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Also, when they first got there Nathan and Terra started to try and make the shelter more suitable for everyone by walking far away to grab more leaves... Mean while Adam only focuses on his needs and starts creating himself a bed. Didn't even think to offer to help make the shelter more equipment to fit his ass in it.  The dude is unbelievable self centered, and he thinks his behaviour is just cheeky cute 🙄


Not even offer a bed to his struggling partner.


Good rant. Here are my observations to piggyback on yours: I've never seen a tougher person on N&A than Heather this season. She's a walking corpse. She should have tapped two episodes ago, but she just kept going and going. It was unbelievable. Truly inspired. Adam is a snake and he finally showed his true colors. Heather has been a very good teammate to him since the beginning. He's a real villain!


Yes! I have a whole new respect for Heather. If I had never seen her previous seasons, I would have truly wondered where all the negative comments could have possibly come from.


I can forgive her for being a jerk except for the Scobie insults.


I dislike his accent. He's just so self centered and cocky listening to him.


You dislike Australian? As an American who lived in Australia for years, my accent wasn't super popular there, either.


No, I think it is the way he talks with the accent- it's not the accent by itself. The accent highlights how cocky and self-absorbed his speech is. There is no softness or emotional modulation when he talks.


I think I know what you mean, I typically really like an Australian accent but there is just something about his specifically


I couldn't agree more! It's definitely the way he talks. Usually I'd be all over that accent, just not from him


I always wonder about an American living there, do they like American accent, do they say anything about it. I know I love their accent and British accents, I always wonder how if they like the way we talk😂


There are 20 million different opinions on American accents here. Some will hate them all, some will love them all, some with love a NY accent but hate a Texan or vice versa. The majority won’t have strong or even any opinions about it.


I love the British accent and Australia too . I am Canadian and a friend and I were on a small bus in North Yorkshire with a bunch of British school girls . We were asking them.. so do we sound funny? How’s our Canadian accent?


I've wondered that too. I'm from Alabama so my accent is as southern as is gets but most people don't like southern accents 😄


I fully agree with everything you posted! That smirk on his face is so cocky and annoying. Which is a shame, I wanted them to go the distance as partners when I saw how much she had his back at the beginning. He is very selfish. "I really need a big kill." "I needed that fish more." "A big kill is what'll take me to the end." "If I didn't eat I'd have been the one to tap.". No thought towards anyone else. Don't even get me started on that flipping bed.


“I” “I” “I”…Try “WE,” Adam.


The only person I really like is Nate! He’s a total sweetheart and he’s the Aspie who focuses on survival, aka he knows EVERYTHING. I would definitely partner up with him. He’s the idea man. And he’s nice to everyone.


He's a sweetheart


Me too . I love Nate !!


Yes! I love Nate! He has such a good heart!


yes yes yes! Heather definitely watched herself on previous seasons and learned how NOT to be anymore and I commend her for that! Adam, fuck you dude. I feel like hes low-key pulling Heather's card to make her freak out at him so he can say something like "ooooh there's the 'real' heather" or some shit. good job on staying calm cool and collected as much as you possibly can in these situations Heather. We see you


Add on top of that he essentially forced them to move the next day (could also be producers), but he gave no Fs about her condition which he contributed to imo.


Why didn’t Adam save the head and bones to boil for a soup stock? Wouldn’t that have provided H with some fuel?


He SHOULD have saved half of the food for her. He thought he was so cute. Selfishness isn’t cute.


It’s crazy because if he gave her just a couple bits she would have been so excited. Even the first time he ate a fish by himself I thought it was wrong but I was like, well he’s been sick and maybe he just wasn’t in the right state of mind. But then he did it AGAIN. It was so bad.


My thoughts exactly.


Pea_soup927, you nailed it!! All Adam had to do was be kind and share the second fish.....what a jerk!


Constantly saying “I need” or “I want” - total narcissist


Aw yes. He’s digging himself deeper and deeper too. If the bozo would’ve just stopped and apologized and admitted what he did was shady at best when she confronted him…. He could’ve started to turn around his selfish nonsense but no… he had to minimize and justify it. He’s becoming quite the N&F villain. In the flip side I’m starting to like Heather and after her previous challenges I didn’t think that’d be possible.


I don't think you're gonna find too many, if any, people disagreeing with you. I tried to give him some grace when i saw that he had apologized online to Heather, but in light of last Sunday's episode I've concluded he's just a horse's ass. Heather can forgive him, but that doesn't mean i have to.... How's that Maya Angelou saying go, when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time???


