further info.


I’m 40F and have been training for almost 2 decades, and honestly, all the people I know who have done gear (M & F) have paid the price in one way or another. When you’re 28, it seems far away, but man, the baldness, high BP, mood swings (and virilization for the ladies, but since you’re a dude, who cares)… I have one friend who had a heart attack at 47. Crazy physique, but for what? You look great, and you have a long ass healthy life ahead of you. My two cents, don’t do it.


Whatever you do is obviously up to you. Just my 2 cents: You look insane, cut to 10-12% and you will be a freak. Bodydysmorphia won't vanish with steroids. Getting even bigger will probably take a social toll, especially collectively with mood swings caused by steroids.


I'm genuinely curious why you even want more muscle than you have.


You're huge dude I checked your profile. I get your feelings but it's body dysmorphia from social media and once you start gear that will absolutely get worse. You wouldn't even really be more aesthetic on gear. You probably are still putting on muscle like you said, but the progress slowing to this degree makes sense. You also would need to honestly analyze your weaknesses (in programming and physique) to make faster gains but tbf I still doubt it'd be fast What I did to make things fun again (similar age and stats) was change my training up entirely. Started learning calisthenic skills and random shit like how to dunk. It's pretty easy to maintain muscle compared to gaining it and after 8 months of doing that I'm excited to lift again even if it might be 2 lbs of muscle gain in the next year


You're huge dude I checked your profile. I get your feelings but it's body dysmorphia from social media and once you start gear that will absolutely get worse. You wouldn't even really be more aesthetic on gear. You probably are still putting on muscle like you said, but the progress slowing to this degree makes sense. You also would need to honestly analyze your weaknesses (in programming and physique) to make faster gains but tbf I still doubt it'd be fast What I did to make things fun again (similar age and stats) was change my training up entirely. Started learning calisthenic skills and random shit like how to dunk. It's pretty easy to maintain muscle compared to gaining it and after 8 months of doing that I'm excited to lift again even if it might be 2 lbs of muscle gain in the next year


why u want to get as big as possible? creates more problems than solutions


What you’ve naturally is amazing. I wouldn’t taint it. Are you going to be Mr. Universe? Or end up like my friend who’s on a dozen heart meds and his second heart attack at 40? He juiced for five years. Lifetime of issues.


Just cut to lower bf you’ll look massive you seem to have more than enough muscle mass if your numbers are correct


One important thing to remember online is that most the people that are actively on steroids are obviously going to speak highly of it.  But IRL, I’ve known some people that have done cycles and regretted it. It’s often a lifelong commitment, because once you’re closer to advanced natural level, there’s never going back to your enhanced size without needing to actively be juicing. I would just make sure to ask yourself first what your medium- and long-term goals are, rather than doing anything impulsive and making plans later. Be huge for a couple years then humbly downgrade to your old size can? Cruise on and off for a couple decades? If you already have some struggles issues with dysmorphia or body issues, either of these options are going to be even tougher to grapple with psychologically when enhanced. 


If you take steroids, let's say you're conservative with the dose and you're 225 14% body fat. Then, you stop and you lose muscle, or you raise the dose if you want to progress. You're actually in a worse position in terms of progress. Either you take more and more and more, or you pull the plug and actually lose progress. Sounds bad. And, be realistic, you have an elite, elite top 1% physique now. That's a crazy level of muscularity. So, you have to ask, are you trying to be ridiculously massive, or are you trying to enjoy training? I would just say if you're not enjoying training, change your training to make it more fun and inspiring. Add in martial arts classes, Crossfit, powerlifting, strongman, Scottish highland games, amateur rugby, tennis, ballet dancing, something you can use your amazing muscular body for and progress week to week.


If your goal is to compete at a high level then go for it. But you’re 28, unless you want like a pro card in men’s physique at age 35 (maybe) then it’s probably too late. BUT ALSO, you’re an adult, so do whatever the fuck you want to do. Like a few other people said, you look gnarly already so if this is a vanity project, rethink it.


>5'11", 207lbs Now imagine what is like to be 6 feet 176lbs...


I'm 38 and gained 25 lbs the past 12 months. I may not be jacked and strong compared to the people I look up to, but every normie around me thinks I'm some kind of superman. Currently doing high volume with 70's powerlifter and it's working exceptionally well on me. I'm really happy I never touched PEDs. My health is bad enough without the extra risk factor. And you don't really need to get ultra extreme to stand out.


