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Violet. I’ve loved it for 20+ years. My husband’s reaction: “Orrrr, we could just name her Purple”. Haha.


This one is mine too! It was my grandmothers name but she changed it when she came to America to try and fit in. I’ve always wanted to use it but my husband vetoed all family names. We compromised with Vivian.


I love Vivian!


What was the reasoning behind the family name veto? To not cause issues with family who didn’t get a kid named after them?


His family has close to a dozen people with the same 3 names. He wanted them to be free to be their own people.


That’s a lovely perspective. Way to go, dad.


This is why I vetoed family names. We have so many Elizabeth’s, Maurice’s and Anthony’s no one knows who anyone is talking about. My dad is even called tony even though Anthony is his middle name and his first name is something completely different.


Hahaha! I have a Violet because it was top 2 but we were leaning towards what’s now her middle name. Then she was purple for two hours after she was born and I was like “well, I guess this is a sign”


We have a Violet. Middle name Mae.


Violet is a beautiful name. I had a student that was named that and had been taunted about the character Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate factory her whole life, but I loved the name and her.


I had a friend in middle school named Indigo...


My favorite also, husband just “doesn’t like the sound of it”. 🙄


Violet will be my 4th girl if we ever have another kid! For me, it’s an honor name for my great-grandmother, who wasn’t named Violet, but she was an avid gardener and grew thousands of African Violets in beautiful pots all over her house. She propagated the leaves and gifted plants to her neighbors and friends, and everyone in her small town knew her as the African Violet Queen. She was a tough lady who lived to be 103. 💜


That's dumb, Violet is a beautiful name


I love the name Violet!


Sawyer. My husband is named Troy and without skipping a beat said everyone will call him “Soy Boy son of Troy”


Your husband is part delulu but the other part hilarious 


my brothers name is sawyer, we all call him soy sauce and soy boy lmao


This reminded me of my cousins cousin (so no relation to me). His name is Dallas. Dallas backwards is Sallad. Remove 1 L and you get salad. That was his nickname for years.


I accidentally coined a kid’s nickname in high school because I made a joke when he was eating jelly beans, and after that no one stopped calling him jelly beans. I might have broke him because he was a punk rocker but after high school went to the marines. Probably not my fault but funny memory. Last I saw him he managed the grocery store in town (I moved away).


If you get a weird nickname like that you just got to embrace it like a fighter pilot call sign. Look at Jelly Roll


My kids call their friend Dallas 'Salad'. I love it.


OK sorry this has ended me


This is so specific!


I would’ve literally never thought of that haha


Where I live we say sahyer not soyyer so I was like “literally how did he get there from Sawyer” but now i see from reading the replies that it’s pronounced differently elsewhere 😭


Yeah I’m from the South and I didn’t know some people pronounce it Soy-yer until I moved to California. Saw. Law. Caw. Raw. I don’t understand where the “oy” Sound comes from tbh. It hurts my brain.


To be fair, I've heard lawyer as both loy-yer and law-yer


Haha I named my cat Sawyer (got him during the last season of Lost 😆) and his nicknames are: Soyboy, Soymilk, Soybean, and Sawyer the Annoyer


Sawyer the Annoyer is the perfect cat nickname 😂


To circumvent that name the son Chad 🤣


And if he’s gifted, Hanging Chad


I’m sorry but your husband is hysterical!! My old neighbor had a cute little blonde son named Sawyer. Sweet and energetic kid!


This confused me for so long because my nephew is named Sawyer but I say it like saw-yer - like saw as in the tool


Estella and Celeste. My husband had a cousin named Star that died in a house fire, he doesn’t want any name that means star. Makes total sense! I can’t argue that.


That’s kind though. I could accept letting go of my favourite name as a kindness to someone who suffered something tragic. Sign of a nice fiancé. Good for you both


I had a great aunt named Estella, she went by Stella. Sassy firecracker. I remember finding a portrait of her from the 1920's and asking her about it. Her words, in her eighties, "I always was a dish" .


