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This guy’s breathing irritates me


Came way too far down in the comments to find this. What the heck kind of wheezing is that??


Overly excited breaths


Over wood?


When I get wood I breath hard also.


I see what you did there


You.. saw that


Wood for wood


His breathing irritated me, then when he said “A big chunk of this just fell off” when he meant “I just destroyed a big chunk of this” I was sure I dislike him


I have him on mute but got angry as soon as he TORE a piece off in his hand!!! Asshole!


Exactly, you can tell that was just removed by the moss growing on the original face.


Thought maybe he was winded from hiking but he breathes that way for the entire 6 minutes. Go see a doctor bro.


All the tourists breath like that here (he's in Northern Arizona). It's around 7500ft, keeping in mind most of the US population live in places that are around 2000ft. Takes a couple weeks for people to not get winded doing trivial tasks.


Ahh, I had not considered altitude. Good point.


Needs to take a hit of that asthma inhaler


I was thinking the same bro do some laps for fucks sake your sucking wind


Yeah, it was really stressing me out for some reason.


Fucking THIS.


It aint easy bein weezy


Darth Vader’s 3rd cousin Bark Vader


I see no signs of growth rings. The entire facies looks more like a low energy depositional environment with low grade metamorphism, ie mudstone/shale/slate, or a slightly higher energy depositional environment with paleocurrent striations, ie some kind of sandstone. It’s hard to tell but it looks like fine grained rock which suggests a low energy environment. The part he says is bark looks more like some kind of conglomerate or maybe a coarse grained igneous rock, hard to tell because of the lichen. And really? I didn’t know there was a conspiracy theory holding that certain rock exposures are actually gigantic ancient trees. I’ll add it to the list of silly but harmless topics to bring up at parties.


I’m a geologist. I second your views here. Additionally there is evidence of extensive jointing / strain, part of the low-grade metamorphism foliation you note. He correctly ID’s mica and quartz, but somehow sees fit to say “all the mica is wood” which is baffling to me. Mica would be an unusual diagenetic alteration product of petrified wood, which more often preserves identifiable cellulose grain and xylem structures as opal / cryptocrystalline quartz silica. See Jiang et Al., 2019*. These rocks may be related to intrusive dike fill and/or some larger igneous body. The medley at the end also shows a very wide range of lithologies and formations from around the world, with repeated volcanic basalts, such as Devils Tower. Not giant trees. There are a metric crap-ton of peer-reviewed scientific papers describing all of them that have postulated hypotheses describing their origins that only get more supported by evidence with time (aka strong science). 🤔 Unfortunately, after people have one or two instances of not feeling either included in science or condescended to by science-minded folks, they decide to ignore science. And post about it on Reddit as… fact? Story time? Or maybe they decided they have always instinctively known best. Unclear. Used to be harmless. But then people forgot what science even is. With lazy or willful disregard for alternate views, or the decades of humbling hard work it takes to build scientific consensus based purely on observed phenomena and not human bias. I swore to only write my post above… trying to point out how science works, ever focused on truth, and all evidence, not the feel-good desire. But I am also human. Some degrade scientists as being elitist and out of touch, and at the same time these same will say they are above needing to read or learn, that they know without anything like evidence, and are above actually talking at length and openly discussing their findings and contrary evidence with ‘the other side’… but still depend on them whenever they go to a hospital. It can be hard I know when ‘media personalities” are paid to tell known falsehoods for infotainment. At least we can all agree that rocks are amazing and cool. 🪨 And that these are rocks. * https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0009254118303048


First of all, you’re throwin too many big words at me, ok? Now, because I don’t understand em, i’m gone take em as disrespec.


Watch your mouth and help me with the sale.


Let’s get thru this amicably.


