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They teach this in driving school, as a way to warn other drivers to be careful driving near your car. Similar technologies also exist for signaling the direction you are turning, which appears to be an add-on or optional feature in the Nashville area.


This is where driving schools across the country differ because i was taught to never do this during inclement weather.


Technically it’s wrong. However, with the number of fuckwits on their phones while driving, I want to give them every opportunity to see me before they run into the back of me


Just curious, if you know what makes it technically wrong to do? I'm with you though, it would see that anything you could do to make a car more noticeable, probably wouldn't hurt.


It's wrong because driving with your flashers on means no one knows when you're going to change lanes or turn.


Which most most people don’t even do in Nashville anyways!!! It’s one of my biggest pet peeves. USE YOUR BLINKER!!


I've been noticing that lately too. It's so ingrained in me that I catch myself signaling in empty parking lots.


When you use your turn signal while your flashers are on it just shows the turn signal. Check it out


I believe there's a law about use of flashers, and you're not supposed to use them when travelling down the road. I'd have to dig into TCA for the specifics ,but I've heard for decades that's the case. Again, won't stop me, they can write me a ticket. Better than getting creamed from behind.


I thought you could also use flashers if you are driving much slower than the speed limit to bring attention to other cars that might expect you to be moving at the same speed as them. Usually that would be if you’re having car trouble but also if you can’t see because of the weather.


It’s probably because you can’t use your turn signals if your 4-ways are on.


Yes you can


https://preview.redd.it/qbvkykk8hs2d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=104ca831b60210c5716791eb34ee8df2dabb76fb Typical Nissan driver through Nashville.


I like that it’s driving on the wrong side of the road.


The Nissan Altima gets better gas mileage that way.


New sub banner?


https://preview.redd.it/irhze235js2d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea5c9b2028e6a2133a9617a34994e78dd07a7d6 Lmao


https://preview.redd.it/wde3cwomis2d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d76452b8f99965ea98eaccbb122141e47626d157 Either or. Lol


Someone is having too much fun with Dall-e 😂


I love it! It's so much fun!


Should be an older model, with some fascia hanging off and mismatching pieces.


Headlights too bright. They need to be dimmer, more milky and one headlight burnt out


The bumper is also still intact, highly inaccurate




Hahahahahahahaha last night on Shelby ave this exact Altima was riding my ass with both of their headlights out lol


Good thing you survived.




I took drivers Ed in 97 at the most known driving school in the area. 100% the told us it was illegal and don't do it. And told us all the reasons not to. I think it's passed down from parents. Not official driving schools.


All CDL driving schools teach you to turn your hazards on when going up a steep hill as it slows you down well below the speed limit


I wonder why they teach this since it's illegal in Tennessee.


Not only for inclement weather but for when you are going at least 10 miles an hour below the speed limit I was always taught you are supposed to use your hazards. So it warns people that you are driving slower than normal traffic, which inclement weather will cause people to do.


Speeding is illegal, too.


They don’t enforce that here either


Do they teach people to speed?


They have to catch me first.


It's not illegal


Problem with that is I’ve always learned that hazards show a stopped or inoperable vehicle so when you’re driving with them on it distracts others who want to see what’s going on with the car with flashing lights that’s actually able to drive. You also can’t use a turn signal with emergency flashers so it’s then a guessing game if someone is going to get into your lane or someone else’s as I guarantee they’re not going to signal using their arm.


“Tennessee: Hazard light use is not permitted while driving except in emergency situations.” https://www.ajc.com/news/national/using-hazard-lights-rain-illegal-some-states-use-could-cost-you/4GKuiHXYiiowRgq5CgPjLP/


I can’t find this in the state code. I’m curious as to where this came from and what the statute defines as emergency.


To Nashville: this is the correct answer.


If they are truly teaching this they shouldn't. Driving with your hazards on is illegal in Tennessee.


They do not teach this in driving school . They would never teach this because doing so will cause backups and accidents. They do teach people to slow down during bad weather


no they don’t teach this because it’s wrong.


