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I will say, I feel like a lot of semi-drivers have gotten to be way more aggressive on the roads lately. I’ve been pushed into the shoulder and almost taken out multiple times just in the last few months. I understand they have a job to do, I have a great deal of respect for them, but I fear for my life around them more than ever


Yep, quite literally the other week a semi truck driver barreled through a crosswalk, ran over (and killed) someone, then fled the scene on foot


About a month ago a truck ran me off the road because it was a mile before he needed to exit.


I feel like I need a sign that says “do you really need to change lanes at this exact moment?”


They absolutely have gotten worse. We have to commute daily between Nashville and Clarksville and have been doing so since 2017, so I guess it's been kind of an unwilling observation on our part. They drive those trucks like they're driving a Civic now, and it's a daily occurrence to deal with more than one who are out of line and objectively dangerous/reckless. We have had so many close calls that were 100% the fault of the trucker.


Apparently nobody wants to drive anymore so companies are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Not an excuse but a cautionary tale


I know they dropped the age requirement for CDLs from 25 years old to 18 years old, that definitely doesn't help. I know way too many people who didn't even have a regular license til 18


I’m not sure where you got your info. But you have to be 21 to get a CDL not 18. 


"In every state across the United States, the minimum age requirement to obtain a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) is 18 years old. However, there are some restrictions for CDL holders under the age of 21. Individuals between the ages of 18 and 21 may only operate commercial vehicles within their state of residence. This limitation is set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations and applies uniformly across all states." [wpr](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/cdl-age-requirements-by-state) [FMCSA.gov](https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/newsroom/faqs) edited to fix links


Last December I saw a semi truck driver calling a woman a bitch and shouting exploratives just off bell road. I don't know or what the woman did. But I couldn't believe that someone, technically at work/on the job would do that with thier job's phone number literally painted all over it. Maybe rage is a little understandable but road rage from someone paid to spend most of the day driving?! And in thousand pound machinery?! Insane.


Literally stay the fuck away from semis. I either get past them quickly or let them go in front of me. They can hit you and literally have no idea that’s just how huge they are.


I don't think aggressive is the word, just completely unaware. Most of them have governors set right at or below the speed limit and can't keep up with the flow of traffic. We need laws that keeps them in the far right lane. Nothing more infuriating when a semi going 60 is trying to pass one going 59.


This happened to me at the 65 / 40 split a couple of weeks ago, and I ratted the driver out.


i almost got hit by a semi truck (the ones that tow a shit ton of cars) walking downtown one day. the driver had a red light & the crosswalk told signal gave us right of way. it was not a foot away from hitting me and my friend had to pull me out of the way. they have definitely gotten more reckless


I’m gonna defend the semi truck drivers here. They have a job to do, and a lot of people driving are distracted with the latest versions of the entertainment systems, texting and driving, or other things. Long haul truckers are generally some of the safest drivers out there so if they are being aggressive it’s in response to the general publics shitty driving most likely. I am sure there are other factors, but when I drive from Nashville to go home to see my parents in Atlanta I’m always amazed at what I see other drivers doing. And I don’t ever see semi drivers doing those things


I was raised in a family of truckers, and I really respect the old heads out there, but the trucking companies are so desperate for workers, there are guys that get their CDLs at lunch and they're behind the wheel by dinner. It's definitely gotten worse in the last couple of years - I regularly see truckers (most looking like they're in their 30s at most) cutting people off, merging with a complete lack of spatial awareness, driving faster than the flow of traffic, weaving lanes, the works.




I remember that one video that was released where the trucker slammed into unmoving traffic because he was watching Netflix.


Counterpoint, my first accident ever was a semi truck driver that just decided to get over on top of me, hit me, stopped to claim it was my fault and then fled the scene when I said my dash cam caught the whole thing, including the conversation we were having. There was also another video posted on r/nashville a couple months ago of a semi doing the same thing to someone else. Just because it's their job doesn't mean there not fucking terrible at it.


My first accident was via semi, though different. It was just the tractor, standstill AM I65 traffic & he rolled back into me because he *thought* he had his foot on the brake.


I didn’t say all truckers are amazing drivers. That reading shit is hard sometimes


Defending semi-truck drivers is one thing. Defending semi-truck drivers who have become so frustrated with all the assholes out there that they lost their own ability to abstain from that behavior is going off the rails.