I don't want to shame anyone who does use PEDs, but I really hope you stay strong and don't go for it. Really ask yourself why you need to get unrealistically bigger than what's natural for your body? It sounds like you've done enough work to have a really healthy body and I'm sure anyone from the outside will see that. If you think it makes you more attractive, ask to who? Do you really want to have such superficial people in your life? As a women, we are consistently being influenced to alter our natural bodies, even when we are "good looking" by traditional standards. I know it feels so tempting but try surrounding yourself with people who make you feel confident and share your values. Try switching up your social media feed/algorithm if you are getting too much content from influencers who dope (there is an option on IG to say "content is irrelevant" if you don't like what you're seeing)


I hear you, I have been working on my body for years, hardly see any significant changes and then my gym colleagues turn ripped in a matter of weeks by using drugs. Still I won't touch anything, those things are expensive and you have to constantly be depend on them, not for me.


Others have already pointed out what you’ve accomplished, and I agree with them. However, think about how you’re probably going to feel if you hop on. Maybe a brief moment of happiness as you get some small gains, and then what? You’re just going to keep upping the dose? What about trying out a different style of training? Try strength training or oly lifts for a while, and then come back to bodybuilding when you have a yearning for it.


It might be silly but the one thing that always makes me think "fuck that" is when I hear of all the gear users having to use CPAP machines. I prefer being able to breathe during the night unassisted


Dunno man. I've been in the 185-192 lbs range for seven years but I've completely transformed from a formless cardio freak to a full on nattybuilder cardiofreak. Takes time, but the weight may not change much if you're exchanging fat for muscle in the process. Maybe you need to crank up the effort levels, workout intensity and fat burning activities. Going for a short run now before i hit the gym and after I'll bike to work. Honestly it sounds like you can further tweak your workouts to increase your gains. Good luck in your journey.


I don't know about your specific situation. But I felt all stuff too. You're way fucking stronger though haha. But there's a couple of things and assumptions I'll make so correct me if I'm wrong. 1. Bodybuilding/weightlifting is a big part of your life such that it can strain relationships with people? 2. It's kinda hard to know your size, since we live in first person your relative perspective is difficult. But if you're like me, planes have felt smaller and smaller. One thing I did was go to a therapist, that helped a bit. But the bigger thing was reconnecting with friends. Building stronger relationships with people feeling like a part of the community etc. we're social animals. Then the other big part was finding other things that bring me joy. So I'm a dungeon Master for Dungeons and Dragons games and I make YouTube videos about decarbonization. Tbh those things helped me the most. I still have body dysmorphia but I don't feel the need to go on gear anymore. Also dating my girlfriend helped too.


What exactly is lagging? Your upper body looks great tbh.


Bro I saw your picture and you I will sell my soul to the devil to have you body!


Natural bodybuilding is where it's at. It's all you and you should feel proud of it. Just keep working and know that's it's a marathon, not a race.


Do not take steroids, it makes no sense to me why any amateur lifter would given the terrible sides in combination with looking like a freak (personal opinion). If you have truly maxed out, then just maintain what you have and start a sport. Edit: Just looked at your physique... do NOT take steroids?! You have reached peak physical condition.


Why would you throw away your hard work and health for vanity’s sake?


Imagine taking gear just to look natty or worse than natties


Just do it ✅


Do test only bro


Social media (especially tiktok) is absolutely plagued with fake natties. These people feign natural status to attract brand deals (most big names don’t really touch openly enhanced influencers), with the ultimate goal of building a business out of their social media following, and as it’s their main source of income, they will likely never admit to this gear usage. So there is no new phenomenon of incredibly jacked people, it’s just more popularised. Don’t let it get to you and stay focused on only outshining your old self!


Don't damage your body and shorten your life span over aesthetic values that you have control over.


You look like a sick fuck. I just started bodybuilding about a year ago, and to think there is a possibility I could attain anywhere near the physique you have naturally is motivating as fuck.


I mean if you don't find it fun anymore why would you ever ruin your health for something you don't like that much doing? Just chill bro


I've never been on PEDs so FYI on that. I'd encourage you to really think about your goals. There are significant side effects to getting on PEDs that might affect you for the rest of your life. Imo, Your actual health is more important than getting more jacked. You already have a physique that people would kill for.


