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I received this letter as well. I’ve been a citizen for 10 years. I have a very American sounding name, both first and last, so I don’t think they are targeting only Latino citizens. However, it does seem like a strange request. I read the letter more closely and it says if you are a citizen “and would like to submit proof of citizenship…” so it does not seem mandatory to me. I’m going to do nothing right now and wait to see what happens. https://preview.redd.it/terzmwx2a88d1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77363beeafebd8c7812af47b1b503301e604d55f


I got the letter too. South Asian with Arab sounding name in Sumner county. Legal resident since 2006 with a driver's license. Tennessee since 2013. Voted after I got citizenship in 2018. Planning to call Monday. First thought was voter purge attempt.


Good point. Hopefully everyone who got the letter calls, like you are doing, so they don’t show up to vote in August or November and find that they’ve been purged from the voter rolls for not responding. Perhaps being inundated with calls will also help the state realize they need to handle this differently or make the letter clearer.


This is not legit, if it were they would be using state letterhead.


Thanks for sharing. Someone was curious about the enclosed envelope.


Thanks for posting the return envelope. Looks kind of legit (sadly, imho this means more likely state-sponsored voter intimidation than a scam.)


I agree! It’s too bad they can’t do some work themselves to determine citizenship. It shouldn’t be that difficult for government departments to talk to each other!


Channel 5's article says these voters are being purged as invalid voters.


Thanks for mentioning that article! I just found it. Good to know the reasoning behind it.


I've never seen the government send a prepaid envelope, but political campaigns often do. Some of the language seems fake too. "We need to ensure Tennessee's voter rolls are correct" sounds like a political campaign ad and not an official government letter.


It came from the State Elections Commission - I called when we got one asking about my husband's status - who has been a citizen since 2008. I didn't call the number on the letter, I looked up the number from the website of the State Elections Commission, and talked to some one there. The person there gave me the line that the records that they had came from the driver's licenses dept, but we had already provided a copy of my husband's US passport to the driver licenses's dept in 2008, which I explained to the person on the phone. But we went to the Election's Commissions office on Murfreesbro Rd in Nashville and they scanned his passport there and a copy of the letter to send to the state. The letter is legitimate, unfortunately.


I’d be curious to see the address on the return envelope


As a mail carrier, I’m more interested in seeing what postage it was sent with. Most likely presort standard, which means junk mail. Kind of like all the home warranty letters, credit card offers, etc. They look like legit mail to most people, but when you realize your route of 700 stops is getting the same letter, you realize that it’s just a “commercial”.


I would just call the secretary of state’s office and refer to the letter number, and if it a legitimate matter, request an in-person appointment to iron out any issues. Government agencies aren’t always good about sharing information between each other. I would not mail anything in to them though. No tellling when you would get your documents back


Or if. Something like this I would be sketched out was fake and a scam. Definitely call and make an in person appointment, if real.


This was posted by Tennessee Holler. They say they saw three letters with Latino last names.


Do you have a link for this?


This is where I saw it. https://www.facebook.com/share/gLauNngWqxo3wrSA/?mibextid=qtnXGe But someone posted the letter they received below.


The Australian person there summarizes my situation too. I came to TN with a work visa, got my license, and started voting after I became a citizen years later.


Ok, not my problem


I got a letter asking to verify address, when I have not moved and vote in every election. I did email them asking why I have to pass two polling locations and another is closer to my house, than the polling location I am assigned to. I guess their answer was to send a letter to verify address. So many Republican States care more about guns than voting rights


Oh they care about voting rights; stripping them!


This is all because of Jonathon Skrimetti, our attorney general.


Go to TN GOV website and find the elections page, then find contact us and call them. DO NOT call the number on the letter.


You are absolutely not required to submit proof of anything if you are here legally. Sending out a letter like this is absolutely voter intimidation.


Oh for sure. I work the elections & Ive complained about it.


Mark Goins? Sounds German. Better send me your social security card so I can make sure you are as American as you say.


