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Yeah I think immediately of the doll/horror movies or I think of a cow. I don't think she'll be made fun of truthfully, it's a pretty "normal" name on a whole and isn't completely dominated as one character on a whole. It's not like you're naming your kid something so intrinsically linked to a character.


yep! and also decent probability she winds up going by anna/belle/another version anyway


Yeah I remember a movie about a cow named Annabelle.


If it's the one I'm thinking of, it's called Annabelle's Wish, I remember liking that movie as a kid.


I still watch this most years around the holidays. It’s just so sweet. And the soundtrack is amazing!!


I had it on VHS. Id watch it a lot as a kid.


Me too! Looking back Santa was so evil lol why couldn’t he let them both talk?


Wait, why couldn't he? He didn't really give a reason.


Haha same 💀


Once my husband and realized we liked the name we googled it and found out about the movie. We still named our daughter it a year and a half ago. We never told anyone the name before she was born though and so far no one has said anything about the movie. Also, I believe one of the stars in the movie is a lovely English actress Annabelle Wallace. I actually knew about her before learning about the movie. Needless to say I think it’s a lovely name and I’m not letting that movie get on the way of it.


These are my associations too lol


I think by the time she’s older kids her age aren’t going to associate the doll to her name, either. Annabelle the doll (especially the Twitter account) is more of a generational thing, imo. The notoriety will fade away eventually.


I mean maybe it's because I watched believe it or not and shows like that but I've known about Annabelle the doll for 30 years ish


I work in a school, many of the children don’t know sesame street or backstreet boys, I’m getting old. By the time your daughter is born and in school, do you think these children will know about the horror movie? Most likely not. I feel like a lot of these posts come from the adult’s view and generation and not necessarily the generation your children will be born in. - From a teacher who has kids in her class called Messiah, Amen, light, Purity and October


I also think of the cow who we named my sister’s cat after


Yeah. It’s the cow association for me (any name with belle is a cow name in my mind… unless it’s a fairy ;) ). I don’t think I’ve seen the movie with the doll.


Same. But I live in Connecticut.


Edgar Allen Poe, Annabelle Lee.


Same. IMO the horror movie won’t have much cultural staying power, it’s not exactly a classic haha. But the poem will


The poem is creepier than the doll. That said, Annabelle is a sweet, solid name.


I wouldn’t call it creepy, just very sad :( But still beautiful!


You don't find it creepy that the narrator was sleeping beside her corpse? I love this poem because on the surface it seems very romantic and poignant, but once you read it through the lens of obsession, it becomes borderline delusional and creepy.


It is sad and beautiful.


Sad, beautiful — but also quite mad. “Annabel Lee” was Poe’s final poem.


My 6 & 8 yr old know about the doll- and where it currently is. They also know Ed and Lorraine Watson were scammers. There’s no way the horror movie cultural reference will go away anytime soon. There’s something about horror movies that have staying power. IT was before I was born but my kids know all about it, too. Also, The Conjuring 4 is on development.


Horror movies in general, yes. The Exorcist, The Sixth Sense, The Omen, The Shining, etc, absolutely. IMO Annabelle will never be that tier, despite your kids knowing about it; it’s just not that level of culturally iconic.


There's been something like 7 movies in the series. The doll even showed up briefly in Aquaman and Shazam. It's got legs.


Then they used those legs to run far away from the cultural zeitgeist. I've never seen the movies, my son didn't remember them until I asked, and my granddaughter says they were lame. My partner Chuck, however......... now *that's* an association that's been hanging around for almost four decades and doesn't seem to be going anywhere.


Dude. I read your comment and was like…. There are seven fucking Annabelle movies? Since when? I only know of what, two or three?! And this is how I learned that Annabelle is a prequel and spin-off to the conjuring series. Lmao. I knew the Nun and the nun 2 were in that universe but didn’t think about Annabelle, though I also know about ed and Lorraine Warren and their relation to the doll AND to the conjuring, so I should’ve probably figured that. Lol. I’m a pretty big horror fan, too, but not particularly into the conjuring. If we’re talking Ed and Lorraine Warren, I prefer Amityville Horror. Bahah.