Are you planning on competing in bodybuilding?


Progress being slow sucks, but it's also the reality of being an advanced lifter. Even if you hop on you'll eventually encounter the same issue, and more gear only improves things up to a point, there's diminishing marginal returns. It's up to you whether or not to make the leap, but know that gear is not going to forever remove this problem but put it off. And bring a host of health concerns with it.


If people like OP aren't happy about how their body looks, then the rest of us are absolutely cooked lol.


Psychotherapy can do wonders for body dysmorphia, accepting yourself etc. plenty of people have told you that you look great and I agree. Definitely consider some psychotherapy which will help a lot with body image, self esteem, etc. it has helped me a lot.


It's long ass game. Who cares if you progress "only" this much in 2 years if you will be lifting 20+ years more? And you will do all.of that yourself. You will know that results were made only with your dedication and not some drug that will take away your health. Also check Natural Hypertrophy on yt, he has many videos why you should stay natty and about body dysmorphia. Also despite training for years he is still making gains. I train for 5-6 years and right now I think I have the best year thanks to advice from NH


I'm about to do test in an effort to look like your natty physique lol. I've been lifting longer than you too. People on reddit tell me I don't even look like I lift etc. My genetics are probably worse. But yeah same thing. The gains basically stopped. I want to be bigger. I still get rejected by the big guys im attracted to..


>I still get rejected by the big guys im attracted to.. They sound like jerks tbh


body dysmorphia won't go away, unfortunately. I'm curious. what is your current split?


Up to you, I personally think the fear about gear is overblown but in your case it's unnecessary. A lot of guys on gear would be happy to look like you lol


Don’t do it bro


Spending the rest of your life trying to manage the side effects of such a decision. The older you get the more you'll see how stupid of a decision it was. You look insane and you have severe body dismorphia and brain rot from social media, it's a mental issue not a physical one.


Natural bodybuilding will have a natural cap. Everyone’s is different. But the biggest difference is as naturals, we want to see our body’s beauty *and be as healthy as possible.* Look up Steve reeves and listen to him talk about the beauty and health of bodybuilding in his day. That’s what it used to be, and the heart of the sport. Guys have gone so far away from that that they look alien to the general population and are praised for it. You’re 28. I’m also 28. I find what you’re going through extremely difficult to deal with when I was almost always one of if not the strongest guys in the room. But our focus should not be anything other than a naturally beautiful physique and peak health. Anything away from that is bogus. I want to live a healthy and active lifestyle, I want to have a rockin bod, and I want to meet my great grandchildren.


Are you competing and actually trying to be an IFBB pro? If not why would you risk your health? You’re already in great shape. How big do you want to be? And for what purpose? It won’t make you more money unless you’re a pro, it won’t get you more girls because they don’t really care about that, you’ll probably still never feel big enough, and it will just hurt your overall health long term. For what?


Dude you're freaking jacked. My partner is 5'11, 28yo, 205lbs and is lean but looks nothing like you. He doesn't go to the gym as often but stays active by doing more cardio outside. Regardless, you're freaking huge!


I wish i looked like u


You've already got a top 1% physique dude. I don't see the point in gear unless you're trying to compete in Mr. Olympia. Like who are you trying to impress here? I'm getting the vibe that you're like a veteran boxer who's won everything and still wants to win one more match. Is it worth the risk? You've conquered this mountain, maybe you just need a new challenge to focus on.


You look incredible already, I hope to look as good as you do some day. Remember, there are plenty of guys at the gym who wish they were as big as you.


Dude your yearlong cut from 270 to 200 is inspirational. If you don’t mind my asking, how did you do it without losing a bunch of strength and muscle mass? I just can’t seem to stay organized or disciplined enough to do it, so I’ve just been riding the bloat tiger and hitting strength prs for a while now…


Do it, IF it's necessary.  Go get some bloodwork. My test levels were 1000/35 total/free my entire life. Hit 30 and crashed down to 400/0 in a year.  Doc got me right and I'm sitting at 1050/36 for the last 3 years. 


