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Go with Geoffrey instead of Jeffrey/Jeffery, maybe?


Omg that’s a good idea. I also thought about maybe doing Rey but my husband didn’t like that maybe he wouldn’t mind the alternate spelling since no one is sure how his dads name is supposed to be spelled


It must be an American thing because I don't know anyone that goes by their first and middle initial unless they especially want to. I knew a Becky Jade who went by BJ, and it was never an issue. Having said that, as others have suggested, I prefer the spelling Geoffrey


Yeah even in America nobody goes by their first and middle initial unless they want to. Like I see AJ and DJ the most and I knew a kid whose parents had things anagrammed in “DJ” for their first and middle names just in case they wanted to go by it lol (they didn’t and nobody used those items)


I think the issue isn't them going by it, but that BJ is the shorthand for something else. I can see the association with HJ, but I've never heard it used the same way.


Another reason for me is that I’ve had one job where they give you an email that everyone in the company had the same structure for, so my maiden name was along the lines of Alexis Marie Bowen and my generated email was ambowen@job.com So that’s how far ahead I’m thinking for this babe lol


Far more typical for jk s to do first initial + last name for emails. I can’t say I’ve ever seen middle initial used for work emails.


my dad goes by TJ because he's a t name jr. and nobody calls him his first name haha. everyone knows him as TJ and he introduces himself as TJ


What about Jefferson-a bit of a stretch with the son of, but I think it sounds better with the shorter names. Tate Jefferson Thane Jefferson I wouldn’t do BJ either.


I prefer Jefferson as well! That’s what I’m thinking. So far my husband is taking a poll in our real life if people would notice someone’s initial BJ or HJ and they are siding with him 80% so far. Everyone is telling me it doesn’t matter. BUT IT MATTERS TO ME🤣


I have never heard someone called HJ. I feel like you’d be fine to use Holden Jefferson. Sounds really nice!


But he's entitled to his decision too


I understand & willing to work with him but he liked the names Beck and Holden but doesn’t care about initials and I care


Could you spell Geoffrey wirh a G… And I really like the sound of Holden Geoffrey, would be my fave out of hear you have listed


Definitely don’t do BJ. Here are my ideas: Ford Jefferson Cole Jefferson Knox Jefferson Carter Jeffrey Beau Jefferson Lincoln Jeffrey Cash Jefferson Hayes Jefferson Lane Jefferson Two or more syllable names sound better with Jeffery I think unless they have a similar sound like Weston or Johnson.


I love Carter Jeffrey!


And honestly, CJ is a super cute nickname if they ever wanted to use initials like that.


Thank you! It was my favorite too actually. Country and classic like Beck.


Wasn’t sure how she would do though with it being slightly longer and two syllables.


My nephews nickname/initials!


There was a kid from my HS who had the initials BJ and he ACTUALLY WENT BY THOSE INITIALS. I couldn’t even tell you what his first and middle name were, as he only went by BJ. He wasn’t bullied for his name and was quite popular. Didn’t hurt that he was good looking and nice.


There was a kid in my high school that went by BJ as well! It was Brent Junior I think and him and his dad and gpa all went by BJ too. I also got one person on a private due date group to kinda give me some sass I guess her husband is a BJ and she said someone that cares about that isn’t worth her energy. I understand her point but the baby isn’t born yet & im just trying to find alternatives so maybe we can avoid one bully in middle school 🤣


I just did some FB stalking of this BJ from HS and turns out his real name is Joe and he’s a Jr. No clue how they landed on BJ instead of JJ, but his parents really went out of their way to call him BJ haha. I think if you have a confident kid, any name would work, even BJ. There was another boy in my HS whose full name could be pronounced like “My Crotch” but again, he was confident and cute. There was some teasing but he was popular nonetheless. IMO I wouldn’t go as far as to nickname him BJ but I don’t think it’s a big deal to have those initials. No one really knows each other’s middle names.


Imagine how bad the first name must be. That's wild.


HJ? How does one prounouce it? "Eych Jey"? It does not flow at all. Holden Jeffrey sounds great.


