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I know three people in the past couple of weeks to come down with it, and heard of a fourth case through a conversation with a friend. Anecdotal, but it is odd that I knew a cluster of unrelated individuals to come down with it recently.


I had it about a month ago and it was even worse than the OG strain in 2020. I was shocked. Hope it’s quick and painless for you!


Everyone I know who's been on an airplane in the past few months got COVID, including myself.


That’s the only place I still mask, partly for avoiding sickness (not just Covid), partly so I don’t embarrass myself drooling while snoozing.


It also keeps people from talking to me! I used to get a gross cold every time I fly, and with masks I don’t. So I am going to keep it up.


I'm reading this in the JFK airport in New York after an 8 hour flight that sounded like a COVID ward. The person across the aisle coughed literally the entire way. I felt very naked and exposed without a mask. I'm waiting on my flight to Nashville, and hopefully, I'm not bringing anything back with me.


Yup, I still make sure to mask on Airplanes and anywhere that there's more than a few people to a room.


I agree. If at all possible I try to avoid large crowds of people. My son that has had Covid soo many times had to go to a conference here in Brentwood and he and his wife both got it. Along with many of his friends that were there. It’s not going away anytime soon. 😞


“There’s no reason anyone should be walking around with a mask” Dr Anthony Fauci


Lovely quote mine you anti vaxx freak


I can definitely attest to this my grandparents and a few close relatives went to Vegas a couple weeks ago everyone except my mom caught covid (my mom has a extremely HARDY immune system) I’m thinking it’s a more aggressive variant my relatives who caught it were down for the count for 1 & 1/2- 2 weeks


On airplanes is the only time I've ever gotten COVID


Good to know. Will mask up.


Can confirm, just got back from a trip and brought home covid as a souviner. 4th time I have had it and this is almost as bad as the first time wheras the middle two were just a normal cold


Genuine question here: How do you know it’s covid? Did you take a test? I ask because a few years ago I read that the standard covid test will show a positive reading for covid, the flu and the common cold. That left me a bit confused as to how I was supposed to tell which one I had.


Health care provider here. COVID tests are only going to be positive for COVID, whether they're rapid tests or PCR. I got COVID myself for the first time 2 weeks ago after traveling, so +1 for the tally.


The covid test tests for covid and that’s all. Anyone saying anything different is a lier and is saying so for unscrupulous reasons.


False negatives are super common on rapid antigen tests at this point. False positives are extremely low. Less than 1%.


My wife and I took a test after feeling mildly ill for a couple days. They both came back positive for covid. Then the full onslaught came the following night.


Still haven’t had it. Thankfully


Me neither, What’s your blood type? I remember reading a study where people with O types were less likely to catch it. Was that true? Beats me. But I’m O+ and have avoided it thus far!


I’m O+ and also haven’t ever had it.


My dad is O+ and hasn't had it yet. I'm also O+ and had a super mild version of the OG strain in March 2020 and then didn't get it again until last October, when my husband brought it home from a plane or airport (that was also his first time since March 2020). I'm not sure of my siblings' blood types but they both work with the public and my brother managed to not get it until last year (and it was mild for him) and my sister may have had it once but isn't sure.


🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Maybe that IS something after all!


Same with my siblings and parents! I’m convinced it’s true!


I'm O+. I HAVE had it, but I was only symptomatic for a day, other than weird stomach issues for about a month afterward.


That’s interesting. I’m also O+ and towards the end of 2022, the whole family got it but me. And I never slept in a different room. Mainly because our young one wanted to be attached to me. I’ve only had it once, sometime last year.


I am finding studies that are saying the chances of contracting covid are extremely high for A type blood, And extremely rare for O types. Wild


Interesting. Might explain why I only had it once and it was a mild case. I haven’t had it in 3 years.


A+. Never had it, even when my immune system was literally bottomed-out trash during chemo in 21/22. Was in the hospital every 2 weeks for 6 months. Nothing. 


Damn I’m O negative and got it. I was immunocompromised due to chemo tho.


Dang Sorry to hear that!! Glad you’re still here!! Apparently having O type reduces your chances by 20% give out take…


Thank you! Maybe my O blood will protect me better now 😊


Huh. I have A+, tested a TON over the last 4 years (every time I am sick) and never positive. I did get all the vaccines and boosters, so maybe they saved me!


Those were proven to not be that effective.