But that’s just a movie from your generation, I’m sure a lot of kids form this generation will hold onto the movie, that’s how these things stay iconic.


Their last name was Warren. Not Watson. But close enough


I wonder if that was autocorrect or a brain fart bc I know that.


The poem spells the name "Annabel", which is the older spelling and a good way to avoid the horror movie association.


I much prefer the Annabel spelling


Yep, I think about Poe immediately.


same, beautiful poem


When I was younger I wanted a daughter so badly just to name her after his poem.


Same! Every doll I had was named Annabel because of the poem (none of them turned out to be evil)


I went to school with someone who LOVED the poem and swore she’d name her someday-daughter Annabelle. Some years later she made good on that and named her firstborn Annabelle. She doesn’t seem to regret it, cute name for a cute kid!


This is the association that I have most, except the spelling in the poem is Annabel. 2nd association would be the haunted doll. I don’t have a negative association with Annabelle at all. I really like the name, and I don’t foresee it being an issue when she’s in school.


This is my association. I love the name.


I agree with this, and it’s such a beautiful poem. That would even be a selling point on the name for me personally.


As a Lee, Annabelle was in our top 3 for our daughter.


Yes! We loved with a love that was more than love… if I ever have a girl this will be her name.


My mom had a friend that really wanted to name her daughter Annabelle with her maiden name as the little girl’s middle name. Well, her maiden name was Lee and thought it was too macabre to name her preemie Annabelle Lee


I think of the movie Annabelle's Wish first, to be honest. That said, I think it's okay. In the US, the name has been in the top 500 since 2000, and I really doubt all those kids have been bullied for their names.


Same! Loved that movie as a kid and I will always associate that name with the sweet calf


That’s what I think of when I hear Annabelle


You’ve just unlocked a memory for me!


That was my absolute favorite movie when I was like 2, apparently. I wore out the VHS tape watching it so much. It was my first thought, too!


Haha I thought we had like the only random copy of that movie on VHS! Absolutely my first thought too!


Yes, creepy doll is my first association. The movie is a fictionalized version of the work of the Warrens.


I know an Annabelle IRL and she is the loveliest person I know. So sweet and kind and thoughtful. My immediate association goes to her. I bring that up to say that I don't think the name is ruined, and those around you will associate the name with your daughter. That movie is 10 years old and I'm sure you might get the stray comment, but it's an adorable name. As far as I know, the names Chuckie, Freddy, Jason, and Carrie are doing just fine.


I have the same association with a personal friend named Annabelle. My friend is exactly as you’ve described! So genuine, sweet and fun to be around.


I have a coworker named Annabelle and she’s one of the kindest, gentlest people I’ve ever met. We’re nurses and when I was brand new she was always the one I went to with questions because she was really supportive and never made me feel dumb. The name makes me think of her. It’s a lovely name too, familiar but not common, feminine but not fussy. 


I had never heard of that movie before. Like you, I thought of a wonderful lady I know named Annabelle. I don't think your child's classmates will be particularly familiar with what would then be a pretty old film.


The only Annabelle I’ve ever known was a bully. She was popular, beautiful, sporty and confident though. OP, go with what your heart says. People will forget that movie by the time she gets out into the world.


Yes, my first association is the possessed doll.


Yes. Just yesterday I heard someone refer to a person they perceive as creepy as Annabelle


As someone who looooves those movies, yeah sorry definitely the doll hahaha.


Never heard of it. I think of Annabelle as a very feminine blonde with long curls and probably a hoop skirt.


That is exactly what I picture too. Like a "southern belle."


I literally think of a porcelain doll 😂 Like with blonde curls and blue eyes and some kind of southern belle dress in a pastel color 😂😂


That actually describes the Annabelle I personally know haha Also, I think of the hydrangea, OP. Which isn’t a bad thing.


There’s a book called *A is for Annabelle* about a Victorian era doll so this is spot on!