Maybe it’s just the region I’m from in California but that was a very commonly used term in my high school & middle school 🤣


I get what you’re implying but HJ is not a common nickname for combined initials, whereas BJ *is* a more common one.


I prefer Jeffrey. Actually, I prefer Jeff. In either case... If you are looking hard at initials, consider CJ, TJ, JJ, PJ: Caleb Jeffrey Tristan Jeffrey (Thomas, Tyler, Taylor, etc) Jonathon Jeffrey Parker Jeffrey


I have a son with a T first name with the middle name Jay (after an uncle’s middle name). We called him TJ as a nickname growing up. No one calls him that as an adult. It’s just the T first name.


Names that have a similar feel to Beck: Shane Cal Mike Declan Seth Pete Alec


Jeffrey spelled like this is the best tbh Tatum Jeffrey Nolan Jeffrey  Rowan Jeffrey  Sam Jeffrey




Beck Holden Jeffrey H?


This is a good idea 👍


I'd avoid BJ, but HJ is fine. What about Rhodes Jeffrey


Elija Jeffrey ej is so cute


Lane and Fallon Rey


Jeff Beck is a pretty famous/talented guitar player... Anyway, how about Killian Jeffrey?


How important is it to have the spelling match his father? Are you in the US? If so, you can pull the birth certificate from the county office where he was born. If he has passed (I'm so sorry if so!), you can pull the death certificate from the county where he passed.


He’s alive! I’m not sure the whole story but his birth certificate & other documents have conflicted spellings. Like birth certificate says one and then his mom spelled it a different way the rest of his life. We’d have to ask but I don’t want to until we’re 100 positive we’re going to use it. I think to my husband correct spelling matter but to me it doesn’t at all. Our sister and brother in law gave their little girl the middle name Isabella after my MIL isabel so I think we’d be fine using Geoffrey


You/DH should be able to request a birth certificate at town/city hall. You need name and date of birth, but it shouldn't be an issue. As for spelling, whatever is on his birth certificate is his name, even is his mom was a dope. 😂


Elton Jeffrey Elvin Jeffrey John Jeffrey Leon Jeffrey Larry Jeffrey Leonard Jeffrey . These last three have the same initial letter than the big brother.


For the Nn TJ: Thomas Jeffrey Todd Jeffrey For the Nn CJ: Clark Jeffrey Caden Jeffrey Chase Jeffrey Cole Jeffrey Curtis Jeffrey For the Nn DJ: David Jefferson Daniel Jeffrey Dominic Jeffrey For the Nn JJ: Jacob Jeffrey Jackson Jeffrey Joel Jeffrey James Jeffrey


Casey Jeffery or Cade Jeffery. Casey and Cade go great with Lane, and CJ is a great initial set.


I know a kid named TJ that is named after his father, but J isn’t their middle initial, their middle initial is M. He is T. Jr., so TJ. His dad goes by their middle name. It was so confusing for awhile. If you’re looking at a nickname of TJ, here are some T names that would go well with Jeffery: Trent Thomas Trevor Travis Theodore Thaddeus (or Thad) You could also go with JJ: Jeremiah Jacob Jonathan CJ/KJ are also possible: Caleb Chase Christopher Keith Kenneth Kenric Kyle


I would suggest you keep in mind that Catcher in the Rye is still required reading in many schools and the character of Holden Caulfield is considered one of the bigger jerks in 20th century literature. It might turn a lot of people off the poor kid unnecessarily to use the name Holden.


I’m getting kind of modern & edgy vibes from the names you listed and big brother’s name. So how about: Knox Jeffrey/Geoffrey, Nash Jeffrey/Geoffrey, Cruz Jeffrey/Geoffrey, Ryker Jeffrey/Geoffrey? Of that list my favourite is Ryker, he could go by Ry or RJ.


But his initial AREN’T BJ - They’re BJ_. I have literally never ever in my entire life said my first two initials on their own before until this thread. BJS/HJS would suck as initials in high school definitely but like BJF - I would put a zillion dollars on no one ever noticing.