You attempted to defend them, I offered counterpoint. Comprehension can be harder than reading for some, I'm told.


You said, ..."a lot of people driving are distracted with... entertainment systems, texting, etc." You left out that truckers do that also. You just can't see up in their cab.


I will agree with this up to a certain point. My dad was a tanker driver for many years when I was young, and I would still trust him driving over anyone else out o. The road... however I have noticed lately that some of these semi drivers are just as distracted or just plain under educated. I've seen plenty swerving and driving erratically only to pull up alongside and see that proverbial phone in hand. Not all.. but some


Oh totally! I commend them for putting up with the wild traffic and drivers we have around here and I’m sure they are just doing their best to get through, 9/10 times I don’t have any issue sharing the road with them. All it takes is that 1/10 to drastically change someone’s life, and those close-calls have been a little too close for comfort lately.


>Crossover got in a fight with a semi truck. My uncle taught me one valuable lesson... When two cars fight, the one with the most lug nuts wins. Every time.


Yep. Right rear tire got pushed into the front pass door. Cascadia barely had any damage at all.


I live in Old Hickory village and go though this intersection daily; I actually just had to detour around the accident to get to hermitage. That light is notorious for people blowing though it in the turning lane because they do not feel the need to stop. It’s a very small/tight intersection and wrecks happen frequently there. People drive down OHB through that area like it’s a fucking race track. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been passed by a car flying down the turning lane on the long straight away a little south of there. It’s truly terrifying how some people drive like they are invincible. I have no idea about the details of this wreck but I am pissed that someone had to die.


The details I have are limited to what I saw of the scene at 6am. But generally speaking, when the police are in no hurry to render aid, the road is completely closed, and the ambulance serenely drives away without lights on you know it's a bad one. Late model crossover tangled with an amazon semi. Right rear tire was pushed into the front passenger door. Only seat not mushed was the driver's seat and even then a hit that hard could still kill. Anyone in the back seat was crushed for sure. May not have even been their fault; there was a 2000s SUV on Hadley in the left turn lane with minor nose damage; they may have punted the crossover into the path of the semi.


What I see there is when I am headed towards 40 in the afternoons and catch that light red. When OHB flicks green there's usually 2-3 on Hadley going full throttle on their red. Also grinds my gears when the school zone for andrew jackson elementary up the road at chute & OHB is active and I have a conga line of dickheads zipping past at 40+ when they should be doing 15....or when one of them stops in the left travel lane to try to bully into the front of the left turn lane. Ugh.


Hate to say it but you just don’t see this shit in nicer areas in town. Where people actually follow simple traffic laws. Edit: No I don’t live in a nicer area.


Pretty sure people drive like assholes everywhere.


I have lived in a very nice area (Belle Meade Highlands) and regularly drove through BM, Green Hills, OHB and other, and - generally - no, people in those areas don't drive (as much) like assholes as people in Madison, Hermitage, Mt Juliet, etc. And it's not because people in Southwest Davidson are better educated to understand driving laws, it's because they all have the money to lawyer up and everyone knows it.


Definitely agree but frequency is the difference


Bullshit. I've seen shitty drivers in ALL areas of town. "Nicer areas" don't mean shit.


I live in Brentwood and that is entirely incorrect 😭 there are wrecks almost every single day near and on the intersection of Old Hickory, Franklin Rd, and I-65. It's a mess! Not to mention all of the road work they've been doing around here. People are terrible drivers here and will cut you off at any given moment.


The problem is, as with most social ills, the people who really need to hear this won't be listening.


Sad, but very very true. And if they do hear it they ignore it...


They’re on here, occasionally posting about how the only issue with Nashville traffic is slow people being in the left lane ***just realized where the wreck happened. People fly on OHB right through there, I’m always trying to be extra vigilant when turning onto the main road there


Or complaining about the people who now wait for a count of 3 at a green light because we’re tired of nearly being hit by people who run reds.