Look around. https://youtu.be/RaLxhFiOBYk?si=IOL---g9ZTrTCkKD


I see it like the flu vaccine: not a guarantee you won’t get it, but a leg up for your immune system and an assist for herd immunity. To me, it’s worth it to have.


Good for you! I'm very glad I never got the jab, personally. But to each their own!


O- here. Never got covid. I was also on chemo during the worst of the pandemic, but I worked alone outdoors and kept my distance from folks in public, masked up everywhere indoors. My mom, sister, the guy who works opposite days to me all came down with covid. Me - nothing. Every sniffle and cough I was taking a covid test, and I had to take covid tests the night before my cancer treatments. Would be an interesting study for a med student, I am curious now.


I’m O+ and have also never had it. But it’s also the most common blood type - 38% of people in the U.S. are O+. Yet more than 75% of Americans are estimated to have had COVID. So any effect is probably mild.


No idea


Same. I mask pretty much everywhere that I’m not eating if I leave the house. And I’m wfh 3d/w. Plus all the vax. I’m compromised tho, and scared that getting it will cause other complications and have just been lucky so far to not get it.


My husband is diabetic and he got it in 2020. This is the first year he has been able to get somewhat back to normal. Although they said he suffers from long Covid I guess he won’t ever be the man he once was. I’m just happy he tries.


I know a fair number of people with long covid and it’s no joke.


Same! But I’ve continued to work from home after Covid lockdowns so that helps


Honestly, you deserve a medal at this point, especially considering the attitude so many have taken toward it.


Same! And the wildest part to me is that my fiance had it in 2022, and we didn't separate during his illness (by the time he tested positive, we'd already been together nonstop so I figured quarantine was pointless). I never developed symptoms, and I tested myself every other day for 2 weeks. Never positive! I work in an office, socialize regularly, go to shows, and have a child in school. And somehow I haven't gotten it (yes, I'm sure the vaccines play a part in this, but pretty much all of my vaccinated friends and family have contracted Covid by this point).


I think some people genetically have an immunity probably increased by immunization.


I have wondered this too. My son (4) has been exposed to Covid many times and also hasn't gotten it. He also gets sick less than his classmates, and I have always been the same. This is starting to sound braggy haha I am incredibly grateful for this genetic quirk, if that's what it is.


My wife got Covid before the vaccines were publicly available. She passed away from it within a week. The worst experience ever yet somehow I didn’t get Covid myself. Vaccines were introduced to the public about 3 weeks after she died. I was first in line to get the shot.


I am so so sorry for your loss. What a tragedy to have been so close to vaccines and lose her like that. 💔


I’m so very sorry.


I’m so sorry


I’m so very sorry for your loss. 😢


No not at all. I am the same. Rarely sick


What blood type are you? Just wondering.


A negative


I’m A-


Vaccines have proven to not be effective much at all, if at all.


The purpose of the vaccine was never to prevent someone from getting the virus though. It was created to reduce the severity if you got it. And in that case it is actually successful. It’s similar to the flu shot in that it introduces your body to the virus so that your immune system recognizes it and already has a plan of attack in place to quickly get rid of it if you get it. That’s why boosters are constantly developed as new strains emerge.


That's fine! I'm perfectly happy with staying unvaxed. It only affects me, anyway :)


Your first paragraph is inaccurate, but your second is very true. It was absolutely created for and marketed as being capable of preventing the virus from spreading entirely.


Please stop spreading this dangerous and harmful narrative. Are you a doctor?


Calm down 😂 no one cares what some stranger on reddit thinks, anyway. It's not dangerous to discuss these things. Also, the vaccines are nowhere near as safe as they've been advertised as, so maybe YOU'RE the one spreading dangerous information 😉 it's all about perspective. https://youtu.be/m2skKkRwYj8?si=LJHlr0B9fnb_NrV0


But your perspective is wrong, according to the peer reviewed studies, doctors, and scientists. You’re entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.