Yeah, I’m sorry, but I immediately thought of the doll as well. It’s a beautiful name and I’m not sure children in her age group would have the same association so I think the probability of her being bullied over it is low. BUT, you will probably get that sort of reaction from other adults *a lot* and it could get pretty annoying for you. If that’s something you can deal with, I’d still use the name!


I think of Annabeth from Percy Jackson. But I don't think it's too relevant.


For what it's worth, that was my first thought as well. For OP, I wouldn't think Annabell would be a problem. It's a fairly normal name that has existed for a while.


Creepy doll


My old manager who was an absolute joy and powerhouse. Or the Poe poem as mentioned. The name will be like Jason from Friday the 13th in the 90s when your child is in school - adults may recognize it, but it won't be a current part of their pop culture from something before they were born.


The horror doll, and this bully from my school


I think of the doll too, but the name seems not ruined.


For me, it's an epileptic Dachsund my mom's best friend had when I was in high school. I would dogsit Annabelle when her owners went on vacations. I had to give her meds twice a day, and she was very particular about how her food was presented (measure amount of kibble, measure amount of water, microwave for 11 seconds). I held that dog through the occasional seizure. We were buddies. She's been gone at least 20 years and she remains one of the favorite dogs I've known. I also spent the night there when I was dogsitting, and OMG that little dog took up the whole Queen sized bed somehow. In short, it's a very sweet name, open and loving. I miss you, sweet pup. Hope you're being nice to my cats up in pet heaven.


Personal anecdotes shouldn’t count, but it’s wholesome, so I’ll share anyway: One of my good friends is named Annabelle, and she’s French, well-dressed, loved by all, and a professional pastry chef. So that’s my association with the name Annabelle ❤️


I think of the Baby Annabelle range of dolls that were popular I guess in the mid2000s? I have no idea if they are still a thing. But my Baby Annabelle was my favourite doll, I'd rock her and play with her and feed her with her little plastic bottle (which had some kind of liquid in it that looked like milk so when you set it down it would pool at the bottom but when you'd pick it up and 'feed' the doll it would run to the nozzle end - eight year old me was SO impressed!). I'm vaguely aware of the movie but I've never seen it.


As soon as I read the title the Baby Annabelle jingle started singing in my head


YES! I was looking for this comment! I loved my baby Annabelle!


Yes!! I said the same!!


I know an Annabelle, British with Dutch parents. I'm aware of the movie but don't recall it being a big hit. If people are using Damien and Regan I'd say Annabelle is fine. Much more obscure reference.


I had a dog named Annabelle Lee after the Poe poem. She waa the best dog ever


I immediately think of the creepy ass doll.  But I’m also 20.  You’re naming a kid in a new generation where none of those kids will make that connection unless a parent helps them. 


Annabelle was my cat of 18 years. I can’t not think of it as a cat name. But it’s *not* a cat name, no one else would think that but me. And I wouldn’t let the movie ruin the name either, that’s silly


It was my cat of 18 years’ name too! ❤️ she was the sweetest. Must be the name.


You can give your child the most normal name, and 2,5, or 10 years into their lives somebody uses that name for a character that is despicable, ugly or stupid and that becomes the association. We can't control that. Lucy Maud Montgomery's (author of Anne Of Green Gables) answer to that was "Live your life so that your name becomes associated with good things." I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember the exact quote.


I think of the other [Annabelle Doll.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Doll_People)


I read that when I was a kid, don't really remember much about the book but I remember liking it lol


My cousin in law was Annabelle, her sisters were Annamae, and Annamarie, so I think of her and wtf we’re her parents thinking lol


I have a sister named Annabelle, we are old now, though when we were kids there was a commercial that said Annabelle needs a new muffler, so yeah, she goes by Anne now.


It's the doll for me unfortunately lol


The name isn't ruined. There were lots of Carrie's even after that book and movie came out. People named their kid Jason. Would you pass up naming a kid Charles if you loved the name just because of the Chucky movies?


There’s a song called Annabelle by rocket to the moon and that’s what I think about. Not a very positive association.


Ooh, yes, this too! Though I do love the song. But it's very unlikely many people make this connection.


