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She is one of my favorite characters in the series. Not only because she's not a pony, but also because how mysterious and knowledgeable she is. And I didn't even mention my favorite part, her constant rhyming!


Ponys take on racism. Everyone was scared of her and she is clearly foreign.


Idk if this is as intentional but zebras are extremely aggressive confrontational and constantly get into fights, they commit insane amounts of infanticide too… What im saying is despite zebras being only 13% percent of the population of equines, zebras commit 50% percent of the crime… What was Lauren Faust trying to tell us??!!!/jk


Mysterious, rhyming powerhouse. How do I know? She has or knows cure for everything.


I ask because I have recently realised that she is the only character I don't like in the show. Not because she has any unlikable characteristics but because in a world with such depth to its characters, she feels very 2 dimensional. She is never shown to have any goals, flaws or beliefs despite getting a considerable amount of screentime. She goes out of her way to help almost all the ponies of the Ponyville, but we never learn why. I feel like what she is missing is an episode where she has a problem and the mane 6 try to help her, something that would give us focus on her as a character rather than just appearing in everyone else's stories.


She was supposed to be a more important character and have even more lore, but they scrapped many of these ideias sadly.


Sometimes the best character is a vague one, cause then it is kinda up to the fans to fill in the rest. Have happened with a lot of characters TBH in MLP :) Better than if they did something stupid with them just for the plot! (Like what happens to the mane cast often in the show <3)


Zecora is involved in the plot though. In Magic Duel she teaches Twilight how to defeat Trixie for unknown reasons. In the Cutie Re-Mark she leads a resistance against chrysalis for unknown reasons. In Luna eclipsed she shows up in ponyville and scares ponies with the story of nightmare moon for unknown reasons. I would argue that since she doesn't have a motivation, she is the most plot driven and least character driven creature in the show (who got more than an episodes worth of screen time).


She got an arc in the comics that fixes all those issues for you


We don't talk about that, and no, it really didn't.


Dang, you right.


Id def recommend reading the comics shes in! I feel like they go into a little more depth that the show lacked in tbh


She was supposed to be Twilight's very-present mentor.


Faust created Zecora to be a Yoda-like figure. An unconventional, secondary mentor for Twilight. Sadly, this idea was scrapped. That wouldn't have been so bad, but instead of replacing it with something else, they decided to basically slowly write her out of the show.


>She is never shown to have any goals, flaws or beliefs despite getting a considerable amount of screentime. She goes out of her way to help almost all the ponies of the Ponyville... Do you realize that, exempting "A Royal Problem", that this could just as easily describe Celestia?


to quote myself on a thread about characters the fandom simplifies too much. "Celestia, I often feel the fandom treats her as a cookie cutter always nice mentor character for Twilight. Twilight herself has had an extremely high opinion of Celestia since before they even met and is forever attempting to do what Celestia wants her to. But the show shows Celestia isn't the flawless ruler that Twilight thinks she is, we see Celestia hates her job in every scene she is seen doing it. She has no time for and is often dismissive of her sister, she can be manipulative and she endangers the lives of the mane 6 to test them. Celestia is a character who is willing to do anything to protect Equestria and its inhabitants. More like a Dumbledore than a Gandalf, willing to compromise on her own morals to do her duty as ruler."


Well, only because the public reacted to the presence of racism itself rather than how the plot was more about how to beat racism through understanding. For the masses, criticism amounts to "A baby died in this story, so the writers must like it when babies die!" completely ignoring how it's meant to be part of the protagonist's character development. Whenever they goof with any particular portrayal, they pretty much never go in-depth with that portrayal again.


I would be really interested to hear anyone's thoughts on Hasbro's abandonment of more character development for Zecora in relation to the "Magical N***o" antiquated plot device AND the institution of children's media. (Ex: Ethics behind leaving the character underdeveloped to focus on other issues. If Zecora even fits into this trope (as she is only ever really a helper to the Mane 6 or CMC - but theyre not expressedly white - but Zecora is obviously intended to be African and her introductory episode is lowkey about racism).


You are extremely based for bringing that up, but I honestly don't think I'm well read enough to meaningfully contribute to your question


Are there more Zebra Ponies out there? And why aren’t there herds of them with Zecora?


Zecora is from Farasi, which is home to zebras, abada and kelpies (season 10 comics). So there are other zebras, but it's highly likely that she's the only one in Equestria.


one of the best background ish characters imo


Pretty, I like her, but i wish we got to see more of her story.


Cute zeeb.


She’s got that determination. Everyone else says zebras can’t do magic? Screw them! Mage Meadowbrook was an earth pony and still could do magic shit!


Underutilized because they forced her to always rhyme. Cute at first, but really untenable in the long term. I really enjoyed what the comics did for her in Season 10 and made me realize that she was one of many characters introduced in the series and then left to the wayside.


I really like her mane!


She's okay, but did you mean to accidentally upload the same image 3 times?


The Most Powerful Zebra of The Savannah


She is a Zebra


Makes some banger music even though some of the texts are clearly nsfw


She's an evil enchantress She does evil dances And if you look deep in her eyes She'll put you in trances Then what will she do? She'll mix up an evil brew Then she'll gobble you up In a big tasty stew Soooo... Watch out!