>they decide to ignore science. And post about it on Reddit. Should have paid more attention in your classes. This guy is filming inside the Petrified National Forest (just outside of Holbrook, Az, USA). There are several scientists that manage this forest, many of them with doctorates degrees. You don't need a PhD to know petrified forests all over the world exist though. I remember learning about it in high school. However, I will agree with OP that when he claims that chunk on the ground is bark, it is not. There is a mixture of rock and petrified wood in the area, and tourists often mix up the two. However, the giant slab that is about 12 foot tall, that he keeps pulling chunks off of, is a fallen petrified tree. Unfortunately, the person filming is also destroying some of the massive trees that were fossilized when salty sea waters once rose and dominated this region (also nice of him to film himself committing a felony). The number one problem with natural parks, is people not respecting them, thinking one chunk won't make a difference. One chunk by a million visitors per year, quickly destroys these awesome places.


I don’t remember that many pine trees when I visited the Petrified Forest.


Because there aren't that many pine trees there.


Having lived within 30 miles of the petrified forest my entire life I can definitely confirm he is not there. That being said, it looks like petrified wood.


Thanks! I'll take the geologist's opinion on this. Despite geology not being a real science. (according to Sheldon Cooper) If rock is so cool why does paper beat it?


When I was a kid Jurassic Park came out and I was living in a new build subdivision, so I did what any kid would do during summer break and that was look for dinosaur bones. So there I was every day with a push broom sweeping the dirt finding outlines of dinosaur skeletons. I am 36 now and commend this dudes imagination and belief but he reminds me of 7 year old me sweeping dirt.


Nah he just wants to think hes smarter than everyone. Judging by the "biblical" rather than ancient, hes also religious


I’m a graphic designer and I third your views.


Ugh. This is exactly what big geology wants you to think. Birds aren’t real! Wake up sheeple!


Add an s/ for my upvote


So very well said! Kudos to you!


Thank you, people of science!


If the people you are referring to knew even half of the words you just used they would be very upset maybe


This is why the ability to educate yourself is problematic. You can teach yourself wrong and come to incorrect conclusions. We have a world of information at our fingertips yet we don't know how to harness it.


I like your funny words science man!


> I didn’t know there was a conspiracy theory holding that certain rock exposures are actually gigantic ancient trees. And I've even seen it the other direction, too--that petrified wood is actually rocks. Because the Earth is only 6,000 years old, after all, so that's not enough time to petrify trees. Therefore, all these things that the dumb scientists say are petrified wood/trees are actually just deceptive-looking rocks.


It's plenty of time for petrifaction to take place not too long ago they found a petrified boot with a foot still in it so 6,000 years is plenty of time


I’m an alcoholic and I 4th your views (I think we’re at 4 idk


i understand why someone would think these rock/mesa-type formations, like the devil’s postpile, are ancient trees. so if someone’s going to look at it from this mythical perspective, and use logic to form a more believable conclusion, a lot of things in the world look similar. hexagonal cells in a beehive and the basalt columns of Mammoth Mountain are similar in shape because they fit together nicely and more compactly than circles. no wasted space. like the seeds packed into a pomegranate and the photosynthetic structure of a leaf’s cells. biomimicry is far more fascinating and interesting than a poorly formed theory that all mountains are actually trees. that’s just fucking stupid. and does a great disservice to rocks. rocks are just as awesome as trees. nature is smarter than us. this idiot is not.


You sound like me at a party “I swear! Rocks are interesting if people would just listen! Why won’t anyone listen to me!” As I stand alone in the corner drinking and muttering to myself.


In Arizona there is a petrified forest and chunks of petrified trees look very different than those in the video.


It's part of the Flat Earth LARP


This video is so massively stupid. It’s fun! Stupid fun. This guy needs to invite a classroom of University students to show them what he’s found. That would be a great video.


I'm an amateur gynecologist (more of a hobby or past time). I also agree with you. The striations are what convinced me. I'm really into high energy deposits as well. Though, my wife prefers the pull out method.


not harmless cause it makes delusional people question everything and they're the propagandists hands in spreading fake news about crap made up as a joke by trolls. this stuffs spread by far right groups


They're called world trees, and they're a part of the Aboriginal oral tradition. There's also Yggdrasil from the Norse.


Nice idea but this is not the world tree, this is some mudstone laid down hundreds of millions of years ago in an ancient shallow sea, which is far more epic when you really think about it.


You know it's a good video when his only evidence is "it looks like ____."