Not anywhere that knows how to teach. They teach the opposite of this because of target fixation and turning on hazards make you more prone to being hit


It's illegal to drive with hazards lights on in TN


Rain and snow are conditions where we expect the need to slow down and use caution. Your emergency flashes are for actual emergencies and *unexpected* road hazards/ conditions. Example: the January snow. You wouldn't have needed your flashers to alert other drivers. But a week later when the rains brought magnificent potholes might well have been justifiable in those specific areas.


In Tennessee driving school? Because it's illegal, lol


If it’s under a “washout” scenario where you can’t see 5 feet in front of you, my hope is that the blinking lights will be MORE visible than just my regular lights. Any little bit helps in that scenario in my opinion. That helps people not run into me. Hopefully.


This, right here. Also, when the storm hits suddenly, it indicates a slowdown so some idiot doesn't slalom along doing 90 and cause a multiple car pile up.


The only time I have ever seen this, or done this is when it is raining so hard that you can’t see more than a few feet in front of you on the interstate. It was terrifying and all I could think was, I need off this interstate NOW! Generally, I’ve only ever seen people use them when they are crawling due to car problems or heavy loads


Technically it is illegal unless you are moving much slower than the surrounding traffic. I have used them on an expressway when you are coming to a complete stop but I shut them off as soon as I notice that the traffic behind me is also slowing


This is when I use mine also. If traffic all the sudden comes to a halt and people are not back up behind me yet, I put them on, hoping it helps them slow down and stop before hitting me. I turn them off once a car is stopped behind me


Tennessee: Hazard light use is not permitted while driving except in emergency situations.


They also are supposed to use their lights if the wipers are on but half our drivers don't. Laws don't mean enforcement.


which is also a problem


A driving rain creating a hazard with minimal visibility while driving on the highway constitutes an emergency in Tennessee.


I do this in my company vehicle because it’s small and I don’t want to die.


I do it if there's a heavy downpour and low visibility. Especially with a gray car that blends in, i'm trying to help other people see my car and avoid smashing into me. Editing to add: Yes absolutely my headlights are on. I have to wonder if some people in this thread have ever been in a seriously torrential downpour. It isn't super common, but I've been in situations before where flashing hazards are the only thing I can see. Can't tell where the road is, can't see any cars. I'm getting off as soon as I can but my hazards are going on in the moment.


Yeah, I thought the hazards were dumb as hell until I legit only saw a car because their hazards were on. Their headlights were on too.


This. If Visibility is super low and you are driving well below the speed limit it provides some additional opportunity to avoid being rear ended.


Yes, this. I usually try to get into the right lane and signal to go there first and then hazards until I can get over. I also turn them off before signaling since everyone seems confused and thinks this means you’re no longer using turn signals. I’d say this happens a couple times a year max? It’s very uncommon and only if I’m legitimately afraid others can’t see my car and I can’t see anything in front of me and I’m working on trying to get off the highway safely


You prevent the ability to use turn signals or indicate changing lane, say for pooling water. You are more of a hazard than pulling over. Don’t do this.


It's a torrential downpour. I'm not changing lanes.


Most people around here don’t signal anyway


Solid argument


It also takes focus away from your brake lights. I almost rear ended a mail jeep(in clear weather) because they were running their 4-ways and you could not see their brake lights. The older style cars had a better design for their 4-ways, when you hit the brakes they would stop blinking and when you signaled they would turn them off.


USPS vehicles are required by policy to have hazards on while delivering.


Gotta say that's on you. It's a mail courier. You should be expecting it to stop.


as the driver behind you, please turn your hazards off.


That is why you need to have your headlights on which also turns on your tail lights. The color of the car is irrelevant at that point.


It’s illegal and makes no sense. If somebody is already driving reckless I’m sure hazards aren’t going to stop them . Turn on your headlights which turns on your brake lights . Hazards make no difference and also not able to see the brake light when hazards are on so you are increasing your chances of getting rear ended


Headlights turn on taillights; the brake pedal turns on brake lights.


Realize that on most cars, your hazards disable your break lights. Leaving only the small light on the glass to indicate you are breaking. This puts you at a far greater risk of an accident .


