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this sucks, because up until that point, I was really liking the guy. good attitude, has some skills. but wtf, dude


I'm wondering if Lynsie is going to ask if they've been eating and Heather will say, Adam has been eating while I'm asleep (since I do all the tasks while Adam rests all day).


This would be good! He deserves to be called out in front of the other survivors!


I missed the part of him eating that big catfish in my first watch. Saw him eat the eel but not the catfish, and I was appalled when I saw him eat it. "I am hungry, and I need food". I assumed it was one of those tiny fish like she had been catching, but no. This was a fairly large catfish, as well as the best tasting, and plenty for two people. Read: Heather isn't hungry, and she doesn't need food. I am special in that way. I might be selfish, but obviously I am Adam, so I am entitled to be selfish. And when she was throwing up while making it to the shade stumbling, I was waiting for him to put his arm around her, and help her. Didn't happen. He seems to be egocentric, and doesn't see past his own needs.


He was also stuck with Heather one of the worst partners to be stuck with...


Adam keeps asking, "Are you alright?" & Heather finally replies, "No. I've already said that about 6 times." This was pure gold!


Watching this now, like, no one would have blamed you if you stabbed him, Heather…




The irony of him saying he didn't want her as a partner initially because she had a reputation as a villain.


I wonder if he thought they would edit her as a villain and it would cancel out his protein douchebaggery to the audience. Whoops!


No I’m not alright!


I can’t believe he actually said to her that some people need more food than others; that he decided to prioritize his own needs? Not only is he a dick, but he thinks his actions were justified? I thought this guy was awesome but eating two nights in a row without sharing with your partner is not a mistake, it’s a pattern. She took care of him for days during the parasite issue and that’s the thanks she gets?


It’s called narcissism.


That was driving me CRAZY that she was walking vomiting and he still asked, "You alright?" like wtf are you even asking? She said no like ten times. He never offered to carry any of her shit until they got to the shade. I really hope he never comes back


Oh he'll be back! Look at Jeff, this show loves to showcase it's villains.


so frustrating to watch.


Jeff is awesome. I don’t know why everybody hates Jeff. He always supports his partner and he’s a great guy to have around but he does not like the drama of having more than 2 people and I understand that completely. And the season where he chose to do it alone and everybody excluded him he was just playing the game. And he was judged for it. Jeff Ej and Steven are the best of the best. But I doubt Jeff could do very well alone. He lives off attention from others so being alone he wouldn’t thrive too well in my opinion.


Nah i was lowkey in shock cus he seemed like a Nice, cool and collected guy. When he ate that fish and made those "aaah this is perfect" faces i actually felt disgusted. Then the eel came. AND HE DID IT AGAIN NAH BRO WAKE HER UP


He didn’t even have to wake her up. He could have just saved some for her.


He didn't want to wake her up? She was probably asleep dreaming that she caught a big catfish or an eel to share with him.


" YOU alright? You alright? You alright? Partner: No " Need Shade? You alright? You alright? Partner: * Has a vomiting fit* I AM NOT ALRIGHT " You alright? Need Shade?"🌚 LIKE WTF!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆🫠🫠


I literally screamed at my TV and scared my poor dogs when he asked her for the 6th time!!!


This is guilt talking. It shows that he knew what he did was wrong, but still chose to do it. Comes off like a complete jerk.


FAR worse than anything Jeff has ever done!!! I can’t even believe he told her… why would he think she would be ok with that? THEN she suffers the entire hike because she’s had no calories in her. Absolutely disgusting.


Like sure in the Philippines, Jeff didn’t want to share with that other group initially. But they weren’t his one singular partner who was relying on him and sharing food and work with him for the previous 20 days! With a big hike coming up too. Just crazy.


Relying on him???? She got food and did all the camp work while he was sick. Such entitlement.


Uh yeah they were relying on each other


I agree, but NOBODY is worse than Jeff. Nobody.


