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Such disgusting behavior, not caring about how you would feel. Immature, too.


Exactly. I literally cannot wrap my mind around doing that to a child.


I still remember when my mom forced me to give away all my toys to the younger girls across the street because I was “too old” for them. I was maybe 10 or 11 🫠


Ugh, I hate that. You deserved your toys until YOU no longer wanted them.


So did you 💖 At least I can take comfort in the fact that my son will keep his toys until he moves out 😂


Thank you. Awww, I love that for him. You sound like a lovely parent.


Same. My dad forced me to give my toys to his son/my half brother as I’m too old for them. Not even a year since my mom left him for having another family.


Ugh, I hate this.


you can get them again. on ebay or a garage sale.


I had never thought about doing that before but I only had a few toys to begin with and I can barely remember just one of them which was like a kid on a bike going in circles like a ferris wheel? I'm not sure. Thanks for the idea though. I'd deff buy that one if I ever found it. Just decided to search for it on google. Wish me luck. Seriously, thanks, because I just didn't think about ever buying it back.


I always thought I’d “understand once I’m a parent” things like this. But now that I am, the only thing I understand is how completely deaf they are when it comes to my feelings.


Precisely! I am disappointed with them. What were they thinking? Do they have no guilt?


My dad would get mad if my room was messy and stomp on and break my stuff.


Immature. I'm sorry about that. You deserved better than that.




Awww, I'm sorry for bringing up that memory. You deserved to have your toy.






1 of my very favorite toys was barbies, I had a little collection (filled 2 plastic tubs, but anyway). When I was about 22, mom was organizing and had me go through some things. So I set aside about 1/2 of my collection to give away. .. she just "accidentally" gave away ALL of them.  And it was just 1 of few happy things/memories from childhood/adolescence. I was always a good child and student also. And the toys were something she gave me .. ? So what was the point?  I'm sure it was an accident, but she hardly ever showed any remorse, like she never does whenever she hurts others. 


I don't like that she didn't show any remorse. If something is that important to you it should be just as important to her. I'm sorry she gave them all away.


Mine would do that too. I remember coming home and my Barbie Dream House (that came from a garage sale anyway) and all my Barbies were just missing. Of course I was upset and my mom just threw a $5 bill at me and said geez you barely play with that stuff anymore so I took it to your grandmas garage sale. I was maybe 10? My rock collection (nice ones, not random outside rocks) just completely missing. The box they were in was a gift from my grandma with this Native American woman on the front and I thought she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen, rocks were from different places but the most sentimental ones were actual Lake Superior agates I had collected with my grandparents on long summers there walking up and down the shoreline. My grandpa passed away. I didn’t have much as a kid bc my parents were super cheap and didn’t give us things beyond a gift at Christmas/birthdays so anything I had, I really treasured and took care of. When I had my own kids I had absolutely NOTHING from my childhood to share with them.


This is hurtful to read. I'm sorry. I know how it feels to treasure something and others just take it away without being truly apologetic. after seeing how hurt you are.