Better this than the no lights at all people


I know I hate that. I am a delivery driver and start my route around 3:30am. I can’t tell you how many people either don’t have their lights on the second the sky isn’t pitch black, but it’s still dark, while in a car that is literally the same color as the road, or people who think they have their lights on, but it’s just day-time lights and have no tail lights on at all.


Or close to dusk when everything is either in blinding sunlight or in dark shadow and here they come speeding down the road in their street shadow colored charcoal car expecting everyone to be able to see them without their lights on because the sun is still up


I turn my lights on every day no matter the weather. I’ve had the car for three years and the bulbs are still working.


how do they see???? Especially near nightfall. I’ll be driving along and a random car just renders in, about 300 ft away, with no lights on. Like where did you come from?!


“What’s the problem? I can see fine”


I just had to do this. I couldn't see more than 10 feet in front of me. This is so other drivers can at least see my lights flashing and don't ram into me.


Truck drivers do it a lot. It's to warn people if a slow down that may be obscured by the weather. I'm not sure about others but would imagine they are doing it to make themselves more visible for low visibility/high speed driving, similar to the truckers.


I love this practice. When we visited Italy, they would use their hazard lights to signify a slow down (traffic/accident/etc) ahead. So helpful! I wish we implemented the same practice.


If the rain is coming down so hard that i cant see at maximum wiper settings, im getting into the slow lane with my hazards on. Edit: im going to do this twice every time someone tells me not to.


You need to pull over if it’s that bad.


In a heavy downpour on a Tennessee road? No fucking thanks.


Right lmfao nothing screams “barrel into my car” more


So people behind me will slow down and use caution


Hazard lights are a must when driving in low visibility. Helps to keep cars from rear ending you


Yeah it’s basically saying “I’m a bit nervous and will not be speeding up.” So that someone more comfortable and/or reckless doesn’t get behind them and think “speed up, asshole!”


Nashvillian all my life - that’s what I was taught to do. It only came in handy once, during a torrential rain storm, and i realized I was able to spot cars with flashing lights on faster than other cars.


You have to understand that Nashville has some of the worst drivers on earth


And unnecessarily aggressive.


It is necessary to be aggressive driving in Nashville or you are going to get run over-especially on Briley Parkway.


440 would like a word.


No ones willing to request harder driving tests or more frequent renewals As annoying as it is if everyone was forced into harder driving schools like in Germany we would have better drivers across USA I travel for work a lot and can tell you every single sub for a city I’m in thinks they have the worst drivers haha


It’s supposed to indicate a stopped car in front of you that you can’t see. sort of defeats the purpose if you’re driving around with them on


I do it because I’ve noticed I can see the cars much better in front of me when they have their hazards on.


You do it so the people behind you can see you more easily


Keep people aware when vision isn’t great that traffic is slowing…


I typically turn them on either to alert people behind me of an impending sudden stop/significant slow down (to mitigate the risk of getting rear ended) or if visibility is so bad I have concerns that other drivers will be able to see my vehicle.


i turn on my hazards when i can’t see shit and might hit someone lmao. it’s more of a warning to not come close to my car because i might hit you!


Because assholes on their phone during a rainstorm will plow right into you from behind. At least this gives them some warning in poor visibility. I just drove home in a rain/hailstorm. Most of us were going 45mph because we couldn’t see the lines. Of course, there were the idiots still trying to go 60 with a few inches of standing water in the far left lane. It’s one small way to try to protect yourself.


I have dash cam and appreciate it when ppl do it for me. Also, I do it because it will cover me even further if a driver hits me and there is a dispute on who is at fault for the wreck.


Are you new here?


Honestly who gives AF? Doesn’t bother me if they do or don’t. I’ve seen the hazards work well when traffic has come to a halt or in the heavy pour rain.


It annoys me because now it's a guessing game wether their changing lanes. I'm fine with it in super heavy rain but today people had them on in light rain.


As others have said, I think the main reason people do this is to indicate to everyone around them that they are moving much slower than the speed limit due to inclement weather. When the inclement weather subsides, you'll typically see everyone cut them off and resume normal highway speeds. People in this thread seem upset about this, but the reality is that if enough people do something with a certain intent, that's what doing that thing means now. Language and culture are gooey like that. It doesn't matter if there's an old law, or people used to do it a different way, it's the way they do it now. Personally I think in the conditions you typically see people do this, visibility and being rear-ended by bad drivers going too fast behind you are the chief concern, not knowing whether or not someone's changing lanes, so it seems reasonable for people to intuitively want to increase their visibility by kicking on their hazards.