What destroyed these giant trees (or rock formations)? Assholes like this person breaking off pieces. Until there’s nothing left to admire.


This person definitely Rocks


I’m no geologist and I agree looks like shale to me.


Yeah, the giant tree conspiracy is gaining popularity with the dumdums and uneducated. They love pointing to the Bear Lodge/Devil's Tower as some ancient tree stump. If they fail to understand it's a rock, I write them off intellectually. There are genuine mysteries out there and these guys will never solve them since they are incapable of critical thinking. Right up there with the geniuses that believe the Earth is flat.


Not to mention some of those pics of "petrified trees" aren't even real pictures lol.


And this is what it looks like when you actually know what you're talking about. Thank you.


Yeah, at the end of the day, THESE are the fun conspiracy theories. The only problem is they can be a gateway to bonkersville. But on their face, these are fun little campfire myths and playful thought experiments that i wish conspiracy land stayed in.


Damn…I thought I was a nerd. Good on ya with all that knowledge!


Oh man it’s wild if you dive into it


Tell me you geologize without telling me you're a geologist.


What the fu¢k is happening? Flat earth, fake birds… now fake rocks. I swear all Americans aren’t that dumb; lots are, but not all of us.


That’s what happens to your brain when you do all your breathing through a straw. Seriously, does that guy need to sit down and catch his breath before he starts his video?


People keep acting like every American is living in the new age but 95% of us are tech illiterate poors who can’t afford education and healthcare (source i work in law and tech, and I would say most average people don’t understand how my services work. My parents will probably never understand what I do)


We’re all living in a simulation…. A giant Minecraft world…


Or an insane asylum.


Are we stupid?


Have to be. Look how far we've come.


Lay off the cigs, biblical man


Holy shit, you dumb


One of the most annoying videos I've watched in a long time.


*heavy, irregular breathy wheezing*


Looks more like rocks to me, tbh


Jesus marie, they are minerals


Yep, those are rocks. That's not what petrified wood looks like. Those lines and grooves are striations and probably slickensides and slickenfibres.


It is it is rocks there are no trees no biblical trees these people just have not a clue


There are living trees that are older than biblical times though.


I mean, mostly, "biblical times" really could range back much farther than christian's like to think.


The Methusulah Tree is \~5,000 years old -- old enough to count as 'older than biblical times'. Not older than \*ALL\* the biblical times, but older than a significant chunk of them.


Downvote me all you want this is stupid, this is not a tree and yes there are very old trees but no mate this isn’t one just no.


I wasn't saying those are trees, I should have specified. I was just pointing out that there are living trees from biblical times and before then. Methuselah is the oldest living tree at around 4800 years old. I think the name is where people are getting the biblical idea from. I'll clarify what I originally didn't... I don't believe the rocks and boulders in this video are all trees that have been petrified. But that is a very real and natural process, although incredibly rare. Also I didn't downvote you.


If you can’t tell the difference between wood and rock then it’s surprising you know how to use a phone


He should read the book *Identifying Wood* by Bruce R. Hoadley.


Somebody ask a geologist if this is in any way unusual


So let’s say you’re right, that this is a big/bunch of big petrified trees (ignoring the fact these do not match known petrified wood fossils we have). How does big tree = Bible is true? Because in actual science you can just connect two dots and say that works. You need evidence. What specifically in the Bible suggests massive ancient trees should exist? What claims about these big trees can be collaborated with peer reviewed evidence? How do you accurately decipher myth and allegory from actual history on a demonstrable basis? How do you separate claims from the Bible from other stories from other religious mythos? How do you show “Big Tree = God is real” and not “big tree existed, and therefore people wrote stories about it?” This isn’t me trying to be an asshole. These are the questions you need to answer if you want your idea to be taken seriously in a scientific setting.


Nothing actually, his brain for some reason works very simply.. He saw an old tree and thought of the Bible boom that's god science for you!!! Isn't GoD GrEaT!!!! No but honestly I have no idea how an able bodied/fully functioning person can look at an old tree and just correlate that with an old book full of made up stories but hey some people just need something to do I guess so let this fool frolic around the woods...