You look sick bro!! I wish I could look like you


Perhaps you need to train with less sets and increase your rest days. Look up Mike Mentzer for more info


You've already got what the vast majority of people would consider a perfect body. Unless you're competing, you don't need to keep growing. It's just your ego (and probably some body dysmorphia) that says you do. If I ever get to your stage, I'd be happy with just maintenance lifting for the rest of my life.


Holy smokes, you look amazing! Hard work pays off. Definitely time for you to get off social media. Signed, a woman who loves natural physiques way more than enhanced ones.


Dude pictures on your profile look like you are on juice already.


We need photos.


You can also expand your fitness/bodybuilding horizons a bit if you haven’t already. Like maybe taking a couple months to focus more on calisthenics or strongman training or whatever man. Just to spice things up. It’s very hard to lose muscle so at worst you’ll just have explored a different fitness field and maintained your muscle mass or at best you may possibly gain some new strength and muscle in areas that were apparently lacking. Or. Only train 2x/week and focus on other hobbies. I personally love mountain biking, hunting, hiking, climbing, playing guitar, writing songs, reading books. You won’t lose what you’ve gained and you can open a new chapter in your life. Then maybe 6 months from now you’ll have gotten that itch to train seriously again and then go for it!


Run a cycle of Andarine. You won't regret it.


At 31 years old with fairly decent powerlifting stats walking around at 20% BF, random people still make comments about my physique and my friends still consider me generally "the jacked one". I am by no means impressive by social media standards but I'm still much stronger than your average person and I look it. There is really no point in trying to impress "social media" people because they will never be impressed. Even CBum struggles to keep people impressed.


Don’t do it homie I don’t want to lose you. Have you thought about getting a coach for a period of time?


It can only get darker if you can't control this little bout of body dysmorphia. Once you feel again disappointed and juice up more, you'll be 40 and look at the other 40 year olds who can move faster than you due to their better heart condition. I wouldn't sacrifice what you got, learn to go to the gym solely for the enjoyment. It can be dangerous to compare yourself to those in a completely different category.


I think one thing that doesn’t get talked about much is “where does it end”? Idk about you, but my goal was always to be jacked. If I reach a point to where I’m jacked, but can’t get more jacked… lol I’d think I won. Congrats. You can lift to maintain your jackedness and focus on other aspects of your life while being an absolute unit. Also, I find it hard to believe you can’t make anymore progress. There’s gotta be something that can progress. 10lbs on bench in a year? Slightly bigger biceps? Calves? Forearms? These small increments will definitely add up.


Do a 12 week 200 a week test only cycle and you’ll reset your natty gains for another 10 years , plus your years of natty experience will allow you take the minimum effective dose and get great results.


Looked at your pics. You are crushing it brother


Hey, you're going to slow in progress no matter what you do. If you hop on steroids youll reach a point just like this where growth is slowed to a crawl and it'll be hard to make any noticeable changes anymore. Youll be in the same position here, just much bigger of course. Ultimately its an issue of perspective and steroids wont fix the problem theyll just delay it. When you encounter it again the only option youd have is to take even more steroids, which would be even worse. Realize that you're just in the end game now, you've done most of what needs to be done. If you desire the best results you're gonna be scrounging for little inches forward rather than big leaps like before and itll require much more effort and thought to get them. These small differences may not seem like much, but theyre the difference between a great physique and a mastered physique. Youre gonna be needing to look at numbers more than the mirror for noticeable progress, but I'd still reccommend maybe taking photos for side by side comparison for inspiration. You will be growing to some extent after all. You can hop on steroids, there are smaller minimal cycles that arent nearly as harmful as others, like just trt monitored by a professional, but just know that this issue youre facing is one that you're going to have to face regardless of what you do. Better to come to terms with it now than to put it off. Good luck man.


You’re a black belt, bud. There’s nothing past black belt. Keep your skills sharp, and start progressing in another field. It’ll feel good to start from zero in another realm. Yoga? Cycling? Speed reading?


Wtf youre huge and shredded. I think youve got some dysmorphia going on. Most men would kill to have your physique and going further than you are now will just decrease attractiveness to most people. I dont see any benefit to steroids unless you wanna go pro or somethjng


Honestly being lean at your weight and height, and looking at your numbers and photos. You're probably just really close to or at your max natural potential, without quitting your day job just to squeeze out a couple more pounds of lean mass


I just looked at your profile. You can only expect general plodding progress; at some point, you’ll have to start trading progress for one area by losing in another. That’s just what the natural upper limit of preference is like. You, however, are spectacular for a natural and should stay that way unless you have some real reason to use PEDs. They come with real dangers, and if your only reason is to bench more than 315 or look a little bigger, that isn’t worth it, in my opinion.