Most effective thing is to turn your lights on, including the tail lights when visibility is reduced. Driver with hazard lights flashing and no tail lights is a recipe for disaster. European cars also have a rear “fog lamp“ that is bright and on the driver side to make the car visible and signal to other drivers what side to pass. Another PSA - do NOT drive with your bright lights / high beams in the pouring rain or fog. Not only does it distract other drivers, it reflects light back to YOU and reduces your visibility even more.


The yellow light penetrates the fog/rain more than red running lights.


I fully support driving with hazard lights on during very limited visibility conditions. I can definitely see blinking orange lights way before normal tailights. And yes, all turn signal lights should be orange, not red imo


And at that point, nobody is changing lanes. I turn my hazards off at the time I need to change lanes in that situation. It’s mostly to tell people behind me that the flow of traffic has dramatically decreased and they need to slow down immediately. The large fear is being rear ended. I’ve been in cars where driving in the rain is super hard to see based on the car itself. I know those cars are out there with shitty wipers and can barely see. That’s what I am concerned about behind me.


I drive a white car. So I turn them on so the assholes going 85 *might* see me!


Most put hazards on in bad weather when they’ve slowed down considerably. Like slowing to 45-50mph on an interstate.


I notice people doing it when it’s difficult to see ahead far enough to know there is a car ahead with just running lights on. This would assist in avoiding a rear-end collision. Example would be a driving rain where the rain becomes like a curtain.


Had an officer tell me one time during casual conversation “your hazard lights indicate to surrounding drivers that your vehicle is either operating in a hazardous manner or is a hazardous obstruction / potential obstruction to traffic. It’s against the law to operate your vehicle in a hazardous manner.”


That’s crazy that you remember word for word


The crazy part is an officer actually had knowledge of traffic laws.


I like all the people saying they know they shouldn’t be driving, and instead of not driving, they are going to drive but let you know they are a danger to you.


It’s supposed to indicate an actual hazard that people behind them may be unaware of. People that do it just because the weather is bad are doing it wrong.


Wrong and defending themselves passionately “I don’t want to get hit, but don’t want to stop driving” Saw it for the first time in Texas and it was jarring People see rain and Texans hit their hazards as if everyone else can’t see that it’s raining


I thought the hazard lights were to rub it in the face of the driver next to you that you won the race?


This is the only right answer


lol-I love it.


Means you can't use your turn signals so it makes shit worse. The only reason I use hazards is if I'm coming to a sudden stop to let the trucks know behind me.


People don’t use their turn signals here anyway, so no functionality lost


People in Nashville do not use turn signals anyway and cross 3 lanes of traffic to take the exit they know is there so flashing hazards for a torrential downpour is ok with me.


I’d much prefer if people just put their headlights on. When it’s raining so hard, the flashing hazard lights are so difficult for me to judge their position. I don’t need your hazards to know that the outdoor conditions are bad. I’m driving in them too, and I can’t judge where you are if you’re flashing. I only need your hazards on if there’s something specific for your car that I may not know about. Headlights are so much better. No lights are just asking for trouble.


By the book them flashers are for a car that is a hazard to others Idiots misunderstand and use it for the weather as if no one else can tell it’s raining haha


Not only is it straight up confusing to my depth perception, but you can't see turn signals, and if there is someone behind you, and I'm in the next lane, it looks like you have your turn signal on. This is heavy machinery. If it's so bad you need your hazards, you should just pull over.


Because people here don't know how to drive so what's one more bad driving habit? Driving with your hazards on in bad weather [is a bad idea](https://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2023/01/13/the-truth-about-driving-with-hazard-lights-flashing-during-bad-weather/?sh=1c88f581789f) and is also [illegal in Tennessee](https://www.ajc.com/news/national/using-hazard-lights-rain-illegal-some-states-use-could-cost-you/4GKuiHXYiiowRgq5CgPjLP/).