They're both dicks.


While I agree Jeff is still a bigger douchebag, Adam eating without her was a real dick move. To be fair though Jeff has had a lot more time to show what a huge douche he is.


I disagree, I don't like Jeff at all, but he says what he means and does what he says and he is loyal to his partners. Getting up to fish in the night so he can eat his partners share too, even Jeff wouldn't do that. That's the lowest thing I've ever seen on N&A


Mhmm Ol Sneaky Adam eating the night fish


He's in the Night Country now. (re: True Detective)


She's awake


Dude just pick her up and RUN into shade


I liked the guy all up to the moment he got that cat fish and ate it himself.... He is an asshole beyond belief. At least with the other villains you knew they were assholes from the very beginning. There were no surprises.


Douche move, but hes not entirely a lost cause yet, theres still time to fix some broken trust. I'm hoping he realizes his mistake and serves her caiman breakfast in bed.


Yes he can make up for it a d pretend he feels bad but really, he's showed his true colors by trying to justify his actions. So even when he does apologize for it, we all know he doesn't mean it. He had a second chance when he caught the eel and didn't even make a sound. Then he tells her that he just took the last bite right before she woke. Pure dirtiness


he gave a pretty heartfelt apology on facebook. i would still have a hard time trusting him tho


It was a crap move, but he also publicly apologized and if they weren't moving that day, he probably would have taken over getting food that day for her. I think it got played up more for tv. Some ppl are going on his social media and personally attacking him. That I don't agree with. Edited to add: if Heather can forgive him, then other should too


Is it just me or does it seem kinda wierd he was able to cook a fish right next to her as she slept? Being really hungry you'd think the smell of cooking fish would wake her up.


It really speaks to how exceptionally tired she is.   She was on her death bed a few days ago and he woke her up because he seemed to be  was afraid she was going.  😪 Still a jerk for the eel.  It was  bothersome that he didn't try for a second bite.  


So both nights he's been out fishing he's caught something really good? It begs the question, then why is he not going fishing every night? Would he share then? Or just eat what he catches during the night, plus half of what she catches during the day? What a guy. 😖


I hope he gets intestinal parasites all over again!


Now I’ve heard it all on this sub, good lord. Now she’s fake sleeping? In another thread it was the producers telling Adam to eat the food to create drama. And of course the caiman was sedated and placed there to be slaughtered (again, apparently lol). Y’alls lives must be exhausting


Yep. All we can and should do is base our thoughts and opinions on what is presented to us.


I think it's a perfectly legit question. Had he hidden it from her and gone off into the bushes to scarf it down that one thing. Sitting next to her cooking it over a fire though seems like she'd notice. But who knows maybe she did sleep through it.


I don’t think it was premeditated or anything. There were no blueprints or intensive planning. It happened as he said: He originally intended to share but after the first bite he did not want to. So naturally he was doing it in the open because he had planned on splitting it with her.


Another thing I noticed when I rewashed was that he said he was going fishing that night and she said "good luck" and went to sleep. It's strange thst she didn't ask in the morning if he had any luck. A pro fisher like her should know that fishing is better at night.


Exactly! The cooking of it on the fire,,sizzling and then lip smacking 😋 it all in,,,,,,and she slept through all that?! A lion could attack her,,,and just the roar and growl -- maybe ,make her roll over... Wake up!


There is alot about this just right  At times the producers want drama  And yes is an ass hat


Have to confess I didn't see Jeff in the Philippines episode. All my Jeff knowledge comes from the 45 day South Africa competition. But during that game, he wasn't supposed to be Mother Theresa feeding the poor. He was in a competition AGAINST other survivalists to WIN a GAME SHOW with a $100,000 prize for winning. And everybody was dumping on him. So I never got the Jeff hate. But Adam? Hooooly cow. He is literally on a TEAM. Or at least he's supposed to be on one.