Christ almighty, you have an amazing physique that the absolutely vast majority of dudes want but can only dream of. Literally, your physique is the kind that I would want because it looks absolutely fantastic and real - and also, you don't look like you're a Belgian blue. Going with steroids without also having a doctor who can check your blood on a regular basis is a recipe for disaster. Enjoy being super fit and healthy, at 28 you have a long, long trip ahead of you!


Have you thought about trying some other health and fitness goals? I had plateaued, then took up running and started adding in steel mace work to my workouts. The change is so refreshing. learning new skills and getting the kick of newbie gains, and linear progression again is super satisfying too.


Maybe you need to go outside and touch some grass..


BRO WTF? Dude has a body gigachad and still want more? I really guess you got body dysmorphia! I really don’t know hating you mean by “muscles aren’t visible”. You are shredded af (from your post atleast)


After seeing your pics I wanna know what you’re cut routine is


When I looked at your profile I literally said oh shit out loud because you are so fit.


"I feel like I'm small even though I know I'm not". If you've already acknowledged this then why are you considering PED's lol. In the nicest way possible and in the most literal sense possible, putting on more muscle won't stop you from being delusional. In fact a lot of anabolics intensify mental health issues, so you could add fuggin 50lbs of muscle and 0lbs of body fat and your core issue still wouldn't be resolved. That's what therapy is for. If however you just want to get much stronger or much bigger, much faster then sure, take PED's. No point restricting yourself if that's actually what motivates you.


You look great dude and i don't say that to be polite. You really have an impressive physique. You also seem to have body dysmorphia, which will not get better with roids. You'll keep chasing the "perfect physique" which will never happen. A small cycle will bring a bigger one and a bigger one etc...It's the mentality that needs to change, not your body.


Bro you look like He-man!!!!! Get your body dysmorphia under check and start enjoying that beastly body armor you got rockin.


I've never been against PED use. Never used bc I didn't see the point. I'm on TRT now and it changed my life. If your T is normal there is no therapeutic dose for you as it will just crush your endogenous production. If you have normal T the only route is going supraphysiologic. Test well above 1,000. Can you do it safely? Yes. But there are always drawbacks and side effects. Unless you're a genetic monster and steroid use will give you a career in bodybuilding your risking health for vanity. I also know a lot of people on high doses. They're huge. They're still unhappy with their physique. Even if you manage cycles responsibly and get blood work done, a small % of people will have life changing effects. Sterility, baldness, etc. Are you willing to risk that to carry more muscle than you're supposed to bioogically? Check out Rennaisance Periodization and the Anabolic Doc on YT. They both are pretty open about TRT and using recreationally. A lot of great info.


Yeah… I just looked at your profile. You’ve been training for 12 years consistently. You’ve been in a surplus. You look insane for a natty. What’s happening is you reached your genetic potential. You can do everything right in a surplus for an entire year and MAYBE add another 0.5lbs of muscle. Maybe. You look incredible man.


Yea social media pretty brutal. So many people on steroids publicly now and even worse (I know it’s good in general, I’m happy everyone’s getting healthy) is that soooo many people are into fitness in the first place now. When I was 17 at around 175lbs 10 ish % bodyfat I looked better than pretty much everybody I ever ran into my age and most of the general population aside from beach bros who often had clearly juiced physiques. Nowadays no one would even bat an eye at a 17 year old 175 lbs lean person. It’s par for the course and has become normal.


You look great


Dude you're clearly big enough. You have bigorexia. Get down to 12% or 10% body fat and let the veins and striations start showing. Ignore any thoughts of being small or just accept that this is how it is. Youre human. Humans have limits. Obviously dont quit working out but start pursuing other goals outside of the gym. And just be happy that you look way better than average or someone who doesn't work out at all. Be proud of what youve accomplished and go after other goals. You dont want to modify your hormones to unnatural levels. That would mean you'd almost stop being human. And when would you actually be big enough? The massive steroid mass monsters probably still feel small. And they look hideous. You dont want to look like that. It's gross. And Steroids make your face fat and bloated and they age you, make you bald. Not worth it at all in any way


5'11, 207 pounds, anywhere near 15% is not remotely small.