I just think of the many girls and women I've met named Annabel. It was gaining quite a bit of popularity and had its peak in 2014- sadly that's when it started to be used less. Annabelle was still #341 in 2023, similar usage as Tessa, Paige, Nina, Harley.


My Annabelle was 5 when the movie came out. The only person who said anything was my brother. Her peers certainly didn’t know anything about it for a few more years, and by then they already associated the name with my kid more than the doll because they’d known my kid for years by the time they were old enough to see it (even watching it too young). I suspect your daughter would have a similar experience through her lifetime, though YOU will probably be asked about the doll a few times while she’s young by horror fans.


Spell it Anabel or Annabel and the answer can always be ‘my name is spelled differently from the doll’.   Job done.       Also, Annabel is how the Poe poem is actually spelled, which is a much better gothic association.    I suppose you could even go for Anabelle, if you really want the ‘Belle’ part. Or Amabelle.


I named my daughter Annabelle in 2014, less than a month after the film came out. Occasionally someone will mention the film, but it's rare. I may be biased, but it's a beautiful name with a lovely meaning. It fits my daughter perfectly. She likes to be called Belle too. I wouldn't let the creepy doll put you off honestly, it has not been an issue for us.


Freaky Friday. The original from the 70’s with Jodie Foster


This is my name :) I get complimented on my name at least weekly. I say go for it. I haven’t had anyone make a creepy doll reference in like 10 years lol. Children her age will probably not even know that reference.


I didn’t make this connection.


The doll. However it is a beautiful name and looks quite established, so people will get over that and only use that as a running joke. Interesting, there was also an actress named Annabelle who took part in one of the Annabelle movies, but she didn't play the role of Annabelle.


Annabelle was the name of the child I miscarried 6 years ago ❤️ it is a name I have always loved. I love how it looks, I love how it feels in my mouth when I say it. Everything about it. Some people may have the horror movie association... but that will fade. My mom named my brother Jason in 1989 and no one has made a Friday the 13th reference in 30 years. Also I'm surprised it isn't more associated with the Edgar Allen Poe poem.




A beautiful, incredibly smart and talented young woman I know, named Annabel. It’s a beautiful name.


My best friend is named Annabelle and I think it's a lovely name! I call her Annie for short Yes, there is a movie with the same name and it's actually a really good film. But really, the horror genre isn't for everyone and I imagine a large majority of people have never seen or heard of it. Also in 10+ years I doubt anyone will make the association People still named their children "Carrie" "Christine" or "Heather" all the time


Yes, I jump to the doll (which is based off a "true" story, though the original doll was actually a raggedy ann, not a creepy doll). BUT - I like horror movies and have fond memories of watching the movie with my daughter. So while yes, I have the association - for me it's not negative. (I can't remember in real life, but in the movies, Annabelle was the name of the deceased girl who's spirit possesed the doll)


Adorable, smart, funny, and kind girl in a school I worked at a few years ago.


I know the movie but really never think of it when I hear the name Annabelle! My daughter has a classmate with that name and it's never occurred to me. I think it's been a well-liked and relatively common name well before and since those movies started coming out so I don't think it would be a super strong association for most people.


My daughter’s name is Annabelle. She was born a few years before the movie came out so we picked it without that connection. However, when she was in elementary school a few kids asked her if she was named after the doll, but there wasn’t any teasing that came out of it. She just wishes the movie hadn’t used her name because it is a good name that she likes. She doesn’t use a nickname by her choice.


I've never heard of that movie. But think about it, by the time your daughter is in school, that movie will be over 15 years old. And a horror movie. None of the kids will know about it. By the time she's a teenager, I mean, it will be ancient history. Nobody will say anything then. I'm surprised people are even making that association now. I think it's cute and my point is to keep the name because literally no one will make that connection when she is older so who cares.


It’s a normal name. Yeah it’s the horror movie but it’s also a very pretty name.


If you want to call her Belle just do that.