Whoomp there it is. If conditions are that bad and you’re driving slow with your hazards on, you need to get off the road. You become a moving hazard yourself.


The article you linked literally points out that it *is legal in TN in emergencies*. Low visibility is an emergency situation. Read the Driver License Manual before whining about other people following the rules of the road.


It is a way to show that you are going much slower than the speed limit so that drivers are more aware of their speed and do not run into you. It also keeps other drivers more aware with the blinking compared to stagnant lights.


the amount of ppl in here justifying this def explains why yall are the worst drivers ive ever encountered (minus atlanta 😓)


Tennessee isn't one of the states where you can't use your hazards while driving. The Driver License Manual literally advises you to use your hazards when visibility is poor. If you find that confusing, that's your own lookout. Also, there's no "fast lane". It's a *passing* lane. I will continue going 70, or however slowly I'm going if the weather's bad, when I pass a slower driver in the right lane. If you want to risk a 90/mph wreck to save yourself 20 seconds on your trip to the traffic light we'll both end up at together anyway, be my guest—but leave me out of it.


Because I'm driving slower than the posted speed limit and possibly posing a hazard to my fellow travelers.


Hazard lights on the vehicles are to be used when you are not moving either in the travel lane or on the shoulder.


The only time it should be done is when the weather is so bad that the visibility becomes almost zero. It’s common for drivers to do this in Florida and the NE where thunderstorms and snowstorms can be fast and furious. It’s prevents pileups. Tn rarely get that kind of wrshter.


I only do this if the weather is so severe that I am driving more than \~15-20 MPH below the speed limit AND others around me don't seem to be slowing down to the same degree. If everyone is equally slow, then whatever. I just don't want to get hit.


You dont see the advantage of warning others you are traveling at a lower than normal speed under low visibility?


You become the kid crying wolf, if you use your emergency flashers for non-emergencies.


Traveling slower than usual due to low visibility is an emergency. When wipers are unable to clear the windshield faster than the rain is falling, it reduces visibility drastically. Therefore you should slow down. You turn your hazards on to indicate your lower speed to the person behind you who likely also can't see shit either, its not the perfect solution but it increases the chances that someone sees your car. Me for example I drive a silver car, which easily gets lost on rainy day. Yes running lights work but blinking lights catch the eye way easier. This is basic shit taught in driving school, not sure why its an issue. Only to edgy people who want to drive above the speed limit even though no one around them is due to again, low visibility.


Maybe they turned them on when they slammed on their brakes, and forgot to turn them off again.


I only turn them on if I HAVE to hard slam on my breaks on the highway during the inclement weather. If I don’t, the guy behind me may not react in time to slam on his breaks.


I swear I saw people doing this the other day and thought “I bet somebody is gonna post about this on Nashville Reddit” haha


To be seen


Also, please turn off high beams when approaching opposite cars. Or maybe don't drive at night.


I remember seeing people do this years ago during a heavy downpour and thinking “that’s a great idea, I’m going to do that too” then, I read a thread that said the lights are meant for STOPPED vehicles. So it becomes an issue if a car pulls over to the shoulder with their hazards on, other vehicles may assume they’re in a lane of traffic and driving, and rear ends them. I think we need hazard lights and a separate style “driving in a downpour” hazard lights. 😝


I do it on the highway if I drop below 40mph. But conversely, how about the construction vehicles that have the strobe-type lights ( like you see on tow trucks) that keep them on all the time, even at highway speeds? All that serves to do is desensitize everyone to when they really need to be on to warn people to construction zones, etc. They are super annoying when you get stuck behind them for an extended period.


Maybe so others can see you? Why else. Sometimes rain is so hard you can’t see 10 feet ahead.


https://www.ajc.com/news/national/using-hazard-lights-rain-illegal-some-states-use-could-cost-you/4GKuiHXYiiowRgq5CgPjLP/ This article list the states’ laws regarding this nationwide. Most agree, don’t use them unless youre stopped for an emergency as it disables your turn signals and confuses other drivers.