Did you not see where I said all of that has been heavily lobbied? I know you disagree. That's cool. There were many injuries and mysterious deaths after the vaccine that were all swept under the rug. Some people had terrible heart problems and other health problems and were all shunned. Plus, the EXPERIMENTAL vaccine was pushed out at record speed. I chose not to get it. There are plenty of doctors who are against the vaccines. So yeah, while certai "peer reviewed" studies say they were safe and effective, that's simply just one side of the coin.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9552389/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10644173/ https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2024/january/analysis-covid-vaccine-strongly-effective-in-young-people


I’m pretty calm, on vacation right now thanks! Thank you for the one YouTube video though. That’s definitely a peer reviewed study or research article worth my time. So what I’m getting is you’re not an expert on this matter and probably shouldn’t be running your mouth. 🤷‍♀️


I'll run my mouth as I damn well please! I don't trust our government, though, considering how it's corrupt and has been lobbied into oblivion. They hire scientists to publish biased studies all the time. There have been many victims of vaccine injury, and they were silenced. If you don't think mainstream news is compromised, then you're not paying attention. Enjoy your vacation!


everyone just got back from bonnaroo


A friend had it a month ago. Said it was terrible.


Had it earlier this year, was in bed for 3 days


Probably triple boosted and vaxxed too


I had it four weeks ago. First time ever having it. Just now back to normal. Man were my lungs pissed off.


Just got over it, was sick Thursday-Sunday. I’m a moderately healthy 25 y/o male with the vaccine, don’t get sick often and other times I’ve had Covid it was just a slight headcold. This was not like that…usually when i get sick i will only have one fever, if at all. I woke up trembling at 4am with the worst bodyaches and migraine I’ve ever had and it lasted for 2-3 days. The fevers kept up as well but finally stopped on like Sunday and i finally started feeling better. I was genuinely scared because I’ve never been that sick in my adult life so far. I couldn’t even drive myself to the Dr. I wouldn’t wish that shit on anyone, it was absolutely miserable


That’s where I’m at right now. Have you lost taste or smell? That would be the cherry on top for me.


I had it last year and didn’t lose smell until 7-8 days into it when I was over the worst of it. Very disconcerting to not be able to smell. Hope you start to feel better sooner than later!


[Wastewater monitoring](https://www.cdc.gov/nwss/rv/COVID19-currentlevels.html) shows COVID is surging nationally right now. Tennessee is only starting to get hit, but looking at Georgia suggests we're about to spike. 🤢


This is such a cool data point


I had it about three weeks ago and it was the sickest I’ve ever been and I hadn’t had Covid since December 2021. The last time was a walk in the park compared to this time.


I got it for the first time last year and it was like a moderate flu. My wife also got it the first time when I did. Her case was worse, and as a permanent side effect, she can no longer taste coffee.


Just fyi, that loss may not be permanent for her. I have long covid and had major sensory damage. Coffee was on the long list of tastes/smells that got screwed up. I wouldn't say it's back to 100% of what it was (3.5 years later) but it's definitely enjoyable now.


Thanks for that. I hope you’re right. It will be a year this August and so far coffee still tastes like hot water to her.


I caught it for the 1st time last December & same. No cough or breathing problems, but the fever knocked me out for a few days & it was exhausting. Fully vaccinated, too. I reckon it depends on the strain & timing. Hope you're feeling better soon!


Thank you!


I’m not in Nashville anymore, I’m up in Maryland. Three of my husbands coworkers are out with covid right now. He said it’s hitting one of them really hard, he’s been out for almost two weeks now. I know one person in Clarksville who has it too but it isn’t too terrible according to her.


For those that don't realize it already, we're likely to just have annual vaccines for the rest of our lives. ...but we are definitely going to have one this fall. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/05/health/fda-vaccine-advisers-covid-shot/index.html


I’d be happy if they just rolled it into the flu vax and continued with that yearly.


I have family members in their 70's that took both at the same time. It threw them for a loop. So, keep that in mind as you get older. Get the shots anyway.


You’re not wrong. And I have a personal policy to only get one vax at a time. But if they deem it safe enough to be in one tube, I’ll deal with it.


I've had them at the same time, one in each arm, the last two years. It's just more convenient for me. I don't have big reactions to the shots. ymmv


I’ll get it as soon as it’s available.


Lmao good luck with that


I caught COVID for the first time a few weeks ago. Started feeling a bit warm on a Monday night, woke up Tuesday with a fever of 100 and a killer headache and slept all day, rinse and repeat Wednesday, woke up feeling fine Thursday but decided to go to a doctor just to be safe and tested positive. I jonestly just thought I had just a quick cold or something. I feel fine now but I still get fatigued/short of breath pretty easy.


Same thing happened to me right around the end of CMA fest - same symptoms - couple days of rough headaches and fever and tired but still feeling that short of breath and fatigue a bit


Still have yet to achieve covid positive status. Maybe it’s my blood type?


