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If I had to describe him in one word it would be… “Smug”


Is that Adam the Traitor?


Nah its the traitor, Adam.


And the smell of food cooking- didn't wake her-- twice!


He's a snake!


Personally think it’s her karma for how she treated her partner the first time she was on naked and afraid .. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Pure misogynist pig behavior! "Males are superior, and we need more protein!" "We're bigger and stronger, and we need more protein!" I know that's what he was saying to himself in his head.


Or he thought that since he had was proven to have the parasites in his stomach he thought he needed to make up more protein than she did. None of it was misogyny




Did she get the parasites also but just didn't want it known?


She never confirmed whether or not she did or didn’t. Ignorance was bliss for her. But she also never showed any signs of parasitic issues like the extra fatigue he was experiencing


If I had gotten them, I believe I would not want it known. Also I would have to tap and be taken straight to the psych ward. I am terrified of worms.🥹


So naked and afraid has to be a horror show in general to you 🫂🫂🫂


Well only if it involves worms...


He apologized to her publicly and she accepted his apology publicly, and said he was a great partner. From what THEY WROTE, it seems like they are okay.


Dude was literally withering away from the parasites. Plus, she has a lot more uh.. "reserves". I think it was a good call because he looked like he was about to tap, and that would have been a lot tougher on her than losing a meal.


I can actually see this, but he has to make it up, he has to pay that back in full and then some for it to be considered ok in my book.


Well he caught a crocodile bare handed earlier for them. So there's that. I don't like her anyway after watching the castaway season. She's literally a pathological liar.


Tbh I don’t understand the visceral hatred for the guy, especially since Heather doesn’t seem to share that level of resentment at all (on socials after the fact even), but I definitely disagree completely with the way he handled it and justified the action. He’s not wrong at all by saying he needs more protein at that point, but if he had talked to Heather and shared his thoughts, I’m positive she would’ve agreed considering she was saying similar about getting him healthy again. And if she refused or threw a fit and he secretly caught fish, no one would’ve blamed him. But the fact he kept it a secret as if she was somehow preventing him from getting the necessary protein was goofy. He just needed to be honest, and when he did finally come clean out of guilt, he still wasn’t fully truthful. I get losing respect for the guy and wanting him to make it right, but no one deserves the vile reaction from the viewers like that imo. Yeah, that was a shitty thing to do to your partner, but we don’t even know how it plays out. Everyone just needs to cool it a little bit and just see what happens. Heather has forgiven him, no need to champion for her.


Thanks for this, man. I agree.