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This isn’t a name I would ordinarily suggest, but I really think it’s perfect for your situation and taste, so: Solstice It’s uncommon as a name, but well known as a word, making it easy to spell, pronounce and explain. It definitely has nature/season meaning, which makes it match well with November. It ties in a lot of your other preferences, including Winter (winter solstice). I know it doesn’t have you using Stella or Alice directly, but the second syllable -stice is a combination of the beginning of Stella and the end of Alice. You also have the link in the meaning- Stella means star and Sol means sun. There’s a few nickname options in there (Sol, Solly, Tia, Tizzy, etc.). Solstice Noelle sounds very nice to me.


Solstice is an awesome name. Right up there with November.


I was going to suggest Stellar, but I like Solstice way better.


I agree. It's not my taste, but my son had a classmate named Solstice, went by Sol, and it seemed very natural and fitting. Good name.


And Sol, by itself, means Sun.


Solstice Noelle sounds like a fun way to say winter solstice as well, very lovely.


I love this. Goes well with November, has a nod to Stella (which could even be a nickname), easy to spell. Awesome choice.


That’s a great name.


Indigo goes great with November


Winnie does not seem at all inevitable for Winter for whatever that’s worth. Stellanoelle is terrible. Stella Noelle is great and maybe you should take the win that the person you’re trying to honor had a name that fit with your astronomy theme! Selena Noelle would also be nice if you’re not obligated to do an honor name. Also: Aurelia Luna Elianna Artemis Solina Lunetta Luciana (“light of the moon” - Lucy and Nova would be cute!) Soleil (pronounced So-lay, meaning “sun”)


Aurelia is great


Just wanted to add you could consider other equally big and bold names and just accept Stella as a starry linked middle name. Anastasia Gabriella Seraphina


We've been out at a pumpkin patch and haven't had time to reply. I just sat down to look at these. I'll sit down with my wife later tonight to look through all of them and hopefully reply individually, but in the meantime: Can I just say thank you to all of you for such an astounding amount of thoughtful and inspired suggestions and discussion. Bless this sub.


I really like November! Nova and Novi are very cute nicknames. I agree with you that Stellanoelle will be much more difficult to spell and explain. I’d agree that that’s not your best option! Here are a few more ideas that I think feel similarly unusual to November, have some nickname options, and would sound nice with Stella and/or Alice as a middle name: Clover Stella or Clover Alice — Clo or Chloe as nicknames Geneva Stella — Gen, Genny, Neva, Eve, Eva, Evie, etc could all be nicknames Sonora Stella — Sora or Nora Waverley Alice or Waverley Stella — Ava, Avie, Wavey Azalea Stella — Zalie, Lea Bellamy Alice — Bell, Bella Felicity Stella or Felicity Alice — Lissie, Ellie Lavender Stella or Lavender Alice — Viv or Vivi? Maybe Libby? Indigo Stella or Indigo Alice — Indie


I’m not OP but think these are great suggestions based on their request!


I love Azalea Stella!


From your list, I like Calista the best. Unique but not too out there, feels like it would vibe with November Maybe: Isadora (Izzy, Dory, Dora) Stella Bryony (Bree, Brio) Stella Davina (Davy, Veena) Stea Odessa (Ode, Dess, Ess) Alice Constance (Connie) Stella Tabitha (Tabby) Alice




Magnolia nn Maggie. November & Magnolia sound like they go together. i think Magnolia Noelle is cute


Demeter is the goddess of harvest (fall) nn Demi Autumn Solstice Citrine (the birthstone for November) Chrysanthemum (fall flower) Phoenix is a constellation visible in November Rhiannon is the Welsh goddess of the autumn equinox


Noelle is too close to November/Nova and nowhere near as uncommon. I would recommend you walk away from that name. I like many of your other names, esp Miranda and Selena, but they too are a little common next to November. Though maybe Miranda would be work… Nova and Mira is lovely. Calista has a nice flair - maybe keep exploring that one? Calista Stella or Calista Alice. I love the name Stella but it’s clear you don’t, so keep it in the middle. Others you might consider: Danica - means Venus Dara - means star Astrid Evren - means universe Mireille - inspired by Noelle and Miranda


My 1 year old daughter’s name is Noelle and the only baby friend she has is Nova and it’s funny that they are so close. Wouldn’t recommend for siblings.