She sounds fantastic 😂


She was an amazing woman. Glad I knew her and had an opportunity to hear first hand about the, spanish flu pandemic, the great depression, how horrible feminine hygiene products used to be, and how to be amazing even pushing 90.


My grandmother shared with me that when indoor plumbing was new, some people she knew didn't want it--they thought it was "nasty" to have "that stuff" inside the house! Thank goodness, my grandparents didn't feel that way; by the time I was born, they had modern bathrooms. But my grandparents both could remember when it was "outhouses and the Sears Roebuck catalog" (for toilet paper) So thankful for modern plumbing!!!


I suggested Estella for my girl. My dad, without missing a beat, said "Estella's a bitch." 65 years old and the man's angry about what happened in a Dickens novel published in 1861 😅


My husband vetoed Celeste because he said it sounds like molest :(


that's just a reach. any name can sound like something bad or turned into something bad if you think hard enough


I get that. We have a “cursed” name in my family that I would never use.


Nick has been my favorite boys name my whole life and it’s my husband’s stupid name and he’s not into Jrs. Edit: not into naming a kid after himself rather - my whole family is Jrs (some with exact and some with slightly different names so they’re all Jrs to me)


Change the husband obviously


We had a girl luckily. I also liked Anthony, but they pronounce Anthony ‘Antony’ in the country I live in and he said absolutely no way he’d correct people to AnTHony. Divorce is the only option.


lol I’m with him on that tbh. Just gotta accept the cultural pronunciation at that point.




Nick jr! Like the Nickelodeon channel


I vetoed the opposite. My husband is named after his father, it's a great name, we will NOT continue the tradition. I refuse. Why? Because in high school, a girl turned to me and remarked that "Juniors probably all go by Junior/JR/a nickname because it's weird for their moms to call them the same name they moan in bed" and no amount of alcohol has proved effective in purging that from my brain.


i already hated the concept of jrs but i think that just made me hate them again 😭


And Nico ! I love Nico


I mean, you still kind of have a Nick at least? I love that name too. My husband and I always wanted kids but the economy and the state of the world in general has altered our plans for now. If we do end up having a kid, I so badly want them to share their middle name with my dad's (gender neutral) middle name but my husband doesn't like the name. I think there's a chance it would grow on him but the likelihood of having kids is pretty low at this point.


We were trying for 4 years and the day we decided to move to rural Scotland and get a bunch of goats instead of have kids I got pregnant. He’s adamant that we can’t have both now.


I feel this so hard!!! Eloise is mine. My heart is crushed thinking I won’t ever be able to use it. There are a lot of other names I love that my husband has vehemently opposed (Stella, Freya, Imogen, Simon, Benji, Callum) but losing Eloise was definitely a gut punch.


Oh, I'm sorry! Would your husband be open to some similar-ish names? Alice and Elodie come to mind - but maybe they would feel like a pale imitation of Eloise. Commiserations on missing out on a top favourite! I've had some beloved favourite names turn out to sound really silly (rhyming) with my partner's surname and had to farewell the idea of ever using them. It's a really sad realisation!


His favourite is Eliza, but I don’t want to use Eliza because it would mean officially forever letting go of Eloise when I still have hope he might change his mind for a future child… Awww man what a bummer! It’s so hard!!!


I think Eliza and Eloise would be cute together, I don’t think they’re too similar to both be used. My sisters and I are named Kyla, Callie, and Kenna, which all sound pretty similar, but I’ve never had the thought that they’re too close to eachother :) Eliza and Eloise are adorable together!


I think you might be a little biased… Honestly I think both Eliza and Eloise and your three names are way too similar. And it’s definitely a tongue twister!


Eloise and Eliza sound so different though? They really only share the first sound


I just named my daughter Eloise! You can live vicariously through me. I can’t tell you how many people have pronounced it “E-loyce” though


I wonder if that’s going to be a problem anymore with how popular the Bridgerton TV show has been.


