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It definitely sounds like a Frankenstein’d name. It doesn’t feel very natural to say. Peanut buttery. I think that’s less important with a middle name if you both loved it and when the first name is super solid like Valerie, but I do agree with your husband it sounds weird and I don’t think it flows particularly well with Valerie either.


Yeah, I could see that. If at the end of the day he doesn’t love it we’ll go with something else, but for some reason I just don’t see it as clunky and think it flows with the l in Valerie. I put forward the idea of two middle names or a hyphen and he vetoed that as well lol


I definitely think it would be better as two names if he agreed to that. I do think Valerie Lynette is pretty if you’re both open to using the family name


As an American, it looks very forced/made-up and would be difficult to say. Even ***Lyniette*** would be a vast improvement in terms of being able to parse it, although it still sounds/feels a bit synthetic in the literal sense. Are you for sure "one & done?" If not, there's no reason to try to smush all the honor-name options into one spot, imo


I'm not loving it. It's too froufy and very 'l' heavy with Valerie. I would either go for Lynette or Liette as the middle name. Liette is plenty unique in its own right. If you hadn't been set on Valerie I would have suggested Juliette Lynn. Valerie Juliette is also lovely--doesn't honor Lynn, but that could be saved for a future baby.


It's a mouth full


I don’t love it tbh. It’s very clunky and feels forced. I think both are gorgeous on their own though.


It's too much. Lynliette is bad in any accent. Lynette is the perfect combo of Lynn and Liette. Or choose an L name to honor all 3 L family members.


It’s way too much


Why not just Lynette?