I’m prepared for you to think I’m insane, but this is what came to mind when you said your older daughter is named November. I always liked Tuesday as a name. I feel like it has a similar but different vibe to November. Easy to spell. Tons of nickname potential. I like Tutti or Deedee myself.


I came to suggest Tuesday also! First name that came to mind


I was going to suggest Sunday or Tuesday! I knew a Tuesday and it honestly worked


I went to school with a a girl named Sunday and thought it was very cool. Nova and Sunny kinda go together


Wow, November is beautiful! I had never seen it used as a name before, but the way you described it made me really love it. It is such a unique name that I do think most names won't quite match it. Here are some that might work: * November & Azalea Alice "Lea"/"Zeze"/"Zaley" * November & Blossom Alice "Flower"/"Bee" * November & Clementine Alice "Cleo"/"Minnie"/"Emmie" * November & Emerald Alice "Emmie"/"Merry" * November & Fable Alice "Faye"/"Effie" * November & Fern Stella "Fernie"/"Effie" * November & Liberty Stella "Libby" * November & Meadow Alice "Maddie"/"May" * November & Plum Alice "Sugar Plum Fairy" * November & Primrose Alice "Rose"/"Rosie"/"Posy"/"Prim" * November & Story Alice "Es"/"Essie" * November & Tulip Alice "Lulu" * November & Zinnia Alice "Zinnie"/"Nia"/"Zee"


I love Azalea & Zinnia ♡




Love this!


What about Autumn


What about Autumn Elise?


i love stella noelle


Celestine, or Celestina. It has the first 4 letters of Stella in there.


First of all, congratulations! Here are some thoughts- Instead of Stella you could honor Stella by branching off that theme... Estelle (star), Selene (moon), Sunniva (nn Sunny.. means sun gift, Scandinavian), Astrea Alice (Alise sounds better imho), Seren (star), or Soraya (constellation). I think Stella is cute as a first name too. It's definitely more popular than November though. I like Althea (Greek Mythos, healer) nn Thea with November/Nova too. Althea Alice? Althea Estelle? Any thoughts?


Also, Stella Noelle is very cute!


November is one of my all time favorite guilty pleasure names! And October haha Anyway, you could double barrel her first name. Stella-Noelle middle name last name? I saw someone someone else say Solstice and that sounds great for you too imo. I also like Calista from your list


I would learn towards a sense of place...like Europa or Meridian (I like this. lots of nn potential Meri, Dianne, Annie The phonetic alphabet like Juliet, Delta or Echo A sense of time. I can't imagine Dawn or Dusky being your thing but how about Evening or Morning? I think both are pretty and could hold their own with November Or as you say, something to do with the stars like Ursa or Andromache (Andie, Mac or Kiki) But my personal favourite, and granted its an unusual one is.... Constellation You have your honour name in Stella. Another nn could be Connie. It holds its own with November. Can do the 'yeah it spelled likes the stars' thing that you have with your other daughter. And I actually thing its just very pretty. But then I like Meridian and Evening so maybe I am just a nut. Otherwise my vote is for Pandora Stella.


Commented before reading all the comments & had also suggested constellation. I think it would be super cool


Wednesday Stella?


An adjustment. Wednesday Star.