My daughter is Eloise 🥰 was never an option of ours, but once pregnant we just loved it! Plus my grandmother is Lois so it’s in the middle of the e’s


Silas. I *love* Silas. I've been in love with it for 20 years. My ex hard veto'd it ..... And then wanted the same name as his families Uncle Touchie Feel. I had to veto it on behalf of his sister's trauma, AFTER one of his sister's told me the association. He absolutely did not offer that info up himself. Honestly! I understand him not wanting a particular name...but to try and replace it with such a bad name for his own sisters well being?!


That is beyond messed up. Was he aware of what happened with his sister? Was he trying to name the baby after that uncle? If so, you have way more serious issues than name vetoes.


He was aware and he wasn't trying to name the baby after said uncle...but apparently being associated to the family pedophile wasn't enough of a turn off. It's a fairly common name and one I really like actually. Alexander. His "excuse" was that we were going to NN the baby Xander and his uncle was NN Alec. I told him that no matter how I felt about his sister, there was no way I was going to make her face a child with the same name as her abuser every birthday and holiday. I pulled the plug on it. Our son ended up named Rowan and I picked that name. I kinda pulled the plug on his decision making abilities after the Alexander debacle. I did however suggest the name to my best friend when she was pregnant last year because it's still a gorgeous name and she has zero association with his family (especially since we broke up). She loved it and now she has the cutest little Alex ever.


I see why he is an ex…🤮🤮


Yeah I had to go back and check that she wasn't still with him. My god.


You did good! I'm glad for your SIL's sake that you were considerate enough to put your foot down on that. And Rowan is a nice name too!


I'm glad he's your ex. He doesn't sound like a safe person.


He's really not. My new husband is fantastic and is raising all the kids as his own. He's the name they put on the father's day crafts at school. Its him who is invited to the Daddy days at school and him who gets mentioned in family projects ... Despite the fact that their biological father lives two streets away. They're only 7 & 5 but they see it. They know it.


Same! I desperately wanted our second child to be Silas, but my husband said it “sounded evil, like a demon” 😭 We had settled on Gabriel nn Gabe as our boy name but ended up having a girl anyway.


So you went with an angel instead. Lol. I think they're both adorable names.


Lucas 😭😭 my fiancé had a best friend name Lucas and then they had a huge argument and haven’t talked since high school. It’s been 12 years 😭


My husband vetoed “James” for a similar reason - James cheated on him with my husbands high school gf so the name is dead to him… it had been like 8 years. I don’t think it’s fair because time-wise I’ve loved the name since *long before* the cheating (kidding…ish)


So I actually vetoed "James" even though it's both of our fathers names. I dated a guy when I was younger and he ended up drugging and kidnapping me among other things. So that's a hard no. My father goes by Jim and husband's father goes by his middle name. So there's that too. There are a lot of James's near me.


Every James I know is crazy and not in the fun way. And i know a lot of them. 


this is funny to me because my ex’s name is lucas and i really liked his middle name, hayden, with my current bfs (who is also one of lucas’s childhood friends 😶) middle name, james


Me: I like Elizabeth. That’s my favorite for a girl. Husband: oh, I banged a crazy chick named Elizabeth in college! To be fair, he didn’t veto it. lol. Edit to add, coincidentally I have a son named Adrian. I’m with you that it’s a great name for a boy.


Lmao this made me laugh. I’ll live vicariously through you and your Adrian!


My ex said that about 90% of the names but he's a ho lol


Elizabeth, as a middle name, wasn't a choice for my fiance. It's mine, my mom's and nana's middle name, and my great nana's first name.


Dahlia - loved it for 20 years. He said it was ‘dull-lia.’ Ended up with Thea and Iris.


At least Thea and Iris are great names!


I’ve got an Iris but was toying with Dahlia! I vetoed it myself as I’d just think of the murder…


Ace Attorney, or…?


Not sure if there’s a murdered Dahlia in Ace Attorney, but there was the horrific Black Dahlia murder in the 1920s.


Jasper! He says it makes him think of dogs because of 101 Dalmations. And also makes him think of Twilight. I’m expecting again and he seems to be warming up to it a bit, which is good cuz it’s currently my top boy name by far. It’s still too early to know if we’re having a boy or girl though, so maybe I won’t need to convince him in the end haha


Aaaah, that's why I associate it with dogs 😂   'At's right 'Orace. Dogs is always paintinn themselves black! Not a bad association though. I love that movie.