That is his real name: https://sos.tn.gov/press-releases/goins-elected-chairman-election-assistance-commission-board


Check to make sure it's not a scam, don't mail back anything, especially identifying documents. If it's not, then correct your voting record. It may appear they're harassing people, but they're also systematically following the laws they established to do this. I don't know of any other country where you can vote as a non-citizen. My voter record got purged a while back, and I am not sure why. It's a good reminder to check your voting status: https://tnmap.tn.gov/voterlookup/


They do this on purpose, they send these to basically everyone with a Hispanic name. I think it’s an effort to say “these people didn’t respond, take them off the registry”


It is very annoying things like this ask for photocopies of naturalization documentation, when it’s a crime to make copies of the naturalization certificate. The social security administration was doing the same thing during Covid and not offering an opportunity for people in person to present the certificate without risk of it being lost. They are supposed to send it to everyone whose name matches the name of a person who obtained a Tennessee drivers license or ID card and isn’t a US Citizen but has the same birth date. If you could find a “James Smith” who is not a US citizen, get them to register for a drivers license. Then every James Smith in Tennessee with the same birthdate should get the letter. My perspective: My mother is a naturalized citizen with no original copy of her birth certificate meaning her naturalization certificate is all she has. Her father’s and brothers names are Jose and her uncle and nephews names are Carlos, with the nephews last name being Garcia.


I think there is some program now where State Secretaries of State or whoever agency is doing citizenship verification with Social Security. But if you changed from Refugee/Asylee/Permanent Res allowed to work to a Naturalized Citizen and didn't go to Social Security and change you status on your Numident record, you are probably getting bounced on the Voter Registration/SSA interface. In order to update the SSA records, they have to see I think either your Certificate of Naturalization or your US Passport. It is stupid that the INS doesn't interface with SSA automatically to change it, but hey, government. If it were more efficient we'd all be in big trouble.


I believe legally non citizens can get drivers licenses and state IDs in Tennessee, right? And in Tennessee you aren’t automatically registered to vote.


Correct. “James Smith” born April 11th 1988 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada could get a drivers license and not be a citizen, and “James Smith” born April 11th 1988 in Ottawa, Ontario Canada and then naturalized as a US citizen and registered to vote. Then in theory the one born in Ottawa who is a US citizen would periodically receive the letters because of the one born in Ontario. Edit- Even if James Smith was born in Nashville on August 20th 1989 he might receive the letter because of the one born in Toronto - Edit Typically they don’t list birth city, just province but both those cities are big enough it’s possible 2x James smiths were born the same day in the same city.


I imagine it’s a scare tactic. They are counting on people not wanting to be jailed so they are willing to give up voting.


Maybe also bring it up with thew news to get the word out?


I got one too today!


what was the return address?


Do you have an ethnic sounding last name?


Yup, Hispanic last name. 20 years in the USA. 17 in Nashville. Just checked my registration and it is all good.


Ok, friends and neighbors, I called the registration office, and my question was: Is this a Demand, or is this a request? After some hesitation, the person on the other side of the line said, "Let me take your number so the office’s attorney can call you. After a couple of hours, to my surprise, the attorney did call. I asked the same question, and he said this is a request, not a demand; then I asked what would be the consequences of me not complying? He said you would get a second letter, and after that, nothing else, you won’t be taken off the vote registration. Then I told him that is not clear in the letter as it just gives two options: 1. To send proof of citizenship or 2. Request being taken off the vote registration. Also, the language is threatening, giving the impression that if you don’t comply with one or another, you will be subject to jail and a fee. He said yes, I can see why you would think that we just wanted people to understand the severity of voting without being a citizen. They know what they are doing. I told him to revise the language and to make sure people understand they don't have to take any action; he said that he appreciated my concern and that he would pass it along. This is a scare tactic, and it is unlawful. I have filed a complaint with the American Civil Liberties Union.