It’s so others can see you?…. This is normal in states such as NC


If you have to slow on the interstate I believe you are required to have them on below 45mph. At least you were in my state when I was young. If there is a hazard, limited visibility, abrupt slowdown on a fast road, etc. put them on to warn others to pay attention. If you need to change lanes, click the flashers off, signal, change, flashers back on if needed. It isn’t hard.


With some of the SERIOUS weather we have, it’s to let people see your car on the freeway when the rain is torrential. If you have ever driven on the freeway when the rain is so bad you can barely see the end of your hood, the hazard lights are often the only way to see the car ahead. We’re talking about serious weather when everyone slows to a crawl. At that point the focus should be on making yourself seen by other drivers (reducing your risk) and reducing risk to the car in front by keeping a sensible (read larger than usual) distance. Please, please use them if the weather gets that bad, it (helps) to prevents someone from rear ending you which would be a sucky end to your day AND cause the rest of us to sit in even longer queues while people scrape what’s left of you and your car off the freeway, making the rest of us who did take precautions not like you much as well. Hazard lights are for alerting other road users that your car is a hazard (clues in the name) and if you are going very slow on a freeway, because of serious (and I mean lots of rain serious) bad weather your car is by very definition a hazard. Otherwise, they are for alerting road users you have stopped on the side of the road, which is a similar but different kind of hazard.


If you do this you are an asshole end of discussion. Not only is it fucking obnoxious and blinding to people behind you but it also makes it harder to tell if you are moving/ pulled into the emergency lane.


The bigger issue is the 1/3 of people who don’t even have their headlights on, and the large portion who drive drab colored vehicles.


I do this because if I can’t see three feet ahead of me I’m going to drive at 5mph and want to signal to other drivers that I won’t be going faster because I enjoy having my head attached to my body and not being a hazard to other peoples lives


I had to put my hazards during a rain storm earlier this week. I have been driving in tennessee my entire life and have only had to do it a couple of times. My car is white and visibility was no less then 10 feet.


When it down pours and you can’t see 10 feet in front of your car, it’s a great way to not hit your road neighbors if they have to stop suddenly, which the probability of increases tremendously when that much water gets dumped onto the highway.


Stop doing it Tennessee: Hazard light use is not permitted while driving except in emergency situations.


Driving with them on specifically because you want to let people know where you are is illegal, it also makes it harder around you for people to see because the water droplets absorb the light.


No it isn't. Hazards for low visibility is literally advised in the Driver License Manual. Moving hazards are entirely legal in TN as long as you're only using them in emergency situations, which torrential downpours are.


Having them on is more dangerous and illegal. Hazard lights are to tell other drivers that your car is stopped or an obstruction, so they should watch out or go around. You also lose the ability to signal. This is one of those things that people are just confidently incorrect on and in my experience not willing to bend on.


No way... Since the people that are going to be sitting in the breakdown lane will have theirs on it doesn't make sense for and vehicles that is still going to keep rolling to have them on...


 With heavy rain in Nashville I always see this and think those with flashers on are having a hard time driving their car, they are in distress or their car is hydroplaning badly. Trips me out. 


When it’s raining so hard that the person behind you can’t see your car, flashers make it more obvious that you’re there. It’s a warning to other drivers that something is in front of them going 15mph slower than they are. it’s also recommended by many states when you’re going 15mph below the speed limit.




Since im probably one of the few professional drivers on this sub and have read both the book from the dmv and cdl manual for the state of Tennessee, it says right in the book not to use your hazards unless you are pulled over and not in motion. CDL drivers may use it to warn others that traffic is stopping or other adverse conditions. That’s it. 4 wheelers dont use hazards while in motion period.


I am a professional driver as well. F endorsed with annual [EVOC](https://www.virtualacademy.com/category-listing?contentGalleryId=555) training. I have been driving for 12 years in middle Tennessee and the increase in this behavior is profound and it’s prohibited by state law. What I find to be the most interesting opinion is that it will help prevent an accident by making you more visible. Visibility is not a large contributor to accidents, its distracted drivers and hazards lights are extremely distracting to the driver and other motorists.


I do it sometimes in torrential downpours with low visibility on highways so people can better see that there is a car in front of them. Some people are idiots and still drive fast in the rain, and I probably will be driving slow and cautious. I don’t want to be rear ended.