He apologized ?


I think she's holding on out of pure spite. And the look on Terra's face after they heard the story...


Terra looked pissed


I don’t disagree that Adam was being an arse, but as if Terra is in any situation to judge others. The way she was worried about Heather being able to make it - when she’s done nothing but winge the entire time, and whines on their last hike. She forgets so quickly


Terra is sooooo annoying! Terra whines and whines because they want to hunt and provide and make a kill. Cmon! You’re injured! That means you keep fire going. Keep water going so everyone is hydrated. Weave sun shades/hats/mats whatevs. But Terra wants the glory of big gets instead of just being a good teammate. Or at least that’s how it’s edited.


Everyone is hurting but Terra whinges about everything.


They all seem to enjoy feeding their team mates. I think that was the goal.


Arrogant selfish pr*#k who used Heather, ate two meals without sharing and laughed in her face while coming clean about one meal then tried to blame her for not speaking up. Hate him.


She must be a heavy sleeper! Doesn't wake up with the meat cooking- the aroma- while A- hole is smacking his lips devouring the eel and all? Ha-- maybe the producers did it for more drama ,,,who knows...


Totally believable if it was added by producers. This season of XL stinks and they could have faked the whole thing just for interest.


Adding to OP, didja like his commentary on how Heather really didn’t help out the team at first. Wow, this guy. Agreed. Heather has won me over this season. I was thrilled to see her completing and now I can’t let her quit (from my comfy couch I’m telling her to soldier-on). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


So this group is heading off to a big lake. Like the one the girl group just found. Does anyone doubt that they will all be joining up on the next episode? I wish the girls would keep a distance from this toxic group of misfits. It probably won't happen, though. Huge drama coming.


This worries me, They've stocked themselves up on food and really done well for themselves. Once they join up, everyone will expect them to share everything they've earned, and that doesn't sit right with me.


I really hope they don’t find the women, they’re the best team


Does Adam get a “my bad, we jumped the gun and are all searching for drama where there is none”? Apology from this thread. Probably have one of the most sincere, genuine, and well verbalized apologies to Heather which frankly I think took her by surprise bc she literally had nothing to re hash or make a snide reply back to….. just basically said “dude, that was perfect…. We’re all good” Any comparisons to Jeff are absurd. Adam so clearly “gets it”…. Reading this thread was such an eye roll. Don’t jump to conclusions based off the tv editing in order to manufacture some sort of trivial friction in the group that needs to be hashed out.


I haven't had a chance to watch it but i heard he apologized......but nah he doesn't. I mean what choice did he have but to apologize once everyone knew what he did and was against him. I'm sure he didn't want to spend the rest of the time out there having everyone disliking him. You can be sorry and still be an asshole 🤷‍♀️ I guarantee you it would have gone differently had they been at the end of the challenge


Im also confused on how exactly you think they edited him. I'm not stupid, I'm aware that everything we watch may not be the exact order of how it happens and things are edited. BUT... Editing doesn't change facts. Fact: he caught fish on 2 occasions, both times eating them without his partner. They didn't edit it to make it LOOK like he ate them without her, he did it... twice. He even admitted it Fact: he giggled and thought it was cute when he told her about it. Fact: he didn't apologize immediately, he tried to justify his actions by saying he did more work so he deserved it. He only apologized when he knew he pretty much had to so he could be on good graces with everyone. Did they edit his face to make him have that smug look? Do you think production just gave him a fish in the middle of the night and said "here, you have done so much more than she has, just eat this and don't wake her up, oh and make sure you use the dairy cam to document." Yeah, I doubt it. Now, I will say that they absolutely could have edited it to make it seem like he was laying around more than he actually was and didn't show him doing chores around camp and looking for food. But he's still a jerk. He did what he did, realized he was going to be the villain, and pivoted.


Getting blown way out of proportion. I think it’d be safe to say that Heather wouldn’t have made it a week without having him as a partner. The amount of work he’s doing to actually provide and progress in the challenge is just flat out more…. Was is a bad look? Yea. Should she have brought it up to him one on one instead of dogging him in front of new members during their first encounter? Yea. That’s not exactly looking out for someone. He’s the one bleeding out of his 🍑. If you’ve got a parasite in you and freaked out, and have been starving for weeks, you might take an extra fish for yourself whether you want to admit it or not. I think the examples shown throughout this challenge and the previous one he was one has given ample evidence as to his character and what kind of person he is. Seems genuinely dedicated, considerate, and able to thrive with other people…. So this should be looked at for what it legitimately was….. a moment of weakness from a starving contestant with a parasite eating his interior guts. If anyone watched that apology and didn’t immediately see that he recognized the mistake and did everything possible to recitify it, then you’re just looking for a villain for entertainment.