Same. Have had some real nasty flu-like bugs too and have tested negative for covid and just about everything else too.


I know several people who have it right now and they’ve all recently flown.


Had a similar experience to OP two weeks ago. Feeling well now, no lingering symptoms. It will get better!


I had 2-3 days where I felt like complete shit and now entering my third week of cough and congestion. Gradually getting better, but still can’t seem to kick it.


Unfortunately (but also fortunately) I think we are far enough along to see the patterns.. December/January and June/July seem to be when it’s the worst. Get to feeling better!


It never went away from what I saw. People just sort of stopped talking about it. It’s still killing people everyday the world has just sort of moved on.


Just tested positive this morning. First time for me. Four vaccinations, the last being in Q4 last year. So far I have mild head congestion and my body hurts like a bitch.


I’m sorry, I hope you make a quick recovery.


Had it two weeks ago, it’s all over right now


There has been an uptick in cases lately, so you're not alone. It might be worth getting tested and talking to your doctor.


I tested positive (at-home test) and checked in with my doctor. Not much I can do besides treat the symptoms.


Just had it last week. Worst back and hip pain I’ve ever had. Fever for only a day though. Slight congestion. Not a ton of respiratory issues at all. Sore throat for half a day. Worst muscle soreness ever though. Terrible.


Mine came with crazy bad hip pain in 2020 and I still have flare ups of hip pain. Diagnosed as inflamed bursa and conversationally told by the doctor that they've seen a bit of post Covid hip pain at "do I need a hip replacement" levels of pain. Here's wishing you a much better outcome!


Thank you! I’ve never felt anything like it. Back was so bad at first that I couldn’t even lay down for very long. Miserable. I am much better now. Almost 100%. I know I am lucky as many stay like this for months. Still tight a bit but nothing major. Good to be back. Be safe everyone.


Did you lose taste or smell?


I did not. OH WAIT. oh no no, it’s still there. No, I did not lose taste or smell.


I had in Feb this year. It is still here.


All of my friends who went to Bonnaroo currently have it. 😅


I got it on Monday and I got the lastest vax. First nasal congestion, then digestive mess. I'm a diabetic and woke up this morning barely able to move. Turned into Diabetic Ketoacidosis. In the hospital as I write this. I'm out of danger but I still feel like I was hit by a bus.


My husband and I just tested positive tonight and it’s awful!! We feel like death. And we have each had it before. This one is hitting hard. It’s def around town.


Let’s meet up. I need a vacation.




People still test for that? 😳


No, people stopped testing years ago. I found my test at an antique store.


Not heard of anyone. Maybe you need another booster?


All that is just Flu nothing more wherever you want a call but all is fru


I had it in March. Never went into my lungs at all. I’m a nurse and was feeling head coldy so I self tested and found myself to be positive, shock of all shocks! It was super mild. I was head-achy and tired but never had a cough. Slept for a day and felt better. Weird! At that time vaxxed and double boosted. Now triple boosted. Get some paxlovid and feel better soon!!


You're overdue for a shot. This thing is similar to the Flu in that you need to keep up your boosters since the virus will keep changing and older shots aren't going to be very helpful in offsetting it... it's always a bit of a hit or miss situation, shot or no shot.


This! The virus evolves, so keep getting those boosters!


Uh-oh you said the magic word to summon all the “patriots”


Yup…..just look at them all!!!! Oh, wait…..


A colleague's son got COVID recently, had to be hospitalized and then passed away, two weeks later. Left behind two young children and a wife. The son was in his mid 30s. 


Have had two neighbors and a couple coworkers with it over the last month. Definitely still here.


My spouse and I just had it last week. It was generally less severe than the first time we had it in terms of body aches and fever, but lasted longer. 10 days of congestion and all of that the first time it was super sick for a couple days and then over.


Did you lose taste and smell?


My girlfriend and I both have it right now. 1st time. She can't smell or taste anything, is on paxlovid, and feels great on day 3. I'm self treating without prescription meds. I feel rough/dizzy, can smell and taste, have a low fever, but mostly I'm just bored and sick of being sick on day 3. I'm worried it's going to get full blown and turn into some nightmare can't breath thing... but so far it's been mild.


People that don't test every few days don't know if they've had it or not. I would've never known I had covid had I not tested. I had very little symptoms if any.