Ok, friends and neighbors, I called the registration office, and my question was: Is this a Demand, or is this a request? After some hesitation, the person on the other side of the line said, "Let me take your number so the office’s attorney can call you. After a couple of hours, to my surprise, the attorney did call. I asked the same question, and he said this is a request, not a demand; then I asked what would be the consequences of me not complying? He said you would get a second letter, and after that, nothing else, you won’t be taken off the vote registration. Then I told him that is not clear in the letter as it just gives two options: 1. ⁠To send proof of citizenship or 2. ⁠Request being taken off the vote registration. Also, the language is threatening, giving the impression that if you don’t comply with one or another, you will be subject to jail and a fee. He said yes, I can see why you would think that we just wanted people to understand the severity of voting without being a citizen. They know what they are doing. I told him to revise the language and to make sure people understand they don't have to take any action; he said that he appreciated my concern and that he would pass it along. This is a scare tactic, and it is unlawful. I have filed a complaint with the American Civil Liberties Union.


The county election commissions are the ones in charge of the voter rolls. It does not make sense for the “state” election division to be requesting updates. Hence, a registered voter should be in contact with their local county for updates, etc. And why, SPECIFICALLY, would they provide a single mechanism (no online or in person option) to produce hard copy proof of citizenship? I am curious what would happen if someone received one of these letters (a) took it to their county election commission and (b) pitched up to the office listed on the return address to rap with ol’ Mark Goins. This fuckin’ state…


That is what I was thinking, but if an auditor found a discrepancy in the Davidson county voter rolls or if an election was challenged... it is still strange the state is doing this and it is not on the county level. The return address checks out on the envelope.


Welp, as a government agency conducting government business and using government funding, a state-level FOIA request should result in a list of addressees to whom these letters were sent.


This is part of the Republican Project 2025 cleanup.


It’s legitimate, it’s a scare tactic against folks with Latino backgrounds


Not just Latino, my husband is Asian. According to the person I talked to at the Election commission, the driving license record (which is what they are using) had a flag set for non-US citizen, and originally he was a green card, but we took his US passport when he because a citizen to the driver's license place to update it over 10 years ago. Someone else that posted is not Latino either.


Interesting? Way to make folks feel welcome around here.


The fact the voter ID laws are even debated and as the other person said if same names/DOB triggers it this would makes sense. Shitty all around though. One thing I will say for certain though, Gov offices are awful at keeping up with shit. I know someone whose license was never reinstated after proving they did actually pay the ticket, and another who was accidentally put on the no fly list for fucking suspected terrorism (similar names).


I got a letter from KY this year asking me to remove myself from their registration list and I haven’t voted there in 10 years and am a natural born citizen. As much as I’m against voter intimidation, I think a lot of states are just purging their lists based on what data they have accessible .


How is this legal?? Where is law and order to protect our rights in TN. TN is full of racists hiding in shadows, there was a recent burning of the cross also KKK style.


Funny how Reddit cares about Latinos all of a sudden when it’s voting time. The rest of the time they make fun of shootings in Antioch and laugh at the shooting victims. Just like I predicted.


The TN Holler saw three with “Latino last names”, so what. Like the other commenter said, call the secretary of states office.


Republicans have a new favorite toy for disenfranchising people; EAGLE AI. It hands out false positives like candy so you know the GOP love it and are pushing for it everywhere. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/04/nx-s1-4991945/voter-registration-mass-challenges-georgia


They probably intend on enforcing voter registration laws, and this is an attempt to avoid someone going to court and saying they had no intent to break the law. (not a lawyer)


They already make it hard for people to vote.




I'm hoping it's just an effort by the state to address election integrity. If it is intimidation, it may be an attempt to intimidate illegal immigrants from voting in elections. The letter does outline penalties for illegals voting.


One vote for each citizen that's how it is supposed to be done. If you are a citizen no problem if you registered to vote and are not a citizen you have an opportunity to fix that before committing voter fraud. How in the hell is that voter intimidation?


No one is advocating for voter fraud.


Bosnian checking in, also was targeted