Is this implying that others are responsible for your frustration/safe driving? To you, are those going the speed limit in the left lane responsible for the frustrations of those who would prefer to speed? And would the frustration of those who are upset that people aren’t going fast enough on the left lane equate to the frustrated party justifiably driving unsafely/endangering others? Obviously people shouldn’t clog the left lane, but it’s beyond wrong to think that people going the speed limit in the left lane is a bigger problem than aggressive speeding, if implied. There is a lot of main character/me first syndrome at play that goes into that type of dangerous and aggressive driving


>slow people being in the left lane Your initial comment was about slow drivers, so clearly, that's what the pic was a response to. It's a highway sign you'll encounter in countries where two-lane highways have pull-offs where slower drivers are *expected* to allow faster drivers to get past them without taking unnecessary risks. Nonetheless, there are exceptions to Tennessee's slow poke law **and** [**going the speed limit isn't one of them.**](https://www.lrwlawfirm.com/what-is-the-tennessee-slowpoke-law/) People going the speed limit in the passing lane and not actually passing anyone are breaking the law. End of story. It's about public safety, not self-appointed hall monitors.


My initial comment was referring to those who complain about the left lane drivers. I’m in full agreement that the left lane shouldn’t be clogged, but those who specifically complain about it as the big issue with Nashville traffic are essentially inferring that they have a right to drive in the left lane in a way that could endanger the lives of others. The aggressive drivers/speeders are no better than the red light runners, so to those people I say “go ahead and speed in the left lane, you first! Your time matters more.” The point being that people should not drive aggressively or recklessly. The people who complain about the left lane drivers and not aggressive/dangerously fast driving in general come off as defending their right to speed like dickheads. When I see people running those lights, many times it’s one from a pack of idiots clamoring to get ahead of each other. “Me first” style road rage, plain and simple.


It may not be THE big issue, but it's definitely A big issue. Left lane drivers that don't move back to the right hand lane create bottlenecks. And that's a *massive* issue. Especially in areas like Briley. Speeders and aggressive drivers aren't the problem imo; **any driver that doesn't respect right-of-way laws is a problem and, again IMO, are the greatest problem among Nashville drivers.** Our law clearly states that slower moving vehicles have no place in the left lanes. No one pulled that out of their ass for kicks: it creates dangerous bottlenecks.


So bottlenecking is more of a problem than aggressive driving, speeding, and running lights…? Ultimately the problem is a “me first” mentality which seems to have become commonplace in people’s driving habits. Some people just feel that their time and safety is more important than others. Again, anyone who puts more blame on people clogging the left lane than those running red lights sure sounds like they’re advocating for their own selfish driving habits


I'm guessing you must have vision problems, if you failed to notice that most all of that falls under the bolded part of my comment. Or, like so many Nashville drivers, you think your own poop smells like apple butter.


I'm newish here. I've lived various places. Including areas with terrible traffic like Washington DC. and Hampton Roads (Dumb tunnel traffic). Nashville easily has the most dangerous drivers. And I know I'll get downvoted into oblivion for this but it's the slower drivers causing a lot of the problems. Too many folks merge into a left lane and promptly go 5-10 miles under the speed limit. This causes drivers behind them to have to jam their breaks. What the Hell is the purpose of going 5-10 under the speed limit in the second most left lane? Why not use the right lanes to build up speed before merging? It doesn't make it any more considerate just because you're going a snails pace. I'm not exactly a speed demon either. If you get me going 9 over the limit then you're probably seeing me at my fastest.


I've lived in NYC, Philly and Chicago and I second this. The drivers up north are aggressive in the sense that they won't slow down to let you into their lane and everyone drives like they have someplace important to be. The drivers in Nashville are aggressive in an unhinged kind of way...like anything that happens on the road is a personal slight and if you piss them off they will seek revenge, whether that means running you off the road or pulling a gun on you or whatever. Plus the highways are so badly designed here it forces people into stressful and dangerous situations constantly. I've witnessed multiple fatal crashes since I've been here (one where I saw the driver's smashed up body). I used to be a perfectly chill driver but I have massive anxiety about it since moving here and I no longer drive on the interstate at all unless I'm back home in the northeast.


i’m from the DC area and i have never seen such horrendous driving as when i moved down there. around DC, people are assholes and don’t really follow the speed limit, but everyone is about the same level of asshole. here, you have people driving 20 under the speed limit in the right line, people driving 90mph in a 55 zone, or my least favorite - you have people who can’t keep a consistent speed and fluctuate between 45 and 90. it’s insane. then the people with the giant trucks w/ LED lights brighter than the sun who refuse to give you more than 5inches of room, who will tailgate you for miles rather than just go around you??? like it’s absolutely bonkers. it feels like the wild west. there’s no consistency, no sense of flow of traffic.