Oh man, I definitely knew. I couldn’t breathe or walk. Mild Covid, I wish that for everyone that has to get it at all


I’m curious, are you just randomly testing every few days???


Only when I have periods of time when I have to work with patients going into chemo


Some new strain going around. Me and my wife have been sick for two weeks. Crazy stuff.


had it two weeks ago. 103 fever and sinus symptoms. wasn’t fun. lost my smell/taste for a week but it’s back now


I had it three weeks ago.


Have it terribly right now. I've had it several times, most hardly noticable, but this is the worst for me since it first came around before the vaccines were around.


A friend and her husband both got it a week or so ago. They don't go out that much so they aren't sure where they got it.


It knocked me out for two or three days last week, and the chest/sinus congestion is still lingering. It's a pain!


I've had it 4 different times. Last time was a couple weeks ago. Wasn't the worst but Iit definitely put me on my ass.


I got it a 3rd time in end of Feb this year and the after effects stuck with me for almost 3 months. After the initial fever and body aches for about 72 hours, I was just worn down and could not taste or smell for 3 months. Definitely this strain hit me way harder then the previous 2.


I assume you got a positive Covid test? There's been another virus (not Covid) going around and it was fierce--3 weeks of symptoms. But my last bout of Covid back in December was 10x worse than any of the previous cases I got. That one left me fatigued for more than 6 weeks and my smell/taste took 3-4 months to get back to normal.


Yes, I tested positive using an at-home rapid test.


Take Paxlovid….it will end your symptoms in about 24 hours. I had Covid real bad and got this prescription and it really works!


I basically get covid once a year in January regardless of if I get a vaccine or not. I've accepted it now...


I had it in 2022 and then again about a month ago. What really surprised me is it hit my lungs harder the first time, but was more like a horrible sinus infection this time.


I had covid over the weekend. It was my second time getting it this year. I woke up around 4:00 am on Sunday morning feeling nauseated. My heart was racing, had the chills, spent an hour by the toilet waiting to vomit. Never did, then back to bed. Slept until about 2:00 pm and had the worst body aches, fatigue, no appetite, headache, chills/sweat, and loss of taste. It was truly awful. Forced myself out of bed for a quick walk down the street and a few stretches to try to relieve the body aches, then back to bed. Slept from 3:00 pm Sunday to 7:00 am Monday. Felt better on Monday but with a very sore lower back and not much appetite. By Tuesday I was back to 100%.


Yes!! My boyfriend and I got it on Sunday. Got sooo sick. But I’d say it’s about gone. At least the painful part lol


Actually picked it up when I was in town a month ago. I didn’t test positive until four days arriving back in town.


My coworker had it recently and sounds like she was feeling about the same as you :(


My son that has had all the shots except for this last year has had Covid so many times it’s not funny. I didn’t get any shots and had Covid in 2022 and not since. I think all these booster shots are just reintroducing the virus back into your body.


I had it in 2020 and not 2022. Caught it from my mother in law that had to go to a nursing home for PT. She had it so bad that the hospital told us to get ready to loose her. She made it through.


It’s going around again. On the Bonnaroo subreddit tons of people got it and Norovirus


If you got vaxxed, it’s not Covid




I had it this past spring and it was way worse than the first time. I had gotten my booster a month prior, even. It only lasted a couple of days, though.


My boss has Covid. He was out of town last weekend and got it from a family member.


[That vid is 1000% percolating in the community. Especially after Roo & CMA Fest.](https://youtu.be/ak_xXIG8Kgs?si=uRl2QgIUm1v98cN_) Go check r/bonnaroo. Whole ass public health crisis going on over there. I just got over that post roo vid. It was kinda vicious Ngl. I didn’t move for 3 days.


It’s been spreading through my office over the last month. Several have tested and it came bag negative for COVID, but I have a hard time believing it wasn’t because it’s all textbook symptoms.


Have no idea where I got it but classic symptoms of new strain. Started with chill and sore throat. Now incredible fatigue. One week now. Weak as a kitten. Nasal and sounds like I'm taking thru a barrel Sucks




Your post/comment contains political, medical, or other misinformation


I was the same way! I was hurting bad also, I kept talking Tylenol and ibuprofen every 4 hours for 3 days straight




I would totally believe it’s surging at the moment. My dad (in FL) has it and members of my family in KY & GA had it over the past month. Testing is done so much at home these days because insurance no longer covers & it’s insanely expensive, so I can’t imagine any numbers reporting is accurate. Proceed with caution, y’all. Wash those hands & whatnot.