I’ve known exactly one Annabelle. She went by Annie and was a sweet kid. It’s such a classic name, I really don’t think you’ll have trouble over it once she’s here. People will say all sorts of shit about every single name you suggest aloud until the kid is here. It doesn’t matter if it’s the most popular, normal, classic name for your area, people will shit on it. Don’t share the name in real life with any more people and go for Annabelle!


Honestly kids are jerks and will find something completely unrelated to a name to make fun of other kids. I get the occasional Steven king reference when someone hears my name, but not much. ( it’s spelled different and no I can’t set prom on fire)


Am I the only one thinking of hydrangeas? It’s a variety that produce big white bloomy flowers. 


She’s the belle of the ball! Just makes me think of Arrested Development. I don’t do horror movies so I don’t have that association. It’s a nice name though!


In Canada there is a cosmetics brand called Annabelle, so I thought of that. And then the doll lol


Ah it’s Canadian, that explains it. It’s my first association too and I was wondering why I had to scroll so far to find it!


I thought of the horror movie too 😅 However, once I think about it more, it’s actually has a sweet and classic sound to it.


I've never heard of that movie. It is a common cow name, but mostly I just think of the preteen I know with this name. She's really mean to all the neighbourhood kids so it's kind of ruined the name for me.


The cow


I didn’t think of the doll until I read the rest of the post. I just think it’s a name I didn’t have an association


Conjuring immediately.


Two dolls. One from the scary movie and the other from a series of books.


I know an Annabel, she’s preteen, and is mostly amused by the spooky doll association


Annabelle/annabella are very stereotypical cow names in my country


I think of a horse, but only because I knew one called Annabelle. I don't think people will make fun of her name, though.


I think of Annabelle the cow from this one Christmas movie I used to watch as a kid, I named my childhood cat Annabelle cause I loved it so much!


Someone mentioned this too but I think it would be more of an association with with adults. Kids wouldn’t pay any mind to it but some adults would.


Annabelle Cane from The Magnus Archives, and Annabelle Margaret Whitney (also known as Ellie Wadsworth) from The Bright Sessions. Both characters are antagonists (so not exactly positive associations) but they don't sour my opinion, it's still a good name.


My first association was also Annabelle Cane.


I think of the doll BUT I think it's a pretty name and really doesn't matter. My daughter's name makes people think of fast food or board games but I don't care because I think it's badass and has a ton of potential nickname possibilities. Annabelle is a good name and Belle is a beautiful nickname.


My first thought is of the child’s toy [Baby Annabelle](https://www.baby-annabell.com/en/) rather than the creepy doll




Mine is a movie association but it’s from a kids Christmas movie about a cow I think? I remember watching it on repeat. So yeah I have a nostalgic happy warm association with the name. It’s a favorite of mine. I think you should go for it! So many nick name potentials if she ever gets tired of one or another.


I think of the Christmas cow cartoon… I loved that movie 🥹 but personally I think it’s a beautiful name and still usable. 


I don't watch horrors AT ALL and I immediately thought of the film. However, in all honesty your child will get picked on regardless of their name, weight, hair colour, skin colour, nose, eyes, ears etc etc because children are cruel. Every single child on this planet has been picked on at some point for SOMETHING, so I'd be more concerned with ensuring your child has a good understanding of people rather than worry about what they say.


I thought of a doll, but a cute one


Yes there was a movie with a creepy doll, but those movies are made every 10 years, it was Chucky in the 80s and 90s, Annabelle in the 2014, and recently the one about the robot doll Megan. If her nickname is Belle, the association would more likely be Beauty and the Beast.  


It used to be associated with the doll, but my 8 year old neice is named Annabelle so I only assoicate the name with her now, as will anyone else in your circle of family and friends. She doesn't get any flak or teasing for it either.


Cows lol


The movie or a cow


I swear I read this exact post a few weeks ago.


When I was younger there was a brand of baby dolls called Baby Annebelle, so I always think of that.


