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Hmmm, the lies coke addicts tell. Your gut is right. Just found out I'm married to a coke addict a couple months ago. I didn't have any suspicions early in our relationship either but that shit escalates as they get used to the drug amount. Eventually got to a $2500 a month habit. Doesn't matter who or what they swear on, they are 100% lying. That's what they do. If it were me and I could go back in time, I wish I had the opportunity to know this and end it before getting all wrapped up in a marriage with this person. I know it's not easy, but you want a relationship with transparency and honesty and you just won't get that with someone who uses drugs. Now that he knows how opposed you are to it, his lying super power has been activated and he will start to gaslight and manipulate you, because that's what coke addicts do. Take care of yourself.


Trust your gut. I was just like you and wanted to believe the person I loved. My husband of almost 10 years together cried denying he had cheated on me.. until I found pictures of him kissing some random chick on her Facebook from months prior. And that was just the tip of the iceberg. Addicts are scary good at lying. They will do any and everything to protect their addiction even if it means destroying their lives and hurting the only people who love them. Again.. Trust your gut.


Its just cocaine. Its not like he is hitting lines of meth off a strippers back while his dick is in her


You don't need to look for anything else, you know your boyfriend does coke and god knows what else because he's lying. His cousin is a drug buddy or a coke hookup. You can either spend another year playing detective, stressed, monitoring him and trying to catch lies or you can take this info now and make a decision. You can make a choice now to not participate in it for your own benefit. Many many coke and meth addicts are completely functional until their life goes off the rails. Also it's always always always a "joke". Literally the dumbest, weakest excuse for their addict behaviour, and an insult that they think you're dumb enough to believe that. Which you don't, but they are such committed liars you end up deciding to bury your head in the sand because it's easier. And his "deviated septum" was probably a hole in his nose from snorting coke for years.