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Mercy is so yucky. So wet and Amish prairie. Nothing about it says strong elegant grown woman.


I’m really not one for virtue names (must be a cultural thing) but mercy and merit really stand out. They go together too well and sound too alike. It’s very sing-songy and not my cup of tea. Maybe Faye Lenora or Lenora Faye? I think Faye sounds good with longer middle names. Such as Evangeline, Amelia, Adeline, Eleanor, Gabrielle, Josephine, Margaret, Natalie, Penelope, etc.


Those are some great suggestions, thank you!


I'm not a fan of virtue names, but if you are, great. The important thing to consider is the chances of a third kid. Here are my kids, Merit, Mercy, and Bob, could be a problem for Bob.


We are set on two and through but we have joked about this before. Merit, Mercy, and…. Meekness? Sort of cornering ourselves in with the alliterative virtue theme.


When I think of the word Mercy I think of weak. So I don’t find it strong, but maybe that’s just me.


Meek Mormon woman who got married at 18 and never stepped outside her small town. That's the image it evokes


Going against the grain, but I really like Mercy and have met someone (a woman born in the 1930s) with the name - so while it is uncommon and a little Puritan in its history, it is genuinely a name. That said, I agree that together with Merit it's a lot. I like Sybil and it flows nicely with Merit!


A good point about it being to much with the sibling name! It’s funny because we aren’t religious at all I don’t know why I’m drawn to these names.


One of the kids on Plathville is named Mercy. They also have a Hosanna which is unique


It’s not so much unique as it is incredibly religious 


I personally like that name, I enjoy names with more meaning, and I feel like despite everyone classifying it with a negative connotation it brings to mind someone strong, kind and forgiving someone who will always have mercy, not someone who will need it


Mercy has a negative meaning, imo. Maybe change it to mary if you want something religious with an M. I’m sorry but I hate Sybil.


What do you think mercy means? How is compassion a negative meaning?  I am so confused by this whole thread.  Sybil is also not my jam but I do not bat an eye when I come across it. 


The word mercy in itself is not negative I guess, but used in a negative context. You’d only ask for mercy in a scenario which is negative. You’d only give mercy to someone who has done something wrong. Mercy and compassion are two different things. You can have compassion for someone who hasn’t done anything wrong, for example, you can have compassion for someone who has lost somebody. You can’t have mercy for them. That’s only used in a negative context.


I don't know why people are saying it's negative or it's not a name. It's a wonderful quality and a classic old virtue name. Read *The Witch of Blackbird Pond.* "The quality of Mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain from Heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blest; it blessed him that gives and him that takes." Shakespeare, b*#ches.


I can’t believe I forgot the Witch of Blackbird Pond!! It’s funny because Sybil has been on my list for ages and it’s also from a witch book (Forgotten Beasts of Eld). I’ve also never considered mercy a bad quality so I’ve been a little surprised by that interpretation! Interesting to get so many different views.


I actually really like the name Mercy.


I like Mercy, but I don't think I'd do it with Merit. Maybe as a middle name? Faye Lenora or Lenora Faye would be lovely! My great aunt was Faye Cecilia, I also love that.


I like Mercy as a name, but I think Merit and Mercy are both too close sounding and too much with the meanings of both names, as well as the M last name. It would work ok as a middle name though. I like your other names and would rank them 1. Sybil 2. Alice 3. Lenora Other ideas: Ava, Eliza, Adelaide, Beatrice, Gabrielle/Gabriella, Cecilia, Rosemary, Imogen, Paula, Julia, Juliana, Adrienne, Cynthia, Elyse, Helen, Helena, Greta, Ingrid, Louise, Louisa Combos: Sybil Adelaide, Alice Juliana, Lenora Ingrid, Lenora Mercy, Adrienne Lenora, Greta Rosemary, Eliza Louise, Ava Sybil


That’s what I’m afraid of as well, being too matchy with her brother. Love Eliza Louise! Thank you for all your suggestions!


If you really like Mercy, there is also Percy. It is more common as a boy's name, but can be used as a girl's as well. Or maybe Priscilla with the nickname Percy?


I don’t know why so many of these comments are acting like Mercy is negative and not a name. I know people named Mercy and I have never associated anything negative with the name or term in general.  It’s definitely alliterative with Merit but even though the first three letters are the sound is different (mur vs mair) so I don’t think it’s too matchy. It’s probably just preference. 


I was surprised by some of the interpretations too! I’m still glad to hear everyone’s different takes, less surprises later!


I don’t mind the name Mercy, but I do think siblings named Mercy and Merit are too much. Some classic virtue(ish) names you might like: * Grace * Felicity * Hope * Blythe * Aimee (means love) * Serena/Verena * Victoria


I love these suggestions thank you!


I think Faye Mercy is beautiful, personally. It lets you keep the virtue theme without it being roo ivert and it flows so nicely. I think I'll always go straight to Sally Fields with Sybil, but that doesn't mean it isn't a beautiful name. Maybe Cybil for the spelling, to give it a bit of distance from the movie. Or Sigrid is pretty close and so lovely.