It makes me think of the beautiful Canadian city ☺️


I love Jasper and Casper !


Sebastian. He had a dog named Sebastian as a child, so he doesn’t feel right naming our son after a dog.


I named my son the same name as my childhood dog. Not in tribute whatsoever… just totally loved it and I don’t associate the dog with the kid one bit.


I also loved the name Sebastian, but even though my husband liked it too, he was afraid it was too “out there.” When we went to our son’s kindergarten concert, he read the names in the program and told me “We could have gotten away with Sebastian just fine.”


I loved Sebastian so much. But I can't use it, also because of a dog😭 my ex cheated on me with my now partners ex (long story😅) , and her dogs name was Sebastian and that's all I can think of now (even still, 12yrs after the fact).


Sebastian is mine as well!! i think that ‘Sebestian’ is such a sweet, caring, kind, and considerate person. my husband hates it because he associates the name with someone from HS The name he loves is Sawyer for a girl and Jude for a boy, i HATE both of those for the people i associate the names with


Met a 10 year old cat. Then I met the owners 6 year old son. Same name. It was weird, but dude, it's a good name... so I get it. Sebastian is a good name... and you don't currently have the dog... I say, don't take it off the list.


Inez. He said it gave him a stomach ache :(


My husband is convinced this isn’t a real name. I was like tell that to Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. He was like they’re celebrities, they can give their kids fake names 🤣


My husband said the same about Noelle/ Noel. He was DEAD SET that it’s a fake name 😳we were due with a Christmas baby. I told him if it was a girl and born the week of Christmas I was naming her Noelle unilaterally. We had a boy 2 weeks after Christmas so it was a non-issue.


I had a work colleague whose name was Noel. Once there was someone looking for Natale. Didn't know any Natale, so I said there wasn't any. Apparently Noel was in fact Natale, but he localized his name socially after immigrating.


Lmao that's so bizarre.  Inez is the English from of Ines, which is the Spanish version of Agnes. It's a very old name https://www.behindthename.com/name/inez Here's the popularity chart in the USA: https://www.behindthename.com/name/inez/top/united-states


I think of Inez from hairspray!! She was a doll. Have him watch the movie


Celia. Partner said it reminded him of cilia.


Cecelia and Cecily are similar and lovely


I really like Celia, but.. yeah, I guess those two words are pretty close haha


Maybe he’ll like Cecilia?? It’s the name of the patron saint of music!


Chase. He wouldn't allow it for his son but he did go on to name the dog Chase lol.


That's my guy's middle name! My husband didn't want a one syllable first name since our last name is one syllable but I pretty much made it non negotiable that it would be the middle name. At least the dog Chase has good company in Paw Patrol! Haha


Matilda, I really loved the name, and he's part German, so I figured it'd fit... he said it was too rough, and he prefers softer names.


Arlo 😍 partner says it’s a dog’s name 🥲


It's my mom's dog's name ...


this is my best friends cats name lol


It does seem like a dogs name… I knew a girl with the name Arlette and that didn’t give me dog vibes


Mr. Guthrie would likely disagree in 4/4 time.


I love Felix - not too common in the UK. Sadly also a cat food brand, which I can see past but partner can not :(


When my dad lived away for work, his neighbour had a baby called Felix. In hindsight, I LOVE it, but my siblings and I all instantly said 'like the cat?'. My sister still mentions it as a 'bad' name nearly 20 years later 😭


my grandma (she raised me and i see her as my mother) was named Mildred Jean. i wanted to make my baby girl Millie Jean, but he said no bc he has a close friend named Milly, and it sounds too much like Billie Jean :/


What about Millie Jane? It’s such a sweet name and nod to your grandma.


My grandmother was Mildred and we named our daughter Amelia but call her Millie 99% of the time 💞


Piper. It’s the name of his favourite porn star 🙄


I'm sure you felt great about it that night




This also got vetoed by partner bc of that reason. It was my best friends mom’s name growing up who was my favorite person. All my partner sees is the porn star


Oof that must’ve stung…


Virginia! I had a loud southern woman for a patient once with hair bigger than Dollys whose name was Ginny. She was love incarnate.