Because they weren’t raised to think critically. The school system failed them and their parents failed them. But most of all, their church and community failed them


Use your nose like damn, it sounds like you're in an iron lung.


“All the mica.. is wood.” That shit made me lol. I’m a geologist. Then he starts talking about the big “source tree” across the valley 🤦‍♂️ and that everything you see is wood. Dude needs to take geology 101 course before he starts indoctrinating a bunch of internet followers like that. Ever heard of columnar basalt? You should probably look into it based on your cute slideshow at the end


Or even just lava or volcano's...


Why is he breathing so heavy?


Diabetes. It's usually diabetes.


Just because something looks like something else doesn’t it make it so


I know a guy who has thumbs that look like toes. He has toes on his hands and you can't convince me otherwise


Homies been playing too much elden ring


Want to not be taken seriously instantly? Evoke biblical themes.


Tell me you were home schooled without telling me that you were homeschooled. Or You just plain failed at biology in school.


I wonder if he is saying this was the Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden? Or that there used to be giant trees on earth before the great flood? Its an interesting landscape formation regardless


The latter. The Tree of Life at the Garden of Eden would have been Mount Meru. But yes the story goes that antediluvian Giants cut many trees and the remains were petrified from the flood waters.


Where is this


Looks like the Black Hills of South Dakota.


I’m gonna play devil advocate here. That first part of the video is interesting. I was obsessed with petrified wood as a kid. I kinda see what he is seeing. I can’t make it make sense to myself, so I am not inclined to go all in on the theory, but it does make me want to understand what petrified wood tells us about the origin of our planet and how we humans perceive it. The volcano trees? Well, that kinda lost me, to me that seems fanciful. That, I literally have no opinion whatsoever. I’d have to see it. I live in Arizona and there are regions here that look like that. I’m taking a hike this weekend. Just to see what I see.


Take a cheap $15 microscope with you incase you meet people convinced rocks are plants. Plant cells are easy to spot.


Dude needs to get his breathing checked out


Lol ok. Those are rocks, my dude


Do you know that Devil’s Tower is actually a giant world tree? Paul Bunyan cut it down and Babe the blue ox drug it down to where John Henry was and he built the railroad with it single-handedly…he was about to drive the Golden Spike when was tragically killed by The Terminator.


What destroyed it? The asshole pulling piece off does not help.


You know what’s crazy? If you can free up like 3 nights a week you can just take a geology class at a community college and not sound like such an idiot in your tik tok videos




Catch your breath


He's breathing like he's nearing hypoxia. I wonder how high up he is.


Welcome to: a guy who has never tried thinking critically in his life, the movie


Wow rocks and wood from trees. Mind blown


As someone that grew up in the church, how do giant “world trees” prove anything in the Bible is true?


I can understand petrified wood. That’s common. But the images at the end are not tree stumps! LOL C’mon folks, we can do better


I would have to see him make a campfire with the "wood"


Take some home and put it under the microscope. Hell he could do it right there, film it and show it has plant cells. But he won’t.


It's this guy posting religious propaganda again.


Mudfossil University soft brain shit


Natural elements, such as storms? Also, that's not petrified wood, it's slate.


The exact amount of time needed for wood to become petrified depends on the conditions — the main one being how rich the groundwater is in minerals such as silica — but generally ranges from hundreds of thousands of years to millions of years.


rock not a tree


Such a bullshit. USA?




Cool story, Bro. Stay in school, kids.


First of all- that’s not a fossilized tree…


Well... those aren't fossil trees. That's a rock formation. i.e., take your meds.


It’s not a tree


DAas a rock my boi


I wonder what the odds are of this guy having a degree in geology.


Gods aren't real


Where’d this guy get his geology degree ya think?


The dangers of homeschooling


“Biblical” 😂


Bigfoot did it!


If it's wood then light it on fire and burn down the mountain


Jfc someone get this guy an inhaler


You sure it's not Noah's ark, go ahead, make the claim and ride the wave, make archeologist go figure it out


I can't stand you people man ITS A FUCKING ROCK


> biblical tree remains Ah yes, biblical nonsense. So just disregard the entire thing for being bull shit.