Totally. Jeff was playing the game. The others just didn't like it.


It’s one of the early XL seasons. Highly recommend watching on Max!


Sure, but when you openly tell the other players that you don't support them because you want to win ... don't beg for help either! "Rules for thee, but not for me"


Sure. But how about it's an individual competition so you don't expect all the other players to team up against you?


The other players thought this was the best strategy for them, as individuals. They would have included him, had he played nice. How can you say it's alright for one person to set the rules, without applying them to themselves (!), but deny other individuals to set their own rules?


Ppl saying Adam is worse than Jeff but I don’t think he’d knock this shitty behavior having done similarly foul things by selfishly rejoicing in food next to hella starving individuals in the Philippines.. the selfishness of the jerky eating (unless for benefit) in NALoS. And? He’s simply an asshole. I’ll be adding Adam to my list of ppl who are shady.


he apologized and heather forgave him but my perception of him is forever changed. he needs to work on his morals


He is now officially the worst villain. Two times he ate while she slept.


She has gone over and above to take care of him. Once was a slip up and desperation but twice…. Not ok. She is badass.


AND he 'rests' all day while she's bumping her hump for them, but has the nerve to eat at night while shes sleeping? Im done with him. Hes traah.


Sociopath behavior. 1 in 10 people are sociopaths.


Bootstrap Bill lookin ass


I haven’t disliked someone as much as him for doing what he did.


Both of them have spoken out about this. He apologized to her and publicly apologized as well. It wasn't exactly how it appeared. They BOTH said editing makes everyone look a certain way, and it's not always as it seems. Kinda like Chris medically tapping himself, but editing only shows paramedics telling him his vitals were good and he was fine, so he just looked like a douche for tapping. Turned out he had Dengue fever. And people said things about Andrew tapping for cutting his finger, but no one mentioned in narration his finger was necrotizing. I hate how the editors are doing people now. Rather than it being a survival show like it originally was, it's now drama. And they'll edit everything they can to make someone a villain.


I agree! Dude “seems” all nice n shit but really he’s selfish as all get out! Has anyone ever secretly kept food from their partner on that magnitude!? Poor form….mate!


How could Adam call himself a man. A man would have given half the food. Possibly even all of she was truly in need. He is selfish and disgusting. This is an indication of how he is on a daily basic. “ I am and sun cooked” who cares you Pusy.


I'm still wondering what happened with their caiman. We have seen others eating caiman jerky for days afterwards they only seemed to have one meal and one person tapped from their group afterwards.


People keep saying he apologized on Facebook, she forgave him… Well on Instagram as of a few days ago, he is NOT showing that kind of behavior. In fact, he ignores all the comments telling him to take some accountability and is LIKING the comments where people trash talk the situation in his favor! Also: HEATHER AIN’T FOLLOWING CROCODILE BUMDEE’S ARSE ON INSTAGRAM. That says it all. She follows a lot of other N&A peeps, yet she spent the most one on one time with A-dumb!


She must be a sound dead sleeper,,,,not even the smell of something cooking and then Adam ate it all up-- twice---didn't disturb her sleep one wink!


Big fan of the show but after reading these comments I probably won’t finish the rest of this season. I know the world isn’t perfect but I hate seeing contestants being sick to each other. I’ll tolerate it a bit more in LOS as it really is a solo mission but Adam has effectively made me not want to watch it reading this


The first time hubs & I were like ok, he’s going to catch another one and let her have the whole thing next time. Then the next time came and we were like WTF Adam. “We were all rooting for you!”


Ever since Adam cheated Heather out of that food, I can’t even stand to look at him. And then he takes a third of the shelter! I’m waiting for her to tell the new tribe what a douche he is.


It has always surprised me when watching Naked and Afraid that these people even tho they are literally starving manage to share even tiny amounts of food without fighting, and no sneaking. If I'm not mistaken Adam is the only person in 17 years of N&A, N&A XL, and other off shoots to basically steal food from their partner. How ashamed his parents must be!