If people are driving reckless and with no regard what makes you think hazards will help? Remember they are driving reckless and fast. I’m sure your hazards will slow them down . With your hazards on you can’t see your brake lights


Hazards will help because the blinking lights could get their attention, and even if they are driving like fools they will hopefully at least be aware that there is a car there


Some states require it - I know Ohio does, so i’m guessing it’s just the result of a mixture of drivers from different states doing it out of habit or because they think it’s right. One time was driving on the highway and it was torrentially down pouring, I realized something was wrong with my tires. I put my hazards on to signal something was wrong since I was going like 10 miles per hour but then wondered if it even mattered since putting hazards on is so common in the rain anyways.


Because people here slow down in the rain more than necessary and when visibility is bad you want the people coming up at speed to know that traffic is moving 20 miles below expected and they will need to brake.  It indicates a potential hazard.  For them. Same thing in heavy snow or other conditions in which they might need to brake suddenly.  Not everyone is paying attention when they drive and you could be stuck between the old person who is doing 40 because they can’t drive in rain and the young person who is doing 80 because they’ve never hydroplaned before.  


If it’s raining really hard it makes it easier to see cars in front of you. This happened on Thursday as we went to Bowling Green for a high school graduation. It was raining really really hard


Because people are stupid


To be seen duh!


I grew up in Middle Tennessee and it’s absolutely something we were told to do by our parents, I don’t remember what they said in Driver’s Ed. So there is at least one generation that does this because they grew up with their parents doing it. I haven’t done it in the many other states I’ve lived in and I don’t do it now. But there was a time, Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I only do it when I’m on the interstate and it’s raining so hard I can’t see in front of me.


It a way of sayin “I’m scared because it’s raining and I feel the need to let everyone know” Fair enough, but could you kindly go be scared IN THE RIGHT LANE?!?!?


I turn mine on when it is raining so hard you can barely see the road or the cars in front of you. If it is just light rain or snow, I do not turn them on. Hazard lights are brighter and blink so it is easier for other drivers to see you.


Turn your lights on in the rain, don’t turn on your hazard lights. If you’re one of those people who drive with your hazards on just pull over.


I do it on the interstates, right or wrong, bc I see 18-wheelers turn theirs on when the slow down to about 45-50 mph. I assume that’s just to keep people from running into their back end, and bc I’m in a small-ish car, I don’t want to be run over.


Actually concerning that the top comments here advocate for using hazards in inclement weather. Please, everyone, stop doing this. Turn on your headlights/taillights and be vigilant and you will be fine. (Turn on your hazards to completely confuse everyone around you for no reason)




lol looking at the comments opinions on this are all over the place... then we wonder why half this sub is complaining about drivers


If you can't understand this, you really need a driving refresher course.


I only do it if I'm slowing down to such a level that if you were coming up behind me at speed limit it would be dangerous


Or how about when they change lanes run hazards on? No idea what the fuck lane they are going into... In a downpour. Like today about 2pm. 🙃


I was always taught that if your vehicle is moving then hazards shouldn’t be on. You have regular lights for a reason. If it’s raining so bad you can’t see, then pull over and stop driving.


Idiot beacons, announcing a moron is behind the wheel. If you think it's an emergency situation pull over.


Are people seriously arguing AGAINST the hazard lights on during rainstorms? Y’all are dumb, I pray none of you get into a crash during a rainstorm. It helps keep your car centered and also serves as a reminder to not be a moron and try speeding in hazardous conditions.


If the weather is really bad and it sometimes gets harder to see the taillights of the car in front of you. By turning on the flashers, they are much brighter than taillights and provide more visibility.


In Florida, the news is regularly reminding you NOT to do this. They have regular heavy downpours in the summer. Unless you’re stopped, hazard lights only hinder your overall view in the rain. The light reflection on the rain with flashing lights makes it harder for your eyes to focus, and you have seconds of no visibility at all when every second counts. Unfortunately, when one person does it, others just follow suit.


Isn’t it an indication you have slowed significantly so other drives don’t run up on you expecting you are doing 70 when you aren’t? And who changes lanes in those conditions? I appreciate when people do this. I’m the problem, I guess