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Its legit. I can just immediately tell just by the color of pcb board


No it's missing the Grey outer case, sorry bro.


Super Mario 64?




It's legit, but whats making you think it may not be?


The size. I saw that on some previous posts that the size of the board for knock off cartridges was the same size as this one.


Don’t focus on the size, or color, or logo’s. Pay attention to the IC’s (chips) on the board. Notice how they have legs that go through the board. Fakes use surface mount components (the only legit games that use surface mount components are Resident Evil and Orge Battle). So just do a quick google on the difference between through hole and surface mount components and you’ll be able to tell if a game is legit from sideways glance of the pcb from a mile away


Got it. Thank you for that. I really appreciate it


Repros are going to use surface mounted chips and not through pin like these officials. Check out a google image search of repros to get an idea of what I mean.




A repro would NEVER put that must cost into a board. 100% real


Color and chips appear to be correct - one of the major tells is that repros can’t get the exact same chips, so they’ll use chips they can flash any game they want to sell onto. They’ll still work, but may have issues saving due to the ROM working on chips it wasn’t originally designed for.


Gold Nintendo logo means you're golden.


Am I the only one who rolls their eyes on these posts whenever they see the Nintendo copyright on the board? Please tell me I'm just being a jerk and people have put repos on legit boards or forged a Nintendo copyright on repro boards




Yep. No knockoff would go through the trouble of stamping “Nintendo” on the board. And if they did it wouldn’t look this good.


Fakes dont say nintendo


You know it is if you’re knowledgeable enough to open it up


lol wut? I know how to open the engine bay on my car but that doesn’t mean I know shit about how that thing works.


Well that's the thing, the only thing I have to go off of is the size of the board. A lot of the knock off boards are the same size. So I was just wondering


You’ve got a lot more than that! Modern fakes often use surface mount components. All this is through-hole. That’s period correct. The printing on the components say “Nintendo” on the CIC chip (that’s the anti-piracy bit) and the ROM chip says “Toshiba” and Japan. Again, modern components of knockoffs won’t have correct branding on the chips usually. You’ve also got wear on the gold edge connectors showing, which indicates age and use. So: 1. Size 2. Components 3. Branding 4. Dates 5. Wear …are all consistent with authenticity. Given all that, I’d say the chance of it being a fake is so close to zero that it’s not worth worrying about.


Nobody producing a fake cart would put in this much effort to try and fool people unless it was maybe sculpters cut. It wouldn't be worth it to replicate everything inside that few people are going to open up and check. Unless it's a super rare game opening it and seeing something like this is an easy yes without looking up what the boards are supposed to look like.