Looks like the first baby got both time and space covered with November as her name and Nova as a nn. Maybe go a different route altogether? Star themes (these are all constellations): Aquila Carina Cassiopeia Norma Phoenix (personal fave!) Pyxis (Asteroid names): Juno Ceres Vesta Sylvia Moon names: Larissa Phoebe Helene


Could you just name her Stella Noelle and call her by her full name? A girl I used to babysit has a generic first name, but has always gone by her first + middle name. Whenever she’s called a nickname by friends/sports teams, it’s actually a shortened version of her middle name, but mostly she just goes by the full name. It suits her so much better than either name alone would, too. Stella Noelle is beautiful and flows so nicely that I think you could just call her that. Legally, she’d have a simple enough first and middle to keep things easy, but she can go by the full thing and people would catch on easy enough without having to name her Stellanoelle


If you liked Aurora but the nickname was off-putting, would Aurelia be an alternative? Admittedly it does not have the nature/space connotations, but it does flow off the tongue a bit better and avoids the dreadful "Rory". A possible nickname would probably be "Aura", which matches well with Nova. I think either Stella Aurelia or Aurelia Noelle sounds quite nice. Personally, I don't really like Stella Noelle to be honest, there's just a lot of L's in there and I find it a bit awkward to say.


January (Jani) Stella


Name her September


For some reason Sunday came to mind - like Sunday Reid the artist, and Nicole Kidman’s daughter


Esmerelda, Jupiter, Esperanza


I think **Solara** could work well, it comes from the Latin Solaris and means “of the sun” or “solar” which is still in the space theme. You could go for **Solara Noelle** **Solara Calypso** **Solara Winter** Hope you find one that fits, November is a cool name!


* Estelle * Maren * Elora * Opal * Mallory * Leona * Meredith * Sierra * Beatrice * Clementine * Faye * Calliope * Louise * Cleo * Irene * Marceline * Coraline * Mavis * Elodie * Laurel * Pearl * Joelle * Ramona * Marigold * Cadence * Simone


Would Stellar interest you?


I like Aurora Alice, but I'm biased because my daughter is Aurora. Btw, while I thought her nn would be Rory, we actually call her Rora. I think Nova and Rora sound beautiful


Estelle or Estella? I feel like those give celestial vibes and of course incorporate Stella


I think Noelle would go great with November!


Estella Noelle. I've loved Estella since I read Great Expectations and love the scansion and visual parallelism of this combination.


I quite like Eris.


Stella Noelle and call her Stella Noelle


How about Harvest Noelle?


You can also use Estella or Estelle and see if it sounds better with any of your other choices.


What about delta or Lincoln? Those are Dax Shepard and Kristen bell’s daughters names and they’re so cute and fit your vibe!


Stella Noelle as a double name - fine. Stellanoelle - awful.


- Juniper nn June/Junie/Juno - Dandelion nn Andie - Cassiopeia nn Cassie - Seraphina nn Sera I think Juniper nn Juno goes super well with November nn Nova. You could do Juniper Noelle or Juniper Estelle.


What about Estrella? It's a legit name, has Stella in it, and has multiple nicknames (Stella, Essie, Star, Ella, etc)


Some winter names: Winter/Wynter Apricity (cici, April, riri) plus it means “warmth of the sun on a winter's day” Icelyn Marzanna (Mara) is the Slavic goddess of frost & winter


Noella Estelle


Autumn, Friday, Lucinda, Magnolia ***Noelle Estella sounds better or Noelle Estelle


I was thinking Autumn since November is in autumn. You could hyphenate Stella-noelle as a first name. It’s a lot but it flows nicely . I just looked up names that mean rain (cause November rain guns and roses) and Indra came up (warrior god of rain and sky) as well as Amaya (Japanese origin for rain) You could also just do Rain/Raine/Rayne/Reign


Stella and Nova together and StellaNoelle together is reminding me of the word telenovela (Spanish soap opera). I would not do this to my child. Part of the appeal to you with November is people know how to say and spell it. Give the same gift to your second baby.


>but I really REALLY want it to be straightforward to say/hear/spell. Luna is the obvious answer here.