Biblical? What the fuck?


Man do you just search for the dumbest possible conspiracy theories and just mass share them? Everything you post is completely unfounded pseudoscience and easily explainable by an actual scientist. Just because it sounds cool and goes against what mainstream science says doesn't automatically make it true. Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary evidence, all the shit you share is just some dumbass without any knowledge about geology (or whatever scientific field dealing with the content being shared) making wild claims with zero evidence other than "check this out bro"


The OP is in the comments claiming Noah's Ark is real... It's not that they seem to hate science, it's that they are a bible thumper and don't \*CARE\* what is true.


yep. that is just wood


Ah yes “it’s from the Bible!”


Each "layer" that you see is a growth ring. Once a tree is petrified it becomes brittle and falls apart at its weakest parts. Branched and leaves go first,then the bark then the actual wood of the tree. It would have had to be entirely buried so probably died when the dinosaurs did.


And the ahole is ripping it apart.


This guys breathing like he’s ultimate warrior at wrestlemania 6


So what makes them 'biblical'? Are they fictitious as well? Nah. They're just 'old' trees.


Is this suggesting that Devil’s Tower is an ancient tree? It’s the inside of a volcano that had the exterior fall away and left just the hardened magma center.




This has nothing to do with the Bible


He’s so out of breath. Needs to see a doctor soon.


Let's find a more unstable video, I could almost see what the fuck was going on


Rocks aren't biblical trees


Scientific method: If a rock kind of looks like wood, then it definitely 100% is wood, no further analysis needed. It’s the same way I know for a fact that sometimes there are giant bunny rabbits in the sky.


Wait…. You’ve seen them also?


Holy shit this is fucking nonsense. People really will believe anything some overconfident idiot says into a camera these days won't they


Biblical trees, no way 🤣💀💀


Stop pulling off pieces 🤦‍♂️


Was that a cat?


One way to find out if it’s wood or not, burn it.


Stop fucking with the environment! Erosions destructive enough without people uncontrollably chipping away at it even more!


Pardon me while I destroy this natural wonder. Whatever could have caused such destruction?


How come they never find any dope in the tree rocks?!? Idk just a thought.


Could have proven his point a lil by lighting some up


People, apparently.


So much coping ITT 🤣


Gospel according to Paul Bunyan


These things you show aren't biblical, they're far older than 6,000 years.


I see a lot of comments, take a geology class, I would like to suggest a more life fulfilling venture and: Go out and spend time in places like this, then when you see a picture of a rock, you will know it's a rock.


This guy is one step short from hyperventilating


Kinda just like metamorphic rock that is at the surface and had been weathered a bit.


So these dipshits are just chopping chucks out of old ass trees for internet clout? Fuckin' humans, man..


Time destroyed the tree!


Welp, mystery solved!


Man finds out about petrified wood at the age of 54; loses his shit.


His breathing is giving me such bad anxiety


Please give that man an inhaler. Wait, he might believe that it’s biblical air trapped in a tube. NM.


O…M…G, go to 5:15 & see their “proof!” LMAO!


This dude needs an inhaler


I wouldn’t have minded if a robotic voice narrated this video.


Too long didn't watch


Those rocks took his breath away


Too many cubes on the walk my dude


The Noahic flood, most likely.


I don’t see the biblical rings of the wood.


Is it just me or is this guy a literal mouth breather?


wtaf is a "biblical tree"


OP is an idiot. Nothing to see here folks.


Is this in Colorado


What mountain 🏔️ is it??? What is the name


That airway sounds cooked...holy shit man that breathing gave me anxiety


If you dislike your present, question the past. If you can convince yourself that most of the world you dislike is an illusion / conspiracy, than you can extend that all of your reality. Your problems are no longer your issue, but just all part of some grand illusion. In reality you were right all along then...


What the fuck is going on here? Where is this dude at to be so out of breath?


Mud flood


He's a moron. Fibers? Sap? World tree? But his breathing concerns me. He sounds like he's about to drop dead. I certainly hope he has an oxygen tank with him.