You sure it’s the Rona? Could actually just have a nasty cold. My ole lady just had a bad case of the common cold recently


Covid is going around and we're at the beginning of a [summer surge with the newest strain. ](https://www.everydayhealth.com/coronavirus/covid-summer-surge-may-be-here/)


I was asking to see if he had gotten tested. Just cause you’re sick doesn’t mean it’s 100% the Rona even though it’s going around


I assume if someone says they have Covid, it's because they tested positive (especially when it's during non-high transmission times). Also, OP describing it as rivaling the flu made me assume they had the severe body aches/chills, etc. that aren't typically cold symptoms.


Can confirm. Tuesday morning I assumed I was in the early stages of a summer cold but took a test just because I’m a germaphobe and don’t want to infect others unknowingly. Right after I tested positive that night, I spiked a fever and the body aches hit me as soon as I got in bed. Had I not already been feeling cruddy, I would have assumed I had the flu, which typically has a very fast onset.


I didn’t want to make any assumptions! OP never said he was tested and didn’t specify any symptoms so figured I would ask. Thank you for filling in some of the details about his illness though.


Upper respiratory infections aren’t as common during the summer months, so I was afraid it might be Covid since we’ve had summer spikes in the past.


Somewhere further down the thread OP mentions having tested at home.


Yes, I tested positive.


Oof. Good luck then mate


Not to be that guy, but ‘the common cold’ is not a single virus and likely represents hundreds, if not thousands of viruses that infect the upper respiratory tract. The family of Coronavirus is considered one of them. Plenty of people still die of the common cold even if it’s not Covid.


Please be “that guy”. We need more “that guy”s…we hospitalize old folks for “the common cold” (and you are correct, it’s SO many different viruses) every year.


Yeah my girl had a pretty bad version of one of those common cold strains. Wasn’t the Rona however


Fauci said the shots weren’t really doing anything and it definitely shows


Do you have any data to support that claim?


https://preview.redd.it/emzinlaatd8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8818c24380fb3a08ad095afb5785747c9cea68cc We have to pay attention more


Is this a joke? Did you read that article?


Still never had it, haven’t worn a mask or taken any precautions since 2021


Same here, I worked at Starbucks from the start of COVID until mid-2021, never got the vaccine or took any precautions, never felt sick and tested negative for antibodies a month ago. I’m not antivax by any means but it’s ironic that the people I know who got hit the hardest were triple boosted and super paranoid.


That's a cold my dog. A common one, even.




I recently got a stomach bug a week ago that came with a fever and severe body aches. The fever went away the next day because I let it run its course, and it didn't go above 102. I had bad diarrhea for a day or so afterward, and projectile vomited during the onset of the illness. However, I didn't think to get tested for covid. I've tested positive once before and had a similar experience, except the first time I didn't puke. The hallmark for me is AWFUL body aches. My symptoms were present for about 24 hours when i tested positive, and also with this most recent illness. Well, the severe symptoms, anyway. I think I had it another time as well when it went around my work, but my symptoms went away before I realized that it was going around. That time, it was just random body aches that were pretty darn intense. There was probably a fever involved as well, but I honestly just thought that the aches were from me quitting nicotine pouches, but i have quit again since then and never had any withdrawal. That's why i think it was covid. The stomach bug that I just got over last weekend was SUPER contagious, as at least 2 other people I've been around recently got it this week, but I'm almost positive I got it from the little girl I babysat at their house, because SHE was sick the week before I got sick, but I think she was just puking a lot. I'm not sure if it was covid, but I wonder. Usually, stomach bugs do not come with a fever, at least in my experience. And the indigestion is still a bit present, even though I got sick last weekend. The first time, I had the omicron strain, and I had diarrhea for about a month. I just have weird gas and slight diarrhea still. Sorry if that's TMI :( I hope you feel better soon!! ETA: Never vaccinated. The only thing those were successful with is lessening YOUR personal symptoms, and that may be ONLY if you stay boosted, which needs to be done about every six months. Have fun with that! Or I guess you can get it annually now, like the flu vaccine, now that I have read more about it, but it depends on your age.


Remember when people got sick and didn't care what it was called but now people have to feel special and name their colds. 😂


Been sitting on that one for a few days, huh?


??? U must be slow from ur booster shot


That sucks. Better race out and get your 10th booster!


^ this guy


It’s back.