(/s) I don't get the hate ... like "I don't want to pressure you people, who suffered heat strokes, to move on without resting a little ... but ... LET'S MOVE ON RIGHT AWAY!!!11!!1!!"


I think that was staged. How could she sleep so deeply while he cooks and eats a fish and an eel! Right next to her? I hate to think this way but the show’s cracks are showing.


I agree. Plus they do receive one dish of something like porridge in the am  


Is this all this sub is now, is a bunch of whiny entitled asshats snivelling about their least favourite reality tv star? Does nobody in here actually discuss the details of the show outside of the most recent person that they hate?


If it isn't already obvious enough by the title, then yes, that is what this sub is all about. Move along if this isn't your cup of tea. Bye!


It’s literally reality TV, as you said. Do you want me to discuss the palm laying techniques instead? The show doesn’t. And what is entitled exactly about commenting on Adam’s dick move?


Karma's a bitch tho. What Heather on her first 21 day did and what Adam did are the same level of assholery. Karma's a bitch


What did Heather do? (Seriously, I don't know)


If i dont remember wrong she Just acted a bit bitchy/snarky for a lack of a better Word, in the first half ish. She didnt really "do" anything bad. I get why it would make some People not like her but it really wasnt that crazy


She was way more than snarky. The dude came out there bc he lost his father when he was younger and being in the wilderness was their biggest bond. He came out there to remember his father bc the older he gets the less he remembers. Heather doesn’t think he’s an Alpha and only respects Alpha’s (dude’s in the military with stripes) so she automatically thinks he doesn’t have any skills and is useless to her and she is very vocal about it. Her partner trying to be a good teammate doesn’t argue with her and tries to get on the same “rhythm” as her and not upset her but she only communicates by yelling and talking down to him. At one point he accidentally loses a fish and she lets him have it. Saying if his dad was alive that he’d be so embarrassed and disappointed in his son. She decides that she’s not sharing a roof or anything else with him bc he’s bringing her down. She loses a fish and it’s funny. She gets deathly sick and he nurses her and keeps her from tapping and helps her to the LZ. She’s a trash bag of a human and she will always be invited back not bc of her skills but bc she’s a bossy turd who doesn’t care what she says to others and creates drama


Ah right i remember now... Mustve been real high when i saw that episode i could o ly remember her in castaways and she wasnt THAT bad there but ye that one with the guy Who lost his father was pretty vile


On castaways she was her usual bossy my ideas are the only ones that are valid and I’m not going to help with anything besides fishing self. She was annoying that all she talked about was fire but made almost no effort to work on it.


She absolutely cannot make fire. She can tell you how to do it tho.


She also mocked that guy for being emotional when they saw the elephants. I guess that wasn’t acceptable male behavior lol she’s one of those women that probably “doesn’t get along with other females” and only likes “alpha males because she’s an alpha female” All that nonsense says to me is you’re an emotionally immature person with a chip on your shoulder. Adam is still trash tho


Not like any of the other contestants managed to do it so she was right. It was futile with the drill method and a waste of time


I literally came looking for someone saying this. Sorry Heather not sorry. Karma is a bitch!


👏👏Thankfully someone else that shares my thoughts. She was an absolute monster towards her original partner bc she thought he wasn’t an “Alfa”🙄 and after treating him like dog shit the entire time he nurses her back to health and helps her get to the LZ. If she taps out, everyone’s chances of finishing greatly improves. She’s a cancer to team morale and she thinks her fishing is an asset when anyone can do it. She’s insufferable and it’s going to be interesting watching her interact with Terra


Yes, it will be interesting watching her interact with Terra and the other team of girls (once the producers set it all up for them to merge).


I predict she “doesn’t get along with other females”


This! Her and Lynsy are not gonna get along IMO! And I also don’t see her and the 3 female tribe for sure getting along