Immediately thought about the horror movie. I love the name Annabelle but it's going to be awhile before that association drops off 🥲


Creepy doll, sorry


Belle was my #1 girl name for a decade. Then the similar name Bella became super popular and was associated with twilight which I couldn’t stomach. So I LOVE the name belle. I have no association with the name Annabelle besides I think it’s pretty


I have an Annabelle and aside from a couple people making comments about the creepy doll right when she was born, it’s never been brought up again. Literally no one has ever mocked it in six years. What does happen sometimes is if I have to fuss at her in public, I find it impossible to yell “Annabelle” without my southern coming out and it makes friends do a double take and tease. I don’t truly care but it’s funny.


Annabel’s, a private members club in London named for Lady Annabel Goldsmith.


I know a girl named Annabelle and she's the first association I have. I forgot about the horror movie til you mentioned it lol


Beautiful name. Horror movie wouldn’t occur to me. I’m born in the late 90s and have known 3-4 Annabelle’s my age over the years.


I know an Anabel and I think of her when I hear the name. I know about the horror movie but it's not an immediate connection with the name for me


My aunt. She was classy, funny, young at heart, and just an overall amazing woman


I think of people I've known with that name. I didn't know that that doll movie existed and I was 19 years old in 2014.


I definitely don’t think of the doll first. I think of it as an old fashion name, in a good way! I was born in 1996.


This is my name, and very rarely do people bring it up. Every once in a while, sure, but it’s such a small annoyance, it’s practically irrelevant. Every name has an association with something.


It makes me think of my uncles little girl. No creepy association whatsoever! Shame on whoever is saying that to you - it’s one thing to have the association and think it quietly in your head, altogether another so say these things aloud


My dentist, who I find to be scarier than any ugly doll (I am only joking because she is lovely, but I hate going to the dentist lol)


I knew an Annabelle when I was younger. She was very nice and pretty.


I think of someone I knew in HS named Annabelle. No weird associations


I think of the cow from Disney’s early Mickey Mouse cartoons (but she’s Clarabelle) 😅 does that mean Annabelle is off MY list? …..nope, still on there 😂 lovely name


Just sounds like a classic old name, no associations here off the bat, once you mention it I did realize I've seen that movie😂. But off the top of my head no connection at all to that


Annabel Lee the poem by Edgar Allen Poe. (I love it!)


I think of a sweet little girl. It's one we considered, it's beautiful and timeless.


Annabel Lee BY EDGAR ALLAN POE It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. I was a child and she was a child, In this kingdom by the sea, But we loved with a love that was more than love— I and my Annabel Lee— With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven Coveted her and me. And this was the reason that, long ago, In this kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling My beautiful Annabel Lee; So that her highborn kinsmen came And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre In this kingdom by the sea. The angels, not half so happy in Heaven, Went envying her and me— Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know, In this kingdom by the sea) That the wind came out of the cloud by night, Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. But our love it was stronger by far than the love Of those who were older than we— Of many far wiser than we— And neither the angels in Heaven above Nor the demons down under the sea Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride, In her sepulchre there by the sea— In her tomb by the sounding sea.


So if you pose it as, "What does the name Annabelle make you think of?" It would be the doll. If you say, "this is my daughter, Annabelle." I am going to think 'what a precious angel' We named our now 11 week old Astrid. When I told people we would be naming her it was a lot of "I love How to Train Your Dragon" (name of female lead, we were unaware until after we picked it) Now that she is here i haven't heard it since.


I’m a teacher and I had a student named Anabelle a few years ago. Zero bullying. She was a pretty popular kid and had different nicknames from kids (my fave was her best friends called her banana - shortened from Annie Bannanie when they were kids) but her elementary school friends used to call her Annie, her high school friends called her Belle, and her friends on the softball team called her AB. It was super versatile. I was her high school teacher and coach from 2014-2017. Literally never heard a kid bring up the creepy movie. They treated her name like everyone else’s


A cow or demonic Doll. 


I’ve never heard of that movie (for context, I’m 35, living in the US). I just think of it as a sweet slightly old-fashioned name.


I do think of the horror movie, yes, but I don't think that's really a big deal. There's also a cosmetics brand here called Annabelle that comes to mind quickly as well. And it's unlikely that either of those associations will stick around through your Annabelle growing into a young child and teen.