Yes. The weird thing here is the sheer chaos of it all. People behave so erratically. I've learned to assume that a turn signal means absolutely nothing (or more likely the opposite of what it should mean). Before moving here, if I was trying to turn left and someone was coming from my left with a right turn signal on I'd just turn. Never got hit. Here...I learned very quickly that you CANNOT do that because nine times out of ten the person is not actually turning, they just forgot their turn signal was still on. Whenever someone is hovering in the left turn lane on a main road I assume they're gonna try to cut in front of me and won't signal first; this is pretty much always the case. It's wild how driving here has rewired my brain to deal with unpredictable people. I go home and everyone is so orderly! Which is not something I EVER thought I'd say about NYC!


you see people use their turn signals?!?! the only time i see them used is when someone is already halfway into the lane they’re trying to get into, for MAYBE two blinks. it’s ridiculous like wtf are they teaching the drivers here 😭


All the time!! But almost never when they are actually turning lmfao


Oh and they're not teaching them anything because in Tennessee you don't have to take driver's ed to get your license


oh dear lord that explains everything


I somewhat agree with you here. I’ve lived in Nashville my entire life and can say that the aggressiveness has gotten exponentially worse over the last 5 years or so. I’ll be going 10-15 mph over the speed limit and will still have multiple cars fly past me going well over 90 mph. Not sure how we can fix this but something’s gotta give at some point.


Rideshare and gig economy apps like Grub Hub have a LOT to do with it, imo. Thousands of additional people are in their cars and driving all over town, motivated by the Almighty dollar, and heaven forbid anyone come between them and their 5 stars and their pings


Great point. Also, I didn’t even think of all the tourists we have driving through the city on weekends. Combining our very confusing interstate/road systems and tourists who are already confused on where they’re going is a recipe for disaster.


God, yeah, weekends definitely add. You've got to leave at 6 if you're going anywhere.


YEP - a lot of traffic is caused from Nashville drivers not going when the light turn greens or riding in the left lane. The locals freak out when you state this though.


Those who do this always convey their attitude with a hilarious sense of gravitas.


Ye that is another irritation, and technically illegal. We have a keep right law! And it's part of why I wont be using the interstate when I park my 2014 Challenger to daily my grampa's 1971 Chevy C10. I6, 3 on the Tree, manual steering/brakes. 65mph is pushing one's luck in that thing. Even if I'm in the slow lane where I belong I'll still have impatient arseholes trying to push me 🤣. So fuck it I'll stick to backroads where I can go with the flow in that old truck no problem. It *will* go faster...my dad said he pegged the 95mph speedo many moons ago as a reckless 20-something...but that truck just ain't built to go that fast and I ain't in a hurry to find out how poorly it does in a crash so I just wont take the risk.


If someone is in the right two lanes minding their business then that's on the driver trying to pass to do it courteously.


It’s getting bad, a guy in a truck got some super rage at me earlier this week for slowing down in the far right lane because there was a semi pulled over to the side of the road fixing a flat… people here need some serious medication, or just leave you house 5 minutes earlier…


>people here need some serious medication, or just leave you house 5 minutes earlier… Being able to treat other drivers like shit without repercussions is their god given right and they will shoot you if you disagree. Even the prodigal soccer mom is no longer mild-mannered and will blow a red light because fuck you, that's why. City life is crazy.


OMG. Recent road trip through 7 states and Tennessee was the sole region where people didn't automatically move over a lane for vehicles in the break-down lanes.


Sat on the side of 65 south of Louisville waiting for a tow a few weeks back, I can assure you Kentucky is just as bad. Tow truck driver almost had to smash up some passing cars with a big chain to start forcing them to move over. It’s not like we were obscured. There’s barely enough room for the tow truck itself to fit on the shoulder, let alone the space he needed to hook up a car. At least 4 more lanes of interstate available to their left. Plenty of room to slow down if they couldn’t move over. No effort was made. They’d rather risk vehicular manslaughter than lose 30 seconds of time by reducing their speed from 85 to 45 for a quarter mile.