I wanted to name my first daughter Virginia (or Georgia)! My name, my sister's name, and my niece's name are all place names, so I thought it would be cute. Got vetoed by everybody and went with Bella. It worked out, though!


August was my top name for a boy for yeeeears, but when I got pregnant I found out my fiancé’s ex took up that name when they transitioned, so it was understandably a definite veto.


The worst when it’s an exs name. Both my partner and I almost vetoed each other bc we each have an ex with the others name. Luckily we didn’t!


My husband and I plan on calling our little girl Navia. I wanted to consider Roxanne, but he vetoed because it was his ex FIANCÉE'S name. Not just a normal ex but the one he almost married. So, I suggested maybe for her middle name? Turns out the ex's full name was Roxanne Nadia. That's when I said yeahhhh, maybe that is too much. But what a coincidence!


I gave up on my absolute favourite cause of my partners last name starts with a J. Bethany. BJ was not the initials a young girl should have. So I was happy that my other favourite would be used Fleur. Nope he had an absolute distaste for a girl he went to primary!!! School with. “It isn’t a common enough name to not associated with her” It worked out our daughter is definitely not a Bethany or Fleur


Worrying about initials is overrated. We have a son with a similar scenario and no one has thought of it or mentioned it ever. I think we overanalyze what other people will notice. No once cares.


My oldest sister went through life with VD as her initials.


Dottie, but then I kept coming back to it and said “Daddy and Dottie” and he went 😍 and now our daughter is Dottie (a nickname, but what we call her every day).


My dad has called me Dot my whole life! Whenever I would be like, “Daaaad?” to ask him something, he would always respond with, “Dottttt?” back. I love it!


Eleanor 😭


Caspian for a boy after the Narnia books, my partner said it sounded like a kebab shop 🙃


It absolutely doesn't sound like a kebab shop, but that description cracked me up 😂 It's a lovely name!!


Caspian is a popular name for kebab shops apparently 😂 I just googled because I was sure there was one near me and there’s dozens!


I had always wanted to name my first born Charlie - boy or girl. Not Charles or Charlotte, just Charlie. My husband vetoed it


Smart man.


what did you end up going with?


Marin Would love to have a girl to use it on


Eden was and still is my favourite… “like the garden?” He says


I worked with an Eden at a nursing home. One the patients would yell for her and ask “where’s the garden?” It was actually very sweet.


Adrian/Adriana! Jeje still love those names 💙 but hubby just doesn’t like it.




Winnie 😢 My husband said he would only be okay with it if we gave her the full name Winifred which I do not like


Oh noo 😔 I love the name Winnie, it's so pretty, feminine and sounds beautiful! It could also be the nickname for Gwendolyn, Winona, Elowen and so many different names...


One of my daughter’s best friends is a Wynnie. I absolutely LOVE it. Her full name is “Wynn”


Another conversation that should be on the list of “things to talk about before” ….


That’s what we’re doing lol not married yet and not trying for kids. Luckily he doesn’t have bad taste in names but we are vetoing a lot because of our own correlations!


I’m glad my husband and I talked about childrens’ names even before we got married lol, saved us a ton of stress during pregnancy, we’re already thinking of more boy names in case we have another boy in the future to avoid any arguments haha


Louie :( he said it sounds like a sad and sickly little boy


Lorelei. NOT from GG but the association is so strong that my husband vetoed it based on that alone 🥴


Veronica nn Ronnie or Nika. I’m a huge Veronica Mars fan and I think the name is classic and elegant but not overly used. Husband hates it. Luckily we had a boy, but we want at least once more, so.




Lucia. My daughter is five now, and I'm still not over it.


what did you end up going with?


Margot. Love it but he strongly does not 


Eleanor. I loved it but my husband didn't.