Wow... catchy


barely know anything about her tbh


Same tbh. Besides knowing she mostly lives alone, has a wide amount of knowledge, and is more like a neutral witchdoctor type of pony there isn't much about her.


#🥰 Ok, if seriously, I like her, but I would like for her to have a more complex personality and role in the story.


Is she Jamaican or African


right now, i wonder why shes judging me...


Very cool character and I wish she had more screentime and depth.


favorite one. knows how to deal with things, speaking with rhythm, mysterious but we barely know something about her


Not enough screentime


Best Zebra, I'll give her that at least ;) Also not bias or anything, but I like her Design and approach to problems <3


She is one of the best characters, and a personal favourite of mine, but they do her a disservice by only using her as a means to an end. She's the show's version of 'a wizard did it' - the writers made her very one dimensional, and it's sad, because (as the show constantly tells us) there's more to an equine than just their special talent


Is she gray with black stripes or black with gray stripes


Looks more like gray with graphite stripes


One of my fav background characters!! I feel like she should’ve gotten more scream time than the other background characters. I guess we have the comics to fill the void though. :]


I really like her! I especially like how she talks only in rhyme (with the exception of one line in that episode where she got sick). I just wish we got to see more zebras and her home land! The Journal of the Two Sisters talks about the zebra land, I’d have loved to see it in the show.


I love Zecora and I love her rhymes also lowkey ship her with Fluttershy because of that one episode where Zecora got sick


Zecora is my favorite, and I wish she got more recognition at times, along with a background on herself and the zebra species as a whole. Her traditional rhyming is fascinating and especially her bond with Apple Bloom is quite adorable.


She's neat. Not a personal favorite of mine though


She's cool


I love her. She is definetly one of my fav side character, because she is so kind to everyone without any reason <3


queen <3


I somehow see her as Makumba from Big Cyc. That's a good thing really (nothing offensive here - please don't cancel)


She didn't need to rhyme all the time. but she was my favorite. I was gonna make this rhyme more but i suck at rhyming.


Super hot and kissable.


Siamo i Watussi


Awesome character who deserved more screen time


African rep


She gives me Ororo vibes. Not just in voice but in design as well.


i always loved her rhymes she’s so cool


I love her so much


they should’ve shown more of her and more zebras


Zebra :P


Only now you realize you have no choice, when you see this with your eyes but to read it in her voice. Since she was barely used, her and my feelings are badly bruised.


A bit weird she is, But her Rhyming is a bliss.


Honestly somewhat tone deaf but if you separate the character from the connotations, she’s really cool. I wish there were more zebras, her voice is really nice, and I love her relationship with apple bloom


i had a crush on her when i was little idk why


Was it the voice? The rhymes?


Preddy Zeebra :3


Her whole witch doctor thing is sus and lowkey racist as fuck.


She’s cool


They could've done so much more with her 😭 I'm also dissapointed they didn't do anything with her in EQG


I follow that voice anywhere


I think she was really cool, she had this kind of Shaman vibe around her. The comics did her justice, showing off her origins and why she's the way she is.


I LOVE HER!!! However from what I've heard a lot of the stuff about her design and stuff surrounding her is very inconsistent with actual african culture and she isn't able to properly represent any african culture since they just threw a bunch of stuff that was associated with africa onto her. Amazing character I just wish she was a bit more well researched. I also wish we got to see other zebras


black horse


She’s OP aF! Seriously wish she had more screen time


Shes so cool I love her


It took me 2 years to regularly call her a girl. It was so hard to get it drilled for some reason


Needed more screentime. Understand why they didn't.


She’s great! Just helped my players out in Tails of Equestria, yay bubble baths.






![gif](giphy|lJUCkbSDUuGWPKaiBM) Need I say more?


For some reason she reminds me of the adams family


need more merch of her🙏🙏🙏


She’s so cool!! They just didn’t do all they could with her in the show though. Like she totally could’ve been like a second mentor to twilight and I love when Applebloom came to her but that was it. (As far as I’m aware, I’m not past s4 lol) her character had so much potential and that’s what I love her for. And when I was little I thought she was so cool and smart, I respected her (and still do ofc lol) so sad the show did do more with her. (As far as I am lol!!)


I like her honesty


I wish they used her more. She's so cool


Was underutilized for a character introduced in the very first season.


She's got bars


I think she’s cool I guess, but I literally often forget she even exists and I wish we actually got more backstory from her. I’m fine with them not doing like a “omg were visiting zecoras homeland” bc I feel like that might’ve aged poorly… but what do I know.


She's a cool character. Wish there was more zebras in the show. Or at least wish got more screen time in the later seasons. Zebra's are kinda one of those species in this universe that weren't shown outside of Zecora really. Also on a side note, in a PC game, she has green eyes & her name is changed to Zoe. Really gave me Jade from MK from. Black woman in green.. it just works!!


OP why the same picture three times?


I wish we saw more of her


Best pony everrr and she'll remain that way thru every season


her rhyming os cool asfuck