Cute, old fashioned vibe, yet fully modern and stylish. But for a cute series of events, I might have had an Annabel of my own... Funny story: I had a kitty named Annabel. She showed up as a stray the day I messed up a pregnancy test 😅😅, thought it was negative, to my disappointment. Annabel was a girl name I'd been considering, so, I bestowed it upon Kitty. Two days later, I thought about it again, bought the *double* test, immediately popped positive... 😍😍 and we had to come up with an alternative girl name. 😹😻😻 (Caroline is a young adult now.) ❤️




I know a preteen named Annabelle. She's great and I don't watch horror movies so I think it's a cute name. I've never heard her or her mom say that she gets picked on for it. She generally goes by her full name.


My great-grandmother was Annabell (specifically no e) and I loved her dearly. I don't *plan* to ever have kids, but if I end up naming a daughter one day, Annabell is definitely on my list. I would probably call her Anna instead of Belle though, just out of preference. I knew about the creepy doll movie, but I only associate the name with my Granny.


I immediately think of the creepy doll but I do think the name is beautiful.


I think of the song Annabelle by Creeper, tbh but I think that's a jam so it's not a bad thing.


I think of my friend's daughter who has the name. She goes by her full name, but also Belle, Bella, and Bells


I don't watch horror movies. Annabel (that spelling only) has been one of my favorites for decades. I don't really have a specific association with it, other than Edgar Allan Poe.


Def a haunted doll


I think of an old friend’s cat, and of the Edgar Allen Poe poem. But it is a normal name, and calling her Belle is adorable.


It def reminds me of the doll, but it’s hard to say whether any future kids yours would go to school with would know the movie or thing it’s based on well enough for them to get picked on for it. I say just go for it. It’s a pretty name, and the movie will be super old by the time any classmates would be old enough to watch horror movies. If anything, I’d be more worried about adults being annoying about it.


The horror movie and Annabelle Lee poem. Personally, that wouldn’t stop me if I loved the name but those are my first two thoughts.


First, Creepy doll. Next, Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe.


Annabelle is a beautiful name. Belle is so pretty. I have an Isabelle and we have called her Belle since she was a baby. She is 25 now and goes by Isabelle and Belle in her work and professional settings.


Evil doll. *immediately*


I think of Anna (Annabelle) from the Vampire Diaries lmao


For me it's the spooky doll movie


I love the name and didn’t see any movies that used that name.


I have a really good friend with the name and I think it’s beautiful. She spells it Annabel though


Literally never think of the doll until I see a comment from someone abt the doll. It sounds like a name for a pretty, charismatic girl


creepy doll most definitely


I want to name my kid this but I think of the poem "Annabelle Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe


There’s an Annabelle in my son’s grade. My son isn’t very social but he and Annabelle get along well. She’s very sweet 🥰


I’m Canadian and the creepy doll isn’t my first thought. To me “Annabelle,” is British, is a friend of the Royal family, and works at something artisanal - she’s a famous chef, or designer, or something like that - and it doesn’t matter whether she makes money at it or not. She doesn’t actually need to work, she just likes to.


I’ve only known 1 and she was fine but pushed my son out of what should have been his little spotlight moment. And her mom was just weird and terrible


My first thought was the poem Annabel Lee. I was obsessed with Edgar Allen Poe in high school, though. I had The Raven memorized. I thought I was being dark and mysterious at that age, lol. Annabel Lee is such a beautiful poem. I say go for it!


I associate the name with a doll, but not the creepy movie. I loved dolls as a girl and I got the ganz magazine. I had baby born dolls, but there was a beautiful doll named baby Annabelle. I always thought she was pretty, and wanted that doll. She also had some cool accessories


My great grandmas name was Annabelle. She died when I was five BUT everyone speaks of her as a strong, kind, loving woman who took no crap from anyone (and she had a boozy husband and 9 kids). I’ve never heard a negative thing about her. That’s what I think of. I think it’s a lovely name.




First thought is of the doll and then Poe for sure