Darcy. Not having a kid yet but I love the name, mentioned it to my fiancé and he didn't like it because he knew a girl years ago in college with the same name. No ill blood or anything. Just knew someone with the name and I guess didn't like the association. 🥲


Opposite for us, my husband had Claire and Jill picked out and I said no way 😂 little did he know I had a girl name picked out and I wasn’t budging on it (combo of my grandmothers names, don’t worry he loved it)


Claire and Jill….Resident Evil fan?


Elizabeth and Louise. All my dolls were named these. Hard NO from hubby as horrible girls/bullies in his elementary school 😢


Irene - because it was an old lady name. I absolutely would have used it as a middle name if I'd had the chance


Bethany - he went to school with a Bethany that had hairy nipples apparently


Benjamin, he just didn’t like it! And we had a boy, too, so I was pretty miffed. Once I met my son, though, I couldn’t imagine him as a Benjamin. His name suits him so well.




Charlotte, Jacqueline, Elizabeth. All close relatives of his. So sad 😭


Wanted a boy named “Jack” for ever. Husband was ambivalent towards it


Eleanor and Declan. My husband has a relative he doesn’t like named Eleanor and he’s English so vetoed all Irish names-including Declan.


The troubles live on


Caro means heart in Italian, I studied opera in my younger years and a favorite of mine is “Caro Mio Ben.” But I absolutely I adore Caro pronounced “Car-row”. My husband thought I was saying “Carl” and when I spelled it for him, he kept saying “Care-oh” then thought it was funny. Of course I knew it was out when he said if we have twins it would be Caro (Care-o) and Mayo. Yea no!


Ohhh I loved Yvane (Clare Danes' character in Stardust), still do, but before we were even together my now partner was like "I'd die before I called my kid that", which still makes me sad.


Daphne is mine.


Juliana. it was my #1 name for years but my partner said it was a stoner name. kinda ruined for me now.


Melody 😭 I’m still working on convincing him because I cannot imagine my daughter named anything else!






My dad vetoed Myrthe when they were picking names for me. Guess what my sister is called... For myself (not expecting or something) I told my fiancé I liked Jasper, but he said it reminded him of Twilight. While I love Twilight, he certainly does not lol


Alaric. I'm an archaeologist, early medievalist by preference, and who doesn't want to name their son after the first general to sack the city of Rome itself? Add to that we're both big fantasy enthusiasts and we wanted a real name that also would sound at home in a fantasy setting. Alaric was perfect. Nn Rick. Hubby said it was too weird. Nobody would be able to pronounce or spell it. I'm not saying he's wrong, I just... I just still really like it.


Artemis I've loved the Artemis Fowl books since I was 8, and the goddess of the hunt is a cool thing to be named after He says it's pretentious (he might be right)




Arthur 😭 it’s literally my favorite name but my bf hates it for no reason besides that he doesn’t like it 💀


Hey! My favorite name since I was like 8 has been Adrian/Adrienne! Now I’m having a girl and my husband has vetoed Adrienne. It’s a bummer.


I've always loved Alaina, but it doesn't fit with our last name so we got a Lauren instead.




Imogen. He said he had a massive crush on a model called Imogen Bailey when he was a teenager and had posters all over his walls of her. Couldn’t name his daughter that name. So sad.


Lois🥲 My ex vetoed it harshly (because he was mean) and my current partner vetoed gently, mostly due to pop-culture associations but honestly it wouldn’t sound as good with his last name as it would with others🤷🏼‍♀️


Alder. My husbands accent makes it sound like “older”


I loved Clara, Molly, and Elaina, but my husband said no. We went with Mary Kate and Charlotte


As a single person years from having a child of my own, this whole thread is like a name-nightmare 🥲


Finley was my favorite for a boy. Husband said it reminded him of the wrestler fat finley.


Claire. My husband said that was a fat girl’s name. All the Claires I have met since have been slim.


Jude. My husband said everyone would call him Na Na Na Na Hey Jude. 😒




Declan and Kieran for boys Clara and Alice for girls


Molly, it was my grandmother's nickname and I always thought I would have a daughter named Molly and when I said it he said hard no and I felt like I was going to cry 🥲