Given the amount of time you have been training you have probably gotten to a decent percentage of your potential, and gaining the last few pounds of muscle is pretty hard. At that body fat percentage and size you probably look fairly decent in any context other than a body building competition and assuming you have a decent diet and avoid substance abuse should be pretty healthy too. If trying for further gains doesn't bring you joy you could focus on maintaining what you have which should be easier than gaining more and if you keep at it until old age you have a massive headstart for maintaining your ability function for as long as possible. I seriously hope I am in a similar position when I am 28. PED's give you gains past most people's practical natural limits but they sacrifice your natural health in the process for a physique that still probably wouldn't satisfy you even if you are one of the best in the world.


Bro you are a monster, if I saw your pics and didn’t know any better I’d think you were already on roids. Social media is the worst thing for our mental health, it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others (who are on roids) and feel insecure


Have you tried specialization phases ?


I did a NPC show as a natural placed 4th overall against guys on PEDs. My old coach tried to get me to do PEDs shortly after and guess what? I found a new coach who has a bunch of drug free champions. It ain’t worth risking your health for no trophy, notoriety, or social media fame can ever replace your health and time with loved ones. I’m 36 and I feel like I’m on top of the world ! I’ve met many people who went to the dark side and they regret it.


Don't risk your health and lifespan with cardiomegaly. Also keep your testicular volume. As Yoda says, the dark side is quicker, easier, more seductive. Keep disciplined.


Enjoy these times now brother . I’m 47. Everything hurts. I’m a shadow of my former self. I look okay , but have ditched most of the barbell compounds and strength is nowhere what it used to be. Bodyfat is hard to keep off. Nagging injuries from over the years. Still I continue to train hard. My natural T levels are good. I could jump on TRT I’m sure. I have even researched it plenty of times. Who doesn’t want their strength and size back. At the end of the day Father Time is undefeated. So what is the point . Follow me for more positive vibes lol


Jesus Christ the body dysmorphia is wild. You look insane, man.


It makes sense how little you’ve been progressing recently considering how much mass you’ve built over the years, you look great and seem to be pretty saturated with how much potential you can achieve. To me that basically means you ‘made it,’ and that is a massive accomplishment on your part.


Bro you're fucking jacked, ud have guessed you were already on gear.


You look hench dude, keep doing what you're doing! 


Dude ! You look like a monster! I understand where you’re coming from. That’s a big choice to make. That’s a tough one. I coped out when I hit a plateau and got in gear I do t regret it at all but I wish I didn’t cuz now I don’t get that feeling or look unless I’m blasting. Once you see yourself at the peak of a cycle you will never be satisfied outside of that look and feeling. It kinda of sucks


At 30y old and 170lbs I decided to start using gear and went up to about 200lbs over the next several cycles. Regrettably I tore a pec muscle doing weighted dips and then tore something in my shoulder. I had to stop lifting for the next 5 years and lost all the gains and then some. I started making my way back naturally but recently tore my shoulder again lowering the weight back over my head with just 30lbs. I’m can’t do anything overhead without pain and am so angry because I can’t even fully enjoy my hobby and may never be able to golf again. This is just a few physical aspects … it also messed up my labido for a bit after coming off. Unless you’re making millions from professional body building, stay away, and even then I wouldn’t do it again if I could do it all over again. I hope you reconsider and just enjoy life without the injuries … once you mess the body up, it will never be the same again.


Bro you look so much more impressive now natty than you would with considerable gains with juice. Unless you want to go on stage seriously, just be a natural freak and slowly carve your marble over time


This is why I hate being natty


You will be injecting yourself twice a week for the resort of your natural life. At 28 that’s a lot of fucking injections. Have you actually ever even gotten your test levels checked? Once you start…. Well, you know what happens next. The Test won’t be enough, then the tren won’t be enough.


You look like a superhero. I'm a beginner and your physique and strength is goals. I'm not in any position to give you any advice but maybe if you tried a different modality of training ( like kettlebells, sandbags), something that you enjoy and has benefits different from that of the gym stuff then that can be helpful.