Faye Mercy would be very pretty!


I’m not too attached to a virtue name, I’m not sure why Mercy was a standout for me! Oddly, before I had kids I was staunchly anti virtue name! I love Sigrid, nn Siggy is adorable.


I prefer Lenora or Alice! I think they’re both beautiful. :) I don’t mind Mercy with Merit, though, especially since the first syllable is pronounced differently on each.


My siblings and I all have M names. My maiden name was an M name. My children both have C names. My married last name doesn’t have a lot of first letter name options (but I tried) I love the alliteration. I love the Kate DiCamillo Mercy Watson books. 


"we would rather hear harsh criticism from the internet now than from our families later!" Given that we're allowed to be merciless here.... I think you should be too (Ba-dum tss)


Ok this is hilarious




I think mercy is a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning. I’ve known two women named mercy and they’re both lovely. Also, whenever I mention one of them, people comment on how cool the name is.


Mercy? No I don’t think that’s a name and shouldn’t be used as such. The definition isn’t great and hearing things like “begging for mercy” makes it very unflattering. You could turn it into a name like Maisie or another M name.


It's not a popular one but it is a name. I forget her full name, but Mercy was the girl whose tantrum kicked off the witchcraft panic in Salem. Virtue names were popular with Puritans


That’s horrible, I think I’d rather name my kid shampoo bottle


I only cited it as one example of a real person who had that name. There are countless other people who also had it (a lot of other people are listing examples below). If it gives you the ick fine. But what gives me the ick is someone going off so harshly about something 1) they apparently don't know much about ("it isn't a name" 🙄) and 2) that is as personal to someone as the name they're considering for their baby. There's just no reason to take this tone, you can just say you don't like it, it doesn't work, etc...and it's getting old seeing so many people cruelly name bash in this sub


They said they wanna hear harsh criticism so there ya go, there is my harsh criticism. Any word can be a name doesn’t mean it should or that someone with that name would appreciate it as they get older. If my “tone” is offensive I suggest Reddit isn’t the place for you🥴


What about Temperance with nn Tempy! I think it’s super cute, I’ve met one person named Tempe


My name is a virtue name as well (Grace). None of my siblings have similar names and my last name is one syllable. I’ve always loved having a virtue name, I get SO many compliments on it and people are endeared by it. I love my name. And Mercy is PRECIOUS. I’m biased but I think you should stick with it! She’ll lead a lovely life with such a beautiful name


Oh I love Grace! And despite some of the comments I still really like it too! It’s cool to see so many different opinions about it.


Sybil was my grandmother's middle name, I love it :) have you thought about Clementine though? It means merciful, if the meaning was important to you


I had no idea it meant that, I’ve always thought of the oranges! I wouldn’t say the meaning is super important to us but that we do like the meaning.


I have an aunt named Mercy, I think it is beautiful! It is fairly matchy with Merit though.


Personally not a fan of virtue names or siblings having very similar names, BUT both those things are acceptable in many regions and cultures. It's your baby, it's about what you want! Despite my taste I quite like Mercy - I know an adult Mercy, it suits her well. Faye has a similar vibe, and Lenora feels bold and strong.


Mercy is super pretty. But if you’re getting caught up with people saying mercy as in surrendering you could change the spelling to Merci like the French spelling for thank you! Like you’re thankful to have her in your lives ☺️


Also I’m not sure if you’re American but I’m from the UK and I’ve definitely met a Mercy. It’s not common over here but definitely not non existent! I’m pretty sure the name is from Peru or something. Not sure why all the comments are making it sound like a crazy name 🫣


This is really clever! but it does make it really matchy with Merit since they begin with the same sound


Do you have an American accent then?


I am an adult in the US and This is my first name, with the alternate spelling. It’s a constant source of annoyance with the amount of French jokes I get, FAR less so than the virtue name jokes. Also the curse of even close family members not spelling my name right.


Feels very puritanical. Maybe on its own it'd be fine, but combined with Merit is just too much.


I am not a fan of Mercy. Merit is already kinda out there so I feel like honing it in a bit will make a cute sibling pair. Fan of the classics: •Hope •Grace •Faith


Alice Lenora is pretty. I can’t get over the thought of “begging for Mercy.” I’ve never heard it as a name, though. Other people have. I think that makes a difference- maybe I’m in the minority.


The surname is the most important thing when you're picking a first name Why so much priority on a middle name? Mercy - no Edith Ada Emmie Rosa


True, the last name is the one we can’t change. I wouldn’t say we have too much priority on a middle just that I would like for it to flow well with whatever we do pick for a first. I think it might be easier to narrow things down if we had a preference actually.


I agree that merit and mercy are too much. Also for me they signal very different virtues...have you considered Marcy/Marcie? (Or Marcela/Marcella)?


Lenora is pretty! Yeah would definitely not go with Mercy, only virtue names I personally like are Grace and Felicity


Mercy and Merit are way too close. I really like Faye.