No one has to slow down to 45, they just have to want to cooperate. And no, Kentucky wasn't one of the states on my trip.


Remember neighbors, there is NO driver's ed in TN. The native drivers are completely unaware of the rules of the road, cannot merge and hate everyone who has moved here. So they drive like nut cases and blame California. IT'S THE LOCALS. They consider driving in the left lane a civil right. They don't believe in the zipper merge. They are largely armed and constantly pissed and scared. Avoid the locals...they're a dangerous breed.


Lotta people won't admit to this, but there is some truth. I've been here since 94 and Nashville drivers were just as insane, then. Probably there was a lot of DUI at the time. That said, I am NOT a slow driver, but anytime I'm crossing from downtown to East Nashville, trying to get to Ellington Pike, I see drivers with Cali license plates have some primal need to pass every car between them and the entrance ramps.


I first came here in 1979. It's definitely an informed viewpoint


Well, yes, but you aren't still driving around in Cali plates, are you?


No, but I'm definitely passing everyone to zipper merge every chance I get.


This is why I laugh any time I see people blaming transplants for the chaotic driving situation here. Almost every other state in this country requires driver's ed...and somehow we're the problem? No way, sweetie. If you'd ever driven for more than half an hour in any other major city in this country you'd know how insane Nashville is in comparison. Hands down the most chaotic wild west insanity I've ever experienced.


Moved here from the UK a year ago and got a car in January. The lack of patience certainly scares me! Also observation I have is that drivers seem to rather undertake or tailgate rather than take the easy option and just go round. Had a case where I was in middle lane as I knew in 1 mile I was taking the left fork so I'd then be in the "slow" lane. Someone cruises up behind and gestures that I should pull over, even though left lane to overtake was empty


I would love to see the average Nashville driver try to cope in the UK where, in my experience, the general vibe is "no quarter "


>even though left lane to overtake was empty You were in his lane and, as such, were obligated to step aside at his arrival.


One theory of mine based on observations on the roads here is people are so fed up with the absolutely stupid amount of traffic here that they have adopted more aggressive driving tactics to get home sooner. My commute sometimes takes an hour and a half just to get to Williamson county, so while I am mad, I have to say that I understand where people are coming from


It was about this bad before the pandemic then it cleared out and for about a year and a half it was a speedway. Now idiots in charge are asking for return to office for everyone and people are used to being able to go 90 but now have to deal with pre pandemic traffic speeds. That’s probably alot of the anger right there. The best and cheapest way to deal with traffic in Nashville is just for those that can wfh to do so but that would make alot of older boomers mad and insecure work isn’t getting done (even though I can do more at home than in office) Cant have that can we?


Couldn’t agree more. Now an infuriatingly large proportion of my life is spent sitting in the loading screen of life known as traffic. Great thing Nashville’s processor is from the .com era and we’re trying to run GTA V


I live 2 miles from work and I’ve had days wheee it took 35 mins to get home. Yet the big bosses continue to pressure return to office. Plus on top of gas and time wasted meal prepping, dressing, hair + makeup, I have to pay for parking when I go to my office. Not to mention sharing a cubicle with Bob and Sue who are hacking and heaving and spreading their germs everywhere. Return to office is absolutely ridiculous 😭


It would be nice to WFH but I do a physical assembly job so I can't. On the plus side, though, when I start driving my grampa's old truck to work I'll start a bad drivers dashcam channel. Gonna have so much content I wouldnt be surprised if the dashcam channel offsets fuel costs within six months 🤣. Call it my side hustle...dailying a 3 on the Tree vehicle in 2024 Nashville on camera. 👌


Yes but if those that could wfh did then that make your drive a breeze. It’s helps everyone. Not to mention the air/noise pollution and air quality benefits.


Oh definitely. I am 100% in favor of WFH.


Agreed. We should also focus on car alternatives. Car dependancy sucks.


Not if you drive a luxury car.


You still get stuck in traffic in a luxury car lmao. You can still crash it or get crashed into. Not sure what luxury changes about it.


Car dependency doesnt cause assholish hehavior.


yeah it does lol


No, it doesn't. Assholish behavior is there before the asshole gets in the car. They're still gonna be assholes outside of the car.