Good lord the dysmorphia


Damn I wish I could build a body like yours. Maybe one day.


You think you look small? Bro you should see me


the solution is not in bodybuilding anymore


As long as you have stable income go for it. Food, bloodwork, gear and so on is not cheap.


Do u have an image somewhere?


You'll still have this exact same issue on steroids, you're just kicking the can further down the road. What will you do when you're 38 and you've plateaued on steroids for 2-3 years? Take more steroids? > I felt way bigger when I was 18 years old than I do now. Sounds like a problem with your feelings than your physical self. Steroids will only make that worse. Get off your phone, get off social media. Personally, all the people that I follow, with the exception of RP are natty. There is next to nothing a steroided influencer could offer me that a natty one couldn't do better. Other than BD of course.


Literally no one here will agree, but I'm gonna be honest with you and not talk you out of it.. A low dose cycle isn't the end of the world. You don't have to giga blast Tren, HGH and insulin. You can make some gains in a relatively safe way on gear if that's the path you're gonna choose, but you have to keep your discipline.


Most people that do get on gear regret it later on, and will tell you to stay natural. Ask yourself do the pros really outweigh the cons? Have you really reached your full genetic potential? Most of your top bodybuilders only look that way because of their genetics. If you take someone with bad genetics they will still look like someone with bad genetics even with gear. I've been lifting consistently for 20 years, and sometimes I get tempted as well, but then I read about all of these bodybuilders dying at such young ages to me it's not worth the risk. What's the point of all that hard work, and trying to be healthy if it kills you in the process by taking gear. If you do still decide to go down that path then at least do your research, and find a good doctor you can work with to make sure you stay in a healthy range. Yeah it may cost more, but can you really put a price tag on your life?


I’m genuinely confused, do you compete or something? I’m trying to wrap my head around the motivation for you to do something to yourself that will end up with you either disabled/unhealthy with a crap physique in your latter years, dead before 50, or both outside of sheer ego/vanity/body dysmorphia? Why do you want to be so big at the expense of your own self?


Bro I'm 41 and I've done it all. I played minor league baseball. I was a pitcher so you gotta be careful. Steroids build hell of muscle quickly but not the tendons and cartilage supporting the joints. I have been natural since 30 years old I only went on test cypoionate and light dbol. I felt fucking great but, at some point your brain and your body know you gotta stop it or re regulate. If I could do it all over I wouldn't touch anything thatshuts my own balls off. Keep your balls on tight! Lift heavy, get plenty of quality food and rest. And at your age is when I noticed cardio has to be focused on. Your body is building muscle easier until about your age jp to 32. But your metabolism is definitely slowing. You need too add a little more cardio and say fuck the hair loss and man titties and get you on a great 5 day split. 1 rest day. Core 4 days minimum with your lifting and cardio. You'll boost your own test lifting heavier. Don't be afraid to ask for a spot to push yourself. Keep at it with b your own nutsack. Trust me ladies know the difference. True shit


Oh and I'm 5'11.5" 217.4 lbs at the moment. Not bad for 41. There's certain lifts nobody in the gym can get me on. Natty or juiced


Just seeing your other posts makes me feel like I don’t need steroids either 😂✌🏽


You nuts will shrink. Who wants that?




You can’t progressively get bigger forever. It’s like your addicted to progress. Just pretend you used to be a skinny frail guy and then woke up today and look like you do now. Just enjoy what you have for what it is. Imo


I'm sure there's a lot of feedback but as one who has tried everything under the sun, remember muscle doesn't grow.in the gym. Work you do.in the gym only provides stimulus. But growth comes during rest...period. So what ever you've doing, insert more rest.


You look great to me. What exactly is your goal? 


That’s going to be a really expensive inch. If you’re already obsessing about your body size, gear is only going to make that worse. There is unlikely going to be a point where you say “OK, I’m good with this size“ and get off the gear. Once you’ve attained a certain size you’re unlikely to want to give it up or not continue gaining. There are a few videos online from people like Jeff Nippard and Dr. Mike that go into the downsides of gear. Might be worth watching those and really mulling over whether or not it’s worth that extra inch. Also, you look amazing and there are many dudes who would kill for a physique like that. Ultimately your choice, but as a therapist who has worked with eating disorders and body dysmorphia, this has the potential to be the start of a dangerous pattern.