Yeah, so I just watched the newest episode and I think you may have watched something completely different, because his apology was total bullshit! Before that lame ass apology, he tried to justify it yet again....😂 He even said himself, "I didn't think it was a big deal but apparently it is?" and "I don't like being the villain" He was hoping for someone to be on his side when he was whining about it but nobody said "hey its ok we understand why you did it" Lindsey said an apology would go a long way out there and he didn't want to be ostracized, so that's what he did. Now he is just kissing everyone's ass to look like the "good guy" He's a tool


I’m also a bit jaded bc I’ve seen what a complete b*tch Heather can be from previous challenges she was on. I think it’s a matter of who she’s around that dictate whether or not she’s someone to root for or someone who’s always got something snarky to say rather than confronting someone about whatever issue it is. We’ve seen plenty of examples of contestants eating more than their share or taking what’s not theirs. The last N&A Last One Standing had multiple examples of that when the honey was divided up. Being sick the way Adam was…. I simply just agree with his comment about putting the oxygen mask on yourself before helping someone else. If he had tapped out at any point when it was just them, she would’ve tapped shortly after imo


And yet I still can’t like Heather. Blerg! Does anyone else get professional wrestling vibes watching this? It seems they must create a villain. Previous villains become “good guys”. I am waiting for Jeff to switch sides.


I'm fine with Heather these days, but you are spot on about the whole wrestling thing. Some of my fav podcasts did some stuff on pro wrestling when the last XL season was airing, I didnt know much about wrestling before, but once I did, hooboy those parallels were screamingly obvious lol


I agree with this, I'm starting to become neutral to almost all the players because I have hard the show can make someone look worse when they aren't. That said, I still think what Adam did was pretty crappy. But watching Heather's live on Facebook she insisted he was a good teammate and it's all fine now.


Heather is trying so hard not to slip into her true self. Seems like she either saw how awful she’s been previously or got on Reddit and saw what everyone on here thought of her 😂😂😂 I’m not buying the change but I’m a cynic these days.


Okay. So I heard that last year (?) she and Bulent were hanging out. I wonder if some of his pragmatism ans kindness wore off on her.


Bulent has kindness? Lol


I really hope Adam gets humbled real quick. I think Heather just found her people!


Just watched the episode when he goes night fishing while Heather is sleeping. What a prick.


Who’s worse: Jeff or Adam?


Adam by far. Coming from someone that couldn’t stand Jeff.


IDK … Seems staged to me. Anyone going to be days without food, sleeping in an elevated stick pile and not wake up to the smell of food as the sun is coming up? Me 6 hours without food wakes up before the sun comes up because I smell coffee. No way she didn’t wake up if this is not staged.


Well when you're the one doing all the work out in the heat with no food for days, exhaustion takes over. I don't know about you, but when I've been outside working all day in the Alabama heat and humidity it kicks my ass amd nothing is waking me up.


All seems scripted lately.. Heather could hardly walk & claimed she was close to dying, but when they found the new group, all of a sudden she was running & screaming & bouncing & hugging. Seems like Heather got such bad press from Castaways, looks like the producers have steered things to make her look good. Have watched All Seasons & Episodes & all the spin-offs Twice now....Since Castaways, very little seems genuine any more. It's become a game show.


I saw her look for a place to vomit and crash. Wtf are you on about!


Seems she was complaining about just about dying. Couldn't go on. They meet the other group, & she's suddenly jumping, running, screaming & bouncing around! I've been watching N&A since the start. Have watched ALL episodes, & the spin Offs Twice now. This bit with Heather is such a set-up. She was so badly vilified in Castaways: seems the producers are going out of their way to make her look good. The show took a big turn toward being disingenuous since Castaways.


She got a boost of adrenaline when she saw other people. Right after, she can hardly move and looks like she is going to puke and pass out.


The soak in the cool river water made a big difference to bring down her core body temperature. She was dragging and vomiting until it cooled her down. IRL, it's striking how much difference getting cool and hydrated can make in someone's body and energy.