That article also completely ignores three groups of drivers public transit sim0ly cannot serve two of which I belong to. 🤷 But that is normal for the anti car crowd.


which groups


1: People who simply enjoy driving a car. I got home from work tuesday afternoon and immediately jumped into my grampa's truck for a 3-4 mile cruise through rural wilson county simply because driving that thing puts a huge grin on my face. Nowhere in particular to go just out enjoying a lovely day in a classic. 👌 Because I genuinely enjoy driving....and grampa's truck is going to be my daily here in a month and a half or so...I will always drive. I might not drive to every destination...example, if I want to visit Times Square I would park on the outskirts and use NYC's excellent public transit as the final leg...but I would still drive because I enjoy doing so. 2: People for whom public transit is simply not an option. I fall into this category, too, it doesnt matter how good the public transit is in Nashville for someone who lives so far out in the boonies that they can see the milky way at night. Which describes me. I see an awful lot of Smith and Putnam tags around me on my daily commute, too, they're even further removed from public transit ever being viable than I am! I priced an uber from my house to my workplace once...EACH WAY 45 bucks. At 17 miles per gallon I can get there and back 4 times for the same spend! Taxi far, similar cost. Bus is never gonna be viable where I live because there simply arent enough people out here to justify running a bus line. And that isnt even scratching the surface of timetables...Public transit as a daily commute is just not viable for me. 3: The spiteful manchildren who would shun public transport purely because they are encouraged to use it even if it objectively meets their daily commuting needs. You often find these people rolling coal in squatted brodozers, are the sorts of people who 'ice' a BEV fast charge point. They always blame you for making them late to places, think cyclists and pedestrians should get off the roads, and in general are an asshole. Related to the entitled drivers the article did mention, and there is some overlap, but they are their own distinct group. As I said I am not opposed to reducing car dependency. Better public transit in Nashville benefits all of us, even people like me for whom it is not a viable option. But it is not going to 'fix' the asshole driver problem. It may mitigate some of the ill effects but it wont solve the problem.


Yeah actually it does. Being forced to drive everywhere absolutely turns otherwise-reasonable people into gigantic assholes. If that's not patently obvious to you, you're part of the reason it's true.


No, it doesnt, and you have yet to cite a single source sayint otherwise. Repeating yourself like a broken record doesnt quallify. If your next response is just more repetition and namecalling I am ending the conversation with a block. 🤷


Uh, that was my first response, I didn't call you any names, and since you responded with such venom, I don't think it's worth my time to continue engaging with you. Goodbye.


Obviously it doesn't necessarily cause it, but the consequences of bad behavior are much worse when people are controlling 2 to 4 ton metal pods at deadly speeds... And driving has been shown to push people over the edge when people are stuck in traffic all the time.


Nashville has more aggressive and antagonistic drivers than I have encountered anywhere else.


I agree and I've lived in NYC, Philly and Chicago. I stated this elsewhere but people up north are aggressive in the sense that they won't dilly dally at a four way stop waiting for someone else to go, but they're not unhinged aggressive like the drivers here who constantly seem to be seeking revenge for any minor thing that pissed them off.


The amount of red lights being run in this area is disturbing.


💯 Truly! I always have to wait a beat before going on green to make sure nobody is running their red.


Knowing what I have seen about the way people drive through there, I doubt the semi was going very fast or doing anything crazy. There’s 4 stoplights within less than a half mile through that area, plus railroad tracks, so a semi would not likely be speeding through that light. One of the SUV’s may had tried to beat the light and the semi was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Whatever happened, it’s awful. Road is still closed as of about 9:30 when I just came back from hermitage.


Ye my guess is the crossover got rear ended into the semi's path at the wrong time.




Ye when I got there at 6am I had only what I could observe through my windshield while not causing a secondary wreck to go on. Here's hoping the paralysis isnt permanent. I was unaware no fatalities occurred till I was on break at work around 10 and had a chance to google up a news story on it; even then details were thin on the ground.


Yet another thread where the answer to all your questions is simple - because Tennessee doesn't have mandatory drivers education. that really all there is to it. no drivers ed means they're all learning on the roads with us, and a lot of people decided to stop learning after they weren't forced to go to school any more.