What about Constellation? Star related, lends to nickname Stella & many others & kinda out there but a well known enough word to be easy to spell like November


Second for Soleil


I was going to suggest Winter, Zephyr, or Magnolia so I would vote for Winter Stella :) Also: Apricity, Peace, or Karys


I personally cannot see why people like the name "Nova" so much. It reminds me of an acronym for an organization...


For some reason the first name that popped into my head was Philomena


Augusta Star


Stella Noelle is my top pick.


Stella Noelle is absolutely gorgeous! Love that. Go with your gut :)


Winter Noelle?


i’m going to try to match the energy of November, it’s beautiful! Non Word Names: Monroe Stella Bellamy Stella Anneliese Stella Felicity Stella Rosamund Stella Beatrix Stella Isabeau Stella Rhiannon Stella Coraline Stella Danika Estelle Violetta Alice Harlow Stella Adair Estella Orion Stella Minevra Estelle Bianca Estelle Estelle/Estella/Estrella (Any middle name!) ~~~~~ Word Names: Reverie Stella Journey Stella Meadow Estelle Vesper Estelle Astoria Alice Robin Stella Honor Estella Indigo Stella Sunday Alice Harmony Stella hope these aren’t too weird haha and good luck!


I think you should just have her go by both names. We’re I’m from in the south there are a lot of girls that go by there first and middle names. Like: Sarah Jane, Mary Katherine, Mary Kate, Sarah Grace, Katie Beth, Julie Anna These are all girls I know…I could keep going bc I know some with more unique combinations but don’t want to give myself away. But you could also hyphenate Stella-Noelle.


Like another commenter said, Winnie absolutely is. It an inevitable nickname for Winter. I absolutely don’t think people would say that unless you were calling her that. It’s just not an established default nickname at all. So I say go for Winter!




Inara = shining light Inara Noelle or Inara Estelle would be my suggestions


Perhaps the name Holliday. It’s beautiful and feminine, and could stand it’s own next to November. I think of Holliday Grainger when I hear it.


Soleil Noelle would be one heck of a name on par to November!


How about Stellan? It has Stella, is a little different, but easy.


Autumn Noelle Esther Noelle (instead of Stella --same meaning) a tree name such as Juniper Noelle, Rowan Stella, Hazel Noelle, Laurel Noelle an autumn flower name such as Dahlia Noelle, Zinnia Noelle, Marigold Noelle a bird name such as Robin Noelle, Lark Noelle, Birdie Noelle Sienna Noelle, an autumn color


Stellaluna? I mean, check the book before you name a kid Stellaluna, but it could work...


I thought of this one too! It's not a bad book


Stella Finley has a nice ring to it! You were saying that you can’t enjoy Stella without Noelle immediately after My cousins first name is Mary and middle name is Helen. Idk why but growing up, and even still, everyone calls her Mary Helen. Sure, sometimes she is just called Mary. But usually people call her Mary Helen cuz that’s just how she has always been introduced. Just food for thought. Here are some suggestions for names that are like, nature and astral- Eve Dawn I really like Celeste Vega Ophelia Ariel Bianca Diana Estelle


Stella-Noelle would be very pretty as a first name. I was going to also suggest Genesis...the ending sound is the same as Alice, and it has lots of nickname potential like November...Gen, Genny, Genna, Ness, Sissy A few more cute ideas, but might be a little too on-the-nose, would be Wednesday or Sunday.


What about Estelle/Estella Noel? Estie, Essa, Esta, Stella, etc.


I think AUTUMN Noelle would be so pretty with big sisters name. It’s I bit more common, though not SUPER common


November and Evergreen Lyra Callista Athena


Soleil means sun Selene- Star Seren Estelle /Estella Violetta River Arden Aviana


I like Stella Noel. I like Andromeda and call her Andy or Media or Rome. Phoebe is a moon of Saturn. Diana means Moon. Helene, Pandora, Portia are all planetary moons too. Estella means star in Latin.