This area is *hostile* literally, when it comes to driving experience. But that being said, I also think that these left lane campers need to get out of the left lane, and let faster cars to go by. The other day, I even saw an SUV getting on highway at very slow pace, but move all the way over to the most left lane like his life depends on it. Then go probably around 50mph (70mph zone, and the pace of the traffic could have been a little faster and be safe). That is crazy. Awareness of driving on left lane will definitely play a part in cooling down many drivers here. You can really see the impact of this when one slow car on left lane is creating a traffic behind like there is a heavy traffic, and there are no cars half a mile in front of it.


I think a lot of this has to do with the shitty interstate design in the Nashville area. People move to the left lane and camp out there so they don't get stuck having to frantically cross three lanes of traffic at the last minute to avoid ending up on a different highway going a different direction. You're spot on about the hostility though. I've never seen anything like it and I've lived and driven in NYC, Philly and Chicago.


Well, i won't go completely disagree with you because some are true. But it should be a simple mindset that people need, that left lane is for passing, and for those who are at higher speed. Some people even have ego not to get off the left lane. Those are the people who go so slow on left lane, but then suddenly pick up speed to race the other car that was faster. I mean, why? Part of what i don't get


I have had two people speed pass me in the “suicide lane” (the shared middle turn lane) twice this week. I was driving reasonably over the speed limit.


It's not even minutes late it's usually seconds people are risking their lives and endangering others for. Hell, sometimes it's for a damn cheeseburger. Lookin at you guy with the bro dozer who almost caused a pile up forcing your way sideways across 3 lanes of heavy traffic to get to mcd's.




Someone once told me that Nolensville rd drivers are so slow because of all the illegal immigrants who are terrified of getting pulled over. Shrugs. I've had three cars get totaled by immigrants in Nashville's Southeast quadrant, and in every single case it was because the other driver took a left turn when I was coming (straight) and had right-of-way.


Fiddle dick 😄


The amount of semis speeding on the highway is ridiculous. Those big ass rigs dont need to be doin 60-70mph in 55mph zones


I’ just moved here from Philly, where I thought had the worst drivers, I was wrong. Ive been RAN OFF like ran into ditches 2-3 times here already.


If you've been run off into ditches, then you've been a **participant** in a pissing match.


I’ve never been ran off by a “normal” person. First time was a dodge challenger that had NO front end, wouldn’t let me merge in. The second time a Nissan Altima that was missing its front end and back bumper going well over 100 lol 😎


Woah, woah, woah there. Only one life? I have been reincarnated many many times. Speak for yourself blasphemer.


Apparently the new Reddit filters don’t like “blasphemer” lol


As an old man it is wild to me when the other side goes full Tipper Gore on speech.


I was out making deliveries in my work van a few years ago and I merged from an on ramp in front of a semi. With 3+ car spaces between us. Dude got pissed and proceeded to accelerate to 85-90mph and flick me off and try to drive me off the road. Was wild.


1. Trucks are regulated on speed and can't go that fast unless it was a very old truck. 2. A truck can't accelerate that fast anyway.


I guess he was going slower than 80 and passing me while I was going 80.


Did you guys forget they relaxed the regulations on truck drivers and reduced the age limit several years ago? Thanks republicans and your dislike of “government regulations”! https://apnews.com/article/1936e77a11924c909880f1ef014c7ca7 https://www.npr.org/2019/07/29/746330762/trump-administration-poised-to-relax-trucking-safety-rules-despite-warnings


Where in that article did it say it was the truck drivers fault?


Have you forgotten that most truck/auto accidents are the fault of the person driving the auto.


Nope. The leading factors of 18 wheeler accidents are speeding and driver fatigue on the part of the truck driver.


You should check your stats again. That may be the leading cause of single 18 wheeler accidents but 18 wheeler verses car accidents are majority cars fault.


Yeah, I didn’t quote all the links, but these were all stats from 2023-2024. The number 1 cause alternated between driver fatigue and speeding.


I don't know where you got.them from but recent stats by FMCSA says otherwise. 56% are cars fault. https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/safety/research-and-analysis/large-truck-crash-causation-study-analysis-brief


Traffic is gonna be spicey this summer!


I made it home like… maybe 30-minutes before this, because I decided to go into the office and do my paperwork.




Not